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What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?


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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > 1. Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage - rolling all these into one because it's just a given now.

> > 2. The Skills and Balance Team don't appear to be REALLY balancing skills. Controversial? Derogatory? Factual? I'm just saying how it APPEARS to me. PoF botched the class balance and the minor tweaks of balance patches aren't cutting the mustard. The zerg meta is horrible. Ganker builds are too strong vs groups - thieves can run away forever, warriors can tank forever, engineers can sustain forever etc. One-shotting is a thing and it really shouldn't be, the skill gap between good and bad players is too high.

> > 3. Crowd Control is out of control - see what I did there? This has been a problem since HoT's breakbars appeared. Now we've got pulls galore and it's just not FUN, even if you CAN do it to enemies yourself.

> > 4. Shield bubbles make sieging by large groups waaaaaay too easy and lack counters.

> > 5. Dominant sides are difficult to challenge because everybody naturally picks on the weak server. There is no handicapping, there should be some.

> >

> > Those are as if WvW is going to remain as it is. If we're getting a new map or mechanic, well, that's something I can't predict.

> > Minor issues would be things like;

> > -weak guild keep upgrades/keep banners, can't carry a dragon/turtle/centaur banner on a mount, etc

> > -new players need a rent-a-warclaw, they're getting annihilated back there by aforementioned OP gankers. It's heartbreaking to watch! Rent-a-Warclaw should be an inventory item that players can use for 24 hours and then disappears at a cost of ~1g. I think that's reasonable for 24 hours.


> Only if rent-a-mount is restricted to POF owners who haven't finished the unlock requirements. Otherwise there is literally no incentive for them to buy the xpac since their dailies will pay 2g.

As the mounts - not to mention elites - show, like 90% of the WvW population already have PoF. This argument is pretty pointless.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > 1. Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage - rolling all these into one because it's just a given now.

> > > 2. The Skills and Balance Team don't appear to be REALLY balancing skills. Controversial? Derogatory? Factual? I'm just saying how it APPEARS to me. PoF botched the class balance and the minor tweaks of balance patches aren't cutting the mustard. The zerg meta is horrible. Ganker builds are too strong vs groups - thieves can run away forever, warriors can tank forever, engineers can sustain forever etc. One-shotting is a thing and it really shouldn't be, the skill gap between good and bad players is too high.

> > > 3. Crowd Control is out of control - see what I did there? This has been a problem since HoT's breakbars appeared. Now we've got pulls galore and it's just not FUN, even if you CAN do it to enemies yourself.

> > > 4. Shield bubbles make sieging by large groups waaaaaay too easy and lack counters.

> > > 5. Dominant sides are difficult to challenge because everybody naturally picks on the weak server. There is no handicapping, there should be some.

> > >

> > > Those are as if WvW is going to remain as it is. If we're getting a new map or mechanic, well, that's something I can't predict.

> > > Minor issues would be things like;

> > > -weak guild keep upgrades/keep banners, can't carry a dragon/turtle/centaur banner on a mount, etc

> > > -new players need a rent-a-warclaw, they're getting annihilated back there by aforementioned OP gankers. It's heartbreaking to watch! Rent-a-Warclaw should be an inventory item that players can use for 24 hours and then disappears at a cost of ~1g. I think that's reasonable for 24 hours.

> >

> > Only if rent-a-mount is restricted to POF owners who haven't finished the unlock requirements. Otherwise there is literally no incentive for them to buy the xpac since their dailies will pay 2g.

> As the mounts - not to mention elites - show, like 90% of the WvW population already have PoF. This argument is pretty pointless.



I don't know the stats. But the way people ask for mount rentals makes it seem like no one knows it's possible to unlock it in a day (or a weekend if you're not determined enough).

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my 5 in no particular order.


1. **aoe** - the caps were nerfed a while back. then aoe skills were added by the truckload over the next two expansions. the current system heavily favors numbers over skill, which is backwards. if it were the other way around then population imbalance would not only become irrelevant, but a boon.

2. **skills and traits** - at least 75% of skills, traits, and even weapons are useless in wvw (not to mention in the worst cases, everywhere else too). the remaining 15% are situational, the other 10% mandatory in most cases. this makes for a stale meta that never changes except for the next op elite spec.

3. **game engine and servers** - cant handle wvw cuz it isn't optimized for it.

