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Dragonfall. - love this map

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I love this map, it is so pretty, all the giant trees ! The water on this map so beautiful! even when my laptop is set to best performance, they look amazing. I could sit on the giant tree branches and just stare at the scenery. I wish the night/day is more obvious so like you can have an achievement. I saw the sunset or something for this map.


simply amazing, it so pretty. thank you who ever made this.

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I really enjoy this new map myself. It is very beautiful and I'm glad there isn't huge packs of mobs that gang bang from any direction (events it can happen..) but here I can actually pause and get my bearings a bit better then other maps without feeling pressured to constantly move.

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It took me a minute but it grew on me fast and now I agree it is pretty great. My main complaint would be navigation, due primarily to the silly aggro range keeping you in combat but also all the different methods of locomotion can make getting around a little convoluted. Sometimes you just want to get where you're going to do the thing you came to do, y'know? But I've also seen a lot of players say they love the way anet brought elements of all the other maps together in the finale so I suppose I'll just have to suck it up and move on :p

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> I love this map, it is so pretty, all the giant trees ! The water on this map so beautiful! even when my laptop is set to best performance, they look amazing. I could sit on the giant tree branches and just stare at the scenery. I wish the night/day is more obvious so like you can have an achievement. I saw the sunset or something for this map.


> simply amazing, it so pretty. thank you who ever made this.


Laptop...just put together a desktop and get a good graphics card. It's like playing a whole new game.

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I love the meta event. None of the areas feel like they have any wasted potential in them. I love that they have all those throwbacks at Season 3 and HoT, I love all the different types of enemies. My favorite enemy on the entire map are the Willowhearts! There is just so much work in the detail, so much love in the map design as a whole.


That's the type of power *flavor* has in any game. Earth Elementals? Boring. Naturelings? Now THIS is interesting! They are the same, but *different*. A well done recolor/reskin/reimagining of an established enemy type can go a very, very long way. Ya feel me?

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It's my favorite map from LS 3 and 4. While I wish we could get more new environment and model assets, they did an amazing job using existing ones in different ways. Not to mention immersive touches like moving Kraik looming in the background and Shatterer (I think) battling airships up in the sky. And finally a map wide meta that's both fun and rewarding.


Makes me hopeful that in a season with allegedly reduced map count we can get 2-3 in the same vain as this, but with more new stuff.

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> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> It's my favorite map from LS 3 and 4. While I wish we could get more new environment and model assets, they did an amazing job using existing ones in different ways. Not to mention immersive touches like moving Kraik looming in the background and Shatterer (I think) battling airships up in the sky. And finally a map wide meta that's both fun and rewarding.


> Makes me hopeful that in a season with allegedly reduced map count we can get 2-3 in the same vain as this, but with more new stuff.


Go stand on Kralkatorrik's Tail. when it moves you get flip upward into the air :D

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > It's my favorite map from LS 3 and 4. While I wish we could get more new environment and model assets, they did an amazing job using existing ones in different ways. Not to mention immersive touches like moving Kraik looming in the background and Shatterer (I think) battling airships up in the sky. And finally a map wide meta that's both fun and rewarding.

> >

> > Makes me hopeful that in a season with allegedly reduced map count we can get 2-3 in the same vain as this, but with more new stuff.


> Go stand on Kralkatorrik's Tail. when it moves you get flip upward into the air :D


lol I did go up there and waited (I think it rattles up every 10 mins) - would've been great to add a hidden achievement for this.


Edit: I agree, the physical map is wonderful (though for achievements I still think Jahai Bluffs with Sun's Refuge was the best one) above all because the dragon that's been around for many years, elusively branding lands and peoples is actually present here (unlike Mordremoth who even during the meta is somewhat hidden away) and his body is a living part of the explorable environment; from his _Shackled Grasp_, that hanging wing-garden we took part in doing to his huge moving tail, it makes this map absolutely unique - the initial instance was not only fun but drew us in to *create* the map itself... brilliant.

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> Go stand on Kralkatorrik's Tail. when it moves you get flip upward into the air :D


> @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> It's my favorite map from LS 3 and 4. While I wish we could get more new environment and model assets, they did an amazing job using existing ones in different ways. Not to mention immersive touches like moving Kraik looming in the background and Shatterer (I think) battling airships up in the sky. And finally a map wide meta that's both fun and rewarding.


