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Griffon Mount requirements. No sir, I don't like them.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I dunno how PoF events scale (since I rarely return), but I imagine many of us got our griffon back when PoF was relitively new and fresh. Depending on the hours you play, I could imagine the player being unable to do certain meta events on a limited time frame (the one with the sunspear and the girlfriend in zombie prison in elon riverlands comes to mind).


The Deadhouse in Elon is still fairly active.



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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


> NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



So you want Anet to implement a P2W option?






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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> > > Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.

> > >

> > > NEVER. It actually makes me angry.

> >

> > O-o-o-o-kay, but why? Explain. Please.


> They're being lazy to do a few easy collections that's all

> if it was the gold they wouldn't say they would pay real money for it as they can spend real money to get the 250g easily.


There are some events required. Maybe even a broken event or two.


> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> > Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.

> >

> > NEVER. It actually makes me angry.

> >


> No. This would just create a precedent for players to request for, and expect, the ability to buy whatever progression in the game that they so desire.


and we already have mobile games for that ...


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I dunno how PoF events scale (since I rarely return), but I imagine many of us got our griffon back when PoF was relitively new and fresh. Depending on the hours you play, I could imagine the player being unable to do certain meta events on a limited time frame (the one with the sunspear and the girlfriend in zombie prison in elon riverlands comes to mind).


> That being said, I think it's something the OP should slowly work towards. MMO's are, after all, timesinks. Maybe you'll be lucky if you post an lfg or call out in map chat a few times.


Deadhouse chain doesn't really require much. 3-5 people(so yourself and 2-4 other people) shouldn't be an issue unless the map is literally dead.

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You don't want to do the requirements, you don't get the mount. End of story.

I hate raids. Therefore, I will never get raid-exclusive skins. That is fine by me--I don't need them. I certainly don't expect Anet to let me buy them because I refuse to put the effort in--that would ruin the point.

Anet is never going to let people buy a griffon mount, raid skins, or anything else of that nature for money; because GW2 is pay-for-cosmetics, NOT pay-to-win.


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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.



Let me see, what were the requirements again?

- finishing Path of Fire main storyline = I do not consider that a problem. If so, just ask in mapchat/LFG for help.

- killing random NPCs, collecting some trash and interacting with a few NPCs

- Getting to the Sunspear Sanctum, either by Teleport to Friend (as many people do it nowadays) or with a Springer/Jackal

- Egg collection = we can carry you piggyback-style to every single location. If you find a charming soul, he may even guide you from one to another.

- Events = most of them are still highly frequented by players and/or scale very well with small player counts. For stuff like Deadhouse, LFG is a great help.

- Bounties = Jump onto any train doing them, wait for yours to be on the list. Or start an own squad, the Corrupted Facet attracts both people who need it and helpful adventurers.

- Gold = Go to the Players Helping Players section, have a look into one of the countless "how to make gold" threads.

- Other collections/quests = we can carry you piggyback-style through that content as well.

- Dark Library = instanced, can do it in party. Most of us play builds to walk this place with a blindfold.

- Final Boss = welcome to the actual challenge. This is the only really though part of the quest because: the boss is no 111 melee hack&slash damage-sponge, it moves and hits back. It has a mechanic where you have to

to get it vulnerable and it is technically capable to kick you out of the instance literally. However it is the only solo-only instance in the entire run, everything else can be done in groups with help of others. But there are plenty of tricks and some quite easy strategies to make even that fight like a walk in the park.


Just tell us if you play EU or NA, and ~ what times you play. Change your attitude to a little less aggressive and we will gladly help you to get your Griffon.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> > > Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.

> > >

> > > NEVER. It actually makes me angry.

> >

> > O-o-o-o-kay, but why? Explain. Please.


> They're being lazy to do a few easy collections that's all

> if it was the gold they wouldn't say they would pay real money for it as they can spend real money to get the 250g easily.


That's a bingo!

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The chances of this mount getting implemented via other means is slim to say the least.


As such you have 2 options:

- find a way to complete the collection and get the mount

- not own the mount


I wouldn't expect any additional choices to become available, so learn to live with the 2 given.

