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Dagger Storm


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When every single thief in pvp is running the same elite, it's time to do something about this ridiculous god-mode skill. And the fact that improv can instantly recharge it is just BS. I don't know how there aren't more complaints about it since it's been over-tuned for so long.. I guess there were bigger fish to fry?

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What I am not comfortable with is actually how RNG the recharge is. I mean it sure is pretty insane to actually get off double or triple Daggerstorm when you land your steals, but it's not something you can rely on.


Someone else has already put forward that it would be better to make the trait recharge a set % of all utility skills. Though another problem arises in that if this trait becomes too strong, more Core Thief utilities would get nerfed in return instead of adjustments to this skill...

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Thiefs been gutted enough and unfortunately needs whatever carry skills it has. Atleast it's a carry skill and not a carry build or class like most.theres more for arenanet to worry about than dagger storm


While thief does need buffs, skills that deal damage, make you invulnerable and keep point contribution should never ever exist. The fact that this skill still exist as is, is a testament to Anet devs incompetence.

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> When every single thief in pvp is running the same elite, it's time to do something about this ridiculous god-mode skill. And the fact that improv can instantly recharge it is just BS.

Maybe it's not the god-mode skill (read my other answer below as well for the explanation of my opinion), it's because the other skills are garbage.

Thieves guild is completely garbage in sPvP and basi venom is also rather mediocre for solo Q. I mean.. what is a thief doing in a match anyway? +1-ing a fight, which has to be done quickly otherwise time is wasted, and running around decapping.

So I'd argue that the chances of a thief being caught by its own are quite high so these two elites are rather situational/not an option. DE are almost non-existent anymore but Shadow Meld isn't very useful either. While not as bad as the other skills Impact Strike is situational as well. The best part is the instant stomp on the skill chain finisher which is harder to utilize as you might think.

Also Improv is random and it doesn't happen like half the time.. I don't say that improv recharge is a good design choice but it's not like a thief can access it whenever he wants. Steal is also a extremely crucial tool and I'm almost certain almost nobody would waste Steal for a 20%(?) chance of resetting one skill. Especially since there's also at least the same or higher chance of resetting nothing.


> @"otto.5684" said:

> While thief does need buffs, skills that deal damage, make you invulnerable and keep point contribution should never ever exist.

While I don't disagree with you I'd like to add as a side note that daggerstorm makes you evade, not invul. Thats a huge difference since you can still get damage while evading, for example from conditions, retaliation and some AoEs. Also it's only during the animation so getting pulled or knockback (by a guard wall or tether for example) the evasion will stop as well.

I wouldn't mind the loss of point contribution tho since a thief almost never "defends" a point on its own anyway. In a teamfight it doesn't matter since your mate provides point contribution and when you kite you actually don't want to be directly on-point anyway so in general there wouldn't be much of an impact I guess.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> You know i think Basi venom needs a recharge reduction and give it an ammo system of 2 casts, cause personally i would carry around 2 bottles of basi venom in real life.


> one taco is never enough


It is fun how this suggestion is a good suggestion and bad suggestion at the same time =D

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> Until Thief is removed, redesign- nothing new!


> move on to a healthy fun competitive pvp game


> (Thief is a toxic bad design profession for 7 years and going strong. Seriously what would you except? A healthy fun competitive match with them in it??)



Stop playing and wasting your time on the forums of a game you "hate" and "don't play" anymore, or just admit that you play it like the rest of us.

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> @"Sylanna.1947" said:

> When every single thief in pvp is running the same elite, it's time to do something about this ridiculous god-mode skill. And the fact that improv can instantly recharge it is just BS. I don't know how there aren't more complaints about it since it's been over-tuned for so long.. I guess there were bigger fish to fry?


They're all running dagger storm because it's the only defense they have that can't be easily AOE stripped (and it can still be stripped by wards/lines/spears/tethers) . If you wanna give thieves some more defense so they can skirmish with you on point I'd gladly take basi venom.


I'm fine with it not being allowed to contest the point while being channeled though. That makes sense.

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Thieves are using dagger storm because other elite skills are garbage simple as that, i mean compare basi venom to binding shadow for example. The way i see it there are 2 realistic solutions to this:

Rework dagger storm to something like weaver's twist of fate combined with revenant's precision strike, where you evade for half a sec and shoot out a number of dagger per cast. Then give the new ds 2 casts with the ammo system, with a ~8 sec cd between casts and a recharge of ~30 sec per cast


Rework improvisation to ether recharge only utility skills by a set% (lets say 20%), or recharge the last skill used with the amount depending on what type of skill it was (if it was a utility then by a large amount ~80% lets say, if it was the healing skill then by ~30% and if it was the elite then ~20%). The latter option would be more fun because the thief will have to synchronise his steal with a right hand side skill he is most likely going to need the soonest again in a fight.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:


> Until Thief is removed, redesign- nothing new!


> move on to a healthy fun competitive pvp game


> (Thief is a toxic bad design profession for 7 years and going strong. Seriously what would you except? A healthy fun competitive match with them in it??)



Exactly how much have you drunk today? Cuz MATE this is like.... eh. I have not word strong enough yet polite enough to describe the feelings in my brain your coment has caused.


I think i need a bleach

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:


> > Until Thief is removed, redesign- nothing new!

> >

> > move on to a healthy fun competitive pvp game

> >

> > (Thief is a toxic bad design profession for 7 years and going strong. Seriously what would you except? A healthy fun competitive match with them in it??)

> >


> Exactly how much have you drunk today? Cuz MATE this is like.... eh. I have not word strong enough yet polite enough to describe the feelings in my brain your coment has caused.


> I think i need a bleach






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um dodge? block? reflect? los? get good?


seriously you had it right at there are more important things to take care of and still are thieves are meh and this makes them less meh (not saying they aren't good in good hands they always where and always will be) but in many situations the team would wish they didn't have a thief and that's a problem so tone down other aspects of the game then we can talk about thief.


people that make topics like these should post their rating and top 2 most played classes...

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:


OH I have found out what is the issue. This one talking WvW is, hmrmm. Well in that case let me hold a door for you. It says PvP on its top please enter the nightmare realm where food effects utility boosters pvp unaviale runes and gear but most importantly gank style gameplay (for most of its part) dont exist. try the Thief in there and keep ice handy for all the burns.

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