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Warclaw is starting to get useless now

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > After the cascading downgrades of the warclaw, this mount is starting to be a joke.

> >

> > * Battle maul attack nerfed (This one was actually fine with me)

> > * Jump distance reduced (Such a pity, I loved the traveling speed improvement that it gave)

> > * Jumping at dismount removed

> > * Remount speed reduced

> > * No longer cap the ring when mounted

> >

> > It feels quite disappointing now, and I was so happy when I tried the mount for the first day. It was a true improvement to my gameplay but I feel that it has been nerfed way too much. I would love to see some downgrades be undone, especially the jump distance reduction hurts.

> >

> >


> This is what the gankers wanted. They post more so they are winning.


So you're a "ganker" if you wanted people to actually have to fight in order to contest a point? Whatever you say, bud. I think people are a little too comfortable with the idea of virtual immunity to attack in a PvP game mode. I guess I'm a ganker...

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > After the cascading downgrades of the warclaw, this mount is starting to be a joke.

> >

> > * Battle maul attack nerfed (This one was actually fine with me)

> > * Jump distance reduced (Such a pity, I loved the traveling speed improvement that it gave)

> > * Jumping at dismount removed

> > * Remount speed reduced

> > * No longer cap the ring when mounted

> >

> > It feels quite disappointing now, and I was so happy when I tried the mount for the first day. It was a true improvement to my gameplay but I feel that it has been nerfed way too much. I would love to see some downgrades be undone, especially the jump distance reduction hurts.

> >

> >


> This is what the gankers wanted. They post more so they are winning.


Ganking is an action, not a label.


Everyone ganks, just like everyone runs.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> After the cascading downgrades of the warclaw, this mount is starting to be a joke.


> * Battle maul attack nerfed (This one was actually fine with me)

> * Jump distance reduced (Such a pity, I loved the traveling speed improvement that it gave)

> * Jumping at dismount removed

> * Remount speed reduced

> * No longer cap the ring when mounted


> It feels quite disappointing now, and I was so happy when I tried the mount for the first day. It was a true improvement to my gameplay but I feel that it has been nerfed way too much. I would love to see some downgrades be undone, especially the jump distance reduction hurts.




Battle Maul nerfed: well, by yourself it didn't seem to do much. But I'm guessing a few players were able to down and defeat a single player just with battle maul alone. If that's the reason it was nerfed it's understandable. Also, if I remember right, battle maul caused bleeding originally but was removed. Bleeding was kinda pointless and didn't do much, unless you get hit with the maul by multiple players.


Jump distance reduced/jumping at dismount removed: both done for the same reason. They were being used to exploit the game. There must have been at least a dozen threads on Reddit complaining about players using these to get inside and capture towers/keeps/castles without ever breaking through a gate or wall. And I've seen video of someone showing themselves on the top of the outer wall of a garrison, being able to lunge to the top of the inner wall. All they had to do was drop down into the lord's room. Groups of players were using these exploits to get inside and capture things. By the time you got enough players to defend the objective, it was too late. They were already on the lord without a single wall or gate broken through first.


Remount speed reduced: they told us ahead of time they'd be adding a 5 second cooldown to remount. The reason is because battle maul doesn't put you into combat. So what you could do (and I've done it myself several times) is pounce on a downed player to finish them off, then immediately remount, run over and pounce more downed players. It also allowed you to run up and pounced a downed player, then remount and get away before other players were able to attack to put you into combat mode.


Mounts no longer allow the capture or contesting of objectives: because players would show up on a mount and run around inside the circle, going behind buildings/objects to avoid being attacked. And they'd do this until a few of their friends showed up, killed you, and in some cases take the objective for themselves. And if you're capturing an objective it was the same thing. Run around avoid attacks while you were capping on your mount. It forces players to have to fight to cap/defend objectives.




Edit: Thinking about it, I have to agree about the damage nerf to battle maul. In my experience, it doesn't matter if I'm mauled to death by multiple players, or they all dismount and attack me. Either way I'd be waypointing. So the damage nerf seemed kinda pointless, but as I said, understandable.


Besides, it's not like a bunch of players could battle maul a weaver to death. Seriously, I see it on an almost daily basis. 5 or more players from my server trying like hell to defeat a single weaver for several minutes, until the weaver eventually runs out of juice and is defeated.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Its not useless...

> >

> > We can chase each other in circles playing Betty White music.. ???

> >


> Not that this is relevant to the topic but I think you mean *Benny Hill* music...lol


Yep, that's gold.. I did.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> After the cascading downgrades of the warclaw, this mount is starting to be a joke.


> * Battle maul attack nerfed (This one was actually fine with me)

I run full dire armor on my normal roaming build and often get hit for nearly half my health from specs like power herald. Upon release, I could literally down people from condis just from the procs that would trigger from the engage. The engage skill shouldn't do any sort of respectable damage in my opinion. It already finishes downs, and shouldn't give you such a great in-combat advantage like high damage. You are not using any skill cooldowns to do so, so the reward should be minimized for using it.

