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[Spoilers] Terrible story

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I don't know why people hate in the instant resurrection. It's a cliffhanger method used on many many things, and has been for years. It's a pretty common trope.

Also remember that they can change or alter the Lore to accommodate to what they need, like any writer does in any other media too. Including series, comics and movies.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> I don't know why people hate in the instant resurrection. It's a cliffhanger method used on many many things, and has been for years. It's a pretty common trope.

> Also remember that they can change or alter the Lore to accommodate to what they need, like any writer does in any other media too. Including series, comics and movies.


Most of the cliffhangers that I remember show a character facing their doom, with the viewer admonished to tune in next time to see how it works out...


I dont recall cliffhangers where the character died, is confirmed as positively dead, and then they just get back up at the beginning of the next episode.



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I found the story too short, and seemed spanned out with the same old mechanics (go to 3 locations and press f) so uninspiring, I always hope for a new view, something fresh... It never happens

The art, map is again as always top level, the achievements seem a little on the easy side, would rather some take time.. most are achieved from first play through..Sound acting is great, and cinematics also great..meta is fun, the map restart not so much when people are a inch from the last scale/ egg and boom a white line and all maps back at base...Just feel like logging off.

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I've never understood why people were so upset with Aurine's resurection. Were they expecting some dark plot where the commander has to contrive some other way to stop the Elder Dragons once and for all, all the while throwing away all of the obvious foreshadowing that went into previous chapters?


Personally, I liked the story (although the story assumes the commander zig-zags between Lions Arch and Elona A LOT, leading one to question whether these airships move at super-sonic speeds). Aurine also recovered from her "brand to the heart" injury a little too quickly... but I digress.

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I think it was an amazing episode (was a bit dissapoited by that ressurection, even though I've seen it coming; Also PLEASE do NOT make Braham laugh ever again! That thing was scary! :) )

Cinematics, music, new map, enviroment....everything perfect.

Looking forward the next season and its plot!


~ Thandaer

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> And? There's not even a word explaining why it's okay for her to eat magic while it isn't for others. Why her holding a power of several dragons (and more, considering she got also part of balthasar's power, Joko's magic, and all of the immense amount of magic Kralky has eaten in the mists) does not unbalance the world, while it would cause a cascade failure if held by any other dragon.

It doesn't need to be explained, as the solution is plain. It's not about a "cascade failure", it's about keeping all of that power out of the hands of the creatures that will destroy all life on Tyria. The Pact is counting on having Aurene on their side, so they're trusting her with that power.

> Remember also, that it was stated in this very story that no being could have as much magic as Kralkatorrik did without being tormented and going insane. Why Aurene is suddenly an exception to this is also not explained.

Nobody had any clue about the torment issue when the plan was hatched, so that's not a hole in the plan.


As for Aurene's being an exception? Maybe she's not. As you say, it's not explained. For all we know, she's the next villain, or the next LW episode will explain how she dissipated the excess magic into the Eternal Alchemy, or she ascended to a higher being than can handle all of it...who knows? Unanswered questions aren't the same as unanswerable questions.


EDIT: After reading what you said about the issues the story brought up with the balance of the six sources of power, I have to acknowledge that does leave a pretty big hole. Though I will still say that there is room to address it, I will give you that it is something that should have been addressed already.

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I enjoyed it. But there are a few things that bothered me...


The voice acting at times was really strange, and the dialogue was a little weird. Like Braham's 3 minutes of non-stop forced laughter at max volume...


Aurene saying, "He is DEFINITELY not happy to see me." Who wrote that? I don't know, that's a minor pet peeve but it just struck me as a bit awkward.


The dialogue exchange between Kralk and Aurene in the final instance. 1. Kralk was kind of hard to hear. 2. It felt a bit rushed, especially with all of the combat mechanics. I feel like this part would have been a bit better in the form of a cut scene before the fight started or something.


Other issues:


1. It looks like we're pretty far out in the ocean, but somehow this land mass just lands into the ocean and somehow doesn't sink down into it? The placement of all of that, particularly in the ocean, seemed really strange unless they are in fact using it as a lead in to the introduction of Bubbles somehow.

