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What Are Your Top 5 Problems with WvW?


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1- Skill lag.

2- The majority of people are afraid of dying in a videogame, they just run inside structures and eventualy lose it instead of fighting the enemy because they are/look a bit bigger.

3- I personally don't find zerging fun, i would rather have squads with 5 to 15 people working around the map and fighting other similar squads instead of everyone on the server rolling together as a giant blob. They could make changes to the point system or make attacking with a lot of people wayyy less rewarding. It's unlikely to happen but i'd love playing on a "meta" like that.

4- Siege weapons sucks, but i can't think of any suggestion right now.

5- Playing massively outnumbered sucks. I also don't have any suggestion for that right now.

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:



> 5. map variety


> I don't get the hate / dislike for the desert BL map, IMO it's the best of the WvW maps, with the most interesting keeps and additional features thanks to the shrines. I also don't see why we can only have EB, 2x alpine and 1x desert bl. Make more maps, swap them out each week.


When they first implemented desert borderlands, they did the swap thing. But the screaming, whining, and gnashing of the teeth from the playerbase made them decide to do the current system. I always thought the swap thing was pretty cool.....but a lot of players hated it.

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1)Lack of developer attention!

2)Lack of developer attention!

3)Lack of developer attention!

4)Lack of developer attention!

5)Lack of developer attention!

Raymond and Ben can talk all they want about "We are looking into this" and "We are talking about this"

But until they actually produce something, its just talk.

And talk is cheap

And time for talk is running short.

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Diminishing Returns For Lack Of New Blood

1. No Objective But Bag Farming - The point values and server matching focuses on who held the most objectives longest. But the zerg wants loot not objectives. Thus, there is a greater incentive to troll less experienced/organized mobs rather than to hold anything.

2. No Place for Noobs. They come in to start playing and get treated like trashbags. Noob is the most common insult and it's been a long time since I saw the NPC Commandet escorting fresh troops in.

3. Min/Maxer. The game mode caters to those who want the best build to troll others and then call them trash. No identification with one character type you invested all your ranks in like when it first came out.

4. PvP allowance. PvP allows for quick build mods at no cost. That isn't the case with WvW. If you're new and find your PvE favorite class is unpopular (Ranger kiddos) Then they may find themselves blowing gold on new items. Not a problem for me, but bad for Noobs.

5. Commander Dander. A number of Commanders and their flock are just abusive. Not good, just abusive. They project their insecurities on their group. I almost wish we had a rating system.

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1. Lack of competition in the game mode: winning and loosing seem te be simmular rewarding(except 2 pips)

2. Too long lasting links (if prefere every 4 weeks instead of 9, to stop bandwagoning and leave the dead servers dead)

3. Players mentality; dying in game is dying in reallife..the only people wanting to fight choose mostly only builds whom are in best place rather then whats fun

4. Giving links to overstacked servers who can camp place 1 in T1 (Both EU and na at the moment

5. Overstacking of maps to a single commander, rather then running in small groups over the map

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  • 2 months later...

list of 5 things, not in any specific order


- 4 maps with any node available to hit, this breaks any tug of war momentum ( ever have those commanders kill momentum? )

- balance, from the amount of CC/evade/dodge/immune's etc... being spammed, from 1 hit doing 35k+ damage, warclaws and everything else, it's not balanced.

- the time vs reward. sure you can get a little money flow coming when you get bags, but thats when there are fights and people... even then... pve vs pvp for time vs money is a joke. why not balance it

- the amount of non-pvp instances... from the ghost capping towers with a zerg, to havesting 3 nodes ina base, this kills pvp momentum... lets all stop to gather a couple silver worth of dog doo doo so i can create a tail on the commander and end up wiping in a fight moments later... all the npc filler stuff to bounce attacks off of, leaving you in combat to slow you down.... remove all that filler ai except the nodes specifically for AI ( birds, wolves, etc etc etc )

- the drive, the push to try to win, wanting to be in T1 because it's suppose to be somthing great when in reality, it sucks... the whole point system wanting to cap nodes for points to get your server the win.... for what?


I can't even just give 5 simple answers where it's like oh XYZ is a little off and needs to be fixed.

This is a can of worms ANet doesn't want to deal with, but it's still a huge issue being neglected.


