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Extra-Pungent treats--how many did you use?

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Just wondering, did you use the treats? If so, how many?


I used three, for both of the Jackal puzzles (I never use the Jackal, so I am very bad at controlling it.) and one for the final boss, because I just missed the event without being able to figure out how to get to it, and didn't want to sit in the brandstorm fighting elementals till it appeared again. I might have been tempted to use more, but there was a helpful mesmer porting at Goemm's Lab and one other JP, and someone invited me to TP to them in the quaggan cave.

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I used 5. One for that jackal puzzle in the tower with all the portals after spending about 20 minutes failing at the same spot in the puzzle. One for Coddler's Cove because I hate that JP and no mesmers were around as it was very early in the morning. One for Goemm's Lab because I don't enjoy that puzzle either. One for Hall of Ascension because I didn't want to spend the time on it. And one for Branded Ley-Line Anomaly because it was the last thing I needed and didn't want to wait around for it.


I'm glad Anet added this feature. It is a good option for people that don't like JPs and would rather pay gold to do it. I thought about using it on all of them just to get through it in a matter of minutes but I wanted to do the parts I thought I would enjoy.

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> The first in jahai by accident cuase i just thought you had to use it always. I would have used it on the metrica jumping puzzle since I hate that one with a passion.


I almost crafted all twenty before I even started bc this was the way I thought it worked too. But when I couldn't find the recipe on my chef I asked why in guild and lucky for me they explained how it worked before I crafted any. So I got through it all without using any and sold the one that you get in inv. I generally try to avoid skipping the actual playing part of the game if possible :p

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I used the free one and I didn't craft any additional. I was saving the free one for the difficult part...whichever one that was, but, as I progressed I made my way to the last task which was Golem Mark III, which had just spawned not long before and wouldn't spawn again till 3am my time (or 3 hours from where I was at the time). Pop the treat, collection done!

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I used the free one for the Ley Line Anomaly in Vabbi as I didn't want to wait for the event. Goemm's Lab aside, most of the required JPs don't require any difficult jumps at all and I urge people to simply give them a try. Especially one's like Rebel's Seclusion are ridiculously easy. Just because they're called JPs, doesn't mean they're as sadistic and hard as Chalice of Tears or the like.

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I do a lot of the other content from time to time, like some of the JPs when they come up as a daily. I go through periods, usually off-event and off-living world times, when besides dailies, I do the old boss runs (still) for a little extra cash. I like those things. So, a good deal of them I do already, I'm familiar with them, and do them on my own without any other incentive.


So, I used all 21. And, partly because I have some life issues happening right now, but I probably still would have done easily half of them, just because I could, and 80g isn't all that much, and comes back rather quickly.


I'd be more fascinated to know what ANet's data reveals about that step when all is said and done. I'm sure, on the one hand, it was a way to offer us a different way to get steps like that done, since many of us have expressed concerns over having things like that tied behind meta content that gets a bit thinned out once the locust have rushed through. On the other hand, it presents an interesting opportunity to then track that and see how many people take that route. Then, they could go an extra step to see of the people that just paid the 80 and moved on, how many of them post in the forum about costs of steps? Availability of the resources to craft the food? Having to have cooking at 300? Not to 'name and shame', just...because it would be interesting. Of course, that is easily obscured by the number of people that post comments like that under accounts not associated with their main characters, so there is that to consider. :)

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> @"notebene.3190" said:


> I'd be more fascinated to know what ANet's data reveals about that step when all is said and done.

Yes, I hope that they publish that (although I doubt that they will, based on how stingy they are with that sort of thing).



Here are some of the reasons stated above:

* All; time is more valuable than gold.

* 1+; didn't want to wait for the event(s)

* None (friendly mesmers)

* None ("like to do the content myself")

* 1-5 (or more); "I hate JPs" and/or "too weary for JPs"

* 1 exactly; "last one needed"


(if possible, I'll keep updating this, as new reasons are added)

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One, free, to skip waiting on the Meta for Augury Rock.


Everything else can be skipped or completed easily with the Springer and Griffon used together, dropping from a good height with Bond of Faith and using your glider where required.


2 JPs have to be manually completed, both can be skipped with a Mesmer Porter.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> I do a lot of the other content from time to time, like some of the JPs when they come up as a daily. I go through periods, usually off-event and off-living world times, when besides dailies, I do the old boss runs (still) for a little extra cash. I like those things. So, a good deal of them I do already, I'm familiar with them, and do them on my own without any other incentive.


> So, I used all 21. And, partly because I have some life issues happening right now, but I probably still would have done easily half of them, just because I could, and 80g isn't all that much, and comes back rather quickly.


> I'd be more fascinated to know what ANet's data reveals about that step when all is said and done. I'm sure, on the one hand, it was a way to offer us a different way to get steps like that done, since many of us have expressed concerns over having things like that tied behind meta content that gets a bit thinned out once the locust have rushed through. On the other hand, it presents an interesting opportunity to then track that and see how many people take that route. Then, they could go an extra step to see of the people that just paid the 80 and moved on, how many of them post in the forum about costs of steps? Availability of the resources to craft the food? Having to have cooking at 300? Not to 'name and shame', just...because it would be interesting. Of course, that is easily obscured by the number of people that post comments like that under accounts not associated with their main characters, so there is that to consider. :)


FYI, I remember reading that when a person has multiple accounts it's against TOS to post comments from any of those other accounts beside their main forum account.


I dont know the extent of punishment or how they'd even check, but I've never done it just in case.

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None. I like JPs, the 2 world bosses required are back to back, and the Branded Anomaly thing I just memed in chat with people while waiting for it to come up. The money was more valuable than the like...maybe 15 minutes it would have saved me.

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