> Makes me hopeful that in a season with allegedly reduced map count we can get 2-3 in the same vain as this, but with more new stuff.

Honestly? I'd like that. One or two really nice maps instead of six "just nice" ones.

> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > simply amazing, it so pretty. thank you who ever made this.


> That would technically be the monster who murdered our Dragon friend in the last patch XD

I can't thumbs up this enough.

> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I love the meta event. None of the areas feel like they have any wasted potential in them. I love that they have all those throwbacks at Season 3 and HoT, I love all the different types of enemies. My favorite enemy on the entire map are the Willowhearts! There is just so much work in the detail, so much love in the map design as a whole.


> That's the type of power *flavor* has in any game. Earth Elementals? Boring. Naturelings? Now THIS is interesting! They are the same, but *different*. A well done recolor/reskin/reimagining of an established enemy type can go a very, very long way. Ya feel me?

Reskins vary between "okay, this is obvious" and "Wait, that's a reskin!?" Nice to see some of the latter!

> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > I love this map, it is so pretty, all the giant trees ! The water on this map so beautiful! even when my laptop is set to best performance, they look amazing. I could sit on the giant tree branches and just stare at the scenery. I wish the night/day is more obvious so like you can have an achievement. I saw the sunset or something for this map.

> >

> > simply amazing, it so pretty. thank you who ever made this.


> Laptop...just put together a desktop and get a good graphics card. It's like playing a whole new game.

I agree, it's pretty amazing as well. And I get how it's a new game just by having better graphics or even reshade. I currently play on a computer I use for 3D modeling, and it can handle best graphics+reshade, as well as on the family computer, which plays on medium graphics, and a laptop that played on low because it was that much of a potato. Plus I played without reshade for a period of time because any sort of game addon frightened me, since I came to GW2 from games where third party software=instant ban, even if it didn't affect gameplay. (Reshade is all I use, for reference)

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This map is so fucking beautiful. And it is fun and intuitive to maneuver, at least to me. 10/10

This map alone was worth checking gw2 out again after a 1year break.


So far I've done:

the scale collection: really fun without a guide!

the diviner gear boxes: it's okay, except for the bridge event count. just your average ingame guide to how the meta works.

handful of runs of the meta event: i like that most of the rewards are tied to event completion and not to tagging stuff with some lootstick weapon, i like how healing feels impactful, i like the difficulty for pugs, i fucking love how open the maps is

diviner ascended jewelry: the pace at which you get them feels good; it's not super free but not a mindless grind either

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Love the visuals. Hate traversing. Meta was OK, but haven’t found a reason to do it very often. DS TD AB VB still going strong because of the currency required by legendaries. Will this Zone last or die like other zones? Might be sour taste from the mount collection speaking....

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I really want to thank the team for making Dragonfall such an amazing map.

It's giving me so many memories from GW1 (Underworld, Fissue of Woe) and the sounds on the map are just SO good!!!

I absolutely love the horn that kicks in Balthazar's realm, as well as the battle sounds; then all those creepy eerie sounds in Grenth's realm, brrr...

Melandru's realm is absolute gem!!! It took away my breath!!!

It's also beyond fun to go around and explore, I just can't wait to get my Skyscale so I can explore every bit of the map while riding my dragon!


Also, beautiful emotional story and gorgeous music!!! Truly, thank you ANet! <3



Almost forgot! You nailed it with putting Kralky pinned there! I absolutely love those deep bass sounds coming from him and seeing him raise his tail and smash it against the ground is such a nice touch to it, he's alive and fighting!

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I love that it combines all aspect that I liked about previous maps in one. It has a good map design that doesn't force you to go all over the place, but rather more clockwise-ish. Good design. The variety of enemies, the fact we get to see so many different things. The fact that earth elementals are called Naturelings, the sort of flavor a simple recolor/reskin/rename can bring to the table. It's all top notch. Kralks animation, the fact there aren't any random events there but rather a lot of structure and a ton of verticality, combined with a meta that encompasses a large amount of the map itself. It all comes together.

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Yeah i love it, i like how there are uses for bouncing shrooms, mounts, thermal propulsions and oakhearts. It's so fun to navigate.


The forest is absolutely beautiful, it reminds me of previous MMO's i played since i was young, the will o wisp thingy.

The events on the map are simple and easy to understand.

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