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Notes from the latest "Let's Play #GuildWars2 World vs World with the Developers"

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The last dev stream (

) had some good info in it. I made some notes with timestamps for those who can't watch the whole 1 1/2 hour video.



- Time to entry rebalance for keeps and towers (later in stream at 00:55:37 they mention the gates and walls changes will go live in a matter of weeks)

- Potential restriction to repairs while walls and gates are being damaged



- Devs are adjusting the time to entry for keeps and towers because they want to incentivize attacking

- Currently higher tier doors and wall take less damage as well as having more health, devs want just one of those increases rather than both



- WvW skill balance in GH arena is not currently possible, but it has been looked into



- Z really wants world restructuring



- On scoring changes: the resetting every 8 hours will most likely be after alliances



- Gates and walls changes will go live in a matter of weeks, a few small warclaw changes in a few weeks as well, not too many big changes for warclaw anytime soon

- Devs want to add rewards for attacking defended objectives instead of win trading, rewards for attacking a defended keep should be better than rewards for an empty keep, rewards should scale with structure level, still in paper design phase and devs hope to start prototyping soon


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.



- Ben created a couple of prototypes, like a skill that would most likely be unlocked with the ability system that throws a spear and dismounts both you and the target, this skill is already working, the question is whether the devs want it in the game or not


Thanks to Ben and Ray for the info shared in this stream and thanks to Z for giving them the go-ahead to be more open with what they're working on. I'm sure I missed a thing or two, please add it in the comments or correct any mistakes I've made.

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Damn I thought the 8h scoring would be there way sooner than alliances. That's a bummer. Interesting stuff though, thanks for posting! I hope that the changes to gates and walls don't just make the winners win harder because even t3 objectives won't be a hindrance at that point. Though getting there is probably already impossible when fighting against a stacked server and this definitely will increase the chance of fighting back or taking an objective while they are busy elsewhere.



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> @"Rotten Bones.2391" said:

> - Currently higher tier doors and wall take less damage as well as having more health, devs want just one of those increases rather than both

Wow they really gonna change the exponentially increasing toughness of objectives? Thats actually great.


For those that dont know, T0 walls have 373K hp while T3 is 612K (towers) and 821K (keeps). This may seem like a nice doubling of strength up the 2 tier upgrades, but actually it also reduce damage by 33% (towers) and 50% (keeps). So double the hp is actually quadrouple the time it takes to bring keeps down.


On top of this, repair doesnt scale with armor, only hp - and you repair the same amount on T0 and T3. So its much stronger while just being 1:1 to repair.


The strong T2/T3 is IMO one of the fundamental flaws of the game and what can bring gameplay to a complete halt, because people dont want to fight for 2 hours over them and barely get anywhere.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Rotten Bones.2391" said:

> > - Currently higher tier doors and wall take less damage as well as having more health, devs want just one of those increases rather than both

> Wow they really gonna change the exponentially increasing toughness of objectives? Thats actually great.


> For those that dont know, T0 walls have 373K hp while T3 is 612K (towers) and 821K (keeps). This may seem like a nice doubling of strength up the 2 tier upgrades, but actually it also reduce damage by 33% (towers) and 50% (keeps). So double the hp is actually quadrouple the time it takes to bring keeps down.


> On top of this, repair doesnt scale with armor, only hp - and you repair the same amount on T0 and T3. So its much stronger while just being 1:1 to repair.


> The strong T2/T3 is IMO one of the fundamental flaws of the game and what can bring gameplay to a complete halt, because people dont want to fight for 2 hours over them and barely get anywhere.


With the faster response time of defending zergs now from Warclaw, I could see this being a very positive thing actually. As well as a good reason to promote scouting, as you'll have less time to notice it on the maps.


Good sign that they are at least trying to consider how the whole functions, and not just balance things as if they existed alone in a vacuum.

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Interesting, so they want to make attacking easier and more rewarding. That's great news if I'm on a well-populated server, or plan to transfer to one. If not, I guess all I get for for my underpopulated server's successful defense is a **sense of pride and accomplishment**.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> Interesting, so they want to make attacking easier and more rewarding. That's great news if I'm on a well-populated server, or plan to transfer to one. If not, I guess all I get for for my underpopulated server's successful defense is a **sense of pride and accomplishment**.


The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


> it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

I would still argue that the purpose of GW2 walls is **not** to provide a platform for defense. Its merely a delay mechanism for combat inside and outside the objective, keeping the objective safe from people just running in to cap. They arent useless as such and you can stand on it, but if you stand in circles, you get killed by circles.


