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So, do you think Aurene will return in Episode 6: War Eternal?


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She's more a teenager at that point, due to the magical burst from Balthazar (dragon aging/maturing is weird, and keep in mind that most animals mature a lot faster than humans, dragons likely the same). She's also been in countless battles since then, such as being chased all over the place by The Shatterer. She trained to face her fears and the concept of dying, and went into battle knowing she may die.


The visions of her death felt more traumatic for her than anything in All or Nothing.

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its pretty transparent she gonna be like the unicorn and resurrect herself. i mean, otherwise their was no point to introduce her in the first place and get to know her only to kill her off in a very predictable way. i mean she was too lovable from the start it was a given that she was gonna die at some point.

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No need to resurrect aurene, we have caithe essentially replacing her as a minion.

I will also go further and say that aurene never truly died in the same way that Mordremoth truly died once we sacrificed Trahearne because Mordremoths’ spirit was still present even though we killed him within his mind.


All in all, we just need to make sure that Caithe never dies to ensure that Aurene is never truly gone.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> No need to resurrect aurene, we have caithe essentially replacing her as a minion.

> I will also go further and say that aurene never truly died in the same way that Mordremoth truly died once we sacrificed Trahearne because Mordremoths’ spirit was still present even though we killed him within his mind.


> All in all, we just need to make sure that Caithe never dies to ensure that Aurene is never truly gone.


If the guild chat was sincere, the devs originally planned on killing both Aurene and Caithe off in this episode but decided it would reduce the impact of Aurene's death to kill Caithe as well.


So to me, that implies that Caithe wasn't really intended to portray that large of a role in the story moving forward. Whether they changed their minds and rewrote it so that she would be, or have plans to kill Caithe in a later episode, perhaps one involving the resurrection of Aurene, who knows.


I would have thought Caithe's requiem story would divulge a little more detail about what Aurene told her her purpose was that she was so 'humbled' by, but they could be saving that for the actual episode. I would assume there is a reason they are saving hers for last though, so we may find out in the next couple weeks what happened during their little mindshare moment.

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Can we say at least that for now the dragon family is reunited in the Mists? I'm not very familiar with that place. At least now in death, Glint, Vlast and Aurene can stay together, right? The poor siblings didn't even know each other.

So even if she won't come back, I'm quite happy for her. They suffered enough, for us. Hmm, wait, Kralkatorrik is also in the Mists :/


EDIT: what if we could fight Kralkatorrik in the Mists? Recently it seems there are more souls there than in Tyria.

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I do not know how long it will take, but I do think that Aurene needs to come back. On a meta-textual level, killing her off has been a major story buzzkill for a number of players I have talked with. As in they are not interested in playing a story where Aurene remains dead. I do suspect that they would quit the game if that remained the case. Fighting on behalf of cuteness is a strong motivator for many, and it should not be underestimated as a factor in how people engage with this game's story.


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A lot of people lose interest when their favorite character gets killed off or otherwise removed from the story. However, generally speaking, bringing that character back just to fulfill a certain size of audience at the cost of narration and the finality of removing a character via death, tends to hurt more than help.


So if they bring back Aurene, I hope it won't just be because people love her. I'd rather they try to make a new means to captivating those people losing interest.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> My guess is that she ascended because of her fight with the dragon, and transcended her physical form.


> Maybe the skyscale is her 'legacy' in some way.


I guess another potential is that she did somehow mind meld into Caithe, and now Caithe can act as a vessel until we plant Aurene into a skyscale? I don't know. lol Was kind of hoping for another teaser of somekind today, to provide a bit more speculation. But oh well. Maybe next Tuesday.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> I guess another potential is that she did somehow mind meld into Caithe, and now Caithe can act as a vessel until we plant Aurene into a skyscale? I don't know. lol Was kind of hoping for another teaser of somekind today, to provide a bit more speculation. But oh well. Maybe next Tuesday.

If they were originally planning on killing Caithe in Ep. 5, then that possibility seems less likely as part of the pre-planned LWS4 arc.


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > My guess is that she ascended because of her fight with the dragon, and transcended her physical form.

> >

> > Maybe the skyscale is her 'legacy' in some way.


> I guess another potential is that she did somehow mind meld into Caithe, and now Caithe can act as a vessel until we plant Aurene into a skyscale? I don't know. lol Was kind of hoping for another teaser of somekind today, to provide a bit more speculation. But oh well. Maybe next Tuesday.


Caithe said that she could no longer feel her.


When Mordremoth hid inside Trahearne he could still feel the dragon inside him. Whatever is left from Aurene doesn't seem to be in her remains, inside Caithe or anywhere else in the physical plane.


That limits it mostly to her being sent to mists, being absorbed by Kralkatorrik, merging with the Commander and the commander being unable to feel it, or fading into nothingness.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > My guess is that she ascended because of her fight with the dragon, and transcended her physical form.

