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[Suggestion] Increasing the details and retexturing old core armors as new skins to the new standard

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Armors in the game look great but mostly from distance, if you look closely you would notice that a lot use 2d floating pieces and painted over details as textures instead of 3d objects, the designs are great but, they are too low res. My personal favorite is the T3 Norn cultural heavy armor, but when you add some new peaces from HOT and POF you can notice that it is way behind the current standard. The Lunatic armors showed that this could be great, but i'm not sure if people will like this idea or is it even possible.

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If taking an existing set of skins and creating a new set is cheaper than starting from scratch on a new design, sure. I'm always happy to see more skins.


However, based on comments by the devs over the years, apparently the 'design' part is easy. It's rendering that is costly and, if I understood correctly, a revamp drives up the price rather than reduces it.


Accordingly, I'm content to let ANet decide on the best way to provide us with more skins more often.

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Not sure what point you are trying to make with the lunatic sets. They use the same painted on approach. As for the reuse of meshes they've already done that as well ...


Waaaay back when the Flamekissed sets were release there were quite a bit of negative feedback about the mesh reuse. I don't have much impression about any other sort of asset reuse.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Not sure what point you are trying to make with the lunatic sets. They use the same painted on approach. As for the reuse of meshes they've already done that as well ...


> Waaaay back when the Flamekissed sets were release there were quite a bit of negative feedback about the mesh reuse. I don't have much impression about any other sort of asset reuse.

Totally selfish reasons, i just like some old designs but they look like they are made from paper and for the lunatic armors is the first time i remember them doing something lake that, also now that i look at the old versions they don't have much paper thin parts to them.


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I'd be all for it since older gear is really showing its age but the same argument could be used for any texture in the game. Hot and PoF look noticeably sharper than core Tyria too. I just don't see them spending time and money in reworking any older textures, be it armor, environments or anything else. And judging by the performance hit in some PoF maps I'm not sure this engine could handle a full revamp of character textures across the board.


I'd prefer them putting more focus on delivering more new armor sets in-game. Especially ones that don't come with a horrible implementation like the Requiem set.

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*(constructive) rant incoming*

I probably don't need to say this, but I am going to, since I've seen a lack of it in practice in GW2 in some areas.


>! For new FTP players Core Tyria, and the core armours included are the first thing they see. First impressions are important and the way I see it, if ANet ever wants to increase player retention, going back over old assets and revamping them is pretty crucial. Those first impressions help shape an overall opinion of a game's quality, and for many new players what they are now seeing is outdated content, both in terms of visuals and quality control. The personal story urgently needs revisiting as it is writhe with bugs, typos, and general lack of QC, old maps could do with updating to make them fit the standard of newer maps, and old game assets need to be updated to fit modern standards if this MMO's life span is expected to be a long one.


>! I do not agree for one second with this philosophy going round of only concentrating on new content, and leaving old content in the dust. It shows a lack of a consistent standard and marrs the game's overall quality and reputation. With the new reforming of the team, now may be a good time to revisit old content and update older areas of the game to fit these standards so that the MMO's overall quality can be raised, looking less at immediate payoff, but more long term payoff, like the aforementioned player retention. Look at PvP balancing; it's constantly being revisited to ensure that it, despite being older content is kept up to a standard, and I see no reason what so ever to treat other areas of the game differently.


TL;DR: Fully behind the idea of revamping existing armours, and other facets of the game to bring them up to par with newer existing content.


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> @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> Why not just ask them to make the game direct x 12 based that’d fix allot of your issues

That would fix absolutely nothing the OP state as DX12 have absolutely nothing to do with object design or texture mapping, but otherwise yes I also think they should do basic engine tweaks first, its high time.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"dodgerrule.8739" said:

> > Why not just ask them to make the game direct x 12 based that’d fix allot of your issues

> That would fix absolutely nothing the OP state as DX12 have absolutely nothing to do with object design or texture mapping, but otherwise yes I also think they should do basic engine tweaks first, its high time.



True but having to redo a bunch of textures puts more load on PCs and the quite unstable engine for AMD users. This game already favors intel more due to the direct x 9 only client, but there are allot of graphics meant to be seen in game that cannot because of the client being direct x 9. Allot of the areas in game lack immersion due to this.

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