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A plea for veteran roamers to be more dignified

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Red is dead. I appreciated the flagging system in Starwars Galaxies but WvW isn't open world where we make our living normally with the prospect of pvp, we have to move our reward track and get bags from everyone. I leave people alone a lot but I'm mostly selling everything for gold at this point and I have the gear already.

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The poll is redundant. If people were bothered about 'dignity' (aka as good, skilled, competitive PvP) they wouldn't still be playing WvW in the first place. Just another example of why the Anet guy was right when he said WvW players are PvE'ers.

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I let people go


I would often get beaten by lower ranked players, but they weren't the noobs that the OP has in mind.


You can tell the truly new players who have no idea what's going on.


On the other hand, sometimes when I've been battered by thieves and zergs all night, I just want to win for once, that's when their newbies get smashed. Vengeance doesn't often get wreaked upon the people who wronged me, because they are too good, but rather their weaker allies.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > If people were bothered about 'dignity' (aka as good, skilled, competitive PvP)

> Aka what? Whats the link between any of that and dignity?


The OP stated - "For the sake of this poll, dignity means not attacking those who did not want to fight and/or are a lot weaker than you, unless they attacked first."


Skilled, competitive PvP doesn't have that issue (it provides that "dignity"), because it is based around playing against opponents of a similar experience, skill level, attitude to a game, etc, not playing against weaker opponents (some of whom don't even want to fight). So people with the OPs notion of 'dignity' aren't playing WvW anyway, because the game mode mostly offers dull uncompetitive encounters, often against weaker opponents.


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Another passive hate thread to roamers i see.

I go into WvW and see an empty space more often than not.. no one ever thought how that could change?

It's sad that a part of the game that could be fun and offer loads is reserved for the novelle elite.

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i dont look at ranks, idont care if ur zergling, i dont care about anything.


the only people i dont attack are the ones that are fighting already in equal numbers against something.

why i attack low ranks? or high ranks i honestly dont check rank because why not?

why i attack zerglings cus they dont give me a freepass either when im alone..

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > If people were bothered about 'dignity' (aka as good, skilled, competitive PvP)

> > Aka what? Whats the link between any of that and dignity?


> The OP stated - "For the sake of this poll, dignity means not attacking those who did not want to fight and/or are a lot weaker than you, unless they attacked first."


> Skilled, competitive PvP doesn't have that issue (it provides that "dignity"), because it is based around playing against opponents of a similar experience, skill level, attitude to a game, etc, not playing against weaker opponents (some of whom don't even want to fight). So people with the OPs notion of 'dignity' aren't playing WvW anyway, because the game mode mostly offers dull uncompetitive encounters, often against weaker opponents.

Except that doesnt even happen in matched sPvP.


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Red is Dead, for the most part.


I do consider vet spawns 'safe spaces'. They have zero impact on the score, and most people waiting for spawn are semi-afk and just trying to get their dailies done. It's also common for people that HATE WvW to pop into the map just for the easy daily... No reason to make them hate the game mode even more.


I do not respond to angry messages anymore. It doesn't matter how polite you are, it usually only provokes more angry messages.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > > If people were bothered about 'dignity' (aka as good, skilled, competitive PvP)

> > > Aka what? Whats the link between any of that and dignity?

> >

> > The OP stated - "For the sake of this poll, dignity means not attacking those who did not want to fight and/or are a lot weaker than you, unless they attacked first."

> >

> > Skilled, competitive PvP doesn't have that issue (it provides that "dignity"), because it is based around playing against opponents of a similar experience, skill level, attitude to a game, etc, not playing against weaker opponents (some of whom don't even want to fight). So people with the OPs notion of 'dignity' aren't playing WvW anyway, because the game mode mostly offers dull uncompetitive encounters, often against weaker opponents.

> Except that doesnt even happen in matched sPvP.



