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Guilds in GW2 ?


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Hello everyone,


I thought I might make a post about Guilds, but first I feel it would be better to have a general idea about what everyone thinks of "Guilds in GW2" so, I'm just generally curious what are your thoughts on GW2 Guilds right now?


- Decorations, customisations, guilds activities, guilds upgrades, guilds utilisation etc...


Feel free to post anything, it's great to have a wide variety of opinion.

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Theres prob a thread already on this tho i'll admit i dont remember it if there is one, usually most are opinion pieces on the guild system and its limitations/ short commings.


Ill say... i find the guild system in gw2 to be barebones, underutilised,lacking basic features for an mmo. If i was to put in a single word id say abandoned.

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before HoT guilds where nothing more then a chatroom with the weekly missions. This changed with the halls and everything with them. This was done after a long consult of the community to talk how to improve it. I personally think that within the GW2universe, guilds have expanded as far as they can go in the current state of the game. simply cause you can not force people to do content with a specific group of players. So in theory, they could make a few guildraids. To make them succesfull you need agood reward, or a raid mode that is exclusive to people. It is ok to introduce this with a new feature (e.g. raids), but not now. The same goes for all other things. It either make people feel left out when they are not in a guild or feel like they are forced to do things with their guild. Neither is good.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> before HoT guilds where nothing more then a chatroom with the weekly missions. This changed with the halls and everything with them. This was done after a long consult of the community to talk how to improve it. I personally think that within the GW2universe, guilds have expanded as far as they can go in the current state of the game. simply cause you can not force people to do content with a specific group of players. So in theory, they could make a few guildraids. To make them succesfull you need agood reward, or a raid mode that is exclusive to people. It is ok to introduce this with a new feature (e.g. raids), but not now. The same goes for all other things. It either make people feel left out when they are not in a guild or feel like they are forced to do things with their guild. Neither is good.


I dont necessarily agree, ofc you can have fontent that heavily incentivises coprdinated group play, which in turn incentivises finding a guild.


The problem is that even with said content the current guild system is just makimg the whole process harder for ppl to come together and do the content.


The game has been out for 6 or 7 years and we still dont have a guild search function.

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For me guilds in any MMO are mainly a group of people to talk to while playing. The benefit over just using map chat is you can keep talking without being stuck in one place, and as it's a consistent group you get to know each other and can have better/more in-depth conversations. Plus you probably have at least some things in common beyond just playing the same game.


Being able to ask guild members to help is a bonus, and can be a lot of fun as guild runs are typically more relaxed than playing with strangers, at least for me.


I don't really consider dedicated guild content necessary, IMO anything which isn't strictly solo content (meaning instances where you cannot bring another person, which I don't think GW2 has but some games do) can be guild content, especially things which need a big group. Of course there will often be other people present too, but I don't see that as a problem.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > before HoT guilds where nothing more then a chatroom with the weekly missions. This changed with the halls and everything with them. This was done after a long consult of the community to talk how to improve it. I personally think that within the GW2universe, guilds have expanded as far as they can go in the current state of the game. simply cause you can not force people to do content with a specific group of players. So in theory, they could make a few guildraids. To make them succesfull you need agood reward, or a raid mode that is exclusive to people. It is ok to introduce this with a new feature (e.g. raids), but not now. The same goes for all other things. It either make people feel left out when they are not in a guild or feel like they are forced to do things with their guild. Neither is good.


> I dont necessarily agree, ofc you can have fontent that heavily incentivises coprdinated group play, which in turn incentivises finding a guild.


> The problem is that even with said content the current guild system is just makimg the whole process harder for ppl to come together and do the content.


What do you mean exactly that "guild systems is just making the whole process harder for ppl to come together" aren't Guilds supposed to do just that, bring a community of players with similar interests to play together? If you could elaborate please.


> The game has been out for 6 or 7 years and we still dont have a guild search function.


I agree, some basic in-game Guild search / Guild information could be useful.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> For me guilds in any MMO are mainly a group of people to talk to while playing. The benefit over just using map chat is you can keep talking without being stuck in one place, and as it's a consistent group you get to know each other and can have better/more in-depth conversations. Plus you probably have at least some things in common beyond just playing the same game.


