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Mist Shard Armor

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Yet another set of ugly skins that do not fit into the world design of GW2. This game really has lost its beautiful flair and original skin design style. It's become a cacophony of genre mixes that don't fit together nor into Tyria at all. Just awful and sad.

> That's rich. Basiclaly saying to take out the fantasy out of a fantasy MMO.


I think it's more rich to shoot someone down for saying they don't like the current theme the designers are pushing, especially given the noticable berth between the repeated themes and styles of modern outfits/armours versus that of on-release (or gem store) armours.


There are a lot more conventional styles of armours or clothing the game lacks that could add mountains of customisation options. I think it's time to put the shinie, spiky, bulky clothing to rest for awhile.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Yet another set of ugly skins that do not fit into the world design of GW2. This game really has lost its beautiful flair and original skin design style. It's become a cacophony of genre mixes that don't fit together nor into Tyria at all. Just awful and sad.


You & I are somehow playing different games. GW2 & Tyria have always had a smorgasbord of styles. There's always been a mix of high fantasy and of steampunk. Here are just some of the examples of our world's aesthetics available in the game from the beginning:

* The [Celebration Hat](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat) was in the game at launch (technically, before launch).

* The [Tailpipe Bandana](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron%27s_Tailpipe_Bandana) was in the game at launch.

* The [earmuffs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wintersday_Earmuffs) were introduced during the first Wintersday.

* [bunny Ears](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Bunny_Ears&oldid=410200) were added within two months of launch.


I'm not saying you need to like the choices ANet makes. I'm pointing out that this isn't a change or loss; the "cacophony" is consistent. You can like what you like & hate what you hate, without trying to retcon the history of the game's Wardrobe or wardrobe.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I adore the Requiem armor but there is no way you can get them without grinding the map currency. It takes a lot. I've gotten a few reward tracks done to help but am still short 2 pieces. I'll get there, and I'm not objecting to the time, but it /is/ a grind. Eventually I'll gather enough home instances and do enough Shatterers that it'll happen.


It does take a lot if you actually want all 3 sets but I've yet to find the desire for that ... just slowly getting the mistonium from the home instance node instead. I *was* going to do the hearts but the hearts in jahai is just too unappealing.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Yet another set of ugly skins that do not fit into the world design of GW2. This game really has lost its beautiful flair and original skin design style. It's become a cacophony of genre mixes that don't fit together nor into Tyria at all. Just awful and sad.


> You & I are somehow playing different games. GW2 & Tyria have always had a smorgasbord of styles. There's always been a mix of high fantasy and of steampunk. Here are just some of the examples of our world's aesthetics available in the game from the beginning:

> * The [Celebration Hat](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat) was in the game at launch (technically, before launch).

> * The [Tailpipe Bandana](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron%27s_Tailpipe_Bandana) was in the game at launch.

> * The [earmuffs](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wintersday_Earmuffs) were introduced during the first Wintersday.

> * [bunny Ears](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Bunny_Ears&oldid=410200) were added within two months of launch.


> I'm not saying you need to like the choices ANet makes. I'm pointing out that this isn't a change or loss; the "cacophony" is consistent. You can like what you like & hate what you hate, without trying to retcon the history of the game's Wardrobe or wardrobe.


An entirely homogeneous world where everything is the same style is also very unrealistic. Just flip open a few fashion magazines.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > Yet another set of ugly skins that do not fit into the world design of GW2. This game really has lost its beautiful flair and original skin design style. It's become a cacophony of genre mixes that don't fit together nor into Tyria at all. Just awful and sad.

> > That's rich. Basiclaly saying to take out the fantasy out of a fantasy MMO.


> I think it's more rich to shoot someone down for saying they don't like the current theme the designers are pushing, especially given the noticable berth between the repeated themes and styles of modern outfits/armours versus that of on-release (or gem store) armours.


> There are a lot more conventional styles of armours or clothing the game lacks that could add mountains of customisation options. I think it's time to put the shinie, spiky, bulky clothing to rest for awhile.


Not shooting somebody down, merely responding in kind. "Ugly" and the way it was phrased are pretty heavy words for something so very subjective. Plus a history of making things sound like her opinion is the objective truth, but I digress.


I don't mean any offense to you, if you take any, Ashantara, and if it comes off that way then I am sorry. Our opinions clash many times, but my issue mostly lies in the framing, the way it was said and the way I understand it based on context. That's why I went into detail on how we need more fantastic designs, given that's the strong suit of a fantasy MMO.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Yet another set of ugly skins that do not fit into the world design of GW2. This game really has lost its beautiful flair and original skin design style. It's become a cacophony of genre mixes that don't fit together nor into Tyria at all. Just awful and sad.


