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The more I play PvP the more I start to really hate this game.


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I love this game, been playing it since beta, I love the PvE part.

The thing is in every mmorpg I love to PvP.

With all these expansions PvP became so broken, I'm really starting to get tired of this game.


Why on earth is rated PvP based on a win or loss. It's just a gamble button when you decide to click "join ranked".

Then there is the class balance,..

One game I'm able to destroy anyone and anything, the next game I just get crushed no matter what I do.

I thought to myself maybe I can help my team better by going as a healer. Took my ele for a ride with a mender amulet and some toughness runes... what a joke.

Two hits and you are nearly dead, low armor, low vitality and then you are supposed to heal others. Doesn't work.

The only way to make it as ele is full bunker but then you are just dancing on 1 base all day without doing anything except keep yourself alive...



What is going on with PvP in this game ?


Then there is meta builds, the only way to stand a chance is to play the newest meta or you lose.


PvP is also making me toxic and I don't like to be. Back in the day PvP was fun, but this whole league thing and badges made everything worse.

I went from Gold to Silver mainly because of others, a guy joins rated with the wrong weapons equipped, others just hug 1 base the whole game, etc, etc..


Change the scoring system to your personal input and don't base it around win or loss. Here I'm thinking, (damage, revives, healing, capped bases, interrupts, etc, etc..)




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Here's an advice: take a break from PvP. You've got a ton more content besides PvP. Go do the personal story, Living World, dungeons, fractals, raids and even Fashion Wars. Playing the same game mode over and over becomes exhausting and it will make you quit the game due to how toxic some players can get.

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> @"Skugga.5298" said:

> Hi,


> I love this game, been playing it since beta, I love the PvE part.

> The thing is in every mmorpg I love to PvP.

> With all these expansions PvP became so broken, I'm really starting to get tired of this game.


> Why on earth is rated PvP based on a win or loss. It's just a gamble button when you decide to click "join ranked".


Winning or lose being luck is bs, as many ppl made videos climbing from bronze to plat with like 80%+ winrate, but then you'll have to admit you're not playing that well. Again, this lucky reality may become true in plat, where you find a lot of duos and win traders, but in silver, you can climb easily by spamming almost any specs, sometimes your team is super bad and it's impossible to win, even tho you should keep a 65ish% winrate if you're better than everyone else in the table.


> Then there is the class balance,..

> One game I'm able to destroy anyone and anything, the next game I just get crushed no matter what I do.


Oh well, sometimes your whole team is doing well, sometimes it's not. To be honest, less than 10% of the games are close, the other 90%+ one team will win with a 200 pts + advantage.


> I thought to myself maybe I can help my team better by going as a healer. Took my ele for a ride with a mender amulet and some toughness runes... what a joke.

> Two hits and you are nearly dead, low armor, low vitality and then you are supposed to heal others. Doesn't work.


Playing as a healer in low tiers isn't the smartest thing, team coordination is your worst asset as mostly everybody wants to play the "killing builds", what will make you run after those ppl trying to save them and get yourself killed instead.


> The only way to make it as ele is full bunker but then you are just dancing on 1 base all day without doing anything except keep yourself alive...


Oh well, it's the bunker meta, you won't be killing anyone as a sword weaver unless you land your combos perfectly, the best you can do, is rely on the other team dumbness and kite 2+ as long as you can while your team outnumbers the rest of their team in the other 2 pts.



> What is going on with PvP in this game ?


> Then there is meta builds, the only way to stand a chance is to play the newest meta or you lose.


complaining about the meta isn't gonna change anything, there're over 20 viable builds, specially if you're in silver, the meta builds will be really forced into you when you reach plat and still you'll see some elementalists doing well in the leaderboards and none of those builds are meta.


> PvP is also making me toxic and I don't like to be. Back in the day PvP was fun, but this whole league thing and badges made everything worse.

> I went from Gold to Silver mainly because of others, a guy joins rated with the wrong weapons equipped, others just hug 1 base the whole game, etc, etc..