> * Jump distance reduced (Such a pity, I loved the traveling speed improvement that it gave)

The jump distance and endurance recovery rate still allow for people to evade very frequently, avoiding most specs' burst aside from cheese like Sic 'Em Soulbeast. The time a player spends attempting to dismount another on a Warclaw also means that they are dropping cooldowns for it. Players can still bait cooldowns while dancing around on Warkitty and then engage when it's at 5% hp to avoid the CC, also gaining the advantage of preferred positioning. I can still charge towards a zerg at a gate and triple dodge through all the necro marks and incoming attacks, making it inside safely. I fail to see how this is even remotely healthy for the gamemode. If I had it my way, I would restrict Warclaws from traveling through keep/tower/garri entrances.

> * Jumping at dismount removed

WvW maps were not designed with Warclaw in mind and there were too many possible exploits with the jump. Sure it doesn't feel as fun, but it was changed for good reason. Exploit-proofing all maps would probably be a very daunting task.

> * Remount speed reduced

Players can still invest in no mobility skills and not have to suffer because of it while traveling. It was simply too fast upon release. It still is quite fast in friendly territory.

> * No longer cap the ring when mounted

This was another change that should have existed from the start. Contesting/capping rings while on Warclaw means, once again, that you are being rewarded for not taking a risk. If you want to contest or cap a ring, you should have to commit to it. Jumping around the ring to contest it while you wait for your friends to arrive is not healthy.


The changes they have made to the Warclaw have been helpful in toning it down to a more respectable level. It still serves a very beneficial purpose in its current form. People can still play glass zerg builds but not be punished nearly as severely when moving outside their group. This was one of the downsides to playing such builds, and one of the risks that has largely diminished. Warclaw is still very forgiving and enabling in its current form and is far from useless.

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It was fine when they introduced it, it's fine now that they nerfed it, it will be fine if they nerf it more, it will be fine if they buff it again . . .


It's the same mount for everyone, its only drawbacks stem from individual players who are unable to adapt to it . . .

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Enhance it for pve since it's going to be nerfed more in wvw. The reason I say that is because when I'm in PVE after being in wvw, the active mount becomes WC, even if I had it on raptor before going into wvw. So if that bug can't be fixed then WC should be made better for pve.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> After the cascading downgrades of the warclaw, this mount is starting to be a joke.


> * Battle maul attack nerfed (This one was actually fine with me)

> * Jump distance reduced (Such a pity, I loved the traveling speed improvement that it gave)

> * Jumping at dismount removed

> * Remount speed reduced

> * No longer cap the ring when mounted


> It feels quite disappointing now, and I was so happy when I tried the mount for the first day. It was a true improvement to my gameplay but I feel that it has been nerfed way too much. I would love to see some downgrades be undone, especially the jump distance reduction hurts.




All the downgrades only proves how badly designed and implemented was the WarCat in the beginning (in my opinion, the worst part is its presence in WvW).

Still the Cat is a factor of inbalace. You can one shot players using Battle Maul (see the videos if you don't believe). The jump distance was at start the same as many classes blinks/teleports - skills considered very strong and useful. But the Cat had 3 jumps etc.


The next step in order to make the Cat a **neutral** add on for WvW, not influencing the outcome of a battle should be to completely cancel the Battle Maul attack, making it effective only against downed targets 9only for the achievement sake). And even so it can finish a downed player without risks. So, the jump distance should be shortened even more. Half of the **actual** value may be a good starting point. Also, the number of jumps should be reduced. To maximum 1 (with mastery points invested in it).


The travel speed should be reduced at the normal speed of a player (it is ridiculous that you can now use the utility slots for power/condition attack having the speed from the mount). You should have no advantage over other classes by having the mount.


The HP of the mount should be reduced - to maximum 1000 HP. No invulnerability on jump.


Pff !! So much effort to bring the things back at the moment before the mounts. We still have to wait for the the situation to become normal.

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only thing is needed is a special skill to dismount without using your fight skills and start with major disadvantage into fight and you will have roaming back activated.


what im concerned more about is the cashoff politics behind the mount, anet selling a package of 5 skins for gems worth what 20 dollars while 3 of those skins are no new skins but just minor repaints. so you actually buy 2 new skins only for 2k gems...


at least make us use fight tonics while mounting.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> > The cooldown on the skill also makes it a pain in the behind to dismount for the purpose of grabbing a hero banner, for instance, because you then increase the distance between you and the squad/commander while waiting to be able to mount up again.