> That's rich. Basiclaly saying to take out the fantasy out of a fantasy MMO.


That is not what I was saying. Derailing from a design style so radically, as done is this game in many cases these past couple of years with weapon and armor designs, is not a "fantasy MMO" thing. It's just taking away a fantasy world's identity. Sci-fi designs do not fit with classic fantasy designs - it's bad taste to mix them. I know, it's "a thing" these days with many games and kids television shows (mostly Korean or Japanese productions), but that doesn't make it any better in my eyes.


P.S. Sorry, but these sets are "ugly" in terms of shape and features. Nothing Tyrian about them. They would fit better into a "Mad Max" setting.

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Armor design in general don’t have a wow factor in gw2. Weapons they do nice armor it feels like they keep interesting ideas safe for outfits



Edit I take it back Armor seems cool mad max meets crystals


And wow that gs is from another dimension

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Derailing from a design style so radically,

You keep repeating that as if that's an accurate reflection of the game, rather than simply a strong opinion of what you'd like to see in the game.


> ...these past couple of years with weapon and armor designs, is not a "fantasy MMO" thing.

It's not new; it's always been this way.

* [Asura T3 armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Electromagnetic_armor)

* Zhaitan is defeated by [laser guns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/MEGA-LIT_cannon) that require power cores to operate.

* Core Engineer uses rifles, bombs, grenades, a pistol that shoots electricity, a magnetic shield, a homing torpedo, rocket boots, etc


> It's just taking away a fantasy world's identity.

Tyria has never been a fantasy world; it's always been mixed.


> Sci-fi designs do not fit with classic fantasy designs

In your opinion. Fortunately, this game has never been strictly fantasy. Even GW1 has [Chaos Gloves](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Chaos_Gloves), [slim spectacles](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Slim_Spectacles), [sunglasses](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Tinted_Spectacles), [bandanas](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bandana), and the coveted [Voltaic Spear](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Voltaic_Spear).


> it's bad taste to mix them.

You mean, it's not to your taste.


> P.S. Sorry, but these sets are "ugly" in terms of shape and features. Nothing Tyrian about them.

"Ugly" isn't a matter of fact. Whether something is or is not Tyrian is up to ANet, and apparently they think these designs fit.



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Yet another set of ugly skins that do not fit into the world design of GW2. This game really has lost its beautiful flair and original skin design style. It's become a cacophony of genre mixes that don't fit together nor into Tyria at all. Just awful and sad.


They just need to move anyone off the armor team besides the people who made elonian elementalist/ritualist outfits/

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I like the mistshard armour concept, I'm actually really glad that it's NOT glowing like requiem. I specifically don't enjoy the end results for what i think are heavy and medium armour (shot 1 and shot 2 after it's named), but I really enjoy what I think is the light armour variant. Overall, mistshard armour is a positive, not glowing which is to it's benefit imo, I just don't exactly like what I think are the heavy and medium variants, they don't appeal to me personally, but light armour does.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I'm really excited for this! Quite pleased with their rate of production with armors as of late (2 full sets just in the second half of this season, plus some standalone chest and leg pieces), and it's also nice to have something that's a considerable grind in the sense that it makes us play the new content a lot.

:+1: on this, always better than outfits. Hope it consumes Mistonium as currency (nothing to spend it on after the amour collection).


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I'm not fond of sets that are so randomly revealing; based on the video, you could see many odd places in which the character's skin was showing in the armor for the heavy and medium sets. Feels rather gratuitous to me. The "boob window" in the medium set, for example, looks really out of place.


It's nice to have so many new armor sets, though. I didn't like this one, but I liked some of the Requiem sets.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:


> It's nice to have so many new armor sets, though. I didn't like this one, but I liked some of the ...

Indeed. No one is going to like all the sets; I generally like maybe 10-20% of the skins in any game. So the more sets there are, the more likely it is that _something_ suits my taste. I don't get too hung up on the ones that don't.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> In your opinion. Fortunately, this game has never been strictly fantasy. Even GW1 has [Chaos Gloves](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Chaos_Gloves), [slim spectacles](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Slim_Spectacles), [sunglasses](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Tinted_Spectacles), [bandanas](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bandana), and the coveted [Voltaic Spear](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Voltaic_Spear).