Nah, you lost rating cuz ppl either gotten better or you've gotten worse


> Change the scoring system to your personal input and don't base it around win or loss. Here I'm thinking, (damage, revives, healing, capped bases, interrupts, etc, etc..)


This I agree (in parts) you can't really be rewarded for losing, but your personal stats could make you lose less rating than you would. BUT the top stats are flawed and I could push far with my sword weaver die 10 times and still get top stats healing and offense while this could be the worst decision possible. Or I could just sit mid with a deadeye trying to farm kills and get top dps, while the right decision would be roam and win sides. Or I could get a warrior run around the map the whole game while 3 of their team try to kill me while my team caps the 3 pts and I don't get any top stats. Bottom line is, top stats doesnt reflect well your general impact in the game, unless you get 3+ then I think you really done well.



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> @"phs.6089" said:

> I was like you, things start to be btter when i quit pvp and got back to my old moba to get descent fights


Same here. If I wanted a PVP experience, I'd just hop into a game whose developers are heavily invested the game mode, which is usually any one of the multitude of PvP games out there.

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The thing is though if a person enjoys PvP and have to avoid the entire game mode they enjoy that's problematic. If the quality of matches continue to be so terrible that pvper's have to stop playing then that means a dead game mode that nobody gets to enjoy. I've regularly play pvp in most MMO's and this ranks near the bottom, not because the combat isn't fun or anything like that, because the quality of matches leaves a lot to be desired.


You never get a sense of growing as much as you should, one moment you feel strong the next you're helpless. In mobas you're bound to have crappy matches but you really feel like you can individually still make a difference in the match. I'm not good by and still new but this is just my observation so far.

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Try different classes. IMO the most effective builds are ones that can burst. Herald is probably the best but has a pretty high skill floor, soulbeast and spellbreaker are good too. If you want to play support, I'd recommend a blood scourge. It can do good dps pressure, give barriers, and thier rez ports can turn a team fight.

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The real problem in pvp is the amount of people that do not know how to play as a team, going for solo kills off point, not capping a points, roaming around like zerglings, not ressing nor cleaving. Because I can assure you that a team with a lower 1vs 1 ability but with more ability to play as team will win over another team with higher ability to 1vs1 but trash team ability to cooperate.

Yes balance has a component in pvp scene, but it's limited, but players not being able to cooperate is far worse

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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> The real problem in pvp is the amount of people that do not know how to play as a team, going for solo kills off point, not capping a points, roaming around like zerglings, not ressing nor cleaving. Because I can assure you that a team with a lower 1vs 1 ability but with more ability to play as team will win over another team with higher ability to 1vs1 but trash team ability to cooperate.


This is precisely why I'm against doing mmr based on activity instead of basing it on win/loss. I'm just as frustrated when I feel like I worked hard but got let down by my team, but as Necro said above there's already too many people running off and doing things that don't really contribute to the win. Switching mmr to reflect individual activity would probably lead to people giving up even earlier in recoverable matches, and just going for personal stats instead.



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> @"Skugga.5298" said:

> Hi,


> I love this game, been playing it since beta, I love the PvE part.

> The thing is in every mmorpg I love to PvP.

> With all these expansions PvP became so broken, I'm really starting to get tired of this game.


> Why on earth is rated PvP based on a win or loss. It's just a gamble button when you decide to click "join ranked".

> Then there is the class balance,..

> One game I'm able to destroy anyone and anything, the next game I just get crushed no matter what I do.

> I thought to myself maybe I can help my team better by going as a healer. Took my ele for a ride with a mender amulet and some toughness runes... what a joke.

> Two hits and you are nearly dead, low armor, low vitality and then you are supposed to heal others. Doesn't work.

> The only way to make it as ele is full bunker but then you are just dancing on 1 base all day without doing anything except keep yourself alive...



> What is going on with PvP in this game ?


> Then there is meta builds, the only way to stand a chance is to play the newest meta or you lose.


>** PvP is also making me toxic** and I don't like to be. Back in the day PvP was fun, but this whole league thing and badges made everything worse.

> I went from Gold to Silver mainly because of others, a guy joins rated with the wrong weapons equipped, others just hug 1 base the whole game, etc, etc..