2. Skyscale's introduction. I'm still not entirely sure what they are or how they got here. It implied that they're a new species... that what.. just came out of thin air? They just manifested themselves? How does that happen? Or are they from the mists? I'm still not sure what is going on with those. Maybe they're secretly not a new species but they themselves are related to the deep sea dragon somehow. I mean, they just appeared out of thin air, and they have a hell of an appetite for fish. That part was really rushed though.


The last issue I'd like to mention is:

Why wasn't Canach more involved? It's like he was given Rox treatment this episode? No dialogue on the airship? No involvement really with the map. Did his voice actor get laid off or something?

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I agree that the story was terrible. It's apologetics for an evil dragon because he had a bad reaction to the magic he absorbed from Zhaitan and Mordy's deaths.


Well WHAT WAS HIS EXCUSE BEFORE THEIR DEATHS? It's trying to patch up a hole that didn't exist in order to make the ending somewhat heartwarming.


Oh and my favourite lines from the story:

"We can't kill him, not from out here."

"You're saying we have to go in?"


Want a good dose of cringe? Just pay attention to the dialogue.

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> @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > Their was reason to believe that the elderdragons didn't start out completely evil in heart and minds for example he warns what his dead would do and the dragons don't nessecarily want to destroy it just happens from their precense.

> > . The power (magic) corrupt storyline was present for a long time ( the white mantle storyline was especially thick of this) and I wouldn't be surprised if they tangle with the idea that aurene gets mad to after a while.


> That's never been covered anywhere when it comes to Elder Dragons. You don't drop a "bad guy was originally good guy" scenario without dropping any form of background work because that leaves a huge plothole. It's speculation at best, no solid history or lore to refer to, not even an in-game conversation that brings out history of what dragons were like when they first came to being.


> Plus human corruption isn't based on magic, it's based on selfish desires (basically seven deadly sins). They didn't have magic when they arrived in Tyria but the first thing they did was take lands as if it were their own without consideration for other races, magic was only a tool that further fuelled the conflict.


The bloodstone crazed animals, ghost and humans do suggest that magic corrupts.


The elder dragons are so old that their can be no source to tell how they where originaly.

and Kralk is not the good guy per se in this instant just more sentient then one would expect

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Okay my 5 cent to this :

After the last episode which we had before the shock was big because one thing was sure neither the commander nor Aurene are allowed to die for the sake of the story. Without Aurene there were at least no obvious way to rescue the world also from a more emotional standard point we stand a lot of time with her and the possibility that she will become a mayor player was exciting .


What shocked me also were the reaction of some guest(s) in the youtube channel of some Arena NETs Affiliate which basically throw a party over to celebrate Aurene death with bubbly and declaring he would uninstall the game if she came ever back. :o I thought back then its the same kind of people like GoT and they will see what kind of end they will have.(I'm already burned by BSG reboot , SGU , Merlin and some Marvel comics back in the days I know what you get with this kind of story)


Okay with the current episode I'm super happy <3 <3 <3 and some more <3 <3 <3

It was clear they did a build up to bring her back I was aware seconds after I ended the story but honestly I wasn't sure if they really go with this way.

What I'm really happy about is they included all the stuff we(I) talked about in the forum and a bit more:


* Jokos Power a way to bring her back confirmed

* Cait having her own organisation/clan confirmed

* The eating all kinds of magic can't be the way the elder dragons work also confirmed

* Aurene becoming some kind of super dragon god(which integrates all the different magic) confirmed

* EDIT: She got so big that she can't follow us confirmed

* I think ascension was the way she got her new body at the end ??? Devs? (also can we get some more artwork of this model?)

* We got a surprise Kralkatorrik had a mother


Unlike some others claimed the story went exactly there were the story was built up to only thing what was not so cool was the speed was a bit too much but this was properly owed by the fact that this was the last episode by the season.




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> @"PirateSpice.8735" said:

> EDIT: After reading what you said about the issues the story brought up with the balance of the six sources of power, I have to acknowledge that does leave a pretty big hole. Though I will still say that there is room to address it, I will give you that it is something that should have been addressed already.