IMO there is no problem there. The only problem is lingering necro AoE marks allowing zergs to light up walls for a long time with no effort, which has nothing to do with walls themselves.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Interesting, so they want to make attacking easier and more rewarding. That's great news if I'm on a well-populated server, or plan to transfer to one. If not, I guess all I get for for my underpopulated server's successful defense is a **sense of pride and accomplishment**.


> The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


I spent some time talking small group of friends(5) into trying gw2 specifically wvw. They all lasted one evening due to the way scourge and its shades synergy with zergs, their reactions were priceless and I know 5 people is no great gain nor lost to the most but I cant help wonder if this has happened or turned others off of the mode.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


> it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

> >

> > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

> I would still argue that the purpose of GW2 walls is **not** to provide a platform for defense. Its merely a delay mechanism for combat inside and outside the objective, keeping the objective safe from people just running in to cap. They arent useless as such and you can stand on it, but if you stand in circles, you get killed by circles.


> IMO there is no problem there. The only problem is lingering necro AoE marks allowing zergs to light up walls for a long time with no effort, which has nothing to do with walls themselves.



I would argue only that the same option was provided to both: if you can be hit on a wall, you should be able to hit from the wall.


Same class, same weapon etxc.


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Everything has been nerfed that slows down the karma trains the blobs are running. They say they want us to "fight" over objectives, but are making it so that no fight can actually take place. We can't even stand on the walls to defend, so they might as well remove them.

This is what we see in EB, for example:

1.) tactics get trolled, so you post a sentry, or you already had one

2.) your keep has been tapped for the last hour anyway, so you have to run from spawn to defend

3.) zerg appears as dots by tower sentry

4.) siege disables are useless, as they are blocked

5.) from the time the first blueprint is dropped to T3 tower flip is 45 seconds


AND, they want to reduce this to make attacking easier and more rewarding? This is why everyone keeps bandwagoning and blobbing, because they want fast, easy loot. I feel like the next change will be to give attackers 1 minute immunity if they are near a contested structure so they don't even have to try.

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I love when a large group of scourges just spam the wall and keep any class but rangers at bay while the take the gate/wall down or when a large group of scourges sit behind a destroyed wall spamming shades cutting off the entrance than watching half ur zerg disapear to spawn while the half remaining alive get destroyed by the loss of a huge numbers of aly's all because one spec.fun and healthy playstyle lol

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Interesting, so they want to make attacking easier and more rewarding. That's great news if I'm on a well-populated server, or plan to transfer to one. If not, I guess all I get for for my underpopulated server's successful defense is a **sense of pride and accomplishment**.


> The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


Ok, thanks for the clarification. I hope the defense rewards will be enough to pull people that right now are only willing to run around in circles recapping the same things in Eternal Battlegrounds.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

> >

> > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).


> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

> > >

> > > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

> > I would still argue that the purpose of GW2 walls is **not** to provide a platform for defense. Its merely a delay mechanism for combat inside and outside the objective, keeping the objective safe from people just running in to cap. They arent useless as such and you can stand on it, but if you stand in circles, you get killed by circles.

> >

> > IMO there is no problem there. The only problem is lingering necro AoE marks allowing zergs to light up walls for a long time with no effort, which has nothing to do with walls themselves.

> >


> I would argue only that the same option was provided to both: if you can be hit on a wall, you should be able to hit from the wall.


> Same class, same weapon etxc.


This conflicts with the idea that AoE is... well, AoE. The circle will always hit things the LoS projectiles cant.


Besides, its not a false statement that you can hit people from the wall just as good as a they can hit from below. Just reverse the scenario. If 50 people are standing on the walls and say 3 people are below with a cata, are those 50 people going to be unable to hit the cata and die to AoE from those 3 people?


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I am fine with reducing the toughness of walls.


But at the same time we MUST have a way to defend from that walls. At the moment, going on a wall is nothing but suicide, thanks to broken scourges. If they don't get you, the insane amount of pulls will take you down in the attackers midst, where your hp just evaporate.


So.. make people on walls immune to condis, or give perma stability. Best would be both.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:


> it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).


You realize that when you stand on the wall you are really going 1v30 (or # ranged players in zerg). How do you really expect that to end? Unless what you are really wanting is to be able to hit them without them hitting you...

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

> > >

> > > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

> >

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

> > > >

> > > > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

> > > I would still argue that the purpose of GW2 walls is **not** to provide a platform for defense. Its merely a delay mechanism for combat inside and outside the objective, keeping the objective safe from people just running in to cap. They arent useless as such and you can stand on it, but if you stand in circles, you get killed by circles.