> Being able to ask guild members to help is a bonus, and can be a lot of fun as guild runs are typically more relaxed than playing with strangers, at least for me.


> I don't really consider dedicated guild content necessary, IMO anything which isn't strictly solo content (meaning instances where you cannot bring another person, which I don't think GW2 has but some games do) can be guild content, especially things which need a big group. Of course there will often be other people present too, but I don't see that as a problem.


What about Guild activities? Let's say, if Guild Wars 2 was to bring some GvG content like in GW1 but adapted to GW2 and maybe a bit more PvE oriented, let's say give players a lot of more control and let them add NPC or else to defend Guild Halls.

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> @"tim.4596" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > For me guilds in any MMO are mainly a group of people to talk to while playing. The benefit over just using map chat is you can keep talking without being stuck in one place, and as it's a consistent group you get to know each other and can have better/more in-depth conversations. Plus you probably have at least some things in common beyond just playing the same game.

> >

> > Being able to ask guild members to help is a bonus, and can be a lot of fun as guild runs are typically more relaxed than playing with strangers, at least for me.

> >

> > I don't really consider dedicated guild content necessary, IMO anything which isn't strictly solo content (meaning instances where you cannot bring another person, which I don't think GW2 has but some games do) can be guild content, especially things which need a big group. Of course there will often be other people present too, but I don't see that as a problem.


> What about Guild activities? Let's say, if Guild Wars 2 was to bring some GvG content like in GW1 but adapted to GW2 and maybe a bit more PvE oriented, let's say give players a lot of more control and let them add NPC or else to defend Guild Halls.


You'd have to ask people who play PvP. I played GW1 for 6 years (and still do play it occasionally) and never touch GvG. In guilds I was part of the hall mainly seemed to be used for 1v1 fights by people testing builds, but that could just be because they weren't PvP guilds. I know we have arenas in guild halls now, and people can make private PvP arenas too, but I guess those are somehow different from GvG.


PvP with PvE elements sounds like you may as well be playing WvW, which as someone else said is already one of the main guild activities.

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Guilds in GW2 are what you(and your guildies) make of it. Anet has abandoned developing guild content as the game moved to being more and more solo'able or "a single player game you can share with a community" rather than an actual MMORPG.

The places where guilds matter most by design are WvW and Raids I'd guess, as those two are the only pieces of content that require a certain number of active players and some dedication to teamwork. The rest of the game requires as little interaction between players as possible to not offend the vocal "this game was marketed as play how you want and I want to play solo"-crowd.

But my first statement still stands. The game lets you create a guild and gives you plenty of tool to manage ranks, a guild bank, a guild hall as you see fit for you and your m8s.

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Some aspects of Guilds are still nonsensical, and some of them havent been adressed :


-Guild hall do not have all profession crafting benches, when it would make sense for them to have it in the workshop

-Guilds are seperated in Guild wars 2 due to choice of servers vs megaserver (that will be addressed with the Alliance system, which has been said to come a Long time ago, but hasn't yet)

-Guild halls overall are extremely grindy, and punishing for what they provide if you have a small guild, which goes against many smaller guilds that prefer quality over quantity

-Guild features such as banners are prohibitively expensive to craft, luckily can be acquired via commendation, but it still renders a part of the Scribe crafting obsolete.

-Scribing on it's own is Horrendously expensive for what little it can provide. The useful items can be bought for commendation, the rest is a meander of crafting the crafting tool for the crafting tool of the crafting tool of the item. It's more complex than it needs to be for something that doesn't have That much utility 50% of the time. Decorations are fluff only and are so grueling to craft that many guilds dont even bother. That it takes a lot of effort to craft something gamechanging is fine. That it does for decorations which have Zero impact on gameplay but quite a lot on immersion and player satisfaction


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I remember in GW1 the times as the server wide message appeared that Guild [insert guild name] has won the favor of the gods. I thanked them and went immediately to the Temple of the Ages to get into the Fissure of Woe. Only the region (America, Asia or Europe) that has won the tournament five times in a row got the favor of the gods and only that region could enter the elite maps The Fissure of Woe and The Underworld. It was literally a permanent Guild War going on. That kind of competition and that kind of importance is missing for Guilds in GW2.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Guilds in GW2 are what you(and your guildies) make of it. Anet has abandoned developing guild content as the game moved to being more and more solo'able or "a single player game you can share with a community" rather than an actual MMORPG.