Indeed, there's still some room to address it left. Problem is, it's not a lot of room. Duing PoF we've been told it's a matter of years, probably. That was before Balthasar's death and Kralkatorring gorging on the mists accelerated the issue manifold. I mean, at the time of the previous episode we've already seen parts of the mists (and other realities) intersecting our own. That was not a direct result of Krakatolrik's powers - that was reality starting to unravel. We don't have years. We have much, much less. In fact, one could say that Tyria is already living on borrowed time.

In that time, we'd have to somehow get rid of 3 dragons (2 of them asleep, one active), in a way that won't cause the already very fragile reality break apart, then replace them with a new system (no, everything we've heard so far suggests that single aurene would not be enough).


> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> Aurene is basically Crystal Jesus.

Almost literally, seeing as she is indeed a _crystal_ dragon, and that she died for our failures, and self-resurrected after that. And then became our saviour.





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> @"Mickey Frogeater.1470" said:

> Aurene's resurrection brings a precedent where any Dragon can consume enough Magic of a specific type and be able to corrupt with that type of Magic...


> If a Dragon were to consume the Magic of the Jade Sea and feed on Leylines... Jade Elder Dragon! If another Dragon were to consume the Magic of Echovald Forest and feed on Leylines... Elder Dragon of Stone and Plants(of the Moss and Fern kind)! If yet another Dragon were to feed on the Magics of the Domain of Pain or Afflicted then feed on Leylines... Flesh Elder Dragon! If a Dragon were to feed on the Celestials followed by feeding on a Leyline... Celestial Elder Dragon!


> The news of Aurene's survival will reach some ambitious Dragons(or Dragon masters) and they _**will**_ make a move on the most interesting Magic in order to fill the holes left by Zhaitan and Mordremoth's deaths(with the ones in the same territory eating each other in the process)!


Yes but only when the dragon starts to absorb this kind of magic in his child form also I think she used the ascension to retrofit her body to adapt to the huge amount of magic and becoming more open to the different forms of magic she didn't had at this time.


I don't know of any dragon master but like I showed its complicate to reproduce also the other elder dragons don't know about ascension. I theory some child of an elder dragon could go through the same procedure but the only elder dragon left is the deep sea dragon.(the other 2 are in a coma possible for the next 100 year or so)


Also Auren takes now over Zhaitan and Mordremoth's role also Kralks powers and role on top of that Balthazar powers whatever they were when he died , Jokos powers and a huge junk of the magic out of the mists and the domains in it. The mist magic I think she is currently bringing it back into the mists.


Also if my theory about her ascension is correct she isn't bound by just tyria and the mist any more she can visit other dimension any time she wants.

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You know, that's the problem with episodic releases: people are given too much time to speculate, and of course, eventually, they figure out the actual outcome of a storyline. They then react with disappointment when it happens, because they did not get surprised with an overwhelming alternative.


Television shows like "Lost" suffered the same fate: many viewers, after the pilot aired, already assumed that those stranded on the island weren't the survivors of the plane crash but actually the ones who died, at least those of the dead who still had things left unresolved in their lives, and that the island was a gateway into Heaven or Hell. Then the writers spent years of trying to distract the audience from that view, inventing all sorts of stuff that could lead to a possible other outcome of the story arc (time travel, rifts in the space-time continuum, an experiment gone wrong), only to deliver the obvious ending at the finale. Most (former) "Lost" fans were so miffed by the end that they no longer speak fondly of the show - and rightfully so.


That is why I prefer expansions in games like GW2 which you can play through in one go, without long breaks, and which are also offering a conclusion at the end instead of constant cliffhangers along the way.


In any case, regarding the circumstances of Episode 6, I think it was handled very well by the devs by delivering a well executed solution, even though the solution per se was already common knowledge.

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> @"McPero.3287" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> >it's amazing you didn't see this coming, it was so obvious you didn't even need any spoiler tags to see this miles ahead.



> >@"McPero.3287" said:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > Sounds disappointing. All that talk of "character death" only to bring her back the nexr episode lul.

> > >

> > > thought it was pretty obvious with eating jako.

> >

> > It was an option they had, but does that mean they have to go with it?


> >@"McPero.3287" said:

> > > @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> > > Ifd you didn't see it coming you're dumb, dragons absorb magic, and Aurene absorbed an immortal lich's magic. You're missing out on what is probably the best living world episode anet has ever done.

