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SAB changes Magic find.

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so heres the text it involves...


"There are three major goals that we hope to achieve with these changes. First, we want to separate regional drops more clearly, so players get jungle loot in the jungle, desert loot in the desert, and so on. Secondly, we want to make unidentified gear worth equal value to all players, and not worth more to players with higher magic-find potential. And last, but definitely not least, we hope to improve the play experience by reducing the number of times players need to stop and deal with full bags!"


"Magic find no longer affects the identification of unidentified gear."


So my frustration is.... WTF is having MF for now anyways? we spend months... even years building and investing in MF and we have nothing of value to use it on? This seems yet another slap in the face for diligently playing the game and working towards a goal, only to be kittened on in the end. Dont get me wrong, I agree with the other 2 points, but you might as well remove MF from the game at this point.

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Magic find affects what drops from mobs. So when you kill a risen it will affect what rarity of unID you get.


I thought when they made unID affected by magic find it was done with the intent to give magic find a little more value. But maybe I was wrong, or maybe they changed their mind.


Point being, magic find does affect things. Just not the things people wish it would affect the most.

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The hyperbole is getting silly now. Yes PoF and LS4 has been nerfed - direct any feedback to that, but saying magic find has no use and might as well be removed ignores the fact that it still has uses in the game - essentially the same uses it had for 5 years prior to PoF in fact.


- it affects the tier of unid bag dropped

- it raises the chance of a separate exotic drop independent of unids


Magic find is not useless now, it's just not as effective in the newer maps

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The hyperbole is getting silly now. Yes PoF and LS4 has been nerfed - direct any feedback to that, but saying magic find has no use and might as well be removed ignores the fact that it still has uses in the game - essentially the same uses it had for 5 years prior to PoF in fact.


> - it affects the tier of unid bag dropped

> - it raises the chance of a separate exotic drop independent of unids


> Magic find is not useless now, it's just not as effective in the newer maps


People are really running wild with this. I'm seeing people in chat claiming their direct drops are noticeably worse when in fact they are unaffected etc. Another panic over nothing. I got an ascended ring drop in open world pve yesterday - first time it ever happened. DAMN THIS USELESS MF!!!!

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I'm sort of bummed out about this too, with mf already being of so little benefit to see it further marginalized is a little disheartening and if there had been a vote I would have voted against the change . . .


BUT, there wasn't a vote, and anet shouldn't make a decision like this based on how it affects any particular subset of players but rather on how it affects the game as a whole. I believe they did say they wanted to reduce the loot gap between new and seasoned players which I would say is a goal of questionable merit but they also claimed that this change would have long term benefits for the game's economy and honestly who am I to say different? So the whole thing is pretty much a meh, really . . .

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The hyperbole is getting silly now. Yes PoF and LS4 has been nerfed - direct any feedback to that, but saying magic find has no use and might as well be removed ignores the fact that it still has uses in the game - essentially the same uses it had for 5 years prior to PoF in fact.


> - it affects the tier of unid bag dropped

> - it raises the chance of a separate exotic drop independent of unids


> Magic find is not useless now, it's just not as effective in the newer maps


I was on Bloodstone Fen for an hour. Killing mobs only resulted in white bags, salvage items, grey junk items, under lv78 specific blues, and crafting mats. No _Unidentified anything_. No blues, greens or yellow ANYTHING. The only thing I would get a yellow from is events. Some people reported getting green rarity uns in lv80 map events. It's not effective _anywhere that is considered a lv80 map_. Edit: My Magic Find is 199%

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> I was on Bloodstone Fen for an hour. Killing mobs only resulted in white bags, salvage items, grey junk items, under lv78 specific blues, and crafting mats. No _Unidentified anything_. No blues, greens or yellow ANYTHING. The only thing I would get a yellow from is events. Some people reported getting green rarity uns in lv80 map events. It's not effective _anywhere that is considered a lv80 map_. Edit: My Magic Find is 199%


That means you did not complete any event there. Because by completing any event (even the Rift Closer events) will reward you with a chest. And from that chest you will receive an Unidentified Gear. So, UN Id dropping mostly from chests was most of the time not affected by MF twice. Because chest drop was "immune" to MF.