> Change the scoring system to your personal input and don't base it around win or loss. Here I'm thinking, (damage, revives, healing, capped bases, interrupts, etc, etc..)





It is ok to let go of this toxic game- the game is so broken to the point that it will keep poisoning you from the inside out, You are not responsible for the state of the game nor with your time with it,


You are under no obligation to be in line with the toxicity that has been promoted, tolerated and accepted as 'balance'-'fun'


You are under no obligation to keep yourself to be abused, humiliated and shamed for asking and for wanting a healthy competitive fun game.


'You don’t have to be a product of the inept' You don't have to be a product of the Gw2 toxic game that was displayed to you.


You have choices; you can free yourself from the toxicity or to put up with it and be a copy product of its toxicity,


Free yourself, change starts with you and only you have the power to to reclaim your happiness and enjoyment with game companies who embraces healthy fair fun competitive games who strives in disarming toxicity at its roots.


**Take care of yourself and seek healthy fun competition**'


-Reflect and Remember-


(**Toxicity has no place nor endures in a healthy fun competition**)


(**Toxicity is not real healthy fun competition. It is a wolf in sheep's clothing pretending to care about your happiness and joy. Once its poison spreads-it begin to rob you of everything you seek-desire for a healthy and fun competition**)

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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> The real problem in pvp is the amount of people that do not know how to play as a team, going for solo kills off point, not capping a points, roaming around like zerglings, not ressing nor cleaving. Because I can assure you that a team with a lower 1vs 1 ability but with more ability to play as team will win over another team with higher ability to 1vs1 but trash team ability to cooperate.

> Yes balance has a component in pvp scene, but it's limited, but players not being able to cooperate is far worse


Cant cooperate with the intended target audience of the game mode, solo players. They play alone, it's why they are solo players.

This isn't a team game anymore.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > The real problem in pvp is the amount of people that do not know how to play as a team, going for solo kills off point, not capping a points, roaming around like zerglings, not ressing nor cleaving. Because I can assure you that a team with a lower 1vs 1 ability but with more ability to play as team will win over another team with higher ability to 1vs1 but trash team ability to cooperate.

> > Yes balance has a component in pvp scene, but it's limited, but players not being able to cooperate is far worse


> Cant cooperate with the intended target audience of the game mode, solo players. They play alone, it's why they are solo players.

> This isn't a team game anymore.


Just play "fun" builds in ranked then? Who cares lol...Mr Stealth Trapper Guardian Man


I think you have some copy cats

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The only thing to bring is perfect damage negation. Everyone runs the same sort of build: a load of effective invulnerability which is active while a player takes actions along with passive triggers to inflict damage and CC outside of active skill use (paired with instantaneous teleports if possible). This is the only real build in the game. The only sort of "healer" that will be left after the coming patch will be Druid since it has insanely strong passive CC, it full-heals itself and nearby allies despite running a basic DPS set, and will now be able to entirely deny downed cleave.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > > The real problem in pvp is the amount of people that do not know how to play as a team, going for solo kills off point, not capping a points, roaming around like zerglings, not ressing nor cleaving. Because I can assure you that a team with a lower 1vs 1 ability but with more ability to play as team will win over another team with higher ability to 1vs1 but trash team ability to cooperate.

> > > Yes balance has a component in pvp scene, but it's limited, but players not being able to cooperate is far worse

> >

> > Cant cooperate with the intended target audience of the game mode, solo players. They play alone, it's why they are solo players.

> > This isn't a team game anymore.


> Just play "fun" builds in ranked then? Who cares lol...Mr Stealth Trapper Guardian Man


> I think you have some copy cats


I play just about every build there is on most classes.. Its why I made a minimum of 4 of each class and yea I just play for fun..


Under team queue I played with 4 other like minded players but now I play with ragers and selfish cunts who cant even read a chat window, the solo player.


So I take what little fun is left on the offering table, playing sub optimal builds and still kicking ass with it.