> > >

> > > Maybe the skyscale is her 'legacy' in some way.

> >

> > I guess another potential is that she did somehow mind meld into Caithe, and now Caithe can act as a vessel until we plant Aurene into a skyscale? I don't know. lol Was kind of hoping for another teaser of somekind today, to provide a bit more speculation. But oh well. Maybe next Tuesday.


> Caithe said that she could no longer feel her.


> When Mordremoth hid inside Trahearne he could still feel the dragon inside him. Whatever is left from Aurene doesn't seem to be in her remains, inside Caithe or anywhere else in the physical plane.


> That limits it mostly to her being sent to mists, being absorbed by Kralkatorrik, merging with the Commander and the commander being unable to feel it, or fading into nothingness.


Maybe because Trahearne was Mordremoth creation?

While Caithe and Aurine just had tiny moment, Caithe couldn't even explain properly what she feels.

There is one question left if Aurine is dead, what happened to her energy?

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > My guess is that she ascended because of her fight with the dragon, and transcended her physical form.

> > > >

> > > > Maybe the skyscale is her 'legacy' in some way.

> > >

> > > I guess another potential is that she did somehow mind meld into Caithe, and now Caithe can act as a vessel until we plant Aurene into a skyscale? I don't know. lol Was kind of hoping for another teaser of somekind today, to provide a bit more speculation. But oh well. Maybe next Tuesday.

> >

> > Caithe said that she could no longer feel her.

> >

> > When Mordremoth hid inside Trahearne he could still feel the dragon inside him. Whatever is left from Aurene doesn't seem to be in her remains, inside Caithe or anywhere else in the physical plane.

> >

> > That limits it mostly to her being sent to mists, being absorbed by Kralkatorrik, merging with the Commander and the commander being unable to feel it, or fading into nothingness.


> Maybe because Trahearne was Mordremoth creation?

> While Caithe and Aurine just had tiny moment, Caithe couldn't even explain properly what she feels.

> There is one question left if Aurine is dead, what happened to her energy?


Given that joko had a small magic bubble burst, I don’t recall seeing that with Aurene. But they conveniently structured the scene to not show that. So, it could go either way at this point. Given that Aurene had to chomp down on Joko to unbind and devour his magic, I would assume Kralk would have had to do the same with Aurene which we didn’t see happen in this episode. So he didn’t need to for whatever reason, or it’s still there and will just slowly drip out over time assuming that the vessel for it is completely dead.



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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > > My guess is that she ascended because of her fight with the dragon, and transcended her physical form.

> > > > >

> > > > > Maybe the skyscale is her 'legacy' in some way.

> > > >

> > > > I guess another potential is that she did somehow mind meld into Caithe, and now Caithe can act as a vessel until we plant Aurene into a skyscale? I don't know. lol Was kind of hoping for another teaser of somekind today, to provide a bit more speculation. But oh well. Maybe next Tuesday.

> > >

> > > Caithe said that she could no longer feel her.

> > >

> > > When Mordremoth hid inside Trahearne he could still feel the dragon inside him. Whatever is left from Aurene doesn't seem to be in her remains, inside Caithe or anywhere else in the physical plane.

> > >

> > > That limits it mostly to her being sent to mists, being absorbed by Kralkatorrik, merging with the Commander and the commander being unable to feel it, or fading into nothingness.

> >

> > Maybe because Trahearne was Mordremoth creation?

> > While Caithe and Aurine just had tiny moment, Caithe couldn't even explain properly what she feels.

> > There is one question left if Aurine is dead, what happened to her energy?


> Given that joko had a small magic bubble burst, I don’t recall seeing that with Aurene. But they conveniently structured the scene to not show that. So, it could go either way at this point. Given that Aurene had to chomp down on Joko to unbind and devour his magic, I would assume Kralk would have had to do the same with Aurene which we didn’t see happen in this episode. So he didn’t need to for whatever reason, or it’s still there and will just slowly drip out over time assuming that the vessel for it is completely dead.


Hmmm, a bite probably isn't necessary - after all, Kralk didn't bite Balthazar, Zhaitan, or Mordremoth (corpse or living). The magic just needs to be freed and accessible. With Joko, the bite would be necessary to unbind the spell that kept Joko immortal; without immortality, Aurene's magic would be free reign to take without physical contact.


And per Zafirah's requiem, it seems Aurene's body is without any magic:


_"My god is dead. Aurene, gone. The warmth of Balthazar's spirit is now just cold, lifeless crystal. Kralkatorrik took her from me, just as his Brand will soon take this world."_


I'd assume that "the warmth of Balthazar's spirit" is a reference to the felling that Zafirah had of recognizing Balthazar's power within Aurene. Which means Balthazar's power is no longer in Aurene - safe to say, the rest of her magic is gone too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> >

> > Caithe said that she could no longer feel her.

