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Skyscale mount [Merged]

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I hope it's not just a reskinned griffon, otherwise they might as well just... Update the griffon xd


Also the roller beetle was a bit annoying to get, I hope this unlock will be more interesting


I must say, new mounts are waaaaay better than masteries that give you clunky mount skills...

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Yep, that's definitely real.


> Cool. We finally get to see the "stick to walls" idea originally intended for that "spider mount" in one way or another.


> Oh, we also get a sneaky look at the new map. First impression is Kourna 2.0


Too green to be Kourna, IMO. Though it definitely has an Elonian feel, and it seems to be coastal and mountainous Which suggests a bit north to me, maybe northern Dajkah or Scavenger's Causeway.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> _What!?_ They're finally adding a **dragon mount**!? :o =) :o


> I'm torn between hyper-excitement, and wondering how on earth they're going to explain that given all the lore we have around dragons. (I guess it will involve them being a different species, like wyverns, but surely it would have come up at some point that there are other kinds of dragons in Tyria? Especially in what looks like a new bit of Elona.)


What's there to explain? In GW1, we had Bone Dragons that were the front half of dragon corpses/skeletons, that lived in Orr and the Shiverpeaks ages past; they would have been the same general shape/size as Glint really. In GW2 Maguuma (and Crystal Desert), we have wyverns which some NPCs actually call dragons. In GW1 Cantha, we had saltspray dragons, rockhide dragons, and dragon mosses; though the latter two were more drake-like and the former more wyvern-like than dragon-like.


Point being, the idea of dragons being a "superspecies" was established in GW1, even if not a focus.


The bigger question is where this is and why no one's found dragons before, rather than how we have dragons.

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Im a bit worried for it not to become WoW mount , aka , destroyer of map exploration, i really hope they will have and continue to have limitations and not make springer or griffin outdated.


I assume it will have similar restrictions to previous mounts and won't be totally free flying like WoW mounts. It's hard to tell from that video how far it can fly, but I suspect it will be similar to gliding and flying the griffon where it will gradually lose height over time so you can't keep flying forever.


I'm intrigued by the wall jumping mechanic though. In that video it doesn't look like it jumps very high, but the combination of flight and wall jumping means it might be able to reach some places the springer/griffon currently can't. I don't think it would be anything game breaking, but just cool places I currently can't get to.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Kinda sad tbh they reused the griffon model a third time. Would rather see a diff model entirely for another mount, at this point is the griffon but breathes fire.


> If the mount was more akin to a wyvern it would be more exciting imo.


Yea, it really looks like they reused the griffon model again. A wyvern would've been original and distinguishable from the others mounts...

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Curious about the functionality. If it just permanently hovers and had to have a wall to stick to to gain altitude that feels like kind of a waste. If it loses height then it’s kind of lame. If it just gains height freely but goes really slow and hovers that’s a nice balance. It would feel kind of pointless making it another flying mount and then countering that functionality with a bunch of restrictions for the sake of giving it restrictions. I can understand not wanting to have it overshadow the springer with height gain, but if you’re going to make it another flying mount why not just go all in? I mean, I’m excited to have a dragon mount either way, but if they give it a bunch of restrictions why not just redesign the griffin with a new mastery or something in the form of a new mount? Idk. I guess we’ll have to wait and see it in game to really know. The video and article didn’t really give a whole lot of details.

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Seriously.. another new mount already?


Well I guess I was wrong..

This one looks to be a genuine flier instead of a glider like the Griffon and can stick to walls..


I have to ask though.. why?

Sure the Griffon is a special case mount you have to invest quite a bit to obtain but these abilities could easily have been applied to the Griffon and in all honesty should be applied to the Griffon rather than a whole new mount.

Could have just made the Griffon a temp unlock for the new map for those who don't have it.


I dunno.. I like the idea of a dragon mount don't get me wrong.. it's just that we just got the Warclaw and now we have another mount which really is far too close to an already existing mount.


Maybe it's just the timing of another mount but it feels a little too fast and a little too unnecessary to justify atm.


If I had to give an opinion on what I would have done instead I would upgraded the Griffon to be a proper flier with a hover which would give it a lot more value to the players who made the big investment to get it.

Then the new mount I would have given climbing and quick gliding cpabilities.. kinda like a flying squirrel, climing rock spires then gliding to another.. gliding between cliffs and stuff like a flying squirrel would between trees.

That would make them both different enough to justify imo.

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Lisa gulps hard. I do not have the Griffon, but, but I want this mount....please Anet...think of your shy, less talented players...make this mount attainable by ALL your playerbase...not just the young whippersnappers with the young whippersnapper coordination that goes along with being a young whippersnapper :)


I, umm, after six years, am doing the ascended thing. I have my Necromancer decked out in ascended armor, weaponry, trinkets, backpack, and even an ascended water breather. If this beautiful creature takes teaming to get...well...I am going to take a deep breath and do so...just need to find a team or guild...or something...please Anet...I want it. If it is in my 60 year old power, I have a birthday coming up in June and am trying to get used to being 60, I will gladly do it..even pay double what the Griffon cost.


Tally ho the mount :)


Lisa-Choosing to be optimistic :)

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Seriously.. another new mount already?


> Well I guess I was wrong..

> This one looks to be a genuine flier instead of a glider like the Griffon and can stick to walls..


> I have to ask though.. why?

> Sure the Griffon is a special case mount you have to invest quite a bit to obtain but these abilities could easily have been applied to the Griffon and in all honesty should be applied to the Griffon rather than a whole new mount.

> Could have just made the Griffon a temp unlock for the new map for those who don't have it.


> I dunno.. I like the idea of a dragon mount don't get me wrong.. it's just that we just got the Warclaw and now we have another mount which really is far too close to an already existing mount.


> Maybe it's just the timing of another mount but it feels a little too fast and a little too unnecessary to justify atm.


> If I had to give an opinion on what I would have done instead I would upgraded the Griffon to be a proper flier with a hover which would give it a lot more value to the players who made the big investment to get it.

> Then the new mount I would have given climbing and quick gliding cpabilities.. kinda like a flying squirrel, climing rock spires then gliding to another.. gliding between cliffs and stuff like a flying squirrel would between trees.

> That would make them both different enough to justify imo.


Because ppl would bitch if anet asked them to have griffon for a lw release.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> _What!?_ They're finally adding a **dragon mount**!? :o =) :o


> I'm torn between hyper-excitement, and wondering how on earth they're going to explain that given all the lore we have around dragons. (I guess it will involve them being a different species, like wyverns, but surely it would have come up at some point that there are other kinds of dragons in Tyria? Especially in what looks like a new bit of Elona.)


> Honestly though, right now excitement is winning. I love dragons and the idea of getting to ride one in GW2, where I've had so much fun soaring across the maps on my griffon, is amazing.


> Now for a personal dilemma: should I be honest with myself and dye it green, or wildly optimistic and dye it gold? Or go with fan service and some changes to my characters backstory and dye it blue because it's my favourite colour? (If you don't get the reference just take this as me rambling on about using GW2 as a replacement for a game I desperately want which will never happen.)


It is not a wyvern, a wyvern has its front legs on its wings, dragons have 4 legs on main body with wings on the back.


Aurene found a love partner i guess.

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well...so RIP Griffon...


The only way this won't kill the griffon as a mount is that they nerf it so bad as far as speed that people just use this to gain height...which then means RIP Bunny.


Oh well. Any chance we can get some trade in value for our old mounts? They only have a few 1000 miles on them...

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