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no downstate week shows how depressing balance is


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> @"Celsith.2753" said:


> Why is it perfectly ok to be on a 'glassy zerg build', dealing out over 10k hits to 5 people at a time, but it's not ok for you to pay for being 'out of position' or not dodging? You don't get to sit in a zerg and be perfectly safe from some random that is risking your entire zerg chasing them down. The entire point of having the zerg around you is to help you if you're out of dodges isn't it?

> I'll answer my own question. The zerg isn't there to help you before you down. The zerg is there to pick you up, (i'm saying you but me too when I zerg), when you've failed to survive. And that's an issue for some players. I want to see people focused on keeping their team ALIVE, not traited and utilitied to nullify their mistake when theyve already failed.


I never said that glassy zerg builds should have the playing field to themselves uncontested. My entire point was discussing how no downed state negatively affects large scale fights given the current zerg and roaming meta.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:


> > Why is it perfectly ok to be on a 'glassy zerg build', dealing out over 10k hits to 5 people at a time, but it's not ok for you to pay for being 'out of position' or not dodging? You don't get to sit in a zerg and be perfectly safe from some random that is risking your entire zerg chasing them down. The entire point of having the zerg around you is to help you if you're out of dodges isn't it?

> > I'll answer my own question. The zerg isn't there to help you before you down. The zerg is there to pick you up, (i'm saying you but me too when I zerg), when you've failed to survive. And that's an issue for some players. I want to see people focused on keeping their team ALIVE, not traited and utilitied to nullify their mistake when theyve already failed.


> I never said that glassy zerg builds should have the playing field to themselves uncontested. My entire point was discussing how no downed state negatively affects large scale fights given the current zerg and roaming meta.


I don't see a larger force paying for mistakes as a negative effect.

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Imo game should be like this, add the gw1 Rez system back, reduce damage output on the most dps builds since some can have decent escapes and sustain, and game would be better.


If ya want to Rez Players need to have some skill that have that effect lol would be fun cause a lot would QQ cause thay had to choose some skill on the spambar for it.



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> @"Celsith.2753" said:


> I don't see a larger force paying for mistakes as a negative effect.


And i dont see how individual players instantly killing someone in a coordinated 20+ person squad with little risk to themselves is good for the game. Looks like we are going to have to agree to disagree.


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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> >

> > I don't see a larger force paying for mistakes as a negative effect.


> And i dont see how individual players instantly killing someone in a coordinated 20+ person squad with little risk to themselves is good for the game. Looks like we are going to have to agree to disagree.



Is it riskier to be in a 20+ squad or by your own?

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:


> Is it riskier to be in a 20+ squad or by your own?


This is starting to get far from the point i was trying to make, and i was in no way suggesting that a roamer is facing a squad solo. Often being a roamer in a cloud can be much safer since you can have access to much greater mobility and personal defense, and its easy to see where the zerg is moving and position yourself accordingly. Other times being in a zerg can be much safer. It depends on player skill, group coordination/composition, terrain favoring one side, etc.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> The no downstate is a crutch for people who cannot map out the entire fight. To win, includes the stomp. As they don't have the ability to work out a strategy to do it, they demand that the downstate be removed.


Lol, what?


If you down someone in a fight that you are not out numbered in, stomping means nothing. It is only a barrier when you are outnumbered, and favors those with greater numbers.


The mental gymnastics some people do is amazing.


But I guess I need no downstate to win a fight....Oh wait....


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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> >

> > Is it riskier to be in a 20+ squad or by your own?


> This is starting to get far from the point i was trying to make, and i was in no way suggesting that a roamer is facing a squad solo. Often being a roamer in a cloud can be much safer since you can have access to much greater mobility and personal defense, and its easy to see where the zerg is moving and position yourself accordingly.


So in your opinion commanders and organized gameplay is less effective?

> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:



> The mental gymnastics some people do is amazing.


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It is depressing. I guess this is why quite a number of my guildlies, myself included, have stayed out of WvW till this lame event is over. The bonus xp thingy is nothing if the game is more frustrating than fun.


I am in three lvl 69 guilds and those members that i used to see (from guild panel) playing wvw are either offline or in pve, doing fractals mostly. Not all but many.


Well done ANet for trying to bring more players into WvW by adding mount and then nerf it to the ground. And, also by nerfing the defence mechanic and having more power creep coupled with no down state. Keep it up! :D


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I love how majority of players liking no downstate week are solo roamers and most popular roaming builds are the ones with 1200+ range oneshots or 15 seconds of damage immunity, both with 3+ mobility skills and usually with stealth. Who cares how many enemies are there when you can always pick one and kill it with no issues.. "Skilled 1vx" more like no risk 1vx.



