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Berserker is straight up GARBAGE


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For pvp, I can't even begin to describe how horrid it is. You lose out on toughness, adrenaline gain, f1 skills, stability, not to mention a cast time...all for what? MOAR DAMAGE. As if core warrior and spellbreaker didn't have that already! Considering what warriors lose, honestly we're better off not even taking it at all!


I'd also like to call out the warrior community for even wanting this "rework". I ask you all this, look at the reworks ANet did for other classes. Those communities don't seem too happy. Do you really want this "balance" team messing around with stuff that was better left alone. Now, in pvp, Berserker was pretty much dead, now it's officially BURIED. It was honestly better left off as is. Maybe we need to LEARN before we open our mouths asking for changes.


But hey!...The raiding community is happy now that warrior has "more deeps", even though banners will still be required for them.


I'm f-n done.

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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > I'm even sure there is more dps. The little bit of testing I've done seems to show barely any gains at all, but I'm definitely feeling the receiving end of dps.


> Make that *NOT EVEN SURE*


> Stupid tablet.


Hah! Well, I'll be! The very thing it was reworked for doesn't even grant you much of considering what you sacrifice in the process of carrying the spec!



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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> For pvp, I can't even begin to describe how horrid it is. You lose out on toughness, adrenaline gain, f1 skills, stability, not to mention a cast time...all for what? MOAR DAMAGE. As if core warrior and spellbreaker didn't have that already! Considering what warriors lose, honestly we're better off not even taking it at all!


> I'd also like to call out the warrior community for even wanting this "rework". I ask you all this, look at the reworks ANet did for other classes. Those communities don't seem too happy. Do you really want this "balance" team messing around with stuff that was better left alone. Now, in pvp, Berserker was pretty much dead, now it's officially BURIED. It was honestly better left off as is. Maybe we need to LEARN before we open our mouths asking for changes.


> But hey!...The raiding community is happy now that warrior has "more deeps", even though banners will still be required for them.


> I'm f-n done.


Well,condi berseker is stupidly GARBAGE in pve, fractals etc.Youll have to either headbutt to stun yourself ,then take outrage to get stun back to even start fight or get signet of fury.You basicly drop banners to be even ablo do some dps.If fights are short you cant use rage skill or youll berserk will be too long for next group of mobs.Its over man its over.Whoever made this rework is clueless abut this character .I bet none of thease ppl even tested it .Its like hey warrior is semi ok -lets make it unplayabe pile of trash.Btw power berserker option also doesnt look any better.Just spin on axes and gs and dps is so funny i cant event comprehend it.

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Yeahhhhhh condi berserker is garbage now. I don't know what happened but taking out the option to CHOOSE when to berserk and being able to at least do adrenaline based damage with a NON berserker ability was a poor design flaw. It feels disgustingly simple. It's not dynamic whatsoever now and just boring. Feels bad combustive shot and flurry are gone completely (Non berserk f1) abilities feels bad.

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> @"Lighter.5631" said:

> login after three month just to say bad bad bad design, never a good thing to remove more buttons


Agreed man. I don't even care about damage nerfs, but don't make a class LESS fun to play. C'mon now.... It was already considered simple enough. Taking out the choice to berserk and to choice to use non-berserk abilities is just not fun.


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Terrible TERRIBLE changes for warrior. This game is trying to force players to quit. I was having fun these last couple of months with my Power Berseker and now its just garbage. And I'm a PVE player! Please PLEASE! give me back always angry and F1 skill. It is BORING to play 12 seconds... wait 12 seconds... play 12 seconds. Who designed this? why do you pay him!?

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I agree... :/ I LIKE the overall changes to other areas. To allow Power Berserker in to the fray, but even on the snowcrows discord they're only able to bench 32-30k max with the DPS variant. but don't REMOVE berserk from F2 - . - forcing us to use headbutt as an opening to extend our berserk and shattering blow afterwards isn't much fun and not as practical for raids. The condi version got nerfed to 30kish, which is honestly not bad. If we had new changes that nerfed out toughness and damage to 30kish without changing the core abilities we've been using, I'd be fine but.... that's not what happened and y'all made it even MORE braindead to play. Why?

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I wonder why berserker´s damage is quite low, considering that this class is the only class that can over 3k power without boons and even scratches the 4k mark.

It should hit like a truck. as well,


Or maybe it hits like a truck but has low dps, if that´s the case then I whish such treatment for all other classes as well except reaper.

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> I wonder why berserker´s damage is quite low, considering that this class is the only class that can over 3k power without boons and even scratches the 4k mark.