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My apologies to everyone - rereading my post, I seem like a sullen child. Rude and needy. Sorry.


To clarify, I don't really play GW 2 as an MMO. One of the things that I love about it is the solo-friendly aspect. The only group content I enjoy is the drop in/ drop out MAP stuff. So most of the group content required for this particular collection - not really my thing. I have a limited timetable and I don't relish sitting around trying to get people together to tackle it.


Additionally I don't like collections, or jumping puzzles - it's tedious stuff and once again, I have limited time to play.


I don't see what the problem is if I want to bypass those aspects of the game and benefit arenanet as well with a little cash.


I am petitioning Arenanet to add something I would find valuable to their gem store - something I WOULD give them money for. They have other advantageous items in it - this seems on par with a permanent harvesting item, or the extra options for your home instance. - etc.

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This is why people like you make me angry.


Because this is how PAY TO WIN ASPECTS start.


Literally in every mmo that actually caved to people like YOU, regretted the decision terribly because of some lazy folks that don't want to put their time into this.


Mmos are timesinks, not for people with limited time. That's always been the case since the dawn of time. And if you cannot even take the time to pace yourself and earn the gold there is nothing else to discuss. Do not plague this game with p2w because you do not want to be patient to do it. Everyone has given suggestions, now it's up to you whether or not you take it. Anet is not going to suddenly conform because that is how they got themselves in this mess in the first place.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> My apologies to everyone - rereading my post, I seem like a sullen child. Rude and needy. Sorry.


> To clarify, I don't really play GW 2 as an MMO. One of the things that I love about it is the solo-friendly aspect. The only group content I enjoy is the drop in/ drop out MAP stuff. So most of the group content required for this particular collection - not really my thing. I have a limited timetable and I don't relish sitting around trying to get people together to tackle it.


> Additionally I don't like collections, or jumping puzzles - it's tedious stuff and once again, I have limited time to play.


> I don't see what the problem is if I want to bypass those aspects of the game and benefit arenanet as well with a little cash.


> I am petitioning Arenanet to add something I would find valuable to their gem store - something I WOULD give them money for. They have other advantageous items in it - this seems on par with a permanent harvesting item, or the extra options for your home instance. - etc.


As I stated before, give anet cash in exchange for gems convert those gems to gold and advertise in lfg your buying peoples time when you want to do the group events mate.

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It's one thing to add QoL items to the gem store that are otherwise unobtainable, like the infinite harvesting tools that you mentioned. It's another thing to give access to content that is quite clearly meant to be obtained through gameplay. It's gated behind a lot of things, starting with a maxed out raptor or springer, going through several collections while paying a lot of gold for it on the way. It's the ascended version of mounts, so to speak. It's supposed to be a major achievement, in and of itself, to get yours unlocked. Just like it was for EVERYONE who has it now.

But you want it easy and would rather pay for it than play for it. Well, tough luck. Put in the work like everyone else did and does.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Mmos are timesinks, not for people with limited time.

Stop passing your views on MMOs as some kind of absolute standard. MMO are games, first of all. If game contains boring timesyncs devoid of actual gameplay ("move to a certain point according to some guide, press a button" is NOT gameplay), it's just bad game design, not a "MMO game design". It's simply not a game, it's a chore inserted there to cut expenses on developing some interesting game mechanics which would make your journey to the prize engaging. It's not some kind of "special gameplay" used in MMO we need to respect, it's a lack of gameplay for which we should call Anet out.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Mmos are timesinks, not for people with limited time.

> Stop passing your views on MMOs as some kind of absolute standard. MMO are games, first of all. If game contains boring timesyncs devoid of actual gameplay ("move to a certain point according to some guide, press a button" is NOT gameplay), it's just bad game design, not a "MMO game design". It's simply not a game, it's a chore inserted there to cut expense on developing some interesting game mechanics which would make your journey to the prize engaging. It's not some kind of "special gameplay" used in MMO we need to respect, it's a lack of gameplay for which we should call Anet out.