> > >

> > > IMO there is no problem there. The only problem is lingering necro AoE marks allowing zergs to light up walls for a long time with no effort, which has nothing to do with walls themselves.

> > >

> >

> > I would argue only that the same option was provided to both: if you can be hit on a wall, you should be able to hit from the wall.

> >

> > Same class, same weapon etxc.

> >

> This conflicts with the idea that AoE is... well, AoE. The circle will always hit things the LoS projectiles cant.


> Besides, its not a false statement that you can hit people from the wall just as good as a they can hit from below. Just reverse the scenario. If 50 people are standing on the walls and say 3 people are below with a cata, are those 50 people going to be unable to hit the cata and die to AoE from those 3 people?



put 50 on the wall and 50 down. The 50 on the wall are screwed. They can't defend against the marks&wells, their eles can't drop meteors and lava on the zerg below, because of broken LoS. They can be pulled down and killed one by one, the 50 down don't need to worry about that.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> I am fine with reducing the toughness of walls.


> But at the same time we MUST have a way to defend from that walls. At the moment, going on a wall is nothing but suicide, thanks to broken scourges. If they don't get you, the insane amount of pulls will take you down in the attackers midst, where your hp just evaporate.


> So.. make people on walls immune to condis, or give perma stability. Best would be both.


Mark this day. For once we agree 100%.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Interesting, so they want to make attacking easier and more rewarding. That's great news if I'm on a well-populated server, or plan to transfer to one. If not, I guess all I get for for my underpopulated server's successful defense is a **sense of pride and accomplishment**.


> The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


Imo, defense should be rewarded way more greatly than attacking, and it should be easy to setup rules to avoid leeching or trading. Like minimum amount of people killed or hit by your siege. This way 1 guy defending against someone autoing the door won't gorge you out rewards, but if i somehow kill 5 people inside a keep and fix the doors, i should be swimming in rewards.


Actually it would probably be best if we had unique rewards for attacking and taking and unique for defending. Let's say badge of offense and defense. And they can be traded for their own stuff. This way it incentive people to keep what they have and take what they don',t

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> @"floppypuppy.5789" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> >

> > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).


> You realize that when you stand on the wall you are really going 1v30 (or # ranged players in zerg). How do you really expect that to end? Unless what you are really wanting is to be able to hit them without them hitting you...


what I want is to have walls be an advantage instead of a disadvantage. not being able to stand on walls cuz aoe is garbage.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

> > >

> > > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

> >

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > > The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.

> > > >

> > > > it would be nice if defenders could actually stand on walls and shoot at the attackers without getting pulled/ aoe'd to death in seconds ;-).

> > > I would still argue that the purpose of GW2 walls is **not** to provide a platform for defense. Its merely a delay mechanism for combat inside and outside the objective, keeping the objective safe from people just running in to cap. They arent useless as such and you can stand on it, but if you stand in circles, you get killed by circles.

> > >

> > > IMO there is no problem there. The only problem is lingering necro AoE marks allowing zergs to light up walls for a long time with no effort, which has nothing to do with walls themselves.

> > >

> >

> > I would argue only that the same option was provided to both: if you can be hit on a wall, you should be able to hit from the wall.

> >

> > Same class, same weapon etxc.

> >

> This conflicts with the idea that AoE is... well, AoE. The circle will always hit things the LoS projectiles cant.


I just want a meteor shower to be able to hit below in the same pattern that it hits above. Same with necro shades. Currently, the only way a toon can hit things below is to be on the edge.



> Besides, its not a false statement that you can hit people from the wall just as good as a they can hit from below. Just reverse the scenario. If 50 people are standing on the walls and say 3 people are below with a cata, are those 50 people going to be unable to hit the cata and die to AoE from those 3 people?



But you really can’t. LOS prevents it from being ‘equal’ for projectiles or AOE attacks.


The exception is ranger LB 5. Which is actually more advantageous on the wall then below it.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > Interesting, so they want to make attacking easier and more rewarding. That's great news if I'm on a well-populated server, or plan to transfer to one. If not, I guess all I get for for my underpopulated server's successful defense is a **sense of pride and accomplishment**.


> The current design includes rewards for defense as well. I probably misspoke on stream. We we want to encourage combat at objectives, both defending and attacking.


My god, when will you Devs learn. "Combat" at objectives only benefits the attackers due to the awful game designed where walls block your attacks if you are a defender.

If you guys had any motivation to improve WvW, then you will make the following to **encourage COMBAT.**


* WvW enemies have a 0.000001% chance to drop [cosmetic infusions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cosmetic_aura)

* WvW enemies have a 0.000001% chance to drop WvW exclusive content.


It is so simple, but you guys refuse to work.

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