Is that an actual direction wished to take (to make the game more solo content)? Or did it just somehow happened?


> The places where guilds matter most by design are WvW and Raids I'd guess, as those two are the only pieces of content that require a certain number of active players and some dedication to teamwork. The rest of the game requires as little interaction between players as possible to not offend the vocal "this game was marketed as play how you want and I want to play solo"-crowd.


So, are you saying that it wouldn't be a good idea to add group specific content as it would force player that want to play solo to play with guildies? I mean, I can see a point there, but then I guess it should offer both options, with various possibilities. Like maybe you could farm a certain content solo, but then you would be limited by scalability. So it would still be worth farming it, however you wouldn't get the same rewards from it (like, it could be less).


> But my first statement still stands. The game lets you create a guild and gives you plenty of tool to manage ranks, a guild bank, a guild hall as you see fit for you and your m8s.


"Well, a guild hall as you see fit", I'd say it's still missing a few features, if you compare it to let's say Final Fantasy Online and FC houses.


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> @"tim.4596" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Guilds in GW2 are what you(and your guildies) make of it. Anet has abandoned developing guild content as the game moved to being more and more solo'able or "a single player game you can share with a community" rather than an actual MMORPG.


> Is that an actual direction wished to take (to make the game more solo content)? Or did it just somehow happened?


> > The places where guilds matter most by design are WvW and Raids I'd guess, as those two are the only pieces of content that require a certain number of active players and some dedication to teamwork. The rest of the game requires as little interaction between players as possible to not offend the vocal "this game was marketed as play how you want and I want to play solo"-crowd.


> So, are you saying that it wouldn't be a good idea to add group specific content as it would force player that want to play solo to play with guildies? I mean, I can see a point there, but then I guess it should offer both options, with various possibilities. Like maybe you could farm a certain content solo, but then you would be limited by scalability. So it would still be worth farming it, however you wouldn't get the same rewards from it (like, it could be less).


> > But my first statement still stands. The game lets you create a guild and gives you plenty of tool to manage ranks, a guild bank, a guild hall as you see fit for you and your m8s.


> "Well, a guild hall as you see fit", I'd say it's still missing a few features, if you compare it to let's say Final Fantasy Online and FC houses.



1) It kinda just became that way. Back when GW2 was launched Anet tried to focus on guild centric content, but then they bowed to the most casual of casual members of the community and made everything accessable for solo players. When they released guild halls, Anet tried for a second time to focus on guild stuff, but again the whining and qq'ing of the playerbase that GH's would be impossible to get for smaller guilds(mind you when those players speak of smaller guilds they're talking about 3ish ppl), that is kinda true seeing how grindy GH's are but still, that basically killed guild content.


2) The open world actually works like that. Usually you can scale up events by having more players participating and therefor spawning more champions which drop better loot. But the open world is also easy enough that it requires next to no teamplay or coordination that would necessitate a guild. GW2 can be solo'd, it's just like that, not that I like it like that but it's just the way it has become over the last years.


3) The GH's could se some great improvements, there's lots of things missing as have been mentioned in this thread before but I might have given up on it enough to not think about it.

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I bought GW2 when it came out and have never joined a guild. I've never felt there was a particular need to, which I find quite sad for this game, especially as I found guilds an integral part of GW1.


Personally, I feel that GW1 had more of a community feel to it, but also there was a need to be a part of said community as it'd be hard to solo the game. GW2, on the other hand, I believe lacks the need for social interaction as well as co-ordinated, co-operative play. (Note: I only speak from a PvE experience, I can't speak for PvP/WvW). I'd love for there to be more incentives to join guilds and be part of the community in GW2, I think that's a significant thing the game lacks and could very much benefit from.

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They admittedly dissolved the guild activity team a few years ago. Since then, guilds have been more or less ignored - save for a couple new decorations a year.


The last new guild missions were added more than 4.5 years ago. Something that could have really been special died on the vine - which can be said of just about any guild oriented support from Anet.


My guild is the reason I play. I have been bitter by the lack of attention they receive for a while now - but I also know that when I bring it up, it isn't typically a well-discussed topic. I don't see anything changing anytime soon.

