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Season 17 - Bunker Meta


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A bunker meta is the least interactive possible and it's back and worse than ever season 17. Bunker meta is literally like hitting a moving target dummy all match. It's uninteractive and results in a bland gameplay experience. The game's at an all time low; 2-3 bunkers per match and nothing dies with <5 kills per game. I'd rather have it on the other extreme end with a 1 shot meta... at least the adrenaline gets going a little in anticipation of who presses X key first.


Not even going to finish my placements this season. Can't even go to WvW to PvP anymore with the introduction of triple-dodge perma superspeed CC/snare/root immune war kitten.~


Finished ~1650 last season so I doubt it's a L2P issue


It's great that it's playable again, but to start I'd suggest buffing scrapper damage and nerfing sustain; this seems to be the root of the problem.


Your thoughts?

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There's nothing wrong with a bruiser/bunker meta when they can kill each other, and in a reasonable amount of time. I don't believe that is the current situation right now though.


Everything is entirely overtuned and needs to be brought down in power across the board right now.


Small but significant thing; it's only season 16: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/pvp-league-season-16-begins-next-week/

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> 1 shot meta is the worst. at least in bunker meta you have time to press skills, and random brain deads cant creep out of the wood work and land some cheap instakill.


Of course, there is no middleground between tanking indefinitely and oneshotting.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > 1 shot meta is the worst. at least in bunker meta you have time to press skills, and random brain deads cant creep out of the wood work and land some cheap instakill.


> Of course, there is no middleground between tanking indefinitely and oneshotting.


as anet has proven, no.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > 1 shot meta is the worst. at least in bunker meta you have time to press skills, and random brain deads cant creep out of the wood work and land some cheap instakill.

> >

> > Of course, there is no middleground between tanking indefinitely and oneshotting.


> as anet has proven, no.


Not rly true.

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What if we just deleted everyone's Heal Skill and bumped up everyone's health pools 2-4x to compensate so the only healing in the game requires dedicated weapon sets and utility skills? That way everyone's ability to repeatedly resustain a fight is significantly hampered, and even tanky builds will run out of steam eventually.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> What if we just deleted everyone's Heal Skill and bumped up everyone's health pools 2-4x to compensate so the only healing in the game requires dedicated weapon sets and utility skills? That way everyone's ability to repeatedly resustain a fight is significantly hampered, and even tanky builds will run out of steam eventually.



Anet can just admit they fcked up and they can actually do the proper thing of making classes fall under the good ol triad of tank, healing, and dps in pvp.


Healer give you the bigger heals and boons, Tanks become the sponges and cc juggernauts, and DPS becomes the assassins that do not get sustain unless they rely on things like combos, stealth, and mobility. Idk why they thought it was a good plan to hybridize EVERYTHING just to 'stand out' from other mmos. They already stand out enough with their combat style and WvW alone.

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> @"Shadow Order.7258" said:

> > @"SexyMofo.8923" said:

> > Remember when we had a bunker meta and the scores ended in a 0-0 tie? Those were the most boring games to watch.


> You act like people still watch this kitten gamemode.


They mean before, when the first bunker meta killed any hope of a competitive esports scene for sPvP.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Man the bunkers are so strong they are immortal. Just play it and win. Takes 50 mins to kill on..... Oh wait


> https://youtu.be/mI80zsNaW0M


> What's this?


> Oh wait I don't care that there builds out there that can kill it. Still op. Don't care what video or evidence. Still bunker op.


> What's that? You can out rotate?


> Na don't care still op.


Just because some gold tier newbies can't dodge doesn't mean this build is op. I can hardly achieve 5k crits on scrappers.. when they aren't evade / block chaining endlessly.


As someone suggested, remove heal skills or better yet just increase their cool down to like 60 seconds. Increase the time by 40s so a 20s heal cd would be 60s instead. This way you still don't need a healer just te recover after a fight but perma sustain isn't a thing either. Oh and while they are at it, nerf spike dmg too.

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I'd also like to say that the bunker meta is terrible, it's just that I can't see it. Started playing ranked again only a few hours ago, and 20 matches in, every match I played was won by the more agressive (yolo-ish even) comp.

Sustain and damage is both unreasonably high, the second you find an opening on the enemy bunker, it gets deleted in an instant.


But I agree that with the recent buffs to scrapper and the ongoing nerfs to the glass cannon builds, we could arrive at a true bunker meta with the next patch. So please dont do that?

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All i see is people not wanting to adjust for the situation. So now the big bunker is scrapper, think about what it weakness is..... ding ding ding cc with some power pressure and since it is a bunker and its whole point is to stall people you need +1 so you take the best cc right now with holo and someone with damage to land the killing blow. I'm not saying that scrapper doesn't need some numbers adjustments on gyros but you can still apply +1 to play around it.

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