But, if the UN Id is not affected by MG when identifying, and from a blue UN Id you receive a blue item, from a green UN Id you receive a green item and from an yellow UD Id you receive an yellow item, having the exotic drops not affected by this system, then the question asked by the players at the PoF launch come back: **What is the purpose of the UN Id gear when we already have a system doing the same thing with less trouble from the players?** At that time the answer from ANet was that UN Id is a **feature** of PoF, something new. But now? The **feature** of UN Id was removed, and we have now the same system as before, only with the name changed :/


As a sidenote, the situation here is similar with the WvW Alliance system. Judging by the devs. statements the "new" Alliance system will be the same thing we have now, only with a new name. Exactly as the featureless UN Id from now. The same reward system, only a new name. And more effort to manage the inventory.


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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > I was on Bloodstone Fen for an hour. Killing mobs only resulted in white bags, salvage items, grey junk items, under lv78 specific blues, and crafting mats. No _Unidentified anything_. No blues, greens or yellow ANYTHING. The only thing I would get a yellow from is events. Some people reported getting green rarity uns in lv80 map events. It's not effective _anywhere that is considered a lv80 map_. Edit: My Magic Find is 199%


> That means you did not complete any event there. Because by completing any event (even the Rift Closer events) will reward you with a chest. And from that chest you will receive an Unidentified Gear. So, UN Id dropping mostly from chests was most of the time not affected by MF twice. Because chest drop was "immune" to MF.


> But, if the UN Id is not affected by MG when identifying, and from a blue UN Id you receive a blue item, from a green UN Id you receive a green item and from an yellow UD Id you receive an yellow item, having the exotic drops not affected by this system, then the question asked by the players at the PoF launch come back: **What is the purpose of the UN Id gear when we already have a system doing the same thing with less trouble from the players?** At that time the answer from ANet was that UN Id is a **feature** of PoF, something new. But now? The **feature** of UN Id was removed, and we have now the same system as before, only with the name changed :/


> As a sidenote, the situation here is similar with the WvW Alliance system. Judging by the devs. statements the "new" Alliance system will be the same thing we have now, only with a new name. Exactly as the featureless UN Id from now. The same reward system, only a new name. And more effort to manage the inventory.



I have left map events out of my results for that reason. I am aware that it doesn't change unids chances when using the item. That has been spewed out from every computer since the 'annoucement'. Nothing is dropping, period. Whether they are pre-identified or not. Why is that so hard to understand?


Literally, no colored anything is dropping.

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My MF was stopped at 317%, after investing in copper salvage kit to be able to salvage loot daily, it took much gold and effort to even get to above 300%. I played WvW yesterday, and today tried Teq for the first time with new patch and loot, and all I can say is this game has gone down 5 notches in 1 patch. The people that support the game and play the most are the ones most affected. If I go to any fast food outlet, and they give me half a burger, half a portion of chips and half a cold drink, it would feel the same as playing this game after patch. Thank you for my years of working towards getting better drops nerffed in 1 patch. My future? I will do my WvW dailies, then logout, pointless doing anything else unless I have a big fat credit card, good luck with the future of the game, and attracting new players or old returning ones to keep grinding.

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Didn't MF always only affect the rarity? I don't believe it ever had any influence on the specific thing that dropped, just increased the chances of the color pool it came from.


All it should do is give you a better chance of getting a yellow unidentified. But to be really honest all loot is trash anyway.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Didn't MF always only affect the rarity? I don't believe it ever had any influence on the specific thing that dropped, just increased the chances of the color pool it came from.


> All it should do is give you a better chance of getting a yellow unidentified. But to be really honest all loot is trash anyway.



Yes, but in that it also increases drops from those pools. E.g (with imaginiary figures)

Without magic find, you have 10% chance on getting a green item. If so you have again a 10% chance to get a specific green ring. So in total you have a 1% chance on getting that specific ring.

With magic find this might be doubled. So you have a 20% chance on getting a green item. If so you still have a 10% chance on getting that specific green ring. So now you have 2% chance on getting that specific ring.


To explain the current chance to unids.

in F2P, living world and HoT maps, magic find influenced the chance to get specific pools. In PoF and S4 maps, it would inlfuence what type of unid you would get AND the chance of getting a better item from your unid when id-ing. This, to me, has always been unfair as it would double the effect. in the example of the ring, the chance would be 40% if it was a rare item dropping from a green pool.