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Okay, overall, from all the comments that I am reading here, Guilds seems to be pretty abandonned :(


> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> They admittedly dissolved the guild activity team a few years ago. Since then, guilds have been more or less ignored - save for a couple new decorations a year.


> The last new guild missions were added more than 4.5 years ago. Something that could have really been special died on the vine - which can be said of just about any guild oriented support from Anet.


> My guild is the reason I play. I have been bitter by the lack of attention they receive for a while now - but I also know that when I bring it up, it isn't typically a well-discussed topic. I don't see anything changing anytime soon.


I didn't know that the Guild team was completely dissolved or that they even had one to begin with, thank you for pointing that out.


> @"Gant.3904" said:

> I bought GW2 when it came out and have never joined a guild. I've never felt there was a particular need to, which I find quite sad for this game, especially as I found guilds an integral part of GW1.


> Personally, I feel that GW1 had more of a community feel to it, but also there was a need to be a part of said community as it'd be hard to solo the game. GW2, on the other hand, I believe lacks the need for social interaction as well as co-ordinated, co-operative play. (Note: I only speak from a PvE experience, I can't speak for PvP/WvW). I'd love for there to be more incentives to join guilds and be part of the community in GW2, I think that's a significant thing the game lacks and could very much benefit from.


Yeah, that's one of the problems which I currently have with the game right now, it feels like GW2 is strongly lacking co-operative game mode indeed. By that I don't mean the ability to play as a group, because we can, but something that actually requires you to group up, or that you will benefit from. As the game is right now, nothing in Open World or farm wise, is really hard enough that it will require you to group up, or you won't increase your farming capabilities by making a group with one of your friend and co-ordinating pulls. At least GW1 had that co-ordination of pulls, that if you didn't respect you would most likely wipe.


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I find this quite confusing. This is the only game I've played where people act like the only stuff guilds can do together is content the game explicitly labels as guild activities. In every other multiplayer game I've played 'guild' content is literally anything which allows 2 or more people to play it together - guilds are how you find people to play with. So in GW2 'guild' content would be dungeons, raids, Fractals, WvW, PvP, story missions, world bosses, jumping puzzles, meta-events...


I don't think it's a universal view however because I do see guilds doing all those things. There are even dedicated guilds for running specific meta events (with other people, but the guild organises and guarantees enough people to complete it) and as I said my guilds are my go-to group for anything I can't do solo, I use the LFG tool if no one is available or we need an extra person.


I'm not opposed to them adding more guild missions or whatever, but I don't agree that until they do there is nothing for guilds to do.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I find this quite confusing. This is the only game I've played where people act like the only stuff guilds can do together is content the game explicitly labels as guild activities. In every other multiplayer game I've played 'guild' content is literally anything which allows 2 or more people to play it together - guilds are how you find people to play with. So in GW2 'guild' content would be dungeons, raids, Fractals, WvW, PvP, story missions, world bosses, jumping puzzles, meta-events...


> I don't think it's a universal view however because I do see guilds doing all those things. There are even dedicated guilds for running specific meta events (with other people, but the guild organises and guarantees enough people to complete it) and as I said my guilds are my go-to group for anything I can't do solo, I use the LFG tool if no one is available or we need an extra person.


> I'm not opposed to them adding more guild missions or whatever, but I don't agree that until they do there is nothing for guilds to do.


I don't think anyone is saying there is nothing for guilds to do - again, my guild is the reason I play. The point is there is - and probably will be for the foreseeable future - little to nothing new coming for guilds.


They made a huge deal about guild missions when they released them - and again when HOT came out (specifically saying they were working on new ones for HOT zones - and they were very excited for us to see them).


Then, everything just melted away. What once felt like a cornerstone of the game was something they were seemingly willing to abandon as a side feature. I know that doesn't mean much to many players, but for some of us - who look to the communities we have created as the best part of the game - it was a heartbreaking revelation.


Dissolving the guild team - and abandoning guild missions were mistakes and the game has suffered for them.

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I like guilds but I think we need more guild based content.

More missions, Guild adventures, GvG pvp, More halls, more stuff in general like that.


Also more things to work towards.. more guild armor sets and weapons etc.. things that really make people want to invest in their guilds.

Maybe there should even be a Guild themed legendary weapon or armor set.