> It should hit like a truck. as well,


> Or maybe it hits like a truck but has low dps, if that´s the case then I whish such treatment for all other classes as well except reaper.


Don't ask sense from the people who has a gear set named BERSERKER with power, crit % and crit damage, then name a specialization BERSERKER and give it a torch to do condis.

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So basically now I can't feint with weapon switch NORMAL F1 eviscerate > bait dodge > Pop berserker > Make use of the quickness with chop > force/bait dodge > Primal Eviscerate for example.


Basically they lowered Berserker skill cap and limited gameplay. AND pidgeonholed into GS


Good. Job. ANET.


Like seriously, lets say that someone figures out a way to make GS berserker viable? It's still boring crap and it's borderline just pidgeonholed into GS. It will NEVER be a better change than baseline fast hands ever will be.


Old Berserker + baseline fast hands would actually be BALANCED and ACTUALLY fun and still challenging. This fix is lazy and somewhat low IQ.

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I like the new gs f1, thats pretty much it, played around briefly in pvp and after coming out of berserker there is nothing that rly applies pressure, you have to kill while in berserker, or you have to run in circles for 12 seconds to get it back up.


You dont need to be smart to realize that you just kite the warrior when he activates his berserk mode, and then unload on him while he waits for it to come back.


Feelsbadman when they remove buttonS from a already simple class like warrior. I WANT MORE BUTTONS TO SMAASH! To be atleast somewhat unpredictable

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the whole rage skills granting more berserk uptime is a joke lol. headbutt you use before its up, outrage is a measly 2 sec, and the rest are still useless.


I think what would help is to make the stab gain from stunbreak last longer and make adren much easier to gain. I mean the player is going berserk so why are we still stuck in hammer auto adren gain mode.

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> @"Mesket.5728" said:

> Terrible TERRIBLE changes for warrior. This game is trying to force players to quit. I was having fun these last couple of months with my Power Berseker and now its just garbage. And I'm a PVE player! Please PLEASE! give me back always angry and F1 skill. It is BORING to play 12 seconds... wait 12 seconds... play 12 seconds. Who designed this? why do you pay him!?


The " play 12 seconds... wait 12 seconds... play 12 seconds" part was one of the biggest reasons we wanted a Rework.

You can easely be in 80+ seconds of Berserker without alacrity now.

And (i think) perma Berserker with alacrity.


Only problem is you have to play 4 rage skills....... yeah.....

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So I'm going to add my two cents here. So I've been a warrior main since before the game launched in the Beta weekends, It's my oldest character and most experienced, and I have to say this is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen done to a class in a while, at least since the Deadeye goof last year. So ANet, tell me. Why do we have 3 Adrenaline bars again? Now that Berserker has lost access to it's core Bursts I don't see a point to 3 bars anymore. And this stuff about extending the mode? Hate to say it but this is not cool at all. Barely anyone uses the Berserkers own skills, none of them are that useful.


Heres an Idea. Give people back the Core Bursts and make Berserker an actual "Mode" Meaning it's like a toggle, you can leave it on or turn it off, none of this time limit stuff anymore, I always felt the time limit was arbitrary to begin with, as you say make a downside to it like "Berserker is less controlled and focused so it takes more damage" Sure that sort of thing would be fine, a cool pair off to controlled warrior mode. Give it a cool down when you leave it but make it a permanent state of being and not temporary. The fact the Berserker has no choice at all but to flip their lid now if they want to effectively utilize themselves properly. This is Pigeon holing 101. You're taking away play styles again, just like how you did with the Deadeye requiring them to always be a stealth user now. Taking away play style options is NEVER a good thing.


Course not that it will matter, Arena Net never goes back on their changes, at least not fully. We still have that Awful Deadeye. Also anyone else remember when they tried to bump up Elite Skill unlock to level 35 when it was always 30? Quite a bit of outrage over that but what happened? They couldn't admit they were wrong and instead of putting it back at 30 they fudged on us, mocked us and set it to 31 instead. This is what you get people. Expect this to be the new norm for Berserker now cause ANet doesn't do full roll backs, no matter how bad the difference.

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I simply took my main core build and grabbed Bersker Traitline, and a different heal. I was able to spam 6 Axe F1'S in quick succession in one berserk mode. That's twice what I can do in core. Its still early, but I am seeing a lot more Mace usage along with RR. I also caught a guy running sigil of draining as well (with mace). So it seems there are plenty of ways to offset the toughness loss. I prefer Scrapper Runes and damage reduction food.

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