There is no except, even sPvP in its tragic state still provides far more competitive PvP than WvW does, because WvW simply lacks the mechanisms for it.


Now compare to a PvP game with a big population like Overwatch that enables much better matchmaking, where the vast majority of the time I get matched with players of a reasonably similar rank which on the whole produces decent PvP. Meanwhile last time I played WvW I had one decent encounter out of about 10, it took ages to even get those, players that literally run and WP (in alleged smallscale guilds), PvE players getting their daily sentry that I did not even bother to stomp and so on.


And then what happens after giving up on roaming out of boredom, I try blobbing, but guess what, the link was apparently what passes for a 'bandwagon' these days, so our blob had half of what is left of the tryhards, the other half were on a server in a different matchup. So guess what, yes you guessed it, boring one sided "fights", which ended after about 30 mins when the opposition commander logged off.


Basically 90% garbage "PvP", "PvP" for pvers.


Hence this poll is pretty redundant, because WvW 7 years in is basically a self selecting sample of players not really interested in good or competitive PvP, so most would not even bat an eyelid at chasing down some invader rank and the trash tier "gameplay" it provides.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> On the other hand, sometimes when I've been battered by thieves and zergs all night, I just want to win for once, that's when their newbies get smashed. Vengeance doesn't often get wreaked upon the people who wronged me, because they are too good, but rather their weaker allies.


Know what, I appreciate the honesty. Have your Thumbs Up.



> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > Another passive hate thread to roamers i see.


> Gankers*

> Some people believe there's a difference, but ye whatever.


There is, I have been saying this for a while. If they ONLY ever hunt other players, ganker. If they are a roaming build and kill other players as part of taking or getting to objectives, roamers.


I don't hunt people just for fights, I fight OVER stuff, stuff with rings. Otherwise what's the point? Go to the so called GvG arena in EotM if you just want fights.


> @"Mikkel.8427" said:

> Red is Dead, for the most part.


> I do consider vet spawns 'safe spaces'. They have zero impact on the score, and most people waiting for spawn are semi-afk and just trying to get their dailies done. It's also common for people that HATE WvW to pop into the map just for the easy daily... No reason to make them hate the game mode even more.


Agreed, that is the one place where I go by, "Don't bring none, won't be none."


Now, 2 minutes later, when we're at the guard, camp or tower nearby, oh, it's on. That's an _objective._



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Red is dead.

> >

> > Saw 2 people hitting the vet boar for thier daily, killed them both but not the Boar..

> > Oh man, the rage whispers.

> >

> > I tried explaining that its an open world pvp map but to no avail. They got aggressive so I camped the boar for a while refusing them thier dailies.

> >

> > Unfortunately most people are going to read this and instantly think I was being an kitten but this is what happens when the roaming scene gets gutted.. You take what ever scraps you can get and it applies to all ranks and all players.

> And you didnt even get to the plot twist: There is no veteran boar that gives daily veteran slayer.



There is on the Borderlands to the west of south camp.

If they werent killing it for daily then that makes me laugh because they were angry about me denying them a daily.


Edit: You're right, there is no Boar, I had my animals confused, it's a Veteran Warg that people camp for the Vet slayer daily.

![](https://i.imgur.com/SdG5I7s.jpg "")



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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > Another passive hate thread to roamers i see.


> Gankers*

> Some people believe there's a difference, but ye whatever.


Well ganking is an action just like walking or running.


You can roam (which is an action depicting movements) and gank (the action of killing someone).


Zergs can gank, solo players can gank and small man groups can gank.

Everyone in WvW is or has been a ganker at some stage and will continue to gank in the future unless another mount is introduced that's even stronger than warclaw.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Red is dead.


> Saw 2 people hitting the vet boar for thier daily, killed them both but not the Boar..

> Oh man, the rage whispers.


> I tried explaining that its an open world pvp map but to no avail. They got aggressive so I camped the boar for a while refusing them thier dailies.


