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Question about the future cooking and jewelcrafting level increase

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Hello everyone.


Mike Zadorojny recently put out a news post talking about their future plans for Guild Wars 2. There's plenty of interesting things to read in that post and I highly recommend everyone to [read the whole thing](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/whats-next-for-guild-wars-2/ "read the whole thing"). But the main reason I'm making this post is because of two things listed in that post that got me really interested. Here they are:


• We’d like to increase the max cooking level from 400 to 500. This crafting profession needs a refresh to make lower-tier foods important to the ecosystem and help reinvigorate various resources throughout the game.

• After the cooking 500 update, jewel crafting is the last profession needing to be extended.


This is very interesting to me considering that jewelcrafting and cooking are capped at 400 (scribe as well, but nobody cares about scribe) and the rest of the disciplines are capped at 500 which are objectively more important for making top-tier items. Not saying there's anything wrong with cooking, it's a perfectly fine discipline and a very important one. It's just that jewelcrafting is to me and to probably a lot of people their least favorite discipline. We consider it a pointless discipline because you can only craft exotic quality trinkets and instead we farm winterberries and other LWS3 currencies to get the ascended trinkets we want. So with these two upcoming changes, I have two questions for the developers or anyone involved in this @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" :


1. Will we be able to craft ascended trinkets with jewelcrafting at level 500?

2. If so, will we be able to craft ascended trinkets with the stats we want whether it's stats from the core game or stats from the expansions?

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Indeed, please pay heed to the phrasing: "We'd like to increase the max cooking level" comes under the section with "Please understand that these are all works in progress, so details can change between here and the final version, and we don’t have a timeline for the release of any of these." And "After the cooking 500 update, jewel crafting is the last profession needing to be extended" is in the section headed "None of these have been fully designed and are even more subject to change—or being shelved:" **in bold print**.


They don't have definite details on cooking, it is just something they would **like** to do. As to jc, it could be tossed entirely and they may not have put any more design time into it than "this could use looking at one day maybe."


I'm very excited about all the possible things coming along but emphasis on **possible** at this point. It's all months away at best and there's no telling what final form it will all take or if specific parts will happen at all.

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It's fairly logical if you look at it in comparison to other crafting disciplines (except cooking, not sure what they'll come up with there).


For example:

Lvl 0-400 = exotics (as is the case today)

Lvl 400-500 = ascended (every other crafting profession)

- Can you craft stat-selectable gear?

No, with very few exceptions.

- Can you craft ascended gear with HoT/PoF stats?

Of course as long as you have the exotic insignia/inscription.

- Can you craft tokens to be used at vendors to buy selectable versions?

Why yes of course


There's is no basis for assuming the functionality of the added levels will change from what already exists in the game, and why they shouldn't add the same functionality to the profession as it updates (would definitely improve jewelcrafting use).


As for cooking, it's a little more open ended. My guess is that the lvl's 400-500 will be used for foods only, no crafting component and maybe give us a few more options like slapping an XP modifer on there, make more custom food so to say. Or downright powercreep the food we already have by adding new better ones. But based on how the system works today we'd simply get a slew of "lvl 100" foods that give 20% increased stats of the previous tier, namely today's lvl 80 ones.

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No. 500 Jewelcrafting can only make Jewel Polish, which requires Gem Store resources to make, and temporarily adds +1 Shinyness to your trinkets.


The kitten would anybody know what they're adding in and how it works? they've only just announced maybe, possibly implementing it someday!

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I think we will be able to craft the second legendary ring pve ( considering how long it have taken to not even have the raid ring yet. )

And then a earring aswell.

Second earring will ofcourse come with either lw s4 or s5 as part of the map wide collections similar to aurora.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> While they are at it, I wish they would update the Artificer potion crafting a little and add, for example, potions for Mordrem slaying, Chak slaying, Forged slaying and so on.


That might be something to add to cooking instead. All of the new enemies are level 80, so newer high level food could basically be current high level food plus a potion of slaying effect for the new enemies.

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The cooking sounds good though I have no doubt from the language used ... lower level food will become better, but the 500 level food will not provide better stats than the 400.


Jewelry is moot at this point IMO ... who has problems getting ascended trinkets? Unless there is some wicked new consumable or crafting-only gear, this development is not too exciting.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> Jewelry is moot at this point IMO ... who has problems getting ascended trinkets? Unless there is some wicked new consumable or crafting-only gear, this development is not too exciting.


For this, I think a consumable is the way to go. Maybe craftable luck charms that give you a short term effect similar to some of the 6th slot abilities on armor runes, perhaps. (Though some of those would be too powerful, it's just an example.) Something other than a straight stat boost, in an attempt to sidestep power creep.