> "Ugly" isn't a matter of fact. Whether something is or is not Tyrian is up to ANet, and apparently they think these designs fit.


Adding to this, I'd like to point out that GW1 armor sets were not always sleek, slender, symmetrical, and non-pointy. Take a look at nearly half of the[ assassin armor](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Assassin_armor " assassin armor") (especially Kurzick/Elite Kurzick, Luxon/Elite Luxon, Vabbian, Ancient, and Asuran), [Elementalist Primeval armor](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Elementalist_Primeval_armor "Elementalist Primeval armor"), a good deal of the [necromancer armor](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necromancer_armor "necromancer armor") (especially Vabbian, Ancient, Primeval, Sunspear, Elite Luxon, Asuran, and Olias's various armor sets), the [Warrior Silver Eagle set](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warrior_Silver_Eagle_armor "Warrior Silver Eagle set") (well, mostly for males), three of the four Nightfall prestige armor for [Rangers](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ranger_armor "Rangers") (Elite Sunspear, Ancient, and Primeval), and whatever the heck [Razah's armor](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Razah/Armor_gallery "Razah's armor") is supposed to be.


...so my point is that the jagged shards of the Mist Shard armor are by no means a deviation from the art style in either Guild Wars 1 or Guild Wars 2. Whether they are "ugly" or not is a personal opinion, but it is not a *fact*, and the design is not an abnormality.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > I'm really excited for this! Quite pleased with their rate of production with armors as of late (2 full sets just in the second half of this season, plus some standalone chest and leg pieces), and it's also nice to have something that's a considerable grind in the sense that it makes us play the new content a lot.

> :+1: on this, always better than outfits. Hope it consumes Mistonium as currency (nothing to spend it on after the amour collection).




It’ll probably use the currency for the new map. Thought I wouldn’t complain for all those currencies to get new used

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > yeah, the usual grind and farm kitten, never just a reward for doing the story...

> > >

> > > Good.

> > >

> > > Imagine if they just handed out cultural armor for free. They would have never had any kind of prestige attached to them.

> >

> > They never did have any prestige.


> Definitely wrong. I've seen many people be in awe when they recognized the sets and how they would never be able to afford them.


> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Yet another set of ugly skins that do not fit into the world design of GW2. This game really has lost its beautiful flair and original skin design style. It's become a cacophony of genre mixes that don't fit together nor into Tyria at all. Just awful and sad.


> That's rich. Basiclaly saying to take out the fantasy out of a fantasy MMO.


> Edit: I want to build on this. Ever since the release of the game we've had many fantastic concepts ingame. We have a race of magic plant people, low sci-fi with Asura, the raw mechanical side of things with the Charr. We have oversized weapons and somewhat viking themed styles with the Norn. These people have the strength of countless men, would make sense that weapons reflect that trait somewhere.


> The entire concept of a Greatsword is one of fantasy. Longswords, generally two handed weapons, max out at around 130cm. Imagine if swords had to conform to that ingame. They'd look like toothpicks, especially when wielded by a large stature character. That would limit weapons to basically what we have ingame. Take a look at those exotic greatswords that came with core. Many of those are realistic enough that I could see them in real life and functional for the most part. It would only make sense to move onto more creative designs as time goes on.


> Armors, while done in several styles, don't allow much creativity either when they have to bind themselves to realism. That's one of the best things when it comes to fantasy. Seeing how they break all those boundaries to make something that simply looks COOL. For the sake of having more than 5 armor sets and representing more races alone they must break and go beyond what is practical. I don't think it's for anybody to judge the practicality in this fantasy setting. If we want to go one step deeper we could even say that armor rating is essentially a magical stat that will increase our bodies resistance to being hurt, so when we run around half naked we still get the armor since it's tied to piece, not actual cover :)


Hmm, a matter of opinion regarding prestige then. Something in game that can be purchased with log in rewards, or a credit card, is not prestigious in my opinion.

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Now think that this would be upgradable to ascended precursors for open world legendary armor and rest will come with season 5.


yeah they never did upgradable to ascended armor, the best you got is ascended chest for unlocking all skins, Ley-line, Requiem.

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Those new armor skins are cool, but would like more skin revealing armor for heavy, maybe not like light weight but at least like medium: half covered, half not. And maybe heavier armor for light. But it's my opinion, the only weight I'm very happy with is medium, it brings a ton of style and diversity whereas light is just cool for human female... my female asura can't even wear female armor.

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