> >

> > And you missed a gigantic plot hole. Everytime Kralk would kill a magical being he would absorb their energy. So either he absorbs Aurenes magic which stupidly includes Jokos ability to be immortal or he would realise Aurene is not dead and would keep trying to kill her, maybe eat her like she eats Joko. He can definitely sense her magic. There is no explanation to why he would just leave her alive inside the crystals.




no plot hole, kralka left immediately after killing her, didn't consume her magic because she was never really dead t obegin with, the same reason how killing joko physically would not end him, he had to actually be eaten and assimilated by a dragon

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> You know, that's the problem with episodic releases: people are given too much time to speculate, and of course, eventually, they figure out the actual outcome of a storyline. They then react with disappointment when it happens, because they did not get surprised with an overwhelming alternative.


> Television shows like "Lost" suffered the same fate: many viewers, after the pilot aired, already assumed that those stranded on the island weren't the survivors of the plane crash but actually the ones who died, at least those of the dead who still had things left unresolved in their lives, and that the island was a gateway into Heaven or Hell. Then the writers spent years of trying to distract the audience from that view, inventing all sorts of stuff that could lead to a possible other outcome of the story arc (time travel, rifts in the space-time continuum, an experiment gone wrong), only to deliver the obvious ending at the finale. Most (former) "Lost" fans were so miffed by the end that they no longer speak fondly of the show - and rightfully so.


> That is why I prefer expansions in games like GW2 which you can play through in one go, without long breaks, and which are also offering a conclusion at the end instead of constant cliffhangers along the way.


> In any case, regarding the circumstances of Episode 6, I think it was handled very well by the devs by delivering a well executed solution, even though the solution per se was already common knowledge.


Also lw is balanced for ppl that play each episode on release. Anyone who comes and binge plays it will get a lesser experience because they design it as an episode series.

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The only downside I had with the story was that Aurene came back to quick, the fact that all this trauma drama was avoidable if someone pulled a spike out is a bit offputting imo.

I enjoyed the rest of the story though, the maps good and the fight after Aurene comes back was a cool moment.


It’s nice to see Aurenes arc finally come to a close for now. I mean she has been with us since Season 2 and Kralk himself for almost 9 years if you consider out of game content and even gw1 with glint’s prophecy. It’s been a long running story really.

I’m looking forward to a new story arc, makes me wonder what’s coming next.

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I feel the same about that first bit. It was a bit too fast. It would have made more of an impact if we had to gather a few things or people to prepare the ceremony, and then at the moment noone expect it, we bring her back.


I think if this dying resurrecting happened in the same episode it wouldve made less of an impact, but at least wouldnt trick the player with a cheap cliffhanger effect

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Have you ever heard of “jumping the shark?” Since PoF the story jumped the shark so many times that trying to have any constant or logical flow is impossible. It is just a bunch of random crap on top of each other.


I think the episode is one of the better LWS4 episodes. But that is not saying much. I liked that for the first time since HoT the map and story are well connected, which was alway GW2 strongest suit.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> > The story was terrible. She comes back to life instantly. There was no point in her "death". This game needs to gets its kitten straight. Anet writers are deathly afraid of taking chances and the games sales have suffered because of it.


> I'm going to need statistical proof to believe that one. There is no MMO on the market whose story is the #1 selling point.


> If I'm looking for a new MMO and someone tells me that this one isn't afraid to kill off main characters? Well that's nice, dear. Now please tell me something important, like whether it's actually fun.


I will argue that SWTOR has that as its number 1 selling point.

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> @"adormtil.1605" said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> > > The story was terrible. She comes back to life instantly. There was no point in her "death". This game needs to gets its kitten straight. Anet writers are deathly afraid of taking chances and the games sales have suffered because of it.

> >

> > I'm going to need statistical proof to believe that one. There is no MMO on the market whose story is the #1 selling point.

> >

> > If I'm looking for a new MMO and someone tells me that this one isn't afraid to kill off main characters? Well that's nice, dear. Now please tell me something important, like whether it's actually fun.


> I will argue that SWTOR has that as its number 1 selling point.


I would argue that IP is SWTOR's primary selling point. Otherwise there would be no reason to spend some much on the rights.