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If you read the announcement carefully, you'd realize that jewelcrafting is currently at the same point it was when level 500 crafting was introduced - it's something they'd like to do _somewhere in undefined future_. Nothing has changed - they still haven't started working on it, and they probably have no more idea about how it might work than they had 4 years ago.


So, asking for details is pointless. Anet can't give you info on things they haven't even decided yet.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> 1. Will we be able to craft ascended trinkets with jewelcrafting at level 500?

> 2. If so, will we be able to craft ascended trinkets with the stats we want whether it's stats from the core game or stats from the expansions?


How should we know?

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Jewelcrafting will definitely become relevant as another requirement for future legendary trinkets if I had to guess.


Cooking can literally go anywhere. Create more uses for worthless items, add new forms of effects, add different stat types. Remember when they lowered boon duration increases and said that food and new stat sets would come to make up for that? That's probably where that idea went.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> It's fairly logical if you look at it in comparison to other crafting disciplines (except cooking, not sure what they'll come up with there).


> For example:

> Lvl 0-400 = exotics (as is the case today)

> Lvl 400-500 = ascended (every other crafting profession)

> - Can you craft stat-selectable gear?

> No, with very few exceptions.

> - Can you craft ascended gear with HoT/PoF stats?

> Of course as long as you have the exotic insignia/inscription.

> - Can you craft tokens to be used at vendors to buy selectable versions?

> Why yes of course


> There's is no basis for assuming the functionality of the added levels will change from what already exists in the game, and why they shouldn't add the same functionality to the profession as it updates (would definitely improve jewelcrafting use).


> As for cooking, it's a little more open ended. My guess is that the lvl's 400-500 will be used for foods only, no crafting component and maybe give us a few more options like slapping an XP modifer on there, make more custom food so to say. Or downright powercreep the food we already have by adding new better ones. But based on how the system works today we'd simply get a slew of "lvl 100" foods that give 20% increased stats of the previous tier, namely today's lvl 80 ones.


This what u wrote and maybe very cosmetic like food effects which change ur looks, JC might get the ability for infusions and bling bling effects with it.


The ability to dye weapons..... who knows it could be something anet could get creative with



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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> 1. Will we be able to craft ascended trinkets with jewelcrafting at level 500?

> 2. If so, will we be able to craft ascended trinkets with the stats we want whether it's stats from the core game or stats from the expansions?


I sure hope the answer to both will be YES. :+1:

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> Ascended food maybe? The jewelry though, would negate the need for living world ones. So not sure where that would fit in .


It would benefit new players and premium players who didn't start playing back when LWS3 was released. Some would say that maybe that is the point, to make players exchange gold for gems or spend money for gems to purchase the LWS3 episodes so they can farm the currencies needed for the ascended trinkets, but I still think it would be better if jewelcrafting allowed you to craft ascended trinkets and backpacks. If a free to play player can craft full ascended gear, why not allow them to complete it with ascended trinkets?

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> It's fairly logical if you look at it in comparison to other crafting disciplines (except cooking, not sure what they'll come up with there).


> For example:

> Lvl 0-400 = exotics (as is the case today)

> Lvl 400-500 = ascended (every other crafting profession)

> - Can you craft stat-selectable gear?

> No, with very few exceptions.

> - Can you craft ascended gear with HoT/PoF stats?

> Of course as long as you have the exotic insignia/inscription.

> - Can you craft tokens to be used at vendors to buy selectable versions?

> Why yes of course


> There's is no basis for assuming the functionality of the added levels will change from what already exists in the game, and why they shouldn't add the same functionality to the profession as it updates (would definitely improve jewelcrafting use).


> As for cooking, it's a little more open ended. My guess is that the lvl's 400-500 will be used for foods only, no crafting component and maybe give us a few more options like slapping an XP modifer on there, make more custom food so to say. Or downright powercreep the food we already have by adding new better ones. But based on how the system works today we'd simply get a slew of "lvl 100" foods that give 20% increased stats of the previous tier, namely today's lvl 80 ones.


Unless they allow us to craft metabolic primers.....


Or food with longer times: 2hr or 5 hour...

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > It's fairly logical if you look at it in comparison to other crafting disciplines (except cooking, not sure what they'll come up with there).

> >

> > For example:

> > Lvl 0-400 = exotics (as is the case today)

> > Lvl 400-500 = ascended (every other crafting profession)

> > - Can you craft stat-selectable gear?

> > No, with very few exceptions.

> > - Can you craft ascended gear with HoT/PoF stats?

> > Of course as long as you have the exotic insignia/inscription.

> > - Can you craft tokens to be used at vendors to buy selectable versions?