4. **scoring and ppt** - is only relevant for dropping tiers for better fights. a complete lack of wvw support means that the primary game mode mechanism is pointless. why should people continue to play if there is no competition or reason to win? wvw seasons (so the wvw tournament like we had a while back) like pvp has would be a good way to address this imo, only after world restructuring (assuming it helps).

5. **no rewards for defending** - this only reinforces the pvdoor mentality. attack and defense are two sides to the same coin. if one is heavily favored over the other, then only one type of experience will be had (most of the time). everyone has experienced hours of pvdoor. it is imo the # 1 reason for burnout and people leaving the game. its the worst thing for the game right now, and has been for a long time. I hope this gets addressed. I have no idea how, but man it would be so good to be rewarded for defending and it actually having an impact on scoring (assuming it matters).

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1. Unbalanced match ups, servers get put in tiers they don't belong or get links they don't need. I'm not sure how many are like me, but as much as I complain about certain things with GW2 WvW, I still enjoy it and have lots of fun playing the game. But, this is a big but, the fun is not there when there is nobody to fight, or when you are constantly getting severely blobbed down.


There's nothing more demoralizing when your raid driver logs off because a group of 20 can not fight a group of 50+ and there's literally nothing smaller to fight. And everything from your opponent is T3 and there's *nothing* you can do about it. Same with the reverse, nothing worse to have everybody in your guild logoff because there's nothing to fight! Nobody wants to pve in wvw, wvw is about player engagement. Fixing server balance has to be the #1 priority for the devs. This game mode simply can not sustain with the already dead T4, dying T3, and unbalanced T1/T2.


2. Skill lag, it's been there since the dawn of time, and we've all gotten used to it. But it's not fun nor acceptable, pressing 1 because nothing else is activating sucks. Imagine telling PvE raiders or sPvP players to just press 1 due to lag. How quickly do you think these other game modes would die? Yes it's limitations in the game's engine, it's not easily fixable with better servers and more bandwidth. But it's just not fun when you can't use your abilities. We want these large scale RvR battles, but the game chokes whenever a map blob meets another map blob. Gets worse if a 3rd server is anywhere near as well.


3. Class balance, even though I've been a lifetime necro and I've always had a spot in WvW raids, I feel for those that can't play the class they enjoy. I play a necro because I enjoy playing this class. If I'm ever told I'm not accepted, I will simply not play this game at all. We don't want to tell our friends or someone new to the game mode "sorry, you can't play xxx class with us, meta only". If new players are told these things, there's a good chance they'll never be back, and hence the churn rate. All classes should have at the very least 1 build that is suitable for WvW raids.


This means Anet, you gotta stop giving some classes everything. People blame the necros for how things are today, I disagree. Necros are only needed in large numbers because without enough boon corrupts, you won't beat good guild groups. Firebrands and Scrappers have been overtuned, Firebrands being the one class that can do everything is not healthy for the game. Classes need to have specialties that are wanted in WvW raids.


4. Skills balance, some skills need work. The top 3 damage classes in a typical WvW raid are: 1) Weaver, 2) Herald, 3) Scourge. Usually in that order, +/-. You can see Weaver's meteor shower, and you can see Scourge's circles. But you can not see the damage coming at you from Heralds. It's not fun when you're just hammered for over half of your hp out of nowhere, it's literally unavoidable damage. Herald skills need more visual cues. As fun as it is to do high damage, it's not healthy for a competitive game mode when you can't see the damage coming at you.


Anet has a weird sense of humor when it comes to stealth in this game. No other MMO allows a class to pop in & out of stealth while in combat, while you're actively engaged with them, while they're using high damage skills. There's too much stealth in this game, it's not fun fighting people you can't see or target. Stealth as opener is fine, that's been accepted in MMO's since forever. Repeated stealth during combat is something that needs rework.


5. Sieging T3 keeps is pure cancer, luckily I think the devs know about this as per their upcoming changes. Sieging T3 keeps currently feel like banging your head against a wall, all the while getting ac, mortar, and trebbed on. We need more player engagement, less banging our heads against the wall. Oh yeah, certain classes can toss siege disablers while using an unblockable ability, making them able to disable siege even when you have a shield on it. Please fix, this makes everything so much worse when attempting to break a T3 keep.

