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top things pvp needs the most in your opinion?

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More diversity. Most classes have 1 competitive build (if so) and the margin between meta and none-meta builds is humongous. We are down to only 1 competitive condi build, scourge. Condi builds should be playable too...


Balance has been sliding backwards over the last 6-8 month. Devs seriously need to get their act together.



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From most to least importance: (May require GW3)

1. No longer able to simultaneously attack while under the effects of an I-Frame (i.e. Block/Evade/Invulnerable). Either attack or defend, not both at the same time.

2. All non-ground targetable Teleports to targets now require Line-Of-Sight (Steal being the only exception to retain this feature since its a class mechanic)

3. Reveal now applies whenever Stealth ends. Queing any attack skill from Stealth now applies Reveal. Increase duration of Stealth gained via combo

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> 1. Ranked team queue so friends can farm together and rebuild population

> 2. Deathmatch.

> 3. Allow infusion auras

> 4. 2v2 queue button



That would be so broken. People Affection and vallun would just stomp every 1 and everything. No new players are gonna come back if they r solo q. I think ranked team vs ranked team is fine. But not a team vs solo qs.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > 1. Ranked team queue so friends can farm together and rebuild population

> > 2. Deathmatch.

> > 3. Allow infusion auras

> > 4. 2v2 queue button

> >


> That would be so broken. People Affection and vallun would just stomp every 1 and everything. No new players are gonna come back if they r solo q. I think ranked team vs ranked team is fine. But not a team vs solo qs.


It worked out fine in the past... Only reason ive heard its bad is exactly the reason you say, ultimately peoples egos take a bruising when facing better players, brings them back to reality that they're not as good as they thought.


I prefer to learn from those experiences just as I did when facing vallun/naru duo a few seasons back.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > 1. Ranked team queue so friends can farm together and rebuild population

> > > 2. Deathmatch.

> > > 3. Allow infusion auras

> > > 4. 2v2 queue button

> > >

> >

> > That would be so broken. People Affection and vallun would just stomp every 1 and everything. No new players are gonna come back if they r solo q. I think ranked team vs ranked team is fine. But not a team vs solo qs.


> It worked out fine in the past... Only reason ive heard its bad is exactly the reason you say, ultimately peoples egos take a bruising when facing better players, brings them back to reality that they're not as good as they thought.


> I prefer to learn from those experiences just as I did when facing vallun/naru duo a few seasons back.


You cannot have team que in solo que ranked. Either splits the ques or stick to what we currently have.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > 1. Ranked team queue so friends can farm together and rebuild population

> > > 2. Deathmatch.

> > > 3. Allow infusion auras

> > > 4. 2v2 queue button

> > >

> >

> > That would be so broken. People Affection and vallun would just stomp every 1 and everything. No new players are gonna come back if they r solo q. I think ranked team vs ranked team is fine. But not a team vs solo qs.


> It worked out fine in the past... Only reason ive heard its bad is exactly the reason you say, ultimately peoples egos take a bruising when facing better players, brings them back to reality that they're not as good as they thought.


> I prefer to learn from those experiences just as I did when facing vallun/naru duo a few seasons back.


Its not really learning when it's a co ordinated team and on coms. All 5 people focus target while your random solo quers will not be able to communicate strategies.


Against these guys I am fine on solo q. But when I go ATs with other random plat players against them. Just no chance, even tho our random teams are all plat 200 n up. Nothing beats comuication.


It's night and day when they can just speak n say scrapper on far. Ranger rotate. Mesmer come mid. Vs random who can't type out anything because they are pressing buttons to fight.


You will notice on ATs how fast you die. Because on coms they say focus xyz. No amount of blocks passives or evades will stop all players focusing you. This doesn't happen in solo q.

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@"TorQ.7041" @"otto.5684"


Im fine with taking a beating from better players, its room to grow and to get better.

You can always learn.

Im from an older gen though and understand what the younger gens are like and with this game focusing on children I can understand why itll never return to the way it was.


Ive heard this excuse a few times where top players would farm newbies, its thrown around like theres no such thing as match making.


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PvP need gamemodes in which the profession of the player have no impact, which at the same time remove the issues of balance and meta builds.

- Merge most PvE activities that are PvP in disguise into the PvP lobby.

- Make mounted race a part of PvP, maybe even give fighting skills to the mounts to spice things up and give a reason for PvP players to use their money.

- Introduce polymock arena where you get to be transformed into monsters with preset abilities and sell skins/introduce skins as rewoard for these monsters... etc.


In short, make use of the full extent of what PvP is instead of hidding PvP activities in PvE and always focusing on conquest mode in PvP. The narrow view of PvP that the PvP lobby show is what make this game's PvP rot.

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> @"Manakel Angel.1047" said:

> I think the main problem of PvP is population so to fix it i guess advertising for PvP is obvious, in game (pve and wvw) and outside the game.


It could work but only temporary.


They need to have other type of maps besides spam and cap n leave gameplay, maybe reboot the match maps to be similar to gw1 with several types of gameplay

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I would love to see the following:


* * 1. Ability to save build templates for easier / quicker swapping.

* * 2. 2v2 Deathmatch

* * 3. Capture the Flag

* * 4. 10 v 10 or 15 v 15 battlegrounds (same kind of point capture maps would be awesome, maybe with 5 points instead of 3).

* * 5. 3 sided Battlegrounds (basically something like GW guild v guild)


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:


> 1. let me fight as snowman

> 2. do something about bots and match manipulators ASAP

> 3. fix broken/ op things as soon as they come up


To be honest, any one of these being transparently addressed , particularly the first, would be a huge boon for PVP.


More specifically for myself:


- Audio information when an attack is launched from stealth (Can be reduced sound, as long as paying attention lets you hear it up close)

- Reflects or Projectile Destroying moves not counted as blocks internally. Reflects should always reflect and projectile destruction moves should always destroy projectiles.

- A larger visual indication on unblockable activations (an aura perhaps) when the unblockable property is not tied to a specific move?



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