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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I love how majority of players liking no downstate week are solo roamers and most popular roaming builds are the ones with 1200+ range oneshots or 15 seconds of damage immunity, both with 3+ mobility skills and usually with stealth. Who cares how many enemies are there when you can always pick one and kill it with no issues.. "Skilled 1vx" more like no risk 1vx.


haven't you heard? daredevil steal range nerf means teef is so very underpowered atm you couldn't even kill an ambient with it.

someone didn't get the memo.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > I love how majority of players liking no downstate week are solo roamers and most popular roaming builds are the ones with 1200+ range oneshots or 15 seconds of damage immunity, both with 3+ mobility skills and usually with stealth. Who cares how many enemies are there when you can always pick one and kill it with no issues.. "Skilled 1vx" more like no risk 1vx.


> haven't you heard? daredevil steal range nerf means teef is so very underpowered atm you couldn't even kill an ambient with it.

> someone didn't get the memo.



I dunno. I lost to a daredevil earlier today. But he +1'd me while I was fighting a herald.

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So I'm actually not completely against downstate. I honestly just don't think it's balanced. Especially when combining such factors (besides player numbers) like traits/skills or "rally" etc. that help you get off the ground easier.

"Downstate" is no longer... Or rather... has **never** been "just downstate" - end of story.


I have more reason to believe that the imbalances around downstate itself initially; influenced some of the imbalances we have today in general. And will continue to have influence as the game still grows.

"No Downstate" never had a chance to evolve with the game on any significant level... But "Downstate" did.


So IMO if anyone is going to take issue with balance, just remember... "Downstate" and all it's bells and whistles had a significantly higher reign over the games "balance", as we see it, compared to "No Downstate".

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > K.

> > >

> > > Elaborate?

> >

> > now u stand somewhere and get bursted in 2 sec without even a chance of a team mate rezz u up.

> >

> > it feels like the game took away one feature for the sake of be more in order what WOW player are used too. I simply cant see where no downstate enhances fun as well.

> > and by taking downstate away u noticed more how fast u fall from 100% health to 0.

> > I say this as a guardian with a weak downstate in compare to other classes


> So you stood there for 2 seconds face tanking a burst? GW2 is not like lots of other MMO where defenses are based on passive stats for evades or blocks, rather they are active defenses. That means you have to be aware and ready to react, if you are not then you should be in spawn until you are ready.


> What you are saying here is how unaware you are and you are now noticing your short comings without downed state and larger numbers to rezz you. So you are a guard in group play, yet everyone else is having to support and carry you.


> What class bursted you? What is your build? How much HP and defense? What skills did they use and how much dmg? Why didn't you dodge?


U know and I know that nobody facetank any burst 2 seconds except while being afk.


Here a situation I’m in a 1v1 I’m at 50% some enemy joins the fight rev or ranger start bursting from my blind spot. I’m dead.


Or I do it to someone else, I’m not the player who dies and cry on the forum I also tell weaknesses of the game when they giving me an advantage

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > K.

> > >

> > > Elaborate?

> >

> > now u stand somewhere and get bursted in 2 sec without even a chance of a team mate rezz u up.

> >

> > it feels like the game took away one feature for the sake of be more in order what WOW player are used too. I simply cant see where no downstate enhances fun as well.

> > and by taking downstate away u noticed more how fast u fall from 100% health to 0.

> > I say this as a guardian with a weak downstate in compare to other classes


> It's never fun to be on the receiving end of that damage. But at least the person that downed you had fun.

> And I don't think it's great you need to rely on the player next to you just because you cannot dodge the damage.. Bunker up if you do not want to be down all the time.


Sorry my class was pigeonholed to be reliant on other class so guess ill delete the game for a week. :(

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> @"Lalary.3561" said:

> It's mind blowing how some people want to punish players that play better and reward those who play like mindless zombies and calling it "balance".

> Do you people rather want some rock,paper, scissors RNG combat mechanic for GW2?


Punish by coming in 1200 range of rangers. Honestly if they deleted this class for this week and then put no downstate event, it would've 10x more enjoyable.

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There isnt really any skill to no downstate week. Not sure where this idea comes from when all that matters is dumping the highest amount of burst damage on a spot as possible in hopes the enemy is panicing to hit all their defensive cooldowns. No downstate week is such a dumb idea when TTK is faster then League of Legends endgame fights. (Which last no longer then 5 seconds at most).


If the game offered actual fights instead of boulder vs pebble balanced fights then no downstate would a good idea. But as it is now, it just brings out the absolute worse in the game.


If an average XvX fight lasted10-20 seconds then this would be perfect decent.

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Last day and hopefully the last time I have to go into wvw during this wreched event, I got cussed out for not rezzing a guy that in addition to not understanding the concept of 5 defenders against a zerg in lords room doesn't allow 20-30 seconds to rez you, also apparently never learned how to or is too good to wp or dodge, but apparently none of that matters, all is my fault because instead of risking blob D&D to help out the guy that thought round 2 would turn out different, I decided instead to risk Blob D&D pummeling a golem the zerg left on their way in thru those new and improved FIGHT gates.

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