I can go on more then 5 things, I feel like so can ANet... What's being done about it ANet ??? any comments to the hundreds if not thousands of unhappy gw2 pvp'ers? or should we all just ignor the topic, and a portion of the playerbase, which would be bigger given more options... but uhh spvp and wvw... cmon seriously?

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I can only think of 4 major ones that I believe needs immediate attention, others can wait

**1. the extremely stale blob meta from lack of class rebalance/rework**the only things i can think of are: reduces the number of boon share in wvw, cut down big shade damage dmg by 50%, reduce the number targets of aoe heal/barrier and some very toxic stealth and single burst kill builds

**2. Rewards and Progression**, cutdown the requirements for all rewards tracks by 2-3x and increase wxp bonus for escort and defencejust a simple comparison, I started doing PvP for the legendary backpack starting last year's xmas break, 3.5 season into playing PvP with max 3 matches per weekday, and avg 6-9 matches on weekends and holiday breaks, with a win rate of only 46%, I'm at rank 54 in PvP with total 596 games played over life time; say avg 20min per match including queue time, that's 198.5 hours spent in PvP in total; the legendary backpack got it done it 2.5 seasonsWhy I continued on doing PvP? because by my calculation, playing at the current pace, I should be able to hit Dragon rank, even likely to hit rank 100 by the year end, the requirement to unlock Mistforged Glorious Heroes armor skins, and at the same time working on the APs; have all the basic Glorious armor skins unlocked, plus done the track extra 2 times for the Mist Cores Frags needed for the legendary armors.How about WvW??? Count the current toon that I've WvW with for the past 12 months, about 500 hours in total, throw in the previous toons and other toons I've had, probably close to 800 hours; My WvW rank? 544legendary back back? took 4+ months of what felt like part time job every day to get it, 2-4 hours of wvw on weekdays after work, 10-14 hours on weekends, no way as chilled back as pvp isso let's use the requirement to start the progress on making the premium legenday armor as the comparison...it will take me 400 hours to hit the ceiling to earn the right to craft legendary armor in PvP, why I would bother to spend close to 3000 hours to earn that right to in WvW???I can expect people laugh at how little progression at wvw rank I'm making, which ties the following to my previous point (class balance/rework) and my next point (player population).The current state of WvW meta is basically who's got more boon sharing and mobile aoe dmg/heal/barrier who wins with barely or no men lost, and adding to the mix is that some WvW guilds would plant spy accounts onto opposing server, so when the weaker zerg moves onto a different bl, the stronger zerg follows and continues to farm off them, thus the players from the weaker zerg barely makes any progression towards their rank while the opposing team makes massive amount of progression from feeding; obviously you can run off to flip camps, but you are just making the zerg even weaker.Because WvW was built base on King of the Hill gameplay model, perhaps make it more rewarding for players defending SMC and Keeps? change the defence timer 5 min per cycle, but up the defence reward wxp to be 1.1x Camp, 1.25x Tower, 1.5x Keep, and 2x SMC of the exp gained when captured? (2x, 2.25x, 2.5x, 3x if on 10min timer?)This means the offensive team needs ample amount of preparation before attacking, ensure secured supply camp at backline if was going to be a prolonged battle. While the defending team needs to hold off as long as possible while maintaining their own supply line while trying to disrupt the offending side; it is pretty much the basics of warfare, whoever is not prepared or had their supplies cut-off will lose the war, it gives a good reason for defending players to defending the campThe change to how participation depreciates certain improved a lot, unlocking all basic Triumph skin is equivalent to around 117hours with full boosters on (exclude event), but certainly can be better if the total points of reward track can be cut down by 50%, making it more attractive for players to play WvW; and we all know the dreaded PvE players coming into WvW purely for GoBs.

**3. Population balancing**, we are hoping this will be addressed with the upcoming Alliance system.but in the short term, something can be done perhaps? you would at times you see a server have populated squads across all maps, while another server only have a single squad or two; and doesnt help with those pip farmers just chilling out on outnumbered maps.What if we ditch the entire map ruins bonus system and switch to apply stats bonus and seige weapon bonus base on the entire server's captured territory? the losing server will get bonus stats base on how many they are under the benchmark of 8 camps, 8 towers, 4 keeps, 1 smc, plus play population difference %, regardless of which map they are on?we all know that unlike other traditional MMO that you can purely overpower someone with just stats, in GW2 you can still win a fight base on your skills without that extra stats bonus.