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It seems pretty straight forward to me. They saw how many solo, or small group players there are and realized that the basic requirements for obtaining a guild hall were prohibitive for most of those players. Rather than suffer the complaints of the screaming hordes of "more harder content now", they let the issue die.


How do you get support for guild ideas and push them through while so many players object to the current system, which has made them anti-guilds?

I really think they need to be made way more inclusive before any serious successful changes can be made.


Having been here from the start, there was plenty I was able to do to help several guilds and I liked being able to drop banners and food to help everyone at events, and I could do so much more now, but to me guilds died when they implemented the cost and requirements to create a guild. I'm most certainly not alone on this.


You need more player interest.

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> @"Gant.3904" said:

> I bought GW2 when it came out and have never joined a guild. I've never felt there was a particular need to, which I find quite sad for this game, especially as I found guilds an integral part of GW1.


> Personally, I feel that GW1 had more of a community feel to it, but also there was a need to be a part of said community as it'd be hard to solo the game. GW2, on the other hand, I believe lacks the need for social interaction as well as co-ordinated, co-operative play. (Note: I only speak from a PvE experience, I can't speak for PvP/WvW). I'd love for there to be more incentives to join guilds and be part of the community in GW2, I think that's a significant thing the game lacks and could very much benefit from.


I think part of that is caused by the way the skill systems doen't emphasize synergy at a novice level. To this day, I still run into long time vets that don't understand basic buildcraft, because the areas they frequent don't demand build tweaks. In another thread theres a guy struggling to fight the Eater of Souls (years after its been nerfed).... one of the few bosses that requires a bit of timing, and doesn't simply fall victim to collateral CC or DOTs.


A lack of problem solving skills, the combination of scaled back difficulty and Espec power creep, all contribute to obfuscating how this game intends you to resolve combat difficulty. Raids are on the extreme far end of that spectrum- and even then, it only represents a fraction of required skills, due to its artificial difficulty and heavy focus on DPS checks, number stacking, and hard failure conditions. To which the Raid community managed to completely break via Role Compression as a meta.


The big issue is that if you're not heavy handed with forcing co-op requirements, players will simply ignore it. The game is designed in such a way that players naturally syenrgize without explicit effort on the part of players. But the double edge is that while this avoids conflict potential, players are also failing to recognize its there, or that its even a direct benefit. They employed a similar system in Anthem (to its credit); but the players don't like it because it adds a lot of visual noise, and fails to do anything simply because individual Javelins are strong enough without them. That lack of apparent contrast in performance is why its so under valued as a concept.


Theres no one or two things that can fix this, because its a combination of deeply seeded psychological factors, a growing division between mechanical and social spaces, self-centered perspective (if not full blown narcissism), and a reward system having to do things it was never meant to deal with. I can best sum this up as "I want friends to play with... unless they inconvenience me". Because even if you get rid of all the barriers to socializing..... **many players treat it the same way they treat a reward system**. IE: If it takes too much effort or is outside my comfort zone, its not worth my time. And once its the socializing becomes a barrier, the devs have better remove it.


And just to take pot shots at the raid community..... you can see this paradoxical behavior in action, where they demand it be a co-op focused challenge, but then quickly lose their shit when the run doesn't go smoothly. The only difference between this and solo players is how they go about blame shifting.

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The days you needed a guild to do the vast majority of content in a MMO are long past and won't be coming back. The composition of MMOrpgs playerbase has changed over the years and devs had to change their design philosophy to adapt. There was this quote from a Wildstar (and former WoW) dev claiming a bit more than 60% of mmo players prefer mainly solo activities. It can't be found directly since those forums went down but one can easily find references of it. I would say the percentage is even higher in GW2, judging by the popularity of hardcore group content.


GW2 guilds are fine as they are, for their intended audience. Players can find specific guilds for their preferred modes and join accordingly. If Anet were to try to make them more "mandatory" for general gameplay, the effort would fail miserably. You can't force a square peg into a round hole. What could be done though, is updating what we already have (missions, halls etc) with new content.

