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What are some of the things that people may not know about their class and WvW

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What are some of the little things that players may or may not know about their class and WvW?

Small things that not many people might know but is actually pretty helpful?


I'll start - I just saw a Renegade applying almost perma alacrity to a group of players using the catapults and their catapults fired off at alarming speed.

Very useful for ninja-ing towers and keeps.

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Here's mine:


It is always better to build help around your most productive players than around your least productive players.


Alot of servers, mine included, spend alot of time and energy on the opposite. They identify problems and they try to do something constructive about them. A good intention and an honest mistake. However, as they do that they repeatedly build up an organisation and put alot of collective effort into players who are not receptive for it and they forget the players that already do things and need the active community's help to keep doing it (ie., tags).


It also puts them in a situation where, even if the intention is good, frustrations over not being successful at the attempts leads full circle back to a negative. They try to help eg., new- or casual players and then become frustrated with the same players when it doesn't work. Rather than using themselves and their energy to support the content-production that exists and making it easier for those who produce it to keep going and to statuate examples to follow.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


> I'll start - I just saw a Renegade applying almost perma alacrity to a group of players using the catapults and their catapults fired off at alarming speed.


Chronos were doing this day one of HoT


Glad to see Ocx catching up to the times a bit.


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


> > I'll start - I just saw a Renegade applying almost perma alacrity to a group of players using the catapults and their catapults fired off at alarming speed.


> Chronos were doing this day one of HoT


> Glad to see Ocx catching up to the times a bit.



PSA: make sure the rest of the squad isn't huddled around the catapults so the Alacrity boon is sure to hit those manning siege.



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On Mallyx Herald, you can absorb allies' condis from ACs and Burning Oil (and whatever other random condis) and transfer them onto those on the wall via True Nature - Mallyx (provided they are in the 600 radius). Draconic Echo absorbs condis from 10 allies and Pain Absorption gives you the resistance to hold them, so you can transfer some pretty fat stacks.

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On Hammer Herald, your Phase Smash ability is one of the shortest cooldown blast finishers in the game, so while it's tempting to hit people with it, you can often make equally good use of it by blasting a water field in the front line for AoE heals, or a light field for AoE condition removal. Make sure to pound on the smoke field generated by your Scrapper's Sneak Gyro for extra stealth duration or blast their Lightning field for AoE swiftness.


Additional Fun Fact: Flame Blast, #2 ability on a Flame Ram, puts out a fire combo field, so a great target to blast for AoE might stacks just before the gate goes down.


If channeling Dragon Legend, remember to then use your Facet of Nature to boost the duration of those boons you just blasted.

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If there are any Renegade players nutty enough to slot the Kalla legend, they should know that if they use the shrine jump pads in desert bl it will cause them to temporarily lose all their utility skills until they swap legends. Another annoying Kalla thing is if you summon Icerazor's Ire too close to a supply depot it will attack that rather than enemies nearby.


Renegade's shortbow on the other hand does have a few positives. The auto-attack has the capability to hit enemies behind thin walls even if obstructed because of the shatter radius. There are places like the archway near the swc of alpine bl where you can shoot into the ceiling and hit players walking on the rooftop. The #5 skill (Scorchrazor) also has some interesting behaviour. It's basically a mobile Static Field. There doesn't seem to be a target limit as far as I can tell, and I've seen it knockdown enemies mid-teleport.

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_Gun Flame_ has 1,500 range and tracks through stealth so long as you fired the skill before the target stealthed; similar in function to ranger longbow 2 tracking. Many dead thieves/squishy players that pop