No, you stop passing your views and excusing this behavior. It's one thing on not wanting to do the content, it's another for asking Anet to change a reward made for PLAYING A GAME. You play the game, you get a reward. You don't play the content, you don't get it. Why do you think it is so important for someone to drop their credit card and get what you want? Do I just drop my credit card to unlock all the characters in a game? No. Do I drop my credit card to make a game go faster if it is single player game? No. Companies are supporting consumer impatience, yet wonder why their games can't last for more than a year or two.


Amazing, simply amazing.


The point of an mmo is to have longevity. If you want games to be done quick there are consoles and other types of games for that. Mmos just simply do not cater to the short, sweet, I wanna get everything in one go mentality. And it has ALWAYS been like that. And actually ALOT of mmos has quests like this to get gear. Raids. Long, pointless quests. Gathering. Anet just does it differently, but it is all the same.

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> The point of an mmo is to have longevity. If you want games to be done quick there are consoles and other types of games for that. Mmos just simply do not cater to the short, sweet, I wanna get everything in one go mentality. And it has ALWAYS been like that. And actually ALOT of mmos has quests like this to get gear. Raids. Long, pointless quests. Gathering. Anet just does it differently, but it is all the same.


Could not agree more. Lets be honest here, The areas that Anet has tried to improve gameplay wise has actually hurt the lifespan of this game in a way. Hearts are a one and done thing, that I guarantee most wouldnt do more than once happily. Lack of traditional quests hurt the worldbuilding, and life, which is a true shame because a mix of both wouldve been great! No fetch quests out of hearts, but proper story quests. Achievements are one and done, which is especially harmful for the living stories life, It just isnt repeatable. And then the issue the op has brought up, players dont want challenge. They want their toys now, or they throw a tantrum. Its such a shame, with more challenging content to really get players to improve, youve got a genuine mmo king of a game.



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> @"novaspire.9801" said:


> > The point of an mmo is to have longevity. If you want games to be done quick there are consoles and other types of games for that. Mmos just simply do not cater to the short, sweet, I wanna get everything in one go mentality. And it has ALWAYS been like that. And actually ALOT of mmos has quests like this to get gear. Raids. Long, pointless quests. Gathering. Anet just does it differently, but it is all the same.


> Could not agree more. Lets be honest here, The areas that Anet has tried to improve gameplay wise has actually hurt the lifespan of this game in a way. Hearts are a one and done thing, that I guarantee most wouldnt do more than once happily. Lack of traditional quests hurt the worldbuilding, and life, which is a true shame because a mix of both wouldve been great! No fetch quests out of hearts, but proper story quests. Achievements are one and done, which is especially harmful for the living stories life, It just isnt repeatable. And then the issue the op has brought up, players dont want challenge. They want their toys now, or they throw a tantrum. Its such a shame, with more challenging content to really get players to improve, youve got a genuine mmo king of a game.




It's a generation thing.

I'm young, I'm 23, but I grew up with the old school GRIND FOR EVERYTHING mentality because of games like WoW, Runescape, etc/


Society and the gaming industry has come a long way, but now it's in this disgusting state of wanting everything fast, furious, and NOW.



Most people in my generation, a generation before mine and the generations after seem to carry this behavior and to be honest, it has made the quality of gameplay and longevity go down RAPIDLY.


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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


> NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



It's not that hard with a guide. I finished it in two days, and I'm so happy I did. The biggest problem would be the gold cost. It is really very easy, it's just some collecting quests. You don't need it, but it is so convenient.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"MMOStein.3872" said:

> > A new shiny is far more rewarding when you endured the pain of earning it instead of throwing money at it, and this game already has a problem of simply throwing real money at everything to obtain it instantly, making the game a less rewarding experience as a whole.

> There is nothing wrong with putting some work in for a "shiny" - until it's engaging, interesting process. But if it's about simply running around, collecting some trash just for the sake of putting a boring time sink between you and objective, it's simply a chore, and chore is simply a bad game design. There is nothing wrong in bypassing such thing by throwing money at it.



And its exactly that line of thinking thats opened the door to normalizing the sale of "in game progression" in a cash shop. An argument which is already strong in a lot of other MMOs, especially ones aimed at the Korean and Chinese markets. You call it "bad game design" then directly encourage it by throwing money at it........ I'll give you a moment to let that sink in.

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