> >

> > When Mordremoth hid inside Trahearne he could still feel the dragon inside him. Whatever is left from Aurene doesn't seem to be in her remains, inside Caithe or anywhere else in the physical plane.

> >

> > That limits it mostly to her being sent to mists, being absorbed by Kralkatorrik, merging with the Commander and the commander being unable to feel it, or fading into nothingness.


> Maybe because Trahearne was Mordremoth creation?

I think Trahearne is a bad example. He was severely traumatized and extremely exhausted. This could have been a hallucination, really. (Well, except for the fact that he happened to be right, apparently. But still. Trauma.)

On the other hand, all the other Sylvari - Caithe, Canach, the PC in some cases - did not hear Mordremoth anymore. So that connection was not there for all his minions.

Also, remember the one ex-mordrem sylvari at last year's Festival of the Four Winds: He could _still_ hear Mordremoth's voice, even after he was clearly defeated.


So... Personally, I don't really take Trahearne's or Caithe's connection or lack thereof too seriously. Their impressions can be really unreliable.

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> Also, remember the one ex-mordrem sylvari at last year's Festival of the Four Winds: He could _still_ hear Mordremoth's voice, even after he was clearly defeated.


pretty sure that was more PTSD related



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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > Also, remember the one ex-mordrem sylvari at last year's Festival of the Four Winds: He could _still_ hear Mordremoth's voice, even after he was clearly defeated.


> pretty sure that was more PTSD related

Exactly. And that's why I also doubt Trahearne. Except, well, we saw he was right.

However, Mordremoth's minions in general could never tell really reliably if he was still around or not. So I also doubt Caithe concerning Aurene. The storytelling could go either way from here, no matter what Caithe said.



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The only thing i don't get from other players here is the whole "Aurene was dying over and over" that occurred in Aurene's vision/prophecy.

That did not seem to be a loop of endless death to me, but merely different scenarios that were tried, all resulting in the same.


-Tried by herself = failed

-Tried with commander and friends = failed

-Tried with Pact* aid from the ground = failed

-Tried with Pact* aid from the sky = failed.


All the failures shown were slightly different, but each failed and had the same final result, her death.

So i do not think those visions were of her dying over and over, but simply the various scenarios she played out, all with the same result.

Besides, to me, it would make more sense and is the reason for her being dispirited the way she was, cause she could see no way to over come no matter what her and the commander did.


And at this point, her vision did indeed come true. Since we don't know what Glint told her, we don't know if there is some other plan in motion that is meant for this to "help" in some way or get things moving in the right direction.


Edit: Pact* = not just the Pact, but all allies or various combinations there of.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> My question would be why new GS has such a name and why teaser they keep showing sylvari? Plenty of room to speculate but I'll juts wait for episode to be out.


There's only two sylvari, technically. They used the same sylvari to show off every Mist Shard armor, which felt a bit weird. Same face, skin color, skin texture, eye color, etc. Then there was the male sylvari who showed off the greatsword, and a female human who rode the Skyscale.


Other than those three special-made characters, they just showed some Olmakhan NPCs in the background.


So I doubt the constant showing of sylvari matters for much.


> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Fenella.2634" said:

> > > Also, remember the one ex-mordrem sylvari at last year's Festival of the Four Winds: He could _still_ hear Mordremoth's voice, even after he was clearly defeated.

> >

> > pretty sure that was more PTSD related

> Exactly. And that's why I also doubt Trahearne. Except, well, we saw he was right.

> However, Mordremoth's minions in general could never tell really reliably if he was still around or not. So I also doubt Caithe concerning Aurene. The storytelling could go either way from here, no matter what Caithe said.


I dunno. It's one thing for PTSD to make someone think someone's still around, and another thing for someone to not feel someone else's presence in their mind at all. Like you said, most sylvari like Canach and Caithe didn't feel Mordremoth after his death, and they were right.


While there is a margin of error for Caithe, empirical evidence would suggest that "feeling the lack of" is more reliable than "feeling the abundance of".


On top of that, we have Zafirah's Requiem which restates that Aurene's magic is gone, and her body is a lifeless corpse, while she wept and contemplated beside it for gods know how long. If Aurene had a presence, Zafirah would also be able to sense it just as she sensed Balthazar's magic in the sword and Aurene, be it in the corpse or Caithe or something else so long as said "something else" was near Zafirah.


> @"Xovian.8572" said:

> The only thing i don't get from other players here is the whole "Aurene was dying over and over" that occurred in Aurene's vision/prophecy.

> That did not seem to be a loop of endless death to me, but merely different scenarios that were tried, all resulting in the same.


It wasn't a loop of endless deaths. People are just hoping for some 'alternative interpretation' that prophecies in myth and fiction tend to so thoroughly enjoy exploiting in an attempt to explain how Aurene can come back to life and the most direct alternative interpretation they can fathom is endless looping deaths.

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