> Unfortunately most people are going to read this and instantly think I was being an kitten but this is what happens when the roaming scene gets gutted.. You take what ever scraps you can get and it applies to all ranks and all players.


Well, I'm not _this_ much of a jerk (I usually kill the warg 'cause w/e I'm there for my daily too), but ↑ has the right of it. Its open world pvp, you get what you signed up for. The only time I won't attack someone is if I'm told _in advance_ its an intentional 1v1 (or 2v2 etc. w/e), or the clearly set up fights in areas like north of the south camp bridge -- and mostly out of respect for my own server mates.


Those people fighting east of SMC tho? They're dead - that's a god-awful place to set up for scrims.


~ Kovu


edit- I've been known to murder duelists to refresh participation. >.>

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Red is dead.

> >

> > Saw 2 people hitting the vet boar for thier daily, killed them both but not the Boar..

> > Oh man, the rage whispers.

> >

> > I tried explaining that its an open world pvp map but to no avail. They got aggressive so I camped the boar for a while refusing them thier dailies.

> >

> > Unfortunately most people are going to read this and instantly think I was being an kitten but this is what happens when the roaming scene gets gutted.. You take what ever scraps you can get and it applies to all ranks and all players.


> Well, I'm not _this_ much of a jerk (I usually kill the warg 'cause w/e I'm there for my daily too), but ↑ has the right of it. Its open world pvp, you get what you signed up for. The only time I won't attack someone is if I'm told _in advance_ its an intentional 1v1 (or 2v2 etc. w/e), or the clearly set up fights in areas like north of the south camp bridge -- and mostly out of respect for my own server mates.


> Those people fighting east of SMC tho? They're dead - that's a god-awful place to set up for scrims.


> ~ Kovu


> edit- I've been known to murder duelists to refresh participation. >.>


I dont normally do stuff like that but I had spent 30 minutes roaming the BLs and they were the only enemy players on the map that weren't balled up in a group of 20+


Gotta take what ever scraps you can get.


Its also one of the few spots I can go where enemies are already dismounted as my Celestial Reaper and Celestial Tempest have no chance at dismounting someone, so Im starting to rely on these little areas for some scrims.


This forum told me to adapt, this is my adaptation. Instead of "ganking" open field like I used too, I now look for duelists, daily farmers and those without a warclaw because I dont need to compete with a mount in most cases.


Then OP says to have dignity and not to kill those players either, well im sorry but that would mean I wouldn't be killing anyone in WvW.


If and when a dismount ability is added, things will change again but for now this is how ive "adapted".

Sort of ironic that the people who told me to adapt are now complaining about the adaption.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > Another passive hate thread to roamers i see.


> Gankers*

> Some people believe there's a difference, but ye whatever.


Seems like poeple want different names for PvE and PvP players for this open PvP map tonb arbitrarily attach negative connotations to PvP players just because they suck.

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There is no stopping gankers from that, after all, they have the right to do it, it's just out of personal mercy.


Before the mount, there were gankers that would obliterate me as I wander around trying to reach my destination as a staff weaver, other roamers would just let go.


I don't think it's less dignified, it's like when someone AFKs, you have the right to kill them, but it's called unfair play, just like those who aren't on a roaming build vs fathers of roaming builds.

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It all depends on the mood. Ofcourse one might give a free pass to others doing dailies or bolting back to their groups if they don't initially attack but what triggers Red is Dead for that situation most is when you; give someone a free pass & as you carry on they turn, jump & try to kill you.


Low rankers means nothing, generally because said low ranker likely has a fully geared main account waiting to go hulk smash on you for killing them. Genuine low ranks either pull a forest gump or barney the purple dinosaur and stick to you like glue.


Mutual free passes are rare, i give them, more than i should but needless to say, they are there, just few & far between.


End of the day, we're all walking loot bags and all we can do about it is prevent becoming a bag which is the fun part of it all :)

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