> I just press F instead when I pass banners, it will auto dismount you like when grabbing supply


_That_ was exactly my point. When you dismount, you have to wait for the cooldown before you can remount. In many cases, you fall behind because of this (same with gathering nodes and supplies).


Anyway, as I stated earlier, I think the mount has been nerfed into oblivion and should never have been introduced to WvW in the first place. The Battle Maul skill is also often useless, as it is not target-oriented but will always be executed in the direction you are currently facing (and your enemies are rarely standing still and waiting for you to kill them, are they? ;) ). Soon, the Warclaw's only practical functionalities left will be the mount up/dismount ability and the ability to pull down gates.


Speed and jump distance are already a joke, you can no longer hop over small obstacles with a quick dismount, and (as mentioned above) the cooldown after dismounts makes it annoying to dismount at all unless you run into the enemy. Furthermore, the attack skill has been buggy since the last patch - you press the corresponding key/button, but nothing happens until your third or fourth attempt. I was happy at first that WvW got a mount, now I am just disappointed in it.


> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> Enhance it for pve since it's going to be nerfed more in wvw. The reason I say that is because when I'm in PVE after being in wvw, the active mount becomes WC, even if I had it on raptor before going into wvw. So if that bug can't be fixed then WC should be made better for pve.


It's a WvW mount. It does not need to be enhanced in PvE, because it is pointless to use it there.

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> @"Kraljevo.2801" said:

> You're complaining for the sake of complaining.


> All the points you mentioned caused problems with certain aspects of WvW. Aspects you would be aware of if you played the game mode instead of checking out the scenery with your mount.


you are absolutely right but what tell us this?

They didnt overthink anything before including the Warclaw into WvW. Somehow this looks like anyone from the devs is playing WvW at all.


So first you get the Warclaw and you have some nice new abilities and then nerf hammer after nerf hammer after another nerf hammer.

So players are disappointed

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> @"subversiontwo.7501" said:

> It discourages players from attacking and taking initiatives like havoc-capturing that creates content.

Enemies arriving to fight you is not creating content? The attacker already have a massive advantage, they decide when and where they attack.



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Useless? Hell no, its the best trolling weapon atm in game. Also its common bread for all PvE’ers that just wanna cap some camp, do easy stuff and casually k-train instead of fighting actual enemy player. Its far from being useless, its useful, just in very wrong way.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Useless? Hell no, its the best trolling weapon atm in game. Also its common bread for all PvE’ers that just wanna cap some camp, do easy stuff and casually k-train instead of fighting actual enemy player. Its far from being useless, its useful, just in very wrong way.


lol, I love reading comments like these. Always good for a chuckle.


But look, I'm going to play along and just assume you are not trolling and are not really this blatantly ignorant, and suggest a solution to your problem by illustrating two points:


1. According to players like you, "PvE’ers that just wanna cap some camp, do easy stuff and casually k-train instead of fighting actual enemy player"

2. Players cannot kill NPC guards while mounted, nor can they capture an objective, which means in order to "cap some camp / easy stuff", they have to get off their mounts.


Now I'm not even going to leave this for you to figure out, I'll give you the answer: attack the players while they are dismounted and attacking an objective.


You're welcome.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > Useless? Hell no, its the best trolling weapon atm in game. Also its common bread for all PvE’ers that just wanna cap some camp, do easy stuff and casually k-train instead of fighting actual enemy player. Its far from being useless, its useful, just in very wrong way.


> lol, I love reading comments like these. Always good for a chuckle.


> But look, I'm going to play along and just assume you are not trolling and are not really this blatantly ignorant, and suggest a solution to your problem by illustrating two points:


> 1. According to players like you, "PvE’ers that just wanna cap some camp, do easy stuff and casually k-train instead of fighting actual enemy player"

> 2. Players cannot kill NPC guards while mounted, nor can they capture an objective, which means in order to "cap some camp / easy stuff", they have to get off their mounts.


> Now I'm not even going to leave this for you to figure out, I'll give you the answer: attack the players while they are dismounted and attacking an objective.


> You're welcome.



And I love reading comments like this :*. Of course im trolling.

And I see you didnt catch my point, so let me say it straight forward: idc about camps and npcs. What I care about is mount mobility, cc immunity and 3 dodges. With all that „equipped” you can easily avoid any fights going from the very bottom to the very top of the map. If you are playing necro, not fa ele, non rifle warrior etc etc theres no chance you can catch somebody if he uses his brain cells


So, lets say youre roaming as spellbroken, you see person at vale, he mounts up you mount up, now 5 minutes of Benny Hill music where you try to catch him/dismount and in the end you give up because its impossible on your spec (im not warrior player fyi). After some minutes you see nc capped by this guy because you didny want to waste any more time on him. Now you see my point? And i dont even wanna mention trolling with warclaw where you can kite X amount of ppl on w/e spec and they will run after you like headless chickens.


YOU’re welcome.

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