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Most annoying monster in GW2

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So I've been killing hydras to test different classes and builds and I've really developed a hate for dust mites.


So heres my votes for most annoying mobs

Sand lions

dust mites

smoke scale +1s

I think it's a caustic blade dancer

and the lava elementals at barths shrine at sirens cove

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Most annoying? Every single trash in Bitterfrost that chills you for near 100 years, lol.

But seriously? White mantle in Doric and Bloodstone Fen

There was like a booklet made a while ago, among other statistic information it had mob/player kill/dead ratio.

The top onece were Stone Djinns and Skelks. I can't find it regrettably


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> Most annoying? Every single trash in Bitterfrost that chills you for near 100 years, lol.

> But seriously? White mantle in Doric and Bloodstone Fen

> There was like a booklet made a while ago, among other statistic information it had mob/player kill/dead ratio.

> The top onece were Stone Djinns and Skelks. I can't find it regrettably




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+ Sand lions

+ Dust mites

+ Smokescales

+ LS4 scarabs

+ Any of the ranged mobs (snipers I believe) in HoT maps with that fire trail that kills you in 1 second

+ Those big, red lizards with the absurdly overpowered daze

+ White mantle mesmers in Doric Lake

+ Any of the harpies in Jahai Bluffs with their machine gun bows or AOEs that kill you in 1 second

+ HoT AOE-spamming mushrooms

+ Karkas in Southsun cove that can see you from the other side of the galaxy and are so annoyingly difficult to hit.

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Many of the mobs in this thread are a bit more difficult to fight than your average mob. However I don't see difficulty as an annoyance.


The most annoying mob for me is the Jacaranda. It isn't difficult to defeat, it just usually spawns in some bush, attacks from afar and you don't even know where the attack is coming from. The Jacaranda doesn't even look like it aggroed you, it just casually floats there and occasionally strikes you with some attack from above.

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As annoying as Jacaranda can be, at least they have counterplay.


My vote goes to Veteran Branded Griffons. aka "I'm gonna fly and evade and there is nothing you can do about it except stand around and wait. OK, I'm landing now, you can get some hits in...haha, kidding...off I go again!"

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Surprised no one mentioned that icebrood elemental in bitterfrost that will snipe you from miles away with the attack that turns you into an iceblock so you have to spam the 1 button at least 4 times to break free. This ice attack is like a missilie that will follow you for like 5 k range once fired. You can barely outrun it on a mount. It will follow you UP high into the sky if you use the jumping mushroom to escape. It will even HIT you and STILL freeze you midair before you reach the tree plattform. It's insane!!


Second place for me, Mushroom Chargers. So annoying to hit because they are just running around, spamming that knockback.


Also, Icebrood Kodan that will always start the fight with the extremely fast blade-spin attack half across the field. In one second you are casually walking far away from them, keeping your distance, half second later they spin right into your face so fast that you can't even dodge. What range is this attack even? like 1.2 k ?!

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There are too many for me to list just a few. I don’t think Anet is great at making enemies that are fun to fight against. In general anything that...


Spams CC’s, like the veteran trolls in Bitterfrost Frontier. Bonus points for keeping me chilled/crippled/immobilized for like 10 seconds after the fight is over, preventing me from mounting.

Spams the same ground targeted abilities over and over and over and over... resulting in boring fights where the it seems like I’m focused on fighting against the ground, rather than the enemy. Multiple HoT Jungle Vines spamming that fire AOE on the ground and Balthazar at the end of PoF story come to mind.

Uses annoying abilities that make the fight last several times longer, like the Bitterfrost griffons that run away with long evade animation.


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> @"Billy.1879" said:

> So I've been killing hydras to test different classes and builds and I've really developed a hate for dust mites.


> So heres my votes for most annoying mobs

> Sand lions

> dust mites

> smoke scale +1s

> I think it's a caustic blade dancer

> and the lava elementals at barths shrine at sirens cove


Those are some great choices.


I have to say I think Smokescale are the worst for me, especially the veterans, though in the later maps of LS 4, the mobs are getting more and more annoying with their conditions.

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