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Screen is getting to cluttered.

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I'm finding it difficult to target and see some things because of screen clutter.The toy button is annoying and would like to be able to move it out of the way or turn it off ,Other things are the pops ups like skill definitions and loot boxes right in the middle of the screen .Not good things to happen in combat.Being able to disable some of these things would be a great help .

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dunno if it's a help but I set my novelty icon to the endless friendship tonic so at least it doesn't screw up combat if I hit it by accident . . .


I'd really like to have a means to completely close all the event notifications on the right, though then we'd need a 'restore all' function as well . . .

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The ui is a bit fussy. I never really use the novelty tab to be honest. And I think the mount could be better with an ingame version of radial mounts. Maybe you set a keybind, and then select which mount you want. But that's only two smaller buttons.


Then we have f skills, regular skills, and nameplates. I leave achievements up so that adds to the clutter, event text to the right.


I don't really have any suggestions for it. It's still better than what I was used to with WoW though due to the way the skills are limited.

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> @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > I agree. Anet has gone overboard with the graphical effects and it needs to be toned down. Not to mention the lag fest this game becomes with 10+ chars on screen because of this.


> If you have lag with just 10 players on screen, then its your crappy computers fault, not Anets.


Correction, it's either the computer or their internet connection and routing in that case...or it could be a combination of the two.

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Honestly, Anet should just create a blanket toggle option to hide ALL other player generated models, visual effects and sounds (except player nameplate) - so essentially it looks like you're playing a single player RPG except you still have the green player names floating around.


Heck, they should include a quality setting called "Potato Computer" that even hides enemy NPC generated visual spell effects and sounds!

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I have noticed that FPS is becoming more of an issue with the introduction of the new mount, alot of animations going on at same time is significantly starting to affect gameplay more & more (when they are airborne). Not sure if anyone else is having issues? In town or while out and about its not so bad but during world boss events it becomes more of an issue then ever before.

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> I agree. Anet has gone overboard with the graphical effects and it needs to be toned down. Not to mention the lag fest this game becomes with 10+ chars on screen because of this.


I recently got a new computer, and during the meta event / boss blitz events, even standing in the middle of 40 players wailing on the boss, I'm still getting 40+ FPS....however, I cannot see the boss, like at all! With no cast bar on the boss portrait, nor any way of seeing who the boss is targeting (both things available in WoW), I'm just standing there, watching out for circles (only thing I can see) and just hope he isn't going to hit me.


For a game designed around mobility and dodging, not being able to see your target because of the particle vomit on your screen is a real problem. Oh, and I wonder how much worse it would be if I had Post Processing turned on?

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My problem is encountering mobs so big (legendary hydra) that you can't see the stop/go mechanic. It could be above the screen when you are trying to keep an eye on AoEs or hidden behind the health bar.


Damage is always an issue. Am I target the boss or an enemy off screen because I mouse clicked a mob while rotating the screen?

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> @"CJH.2879" said:

> I have noticed that FPS is becoming more of an issue with the introduction of the new mount, alot of animations going on at same time is significantly starting to affect gameplay more & more (when they are airborne). Not sure if anyone else is having issues? In town or while out and about its not so bad but during world boss events it becomes more of an issue then ever before.


It’s because of those weekly special events (e.g. world boss rush, meta event rush, and this week’s) which is why things are laggy for a portion of the players. It’s not because of the mount.


> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> I'm finding it difficult to target and see some things because of screen clutter.The toy button is annoying and would like to be able to move it out of the way or turn it off ,Other things are the pops ups like skill definitions and loot boxes right in the middle of the screen .Not good things to happen in combat.Being able to disable some of these things would be a great help .


All of those are only an issue for mouse-clickers who are not using hotkeys. Loot boxes can be sent to your inventory except for the ‘choosy’ ones by right clicking them.

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> @"Mokk.2397" said:

> I'm finding it difficult to target and see some things because of screen clutter.The toy button is annoying and would like to be able to move it out of the way or turn it off ,Other things are the pops ups like skill definitions and loot boxes right in the middle of the screen .Not good things to happen in combat.Being able to disable some of these things would be a great help .


Agreed, no idea why novelties even have their own button (I almost never use them), especially one that everyone is forced to have rather than just a keybound shortcut.


Combat is getting laggier and laggier, and also more cluttered, with every new mount that is released, and even my best graphics setting/high speed internet PC is lagging heavily whenever mobs like the ones in the screenshots above, oftentimes also with griffons and now skyscales flying all over, take place. Adding a hide player mounts, mount skins, and/or mount animations setting would greatly reduce the lag/screen clutter.

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> @"CJH.2879" said:

> I have noticed that FPS is becoming more of an issue with the introduction of the new mount, alot of animations going on at same time is significantly starting to affect gameplay more & more (when they are airborne). Not sure if anyone else is having issues? In town or while out and about its not so bad but during world boss events it becomes more of an issue then ever before.


Yes it has really started to degrade the games performance esp when there are quite a few about. I think the engine needs an overhaul to handle all the new stuff, and its in need of optimization. Oh and yes as the poster above said, the visual clutter of spells is absolutely ridic at this point, i cant even look at the screen on a big fight, let alone see the ground. They can add an option to turn down or off spell effects for players, not bosses we need those, but player driven effects are overwhelming

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > I agree. Anet has gone overboard with the graphical effects and it needs to be toned down. Not to mention the lag fest this game becomes with 10+ chars on screen because of this.

> >

> > If you have lag with just 10 players on screen, then its your crappy computers fault, not Anets.


> My computer is state of the art and I have 100Mbit up and down. There is nothing wrong with my hardware. This game is poorly optimized right now and eeveryone knows it. Stop being such a fanboi and try to bring something to the discussion.. ^^


You are correct in that the game's graphic engine is crap. Try lowering your 2 character boxes in the graphics options to medium or low. That will usually result in a good improvement to your fps, without much impact to the look of the game.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> It’s because of those weekly special events (e.g. world boss rush, meta event rush, and this week’s) which is why things are laggy for a portion of the players. It’s not because of the mount.


Trust me it IS THE NEW MOUNTS FLYING ANIMATIONS that are causing problems. Before skyscales were in the game (and flying around during any boss event regardless of any special events going on), most bosses (other then the MAW) were relatively smooth (MAWs always been bad because of the swirly ice thingys everywhere). I've only noticed a difference after skyscales started appearing & flying around during boss events. The more of them in the air the greater the affect on FPS & gameplay. I've always had my graphics on medium to low & even that doesn't seem to help anymore.



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Yeah, the eye garhage has gotten out of hand in this game. Had to install Yolo mouse a couple of years ago just to survive.


It's gotten so bad I don't really like playing GW2 much anymore in large encounters. My gear can handle it. Have a monster rig and high frame rates all of the time.


But the screen just looks like puke in GW2.

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> @"Heraldusluminare.2946" said:


> Heck, they should include a quality setting called "Potato Computer" that even hides enemy NPC generated visual spell effects and sounds!

I played an MMO that had this button on the UI, right above the HP meter. I mean, it wasn't called that, but one press and the game would go absolute minimum settings. Press again and it would go back to whatever you had set before.

It actually was super handy to press right before world bosses and then again to go back afterwards without even bringing up a menu.



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