So in short, the chance in itself is a good one, but the loottables have chance a lot, so we need a lot of drop research before drawing conclusions on the actual effect. Personal observations are always biased when it comes to RNG. The chance on winning the jackpot may be doubled, but there is lil chance you can observe this personally.

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Okay, this post is stupid. Firstly, it's the same as it was prior to unid gear ever being released. They just took dropped gear, made it stackable because people like playing Guildwars/Fashionwars instead of Inventory Wars and removed the necessity of min-maxing magic find along with the tinfoil hat theory of trying to get you to buy more bag slots through arbitrary means. It got you a lot of money. But nobody actually liked going to SW and spending a good solid 20 minutes or more just identifying and salvaging gear while wasting boosters, yet people did it anyway because profit. If you weren't doing it too, you were losing profit due to market inflation of rarer materials (see the ecto prices).


I'll reiterate, magic find has and always will affect what drops from enemies. That green piece of gear regardless if it was unid or not always had a greater chance of being a yellow instead based on your magic find. You and everyone should already know this by now especially if you're talking as though you've been playing for years. All they did was remove magic find from the IDENTIFICATION of unids. The rarity of the unid that drops is still affected. It is a quality of life change. Now there's no reason to hoard unid gear and min max magic find. Sorry about your Palawadan/SW combo money farm, but it's time to find new ways to make money. This is ultimately better for the economy and the game as a whole.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > I got an ascended ring drop in open world pve yesterday

> >

> > Wow. I didn't know that could happen. Congratulations.


> I smell something... and it isn't nice.


To be honest I'm not entirely sure where it came from. I logged in, had empty bags, did some dailies, then found it there. It could have come from a LS3 champ or something? Not sure, but it wasn't a fractal or raid or whatever.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > > I got an ascended ring drop in open world pve yesterday

> > >

> > > Wow. I didn't know that could happen. Congratulations.

> >

> > I smell something... and it isn't nice.


> To be honest I'm not entirely sure where it came from. I logged in, had empty bags, did some dailies, then found it there. It could have come from a LS3 champ or something? Not sure, but it wasn't a fractal or raid or whatever.

Guild mission, wvw, pvp - maybe. An event reward/direct drop in pve? No chance, they just don't drop there.


Unless Anet did some unlisted changes to drop tables last patch, but i consider that possibility to be close to zero (i might believe in drop table nerfs, but not in unnannounced buffs)


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> @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

> My MF was stopped at 317%, after investing in copper salvage kit to be able to salvage loot daily, it took much gold and effort to even get to above 300%. I played WvW yesterday, and today tried Teq for the first time with new patch and loot, and all I can say is this game has gone down 5 notches in 1 patch. The people that support the game and play the most are the ones most affected. If I go to any fast food outlet, and they give me half a burger, half a portion of chips and half a cold drink, it would feel the same as playing this game after patch. Thank you for my years of working towards getting better drops nerffed in 1 patch. My future? I will do my WvW dailies, then logout, pointless doing anything else unless I have a big fat credit card, good luck with the future of the game, and attracting new players or old returning ones to keep grinding.


Teq loot comes from chests that never were influenced by magic find. All of this anecdotal hyperventilating about MF is becoming flat out hilarious and illustrates how little the playerbase understands about the stat. Here it is straight from the wiki (emphasis added): "Magic Find is both an account bonus and a character attribute that increases the chance to receive higher-quality loot from SLAIN FOES. With a few exceptions, it DOES NOT AFFECT CONTAINERS (including champion loot bags), CHESTS, or any other source of loot."


Gear drops come largely from chests and event rewards. Except for a few cases, magic find never had an effect on chest drops. Gear drops from foes (the ones where magic find does have an effect) are actually relatively rare. I have recorded data for well over 7800 kills and direct drops of gear (all rarities white through exotic) from slain foes is currently sitting at **4.8% of kills.** For perspective, this is roughly similar to the rate of getting a t6 material from a level 80. This is why the old unid gear was so harmful to the economy, it allowed people to directly generate and concentrate drops from effectively tens or hundreds of thousands of kills into a short time with all of the magic find boosts in effect. You could never maintain (or it would be really challenging) 700 or 900% MF while killing for hours upon hours to get a thousand drops. But under the old system you could just stack up your unid or buy it off the TP and turn blue and green drops from everything (including chests and event loot not normally influenced by MF) into rares and exotics.