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> @"gavyne.6847" said:

> 1. Unbalanced match ups, servers get put in tiers they don't belong or get links they don't need. I'm not sure how many are like me, but as much as I complain about certain things with GW2 WvW, I still enjoy it and have lots of fun playing the game. But, this is a big but, the fun is not there when there is nobody to fight, or when you are constantly getting severely blobbed down.


> There's nothing more demoralizing when your raid driver logs off because a group of 20 can not fight a group of 50+ and there's literally nothing smaller to fight. And everything from your opponent is T3 and there's *nothing* you can do about it. Same with the reverse, nothing worse to have everybody in your guild logoff because there's nothing to fight! Nobody wants to pve in wvw, wvw is about player engagement. Fixing server balance has to be the #1 priority for the devs. This game mode simply can not sustain with the already dead T4, dying T3, and unbalanced T1/T2.


> 2. Skill lag, it's been there since the dawn of time, and we've all gotten used to it. But it's not fun nor acceptable, pressing 1 because nothing else is activating sucks. Imagine telling PvE raiders or sPvP players to just press 1 due to lag. How quickly do you think these other game modes would die? Yes it's limitations in the game's engine, it's not easily fixable with better servers and more bandwidth. But it's just not fun when you can't use your abilities. We want these large scale RvR battles, but the game chokes whenever a map blob meets another map blob. Gets worse if a 3rd server is anywhere near as well.


> 3. Class balance, even though I've been a lifetime necro and I've always had a spot in WvW raids, I feel for those that can't play the class they enjoy. I play a necro because I enjoy playing this class. If I'm ever told I'm not accepted, I will simply not play this game at all. We don't want to tell our friends or someone new to the game mode "sorry, you can't play xxx class with us, meta only". If new players are told these things, there's a good chance they'll never be back, and hence the churn rate. All classes should have at the very least 1 build that is suitable for WvW raids.


> This means Anet, you gotta stop giving some classes everything. People blame the necros for how things are today, I disagree. Necros are only needed in large numbers because without enough boon corrupts, you won't beat good guild groups. Firebrands and Scrappers have been overtuned, Firebrands being the one class that can do everything is not healthy for the game. Classes need to have specialties that are wanted in WvW raids.


> 4. Skills balance, some skills need work. The top 3 damage classes in a typical WvW raid are: 1) Weaver, 2) Herald, 3) Scourge. Usually in that order, +/-. You can see Weaver's meteor shower, and you can see Scourge's circles. But you can not see the damage coming at you from Heralds. It's not fun when you're just hammered for over half of your hp out of nowhere, it's literally unavoidable damage. Herald skills need more visual cues. As fun as it is to do high damage, it's not healthy for a competitive game mode when you can't see the damage coming at you.


> Anet has a weird sense of humor when it comes to stealth in this game. No other MMO allows a class to pop in & out of stealth while in combat, while you're actively engaged with them, while they're using high damage skills. There's too much stealth in this game, it's not fun fighting people you can't see or target. Stealth as opener is fine, that's been accepted in MMO's since forever. Repeated stealth during combat is something that needs rework.


> 5. Sieging T3 keeps is pure cancer, luckily I think the devs know about this as per their upcoming changes. Sieging T3 keeps currently feel like banging your head against a wall, all the while getting ac, mortar, and trebbed on. We need more player engagement, less banging our heads against the wall. Oh yeah, certain classes can toss siege disablers while using an unblockable ability, making them able to disable siege even when you have a shield on it. Please fix, this makes everything so much worse when attempting to break a T3 keep.


Scourge aoe spam is far more broken and obsurd in wvw than fb and scrapper will ever be, but yeah fb and scrapper are definitely 2 of the many op specs

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1. **Projectiles vs ground aoe.** There is TONS of projectile hate. You can almost never land a blockable projectile in a large zerg fight. This privileges classes with ground aoe instead like Revenant and Scourge

2. **Conditions vs power bomb**. There is tons of condi cleanse. Some organized comp guilds even run perma-resistance. You can almost never make conditions stick for even a single tick in a large fight. There's just so much incidental cleanse going around. A condi class might apply a condition which will tick for 20k if it lasts its full 16 second duration, but it'll actually only last 1 second in a large fight. Meanwhile, power classes are regularly hitting for 15k per hit (CoR, Phase Smash, Meteors, etc.) and getting full damage off them.