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> @"Twyn.7320" said:

> It'd be nice if people could look at a story [that I personally disliked but that's beside the point] and not give it a free pass of mediocrity 'because it's a game/MMO'. If a story's average, a story's average. Copping out a reason that it's a game doesn't excuse the fact that a story is bad, average, good or anywhere in-between. Gaming is just another form of media, we wouldn't do the same for TV, radio, movies etc. It'd be like saying:


> 'Well, The Last Airbender movie doesn't need a good story, because it's just a movie and you just need to watch a movie because of how pretty it looks.'


> And ironically, I think that's where my gripe with GW2 comes in. The maps look gorgeous, the sound design is 11/10, the voice acting is a bit hit and miss from time to time but generally okay. The music has really improved in recent years, actually evoking sympathy for a change.


> But IMO, the writing is below average, full of plot-holes and rushed. Everything gets tied up in a nice bow, with nothing left to be explored and no lasting consequences. The only reason why people are invested in what comes next is that we've been told that Season 5 is coming shortly, outside of the game itself. There's very little in this Episode that actually sets up a long-lasting narrative.


> Ultimately, I feel the need to speak to those who disagree with my stance. People aren't looking for Game of Thrones in a Guild Wars 2 re-skin when it comes to character deaths. However, people are looking for lasting consequences that build up to something that we have a role in. With Aurene's death in E5, it created the connection between us and Kralkatorrik. People wanted to end him, because of the absence of Aurene. Sometimes, it's best to leave people's emotions to drive the story, rather than bringing something back to life for the sake of fan feedback and potential outrage mitigation. If people are feeling sorrow and grief for a character's death, that's brilliant. It's exactly what you want as a story-teller. That allows a player to push onwards and actually connect with this 'force of nature' that serves as the antagonist.


> If the root connection of our emotion is brought back to us, with no lasting consequences or hardships, the link breaks down between the protagonist and the antagonist. This is why a portion of the player-base hate the resurrection of Aurene. It reduced Kralkatorrik's threat to Dragon's Watch and the world of Tyria to nothing and broke down our connection with him as an antagonist. If Aurene's return was necessary, we needed to experience the devastation of Kralkatorrik on Tyria before she entered the story again. I've seen some amazing ideas above, regarding the first, two chapters and how we could've brought Aurene back to life ourselves, through a trial of fire.


> For instance, imagine if the initial chapters involved us travelling around the major cities of the core world, and discussing with the world's leaders about the threat of Kralkatorrik. We could discover that portions of existing zones have been branded, causing Kralkatorrik's minions to pillage the world's settlements at an increased rate. I'm aware that this would've been a financial challenge, but something along these lines would've been beneficial before Aurene's resurrection, in my opinion.


> To prevent myself from rambling on and on about the storyline, I just need to conclude with a final statement:


> People are allowed to have a negative opinion. If they feel that their time has been wasted, then they're allowed to get heated and vent. That's what the forums are designed for. If there's a noticeable surge in negative feedback, it proves that something has gone wrong with a recent addition. Just because you disagree with them, it doesn't mean that there isn't an issue with delivery. The recent example is Aurene's resurrection, and from what I've personally seen, the community's split in half. There's an issue here, and ignoring it is silly.


> The way that I see it: If you dislike the Skyscale Acquisition and have complained about it, don't tell others that complaining about Aurene's resurrection is 'casual' or 'wrong'. Debate the extent of the problems, and bring alternative solutions. Don't just shut someone down because you disagree with them.


This nails it well. All of you defending mediocrity need to stop. Lots of us actually have high standards and there is nothing wrong with this. When I pay money for something I demand quality. Anet does not provide this in the story department. Please fund new writers capable of thinking creatively. Ensure that your new writers are not redditors or fan fiction writers.

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> @"McPero.3287" said:

> When I saw Aurene get resurected in first instance I just Alt+F4 the game. If you are gonna bring her back at least don't do it immediately, what was the point of her dying if she is instantly back. Terrible story telling. You kill a quality villain in the first fight (Joko) and bring back a mute dragon (which yes speaks now) that had no character to it but was just liked by people because it looked cute and shinned. Not sure if I'll even play this episode now maybe if Taimi dies I will. Does she?


The big thing for me is now she can talk. All of a sudden. I don't think eating Joko gave her immortality AND the ability to speak in a refined accent.


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