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Skyscale "puzzlegated"

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I am sorry, but I think that Arenanet is again extremely disconsiderate towards its players with disabilities. To have such an important thing in game as the skyscale mount "puzzle-gated" is horrible.

Don't get me wrong, I used to enjoy puzzles. But once my hands stopped functioning normally, I can't do them anymore. The easy ones, it's ok, I manage to get through them after a few times, but the harder ones I just had to give up. It was ok, I still was able to enjoy everything else.

It's frustrating enough that I can't do things in real life anymore, and Guild Wars is my virtual escape, where I can still run and do things. I went through the list and steps of getting my skyscale fairly nicely until I got to the "lost Skyscale" collection.

You really should think about your players. Give us another way to get it, even buy it, I don't care. I know I'm not the only one here who has issues like this.

And before you start commenting "omg stop griefing just because you suck at puzzles", yes, I suck at puzzles, and can't get better at them, I can only get worse at them with the degenerating disease I have. I shouldn't be punished for something i didn't ask for. I played Guild Wars since it first came out, then Guild Wars 2. It was practically the only thing that kept me sane while I was going through cancer treatment. No, I don't want to go play another game with no puzzles.

Seriously, can't you make it so people who are disabled can enjoy this too?

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Doesn't Gorrik explain this when the collection is unlocked? I can't check since I'm past that step and the Wiki doesn't seem to have the dialogue yet (or I can't find it) but I'm sure I remember him saying the treats can be used to lure the Skyscale to you. And of course the description of the treat itself explains it exactly.


But considering the number of topics and posts we've had from people who don't realise that I think it needs to be made clearer somehow? Maybe a pop-up when you unlock the collection, so it's harder to miss than NPC dialogue or an item description? Or copying the text from the treat's description to the achievement, so it's right in front of people when they're looking at what's required?

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I have a mobility issue too, though it comes and goes in episodes. I did most of that part of the collection myself but when it was really bad I waited for a mesmer and just asked nicely, kept a stand-by of as many Skyscale treats as I could afford just incase a mesmer wasn't around with the plan b of if Mesmers did port me any treats I didn't use I'd just sell to get some gold back. It got done surprisingly quick actually so I recomend just politely whispering any mesmers you see go past you if they'd mind just dropping a portal once they get up the top.

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Check guides. Many of the puzzles can be cheesed a bit with mounts, at least to the area where the dratted skyscale is hiding. Otherwise, check LFG. Often mesmers are stationed to help, or even people hanging out afk to allow you to use a teleport to friend. I think I crafted one extra treat, and that was it. And I have rheumatoid arthritis in my hands.

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> @"Anyandrell.6238" said:

> Seriously, can't you make it so people who are disabled can enjoy this too?


They did, it's called Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_Treat).


Given your rant is entirely based on incorrect assumptions from you (and lack of effort to gain some very basic information), don't you think a small apology towards the efforts made by the developers are in order?

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> @"Anyandrell.6238" said:

> I am sorry, but I think that Arenanet is again extremely disconsiderate towards its players with disabilities. To have such an important thing in game as the skyscale mount "puzzle-gated" is horrible.

> Don't get me wrong, I used to enjoy puzzles. But once my hands stopped functioning normally, I can't do them anymore. The easy ones, it's ok, I manage to get through them after a few times, but the harder ones I just had to give up. It was ok, I still was able to enjoy everything else.

> It's frustrating enough that I can't do things in real life anymore, and Guild Wars is my virtual escape, where I can still run and do things. I went through the list and steps of getting my skyscale fairly nicely until I got to the "lost Skyscale" collection.

> You really should think about your players. Give us another way to get it, even buy it, I don't care. I know I'm not the only one here who has issues like this.

> And before you start commenting "omg stop griefing just because you suck at puzzles", yes, I suck at puzzles, and can't get better at them, I can only get worse at them with the degenerating disease I have. I shouldn't be punished for something i didn't ask for. I played Guild Wars since it first came out, then Guild Wars 2. It was practically the only thing that kept me sane while I was going through cancer treatment. No, I don't want to go play another game with no puzzles.

> Seriously, can't you make it so people who are disabled can enjoy this too?


I think its disingenuous to call out ArenaNet being inconsiderate towards players with disabilities. Its a game, which is there to put several challenges for players to overcome. Which means that it will be extra challenging for players with any sort of difficulties in general.


And even if its not easy for all players, there are multiple ways around these obstacles, the easiest pretty muchalways being: getting help from other players, the other, in this case, using the item that lets you unlock the skyscale item through magic skyscale lure.


Tbh, I think its inappropiate to play your disability as some sort of argument to get your way.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:


> Tbh, I think its inappropiate to play your disability as some sort of argument to get your way.


1000%! I've seen so many threads of people trying to leverage a disability that there's no way to prove they even have to get anet to change the game for them. Based on these forums you'd think 1 out of every 2 people have diagnosed epilepsy even though its statistically 1.2% percent of the population.

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> >

> > Tbh, I think its inappropiate to play your disability as some sort of argument to get your way.


> 1000%! I've seen so many threads of people trying to leverage a disability that there's no way to prove they even have to get anet to change the game for them. Based on these forums you'd think 1 out of every 2 people have diagnosed epilepsy even though its statistically 1.2% percent of the population.


People who don't have a disability that makes JPs difficult don't need to post about their lack of disability.



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I don't think it's unreasonable for players to give feedback when something in a game is unreasonably difficult because of something the developers may not have considered, especially because it's often possible to accommodate people with disabilities without inconveniencing everyone else or trivialising the content. For example colour blindness can be a major problem for gamers, but the simple solution is to make sure any colour-based puzzle has another way of finding the solution, like assigning a different shape to the markers as well as a colour. Or making sure any dialogue has subtitles for people who can't hear the voice acting.


The problem here is that Anet had already provided a solution - exactly the one the OP asked for (buying it instead of doing jumping puzzles) and players have created another by finding ways to help each other thought puzzles. The tone of the post doesn't help either, it comes across more as a rant than a request to consider exceptional circumstances, which is especially unfair when the solution has already been provided, suggesting that Anet had in fact considered people who can't do jumping puzzles.

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You could say the same thing about real life. The vast majority of people are ablebodied in most ways. But we still build buildings with easy-access door handles for people who can't grip, ramps for people who need wheelchairs, and stuff like that. We live in a world where we make alternate ways of doing things for those who can't physically do things the "normal" way. And as the years go by, I've seen that normal has become far more accessible to all by doing this. How many doors that used to be a couple inches above the pavement now have a small ramp heading up to them? Most.


This is how we design real life because we want everybody to have a chance to live it. Why shouldn't we design games the same way? Yes, there are people who want more challenges. Absolutely. Gear the game so hardcore players can do challenges and such. But don't ignore the other far more casual gamers that make up the majority of most games these days.


Now in this case, ANet is addressing the issue it seems, and other players are often helping as well. Portal Mesmers are pretty awesome to my mind, and I try to help as often as possible with my portal mesmers as well. Sit around at high-demand places for a while and you can make real money from tips. ;)

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Before you spend a lot of gold on crafting the treats: Keep in mind that most of the JPs can be skipped via mounts & friendly mesmers are still at many of the locations!

There were literally only two places I politely asked a mesmer's help. I ended up buying two pungent treats so I could skip the two worst jump puzzles and the leyline anomaly. I'm sorry if your particular disability limits your ability to get this mount. I'd suggest contacting Anet directly rather than trying to stir up a mob here.

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