> > Why yes of course

> >

> > There's is no basis for assuming the functionality of the added levels will change from what already exists in the game, and why they shouldn't add the same functionality to the profession as it updates (would definitely improve jewelcrafting use).

> >

> > As for cooking, it's a little more open ended. My guess is that the lvl's 400-500 will be used for foods only, no crafting component and maybe give us a few more options like slapping an XP modifer on there, make more custom food so to say. Or downright powercreep the food we already have by adding new better ones. But based on how the system works today we'd simply get a slew of "lvl 100" foods that give 20% increased stats of the previous tier, namely today's lvl 80 ones.


> Unless they allow us to craft metabolic primers.....


> Or food with longer times: 2hr or 5 hour...


Indeed that would be nice!

Customization of already existing recipes in tiers could also create demand of a whole lot of crafting ingredients, which I'm all for instead of just adding new and improved ones.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > It's fairly logical if you look at it in comparison to other crafting disciplines (except cooking, not sure what they'll come up with there).

> > >

> > > For example:

> > > Lvl 0-400 = exotics (as is the case today)

> > > Lvl 400-500 = ascended (every other crafting profession)

> > > - Can you craft stat-selectable gear?

> > > No, with very few exceptions.

> > > - Can you craft ascended gear with HoT/PoF stats?

> > > Of course as long as you have the exotic insignia/inscription.

> > > - Can you craft tokens to be used at vendors to buy selectable versions?

> > > Why yes of course

> > >

> > > There's is no basis for assuming the functionality of the added levels will change from what already exists in the game, and why they shouldn't add the same functionality to the profession as it updates (would definitely improve jewelcrafting use).

> > >

> > > As for cooking, it's a little more open ended. My guess is that the lvl's 400-500 will be used for foods only, no crafting component and maybe give us a few more options like slapping an XP modifer on there, make more custom food so to say. Or downright powercreep the food we already have by adding new better ones. But based on how the system works today we'd simply get a slew of "lvl 100" foods that give 20% increased stats of the previous tier, namely today's lvl 80 ones.

> >

> > Unless they allow us to craft metabolic primers.....

> >

> > Or food with longer times: 2hr or 5 hour...


> Indeed that would be nice!

> Customization of already existing recipes in tiers could also create demand of a whole lot of crafting ingredients, which I'm all for instead of just adding new and improved ones.




I guess if they decide to buff the percentage benefits from different foods, there would be a lot of people that would be upset as they are already upset over endurance and damage reduction food items..


It would Lead to a whole different level of power creep.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > > It's fairly logical if you look at it in comparison to other crafting disciplines (except cooking, not sure what they'll come up with there).

> > > >

> > > > For example:

> > > > Lvl 0-400 = exotics (as is the case today)

> > > > Lvl 400-500 = ascended (every other crafting profession)

> > > > - Can you craft stat-selectable gear?

> > > > No, with very few exceptions.

> > > > - Can you craft ascended gear with HoT/PoF stats?

> > > > Of course as long as you have the exotic insignia/inscription.

> > > > - Can you craft tokens to be used at vendors to buy selectable versions?

> > > > Why yes of course

> > > >

> > > > There's is no basis for assuming the functionality of the added levels will change from what already exists in the game, and why they shouldn't add the same functionality to the profession as it updates (would definitely improve jewelcrafting use).

> > > >

> > > > As for cooking, it's a little more open ended. My guess is that the lvl's 400-500 will be used for foods only, no crafting component and maybe give us a few more options like slapping an XP modifer on there, make more custom food so to say. Or downright powercreep the food we already have by adding new better ones. But based on how the system works today we'd simply get a slew of "lvl 100" foods that give 20% increased stats of the previous tier, namely today's lvl 80 ones.

> > >

> > > Unless they allow us to craft metabolic primers.....

> > >

> > > Or food with longer times: 2hr or 5 hour...

> >

> > Indeed that would be nice!

> > Customization of already existing recipes in tiers could also create demand of a whole lot of crafting ingredients, which I'm all for instead of just adding new and improved ones.


> True.


> I guess if they decide to buff the percentage benefits from different foods, there would be a lot of people that would be upset as they are already upset over endurance and damage reduction food items..


> It would Lead to a whole different level of power creep.


Aye. No idea why they just don't change those recipes to contain more exotic ingredients as that will allow them usage yet limit their overall usage. It's not a good state when it's the goto food for every profession in this power meta.


Judging by their wording though, it seems we are going to combine traditional food items in order to create new ones (material sink) which will increase demand for already popular foods, and if they for example only allow you to only make feasts at 500 then I guess some powercreep can be tolerated.

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