3. **Lag**. This tends to be a problem in large fights with 3 servers at once. I have no idea why, but it's just always been like that. It sucks when you're trying to play with 1-second skill lag.

4. **Attacker vs Defender effort** - actually it looks like Anet is taking steps to make it easier to attack T3 structures, so this might get better!

5. **Warclaw** - needs a dismount skill yesterday

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1. Absolute apathy since the launch of warclaw from devs, server populations have changed, and if a linked server can get 6k points in 2 hours versus 2k for the other 2 servers, something is seriously wrong, its T1 server, and if this is how the system works, how can it be linked?

2. the Condi, when every power charr has been steadily nerffed, or its to OP, yet the scourges and the condi continues on the never ending path of getting worse each balance patch, a blob of 40 may have as much as 50% condi users so you cant get to them, whats the point? Seems like someone came up with an idea of condi, and just changed the game for ever.

3. zone blobs that are responsible for skill lag, DC and much frustration, yes Warclaw has exasperated the resources on outdated servers, my one and only suggestion I have offered from 5 years ago, is the bigger the blob, the more vulnerable they should become, easy to solve, smaller groups can then defend against bigger blobs = balance

4. the glicko system which is responsible for linking and MU and everything else does not have a clue as to the frustrations and reality of what is actually happening, maybe take a short visit to the different servers, just to get some real time feedback that may help guide a better, fairer system

5. the rewards in WvW have always been the poorest and worst, apart from dungeon tracks which give you an exotic weapoin which you have to work for, but these days, if its not ascended, its salvaged or sold. The new blue and green unidentified bags has taken it down a notch from bad to worse. that's my 5, all very real issues that have frustrated me for some time, yet I have invested 7 years in the game, and hoping the devs will take these comments seriously enough.

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> @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

> 2. the Condi, when every power charr has been steadily nerffed, or its to OP, yet the scourges and the condi continues on the never ending path of getting worse each balance patch, a blob of 40 may have as much as 50% condi users so you cant get to them, whats the point? Seems like someone came up with an idea of condi, and just changed the game for ever.


What? It's exactly the opposite of this. WvW blobs are all power now. All those scourges? They're mostly power scourge. They run corrupts, so they are applying conditions, but they're not really doing much condition damage. It's a power bomb.


Herald? power

Weaver/Ele? power


No one is running condi-heavy zergs these days. No one. You might find the occasional roaming condi mirage or chrono, but otherwise the vast majority out there is power.


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Played some WvW in the past, skipped for ~2 years now, came back since unfortunatly needed a Gift of Battle for my first legendary, got disgusted by the game mode more then ever.... though I don't see any point in threads like this, it's good to have some place to vent. So...

1) Players abusing the game mode for their personal preferences (GvG, duelling) and not playing it as intended (capturing/defending objectives)

2) general imbalance; defensive gear and traits are way to beneficial, high risk/high reward is non-existant in WvW since bunkering/escaping/outlasting the enemy is the way to go

3) general typical immature PvP behaviour of players (granted this is not a WvW issue, but a general pvp in online games problem; yet it becomes more and more anoying the older one gets)

4) being forced to play the game mode for hours if you just want that stupid gift of battle

5) warclaw made everything worse (though I love the cat in boxes achievement)

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For me...


1) Class inbalance/power creep/no counter play. Perma evade thief/perma stealth dead eye, million clone Mesmer, invul 0-0-0 block invul warriors, pew pew from afar soulbeasts. and so on. Whilst I'll agree it may take great skill to constantly evade with a thief like many do the lack of counter play when facing such a person unless they slip up is a joke.


2) Server performance. Lag lag lag lag lag. Skills not activating for a few seconds (or if at all). Makes the game mode unplayable. Not helped when the scourge of zergs, err the scourge spams a billion shades. Frame show time!


3) WvW linking and bandwagoning. Awkward to be on a always linked server (FOW). End up being with and against nearly everybody. No loyalty to our hosting server (been against them multiple times).


4) Rewards aren't that great and little incentive to actually win a match. Defence is difficult when the attackers can spam the wall with a million AOE's.


5) Gankers/'havoc' groups - typically groups of ten high ranking players platinum + with the odd lower level pug typically camping at camps or waiting nearby to pounce on the lone person or few players that try to cap the camp. Wouldn't be to bad if they were say attacking a tower trying to create a diversion whilst their zerg tries to take a keep on the other side. It's the camp campers/lurkers I can't stand

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1) Warclaw should be faster and you should be immune while on it until you decide to dismount.