Regardless, it doesn't deter my original point, ranked target audience is solo queue and those who prefer to play alone. Playing a suboptimal build doesn't take away simple communication and coordination.

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> @"Skugga.5298" said:

> Hi,


> I love this game, been playing it since beta, I love the PvE part.

> The thing is in every mmorpg I love to PvP.

> With all these expansions PvP became so broken, I'm really starting to get tired of this game.


> Why on earth is rated PvP based on a win or loss. It's just a gamble button when you decide to click "join ranked".

> Then there is the class balance,..

> One game I'm able to destroy anyone and anything, the next game I just get crushed no matter what I do.

> I thought to myself maybe I can help my team better by going as a healer. Took my ele for a ride with a mender amulet and some toughness runes... what a joke.

> Two hits and you are nearly dead, low armor, low vitality and then you are supposed to heal others. Doesn't work.

> The only way to make it as ele is full bunker but then you are just dancing on 1 base all day without doing anything except keep yourself alive...



> What is going on with PvP in this game ?


> Then there is meta builds, the only way to stand a chance is to play the newest meta or you lose.


> PvP is also making me toxic and I don't like to be. Back in the day PvP was fun, but this whole league thing and badges made everything worse.

> I went from Gold to Silver mainly because of others, a guy joins rated with the wrong weapons equipped, others just hug 1 base the whole game, etc, etc..


> Change the scoring system to your personal input and don't base it around win or loss. Here I'm thinking, (damage, revives, healing, capped bases, interrupts, etc, etc..)





It's not you friend. It's Anet. Their pvp is just garbage. Get your rewards and get out. If you want a game even slightly competitive then this game is not for you.

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> @"Shadow Order.7258" said:

> > @"Skugga.5298" said:

> > Hi,

> >

> > I love this game, been playing it since beta, I love the PvE part.

> > The thing is in every mmorpg I love to PvP.

> > With all these expansions PvP became so broken, I'm really starting to get tired of this game.

> >

> > Why on earth is rated PvP based on a win or loss. It's just a gamble button when you decide to click "join ranked".

> > Then there is the class balance,..

> > One game I'm able to destroy anyone and anything, the next game I just get crushed no matter what I do.

> > I thought to myself maybe I can help my team better by going as a healer. Took my ele for a ride with a mender amulet and some toughness runes... what a joke.

> > Two hits and you are nearly dead, low armor, low vitality and then you are supposed to heal others. Doesn't work.

> > The only way to make it as ele is full bunker but then you are just dancing on 1 base all day without doing anything except keep yourself alive...

> >

> >

> > What is going on with PvP in this game ?

> >

> > Then there is meta builds, the only way to stand a chance is to play the newest meta or you lose.

> >

> > PvP is also making me toxic and I don't like to be. Back in the day PvP was fun, but this whole league thing and badges made everything worse.

> > I went from Gold to Silver mainly because of others, a guy joins rated with the wrong weapons equipped, others just hug 1 base the whole game, etc, etc..

> >

> > Change the scoring system to your personal input and don't base it around win or loss. Here I'm thinking, (damage, revives, healing, capped bases, interrupts, etc, etc..)

> >

> >

> >


> It's not you friend. It's Anet. Their pvp is just garbage. Get your rewards and get out. If you want a game even slightly competitive then this game is not for you.


It really is as simple as that. ANet doesn't care about pvp. The system is simply garbage.


I don't even CARE about the next expansion. I KNOW they're going to break something in pvp, that is a given.


On another note, I am calling out all the apologists on these forums for pretending that everything is fine and workable and it's "you" that's the problem. They've been saying this for years, ever since season 1. No it's not me. The bs matchmaking F-KS veteran players. They get paired up with new players and are forced to carry the load. It's a stupid system.

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Dude, don't force yourself to play pvp. It's filled with manchildren who watched a youtube video once and now think they're entitled to win every skirmish they come across.


Disconnect, get a group of friends that arent kittenholes, make a guild, play unranked with that guild and go chill out in pve. PVP only has titles to offer, and nobody really respects those because a good portion of the game cheated to get the first couple batches.


Don't let the poison in here ruin you pls

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