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To me a guild has always been a group of people who come together and help each other, and do events and content together. They socialize with each other, become friends and share interests. They share commonalities and goals, or friendships. Its them together standing up for their own. Im probably outdated in my thinking because i come from an older generation that believe a guild was more than just a tag and a place to get bonuses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> To me a guild has always been a group of people who come together and help each other, and do events and content together. They socialize with each other, become friends and share interests. They share commonalities and goals, or friendships. Its them together standing up for their own. Im probably outdated in my thinking because i come from an older generation that believe a guild was more than just a tag and a place to get bonuses.


I wouldn't say you're outdated, I think you got the spirit of what a Guild should be about. I'm just struggling to understand the meanings of Guilds in GW2 as it is right now, since you don't really need one except in PvP or Raid maybe. By that I mean, you might preferred organised group in WvW and regarding raids, it's much faster/less nerve wrecking to raid with a Guild (I'm not counting statics, as in my opinion they are sort of the same as a Guild, just on a lower scale.


I have some suggestions, which could be done regarding Guilds, and I'm tempted to make a post to follow up on a previous post that I made, which basically concluded that we need more content overall (not a surprise I know, haha, everybody knows that), but I suggested that Guilds "activities" (missions, etc...) might be a good way to have inexhaustible content created by players. I'm just not sure whether Anet either care, or what is their current state. Through posting a bit, I've actually found out that there seem to be a lot of really good idea, but they never seem to end up somewhere, or they get left alone.


The post that I wanted to make, would somewhat look like that :


![](https://i.imgur.com/7mlYL7c.jpg "")


While Guilds "activities/missions" offers three different type of Guild Missions (PvP, WvW, and PvE), there are no crossover between Guilds. They do not compete with each other on any level. The only interest which could have been apparent at the beginning, was probably levelling your Guild to max level, however there is not much use to do that anymore. Once you've reached the top lvl it doesn't do much for you except maybe giving you some extra perks in terms of QoL that no one really seems to care about.


The only current crossover could be found in Raids and WvW (GvG). In those game modes "Guilds" can become kind of important, however GvG doesn't actually exist in the game (it's been run by Players, but there aren't any official way to do GvG or appear on a leaderboard of some sort from Anet). Regarding Raids, I'd say that there isn't enough content at the moment for it to be alive, It's mostly content which has been done, and redone, and redone..... if you ask me it's kind of sad. Record run are somewhat interesting, they have been backed up from Anet. SC and Roca recently created some contest for players and Guilds to participate in and Anet agreed to participate to the prize pool by offering gems, would there be enough teams participating.


Otherwise, I think GW2 is seriously forgetting what an MMORPG is supposed to be about, by that I mean there isn't any repeatable content that you can't do solo.


When I questioned myself about Guilds, regarding the direction that Anet was trying to take with them, I went onto GW2 wiki and typed in "Guild". Here is the definition from wiki:


"Guilds are a great way to connect to a community and make new friends. Each guild has its own chat channel and list of members to see who's available to play with. Members can cooperate to obtain a guild hall and purchase upgrades such as leveling bonuses, shared item vaults, and the ability to throw a party."


They even have a benefit section:


Socializing within a community.

Access to the Guild Hall.

Sharing items in the Guild Vault.

Learning from more experienced Guild members.

Acquiring Guild Commendations and other rewards by participating in Guild Missions which may be used to purchase items from a Guild Commendation Trader or Guild Trader.

Guild Enhancements available in the Guild Tavern and an automatic buff reducing waypoint travel costs.

Access to a new crafting discipline, the scribe.

Access to Tenebrous Crystals or Shimmering Crystals used to create a new tier of guild weapons and armor.


In short: "Guilds are a community of players" full stop. What ever else you currently may think that guilds are about you can forget about it. Projects towards making missions PvE, PvP or WvW axed are projects that have mostly been abandoned.


On that; I think there are a lot of ways in which Guilds perks could be improved and Guilds missions taken further, and more divided. While the PvP section seems to make sense. I'm not too sure what's the direction of the PvE Guilds missions. Race/Jumping Puzzle shouldn't be put as in the same basket as monster hunting. And monster hunting missions that requires 5, 10 or 15 players shouldn't be easily done by 2, 3 or 5 players. I understand that Guilds missions shouldn't be too hard. But there is a point, when asking a player to come up with a somewhat of a strat should still be considered. Otherwise, I guess you could just make massive hack n slash encounter with waves that gets more and more difficult, and doesn't end.



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