2) AOE's should have larger radius and have stronger un-blockable attacks.

3) Make sure when servers are paired with servers that have their prime times in alternate times so that every server will have their chance to take the lead and get their pips faster

4) Normalize skill delay so that everyone has a 3 sec wait before a skill triggers.

5)Boons should no longer effect party members and the players should be responsible for their own boons.


Just me being a tool...

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1. Blackgate

2. Meta game that only rewards stacking. No other tactic matters. WvW might be the most pathetically idiotic version of RvR ever designed.

3. Blackgate

4. ANET's inability to not be fooled by Blackgate into opening so they can stack even more, all while ANET went MIA for 6 years. Useless.

5. Giving Blackgate a link. W T F ? How can ANET be that obtuse.


ALL of WvW's problems can be laid at ANET's feet. Their meta design is garbage. Their support is garbage. ANET left WvW to rot and fester for 6 years and become the boil that is Blackgate.


After this long it is pointless. GW2 is OLD and ANET long ago proved that they do not have what it takes to make a decent RvR game.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> 1. Blackgate

> 2. Meta game that only rewards stacking. No other tactic matters. WvW might be the most pathetically idiotic version of RvR ever designed.

> 3. Blackgate

> 4. ANET's inability to not be fooled by Blackgate into opening so they can stack even more, all while ANET went MIA for 6 years. Useless.

> 5. Giving Blackgate a link. W T F ? How can ANET be that obtuse.


> ALL of WvW's problems can be laid at ANET's feet. Their meta design is garbage. Their support is garbage. ANET left WvW to rot and fester for 6 years and become the boil that is Blackgate.


> After this long it is pointless. GW2 is OLD and ANET long ago proved that they do not have what it takes to make a decent RvR game.


We love you too <3

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > 1. Blackgate

> > 2. Meta game that only rewards stacking. No other tactic matters. WvW might be the most pathetically idiotic version of RvR ever designed.

> > 3. Blackgate

> > 4. ANET's inability to not be fooled by Blackgate into opening so they can stack even more, all while ANET went MIA for 6 years. Useless.

> > 5. Giving Blackgate a link. W T F ? How can ANET be that obtuse.

> >

> > ALL of WvW's problems can be laid at ANET's feet. Their meta design is garbage. Their support is garbage. ANET left WvW to rot and fester for 6 years and become the boil that is Blackgate.

> >

> > After this long it is pointless. GW2 is OLD and ANET long ago proved that they do not have what it takes to make a decent RvR game.


> We love you too <3


Lol. I don't blame BG for cheating the system. If ANET were competent they would have realized that players are always going to try to game the system. It's ANET's job to anticipate that. They failed and then put their heads in the sand for 6 years.


Blackgate is just a symptom of ANET's lack of courage and ability.

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2nd Top 5 --


1. Scourges with FB

2. AoE spam, in particular AoE that moves with them (read: Scourges)

3. Population imbalances (read: letting Locusts stack links and then steal population)

4. Scourges with Scrappers.

5. Scourges with Scourges.


Seriously, at this point I'm not even going to play anymore. No freaking point. I can get better PvP balance in DooM or even Destiny 2, and that's sad.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> Lol. I don't blame BG for cheating the system. If ANET were competent they would have realized that players are always going to try to game the system. It's ANET's job to anticipate that. They failed and then put their heads in the sand for 6 years.


> Blackgate is just a symptom of ANET's lack of courage and ability.




I agree. We shouldn't blame BG for using the system as it was designed to be.


Server stacking happens because that's how you win based on the Fixed 3 Way Match-Up design.


Developers need to embrace this fundamental behavior of players & Re-Design the Match-Ups to empower Fighting between ALL servers with built-in weekly limits that encourages Healthy Competition in earning the #1 Ranked WvW Server Title for EU or NA.


LuL - On


Actually Guild Wars 2 competed & successfully won against other games in the "MMORPG" genre for market share...here's an example:



LuL - Off


Cue - Sounds of crickets...




For me...There's 3 Top Chronic Problems with WvW:


1) Reduce the direct impact of Server stacking to Match-Ups

2) Allow friends & family to play together from many different Worlds

3) Allow Off-peak capping, but let players to work out a solution themselves


Yours truly,



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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