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Exordium is underwhelming

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I have Eternity since many years and while it's spectacular in every way, it doesn't fit my icy character theme very much. So I crafted the Exordium yesterday. Looks nice for afk, but during combat it feels very underwhelming and unpolished. Here are few pointers why:


- When you swing, the sparks follow the GS skeleton for a bit before finally dropping down. That looks unnatural/against physics. Just autoattack few times, you'll know what I mean.

- I would've expected footprints to stay longer. Look at other legendary weapons for comparison, their effects stay longer.

- There is no trail effect when drawn. Even the "classic" legendary like Shining Blade has some trail when drawn. How does the Exordium differ from black lion skins in this regard? Oh wait, it doesn't - new branded black lion set has trail effect when drawn!

- The aura on the character. 2-handed weapons are typically using whole-body aura effects and I understand if it was design choice to make this aura a bit less flashy. I would be okay with it, if the aforementioned issues were resolved.


So basically - buff footprints, add trail effect, some shablam.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> - The aura on the character. 2-handed weapons are typically using whole-body aura effects and I understand if it was design choice to make this aura a bit less flashy. I would be okay with it, if the aforementioned issues were resolved.



It doesn't have an aura, it has some arm effect.


The only aura like thing it has is part of the draw effect which shrinks into your character then disappears.


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  • 1 month later...

> @"phs.6089" said:

> No, don't touch it, don't make it into another visual bug looking items. Ypu don't like it, don't use it, simple, stick to what you like.


Really, this. I dislike most of the Legendary weapons in the game, so I don't craft 'em - no reason to campaign to have them changed to something "I" like, because there are many other people out there that like them the way they are.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> I love exordium. Only thing I miss from sunrise is the trail off the blade but everything else is awesome. I don't mind the trail not lasting as long, I don't need it persisting for 3 miles.


I was 75% of the way to Sunrise when I stopped and waited to see what Exordium looked like. Do you know what killed it for me? That it morphs into different weapons depending on how you attack. Now don't get me wrong, I think that is an awesome feature - but it would have been far better if the GS had a "chance" at morphing, rather than it doing so for each and every attack.


When my Guardian uses GS 2, I want to see him whirlwinding with a greatsword, not an axe. When he hits GS 3, I don't want to see a hammer animation each and every time.


I'm quite happy with Sunrise as it is - happier than I thought I would be tbh. I only made it because my main uses a GS and it was one of the models I disliked the least. But for me Exordium just went in the wrong direction. /shrug


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The legendary weapons with many visual effects have Been crowding the game allot they not only cause fps drops but eventually cause lag.


Exordium is the first of a new set that do something different then just effects. This legendary animation changes based on which skill is used.


The team I feel like is trying to go away from old legendarys to these new kinds of legendaries that are different. The game doesn’t have the capacity to keep up the old style legendarys aslong as it is in direct x 9 each update will make the games stability degrade. The new legendaries if they continue like exordium will keep the game more stable.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > I love exordium. Only thing I miss from sunrise is the trail off the blade but everything else is awesome. I don't mind the trail not lasting as long, I don't need it persisting for 3 miles.


> I was 75% of the way to Sunrise when I stopped and waited to see what Exordium looked like. Do you know what killed it for me? That it morphs into different weapons depending on how you attack. Now don't get me wrong, I think that is an awesome feature - but it would have been far better if the GS had a "chance" at morphing, rather than it doing so for each and every attack.


> When my Guardian uses GS 2, I want to see him whirlwinding with a greatsword, not an axe. When he hits GS 3, I don't want to see a hammer animation each and every time.


> I'm quite happy with Sunrise as it is - happier than I thought I would be tbh. I only made it because my main uses a GS and it was one of the models I disliked the least. But for me Exordium just went in the wrong direction. /shrug



I get where you're coming from, but I'm kinda the opposite actually. I made it primarily for a Guardian as well and I kinda like it morphing into different weapons with the attacks because it sorta feels like...idk, it's almost like the spirit weapons in a way, how they can conjure them out of thin air. I love Sunrise too and I'll probably continue to use the skin on other characters, but the shape of Sunrise was what bothered me the most. It's the shape of a toy sword and that bothers me.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> really??? Exordium??? all those shinie effects are great as they are


> if there is a legendary in dire need of an upgrade, i vote for Sharur, the hammer head should be 2-3 larger (we are seriously lacking some oversized hammers heads)


Sharur was the first Legendary I crafted for myself (the first two I sold) and I would be pretty put off if they changed it like this. I think the hammer looks great and wouldn't be pleased to see it changed in the way you are describing.


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > really??? Exordium??? all those shinie effects are great as they are

> >

> > if there is a legendary in dire need of an upgrade, i vote for Sharur, the hammer head should be 2-3 larger (we are seriously lacking some oversized hammers heads)


> Sharur was the first Legendary I crafted for myself (the first two I sold) and I would be pretty put off if they changed it like this. I think the hammer looks great and wouldn't be pleased to see it changed in the way you are describing.



Changing stuff AFTER people have made them is simply a shitty move.

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I will forever avoid getting Gen 1 GS legendaries for a few reasons.

1.) Obnoxious effects.

2.) They look gaudy as weapons and really do not work with any color other than black or white.

3.) They are common.


Exordium is not so different in terms of color, but the effects it has are unique compared to the rest of the weapon. If I were to get a GS I would go for Exordium first.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > really??? Exordium??? all those shinie effects are great as they are

> >

> > if there is a legendary in dire need of an upgrade, i vote for Sharur, the hammer head should be 2-3 larger (we are seriously lacking some oversized hammers heads)


> Sharur was the first Legendary I crafted for myself (the first two I sold) and I would be pretty put off if they changed it like this. I think the hammer looks great and wouldn't be pleased to see it changed in the way you are describing.



everyone has rights to their own perspective, you prefer it as it is, i'm not against it, but for my own personal taste i prefer 2-handed great hammer to be oversized like Japanese anime style i.e. FF7 weapons; the feeling of visual satisfaction of pancaking someone, especially with smacking someone with a hammer the same size of my asura

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