**4. The lags...** i'm guessing this one will be difficult to resolve, as it is more to do with the infrastructuresobviously Anet can pay for premium servers and better pipes at Amazon, but the majority of GW2 players aren't willing to spend much, and unlike Blizzard, Anet does not have other games that they can funnel the funds from

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Idk why we necrod this but I LIKE it :)


1) Players more interested in exploiting flaws than playing within the ruleset, which was actually quite fun back when we used to do it . . .


2) Players afraid to fight if there is a chance they might die . . .


3) Population imbalance . . .


4) def nerfs . . .


5) I don't really have a five. I guess maybe that there's never really a good place to stop, always new ppl to fight, too addictive . . .

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1) ppl that completely ignore objectives and fight in nowhere land (aka SMC) for hours, dont conquer anything, freely give hard-earned (by others) T2 structures to the enemy, call it "competitive" and complain about "non-meta casuals", and they even do it on reset, big looool


In other team games, these are the ppl that get reported by me for intentionally playing bad and screwing the victory for their teammates. In this game you get a "Oh we need more coms, so just let him do his thing."


2) transferring should be 1 week before relinking, so that ppl only transfer if they get tired of their server, and not for better matchmakings


3) SlB


4) harvesting nodes, that cant be harvested during capping :3


5) get a rage whisper from a guy who simultaneously blocks you (not really a problem, its funny, but it could even be more fun if one could reply)



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1 - Algorithm how is calculate a server full

2 - Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage

3 - Closed server . It should be allowed 24h transfer at least every two weeks of matchup for the server that are named " Full "

4 - ANET , more dialogue with community and openess

5 - No incentive to grow up as Tier , add a reward for the server that win the skirmish

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1. **Server (Population / Coverage / Transfer)**: Anet should check their algorithms;

2. **More ways to help own server**: Not just joining the zerg;

3. **Wall / Gates**: Rethink HP and Damage Reduction (from T1 to T3), make people and sieges useful if placed on the walls;

4. **Camps**: I can flip a T3 camp alone before you can see the "white swords", It's useless to put Speedy Dolyaks etc;

5. **Reason to fight**: Not just "fight for the server", gimme a competitive system, rewards, season leaderboards (like old WvW Seasons), guild activity bonuses / rewards etc.

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > > > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > > 1. Population imbalances/nightcaps/coverage - rolling all these into one because it's just a given now.

> > > > 2. The Skills and Balance Team don't appear to be REALLY balancing skills. Controversial? Derogatory? Factual? I'm just saying how it APPEARS to me. PoF botched the class balance and the minor tweaks of balance patches aren't cutting the mustard. The zerg meta is horrible. Ganker builds are too strong vs groups - thieves can run away forever, warriors can tank forever, engineers can sustain forever etc. One-shotting is a thing and it really shouldn't be, the skill gap between good and bad players is too high.

> > > > 3. Crowd Control is out of control - see what I did there? This has been a problem since HoT's breakbars appeared. Now we've got pulls galore and it's just not FUN, even if you CAN do it to enemies yourself.

> > > > 4. Shield bubbles make sieging by large groups waaaaaay too easy and lack counters.

> > > > 5. Dominant sides are difficult to challenge because everybody naturally picks on the weak server. There is no handicapping, there should be some.

> > > >

> > > > Those are as if WvW is going to remain as it is. If we're getting a new map or mechanic, well, that's something I can't predict.

> > > > Minor issues would be things like;

> > > > -weak guild keep upgrades/keep banners, can't carry a dragon/turtle/centaur banner on a mount, etc

> > > > -new players need a rent-a-warclaw, they're getting annihilated back there by aforementioned OP gankers. It's heartbreaking to watch! Rent-a-Warclaw should be an inventory item that players can use for 24 hours and then disappears at a cost of ~1g. I think that's reasonable for 24 hours.

> > >

> > > Only if rent-a-mount is restricted to POF owners who haven't finished the unlock requirements. Otherwise there is literally no incentive for them to buy the xpac since their dailies will pay 2g.

> > As the mounts - not to mention elites - show, like 90% of the WvW population already have PoF. This argument is pretty pointless.

> >


> I don't know the stats. But the way people ask for mount rentals makes it seem like no one knows it's possible to unlock it in a day (or a weekend if you're not determined enough).


Then they should get there wallets out and pay like the rest of us. If you can afford a pc, even an internet connection then there is no argument about "I have no money for pof"

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