Of note, the things that are most directly affected by magic find - crafting trophies - are rising in price over the past few months. Trophies make up the bulk of revenue from kills. Thus, the return on magic find from kills is actually getting better in recent months.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> Teq loot comes from chests that never were influenced by magic find. All of this anecdotal hyperventilating about MF is becoming flat out hilarious and illustrates how little the playerbase understands about the stat.


Wiki has big holes in its information, I don't use it, I play the game, have done for almost 7 years, and when at Teq, I would get my blue, green, yellow and gold bags, but always loot like 5 leather pieces or scales or something, this has disappeared, and the loot I got pre patch and post patch is very different, I don't need to go and do a statistical research on an item to know its changed, as I do Teq every day. I appreciate the lesson in game structure and history, and youre remarkable insight into the very number of researched drops with percentages, but I am stating a fact. I know the unidrops are supposed to assist with storage of items, but on any map, I could open 20 green bags and get 3 or 4 rares, now blue is blue and green is green, I don't need to understand the mechanism has changed, but is this for my benefit? I'm not naïve, I know its a business, but will the changes stop when the last player leaves the map, or will they continue with every patch? for the benefit of the players of course.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > > > I got an ascended ring drop in open world pve yesterday

> > > >

> > > > Wow. I didn't know that could happen. Congratulations.

> > >

> > > I smell something... and it isn't nice.

> >

> > To be honest I'm not entirely sure where it came from. I logged in, had empty bags, did some dailies, then found it there. It could have come from a LS3 champ or something? Not sure, but it wasn't a fractal or raid or whatever.

> Guild mission, wvw, pvp - maybe. An event reward/direct drop in pve? No chance, they just don't drop there.


> Unless Anet did some unlisted changes to drop tables last patch, but i consider that possibility to be close to zero (i might believe in drop table nerfs, but not in unnannounced buffs)



Do you mean ascended gear doesn't drop there or ascended chests or ascended rings? Because I got into an argument with a friend about ascended dropping(he said he'd got an ascended armor chest from a riba chest) and literally not 2 days later I did too. Both drops were in sw, so that may make a difference? Both were also from the chests. But ascended definitely can drop from those, at least. Other places I've gotten it are all documented, so far as I know: reward for leveling in wvw; fractal drop; raid drop;reward from Tequatl; reward from Triple Trouble. The last two were both contained in the gold exotic chest.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > > > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > > > > I got an ascended ring drop in open world pve yesterday

> > > > >

> > > > > Wow. I didn't know that could happen. Congratulations.

> > > >

> > > > I smell something... and it isn't nice.

> > >

> > > To be honest I'm not entirely sure where it came from. I logged in, had empty bags, did some dailies, then found it there. It could have come from a LS3 champ or something? Not sure, but it wasn't a fractal or raid or whatever.

> > Guild mission, wvw, pvp - maybe. An event reward/direct drop in pve? No chance, they just don't drop there.

> >

> > Unless Anet did some unlisted changes to drop tables last patch, but i consider that possibility to be close to zero (i might believe in drop table nerfs, but not in unnannounced buffs)

> >


> Do you mean ascended gear doesn't drop there or ascended chests or ascended rings? Because I got into an argument with a friend about ascended dropping(he said he'd got an ascended armor chest from a riba chest) and literally not 2 days later I did too. Both drops were in sw, so that may make a difference? Both were also from the chests. But ascended definitely can drop from those, at least. Other places I've gotten it are all documented, so far as I know: reward for leveling in wvw; fractal drop; raid drop;reward from Tequatl; reward from Triple Trouble. The last two were both contained in the gold exotic chest.


Ascended rings cant drop from openworld events, world bosses or regular mobs.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Do you mean ascended gear doesn't drop there or ascended chests or ascended rings?

I meant rings. Weapons do drop in open world, armor is also possible in some cases, but accesories just aren't acquirable that way.


> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> This change actually makes getting Rare unidentifieds easier with a high MF. Repeatable Hero Points are a decent farm now!

Maybe, but those unid rares are worth far less now. Repeatable hero point farming for rares existed before the change - and you actually had a bigger chance of getting rare reclaimed weapons then, so it was a better farm than it is now.


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