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For real tho. Changes i wish to see especially with recent ridiculous nerfs.


* Diabolic Inferno - added 33% burn duration. A change needed for a while.

* Replenishing despair - removed cd

* Echoing eruption+frigid blitz - added evade frame

* Empowering Misery - Apply 3sec base resistance /remove all conditions*

* Pain absorption - insta cast stunbreak creating a projectile deflecting dome like "dome of the mist" but applying slow inside. 4sec duration

* Banish enchantment - changed to corrupt boons

* Unyielding anguish - either evade frame or a stack of stability.

* Embrance the darkness - now pulsing resistance. Bring back condition copy like in beta or do something with similiar mechanic that would apply conditions based on the boons on your target. For example any target with protection would be inflicted with vul every second, if swiftness > chill etc

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I would love a HoT-launch Mallyx. It was something we haven't seen before. Mallyx shouldn't be a Torment spamming machine - it could be any condi, this one just makes sense for this legend, nothing else.

As for evade frames - I don't want Revenant to become that invurnelable annoying thing. Just give us old Embrace the Darkness and Unyielding Anguish :c

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> I would love a HoT-launch Mallyx. It was something we haven't seen before. Mallyx shouldn't be a Torment spamming machine - it could be any condi, this one just makes sense for this legend, nothing else.

> As for evade frames - I don't want Revenant to become that invurnelable annoying thing. Just give us old Embrace the Darkness and Unyielding Anguish :c


Unyielding Anguish really does need an i-frame or stability though... I could realistically see them giving rev this tiny buff more than I could see them fixing it so it doesn't turn into a Knockdown if you get interrupted. Just seems like an easier fix. And anet loves them easy fixes. fix. fix. fix.

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I don't know about buffing Mallyx, as of currently I'm always playing it with Dwarf and I have no particular complains or difficulty to deal with any specs. I'd say it's pretty good and potentially can carry games if constantly abusing the revenant mechanics at the right opportunities.


Including scourge if played as a bruiser.


I can share my build but it's nothing spectacular if you put some thinking into it. You just gotta embrace the synergy in between the legends and make good use of every skills available.


However, here's my opinion;


> * Diabolic Inferno - added 33% burn duration.


It's good in PvE, could be a nice change, but there's no reason to pick that in other game modes, pulsating pestilence is essential.


> * Replenishing despair - remove cd


I agree to that, bursts of conditions work alright with it but as it is, no reason to have it over demonic resistance.


> * Echoing eruption+frigid blitz - added evade frame


Frigid Blitz does deserve evade frames for how clunky and self exposing it is, however I disagree with Echoing Eruption, that skill is the main carry of the build because of Weakness, it allows you to safely stick to Demon stance/Embrace the Darkness longer, an evade would make it overkill.


> * Empowering Misery - Apply 3sec base resistance /remove all conditions*


Conditions are your weapon, you don't wanna cleanse them away since you'll often be likely to switch legends and transfer while using this. Also it has a separate cooldown from the other demon skills when granting resistance.


> * Pain absorption - insta cast stunbreak creating a projectile deflecting dome like "dome of the mist" but applying slow inside. 4sec duration


I've always had mixed feelings about this skill, but the more I learned about it on the field, the more I realized how OP it is in a teamfight, especially against pure condition teams, with the added Ancient Echo. I feel no need to change this skill anymore, if there was any change needed, an evade on the spot as it cast would be the best.


> * Banish enchantment - changed to corrupt boons


That would be too strong, it's either boon corruption or confusion, honestly I prefer confusion, it's quite insane how easy it is to punish someone with that skill alone.


> * Unyielding anguish - either evade frame or a stack of stability.


I've read that a lot about this skill, honestly the fact you can leap so easily around should tell you where and when this skill should be used because it's a pretty powerful one when kitting, especially when people climb along and chase you into the AoE


> * Embrance the darkness - now pulsing resistance. Bring back condition copy like in beta or do something with similiar mechanic that would apply conditions based on the boons on your target. For example any target with protection would be inflicted with vul every second, if swiftness > chill etc


I don't know why we'd rework that skill, it's so good already. I'd take unblindable unblockable torment with buffed stats that can make you heal further with Steadfast Rejuvenation any day over some overpowered corruption for how unstoppable Dwarf is already against power specs. The pulsing resistance is a neat idea but also too strong, you have Ancient Echo now to make up for such wishes.

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From a PvP/WvW perspective, this is what I feel Mallyx could use:

-Unyielding Anguish: Now a leap finisher. Gimme dem dark auras.

-Pain Absorption: Evade 0.5 sec to cover the cast time. This is our stun-break after all. I don't think Unyielding Anguish needs one.

-Embrace the Darkness: Instant cast

-Maybe a damage modifier increase on Banish Enchantment to make it more viable for power specs?

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PA/UA is a part of the problem.


Mallyx is an inbetween of shiro mobility/stunbreaks/condi denial and jalis tanking/stability. However, it doesn't get the shiro evades, the jalis stability nor the damage reduction. It is basically a condi glass cannon legend with no range.


Sticking evades/stability/stunbreak on UA would be a huge improvement but I don't think it would be the right choice as we can see from something like condi mirage. Instead of improving and overlapping PA/UA separately I think there is maybe room for improvements and a trait that allows them to work in tandem without costing 60e.


**Legendary Demon Skill**

_Pain Absorption:_ Added, you are immune to critical hits for 3 seconds after cast.



_Demonic Resistance:_ Reworked. If you are CCed during or 3 seconds after casting Unyielding Anguish, your next Pain Absorption is free to cast. When you successfully stunbreak with Pain Absorption your next Unyielding Anguish is free to cast.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> PA/UA is a part of the problem.


> Sticking evades/stability/stunbreak on UA would be a huge improvement but I don't think it would be the right choice as we can see from something like condi mirage. Instead of improving and overlapping PA/UA separately I think there is maybe room for improvements and a trait that allows them to work in tandem without costing 60e.



I don’t think you have to fear Condi Rev becoming the next condi mirage just by adding an evade on UA; there’s fundamental differences between the two classes that make Revenant considerably less cancer to play against. These are primarily the facts that Rev doesn’t rely on Confusion as one of its main damage sources, the Revenant doesn’t have stealth, doesn’t have detargeting, doesn’t have near endless copies of its self being thrown around to confuse the enemy, has fewer teleports, has no hard invuln, and most importantly doesn’t have one of the most busted profession mechanics from a design standpoint (being able to evade while stunned (no not the stunbreak trait) as Mirage’s core mechanic is just crazy good even after all the nerfs).


Rev on the other hand only really has anything comparable to condi mirage on sword and shiro (And even then not really comparable at all). Our condi weapons are meh for PvP and also have the same Mallyx curse; no defense and no reliable way to stack damage unless you’re in melee and your opponent stands in your fields. There’s a condi build that was being played recently by at least one person in the monthly ATs and it didn’t even touch Mallyx at all and opted for Shiro/Glint because that’s how bad Mallyx is for damage, team support, and defense. If Mallyx wants to be competitive it really needs bare minimum stability, but preferably an evade somewhere. It needs to be good enough/on par enough to be able to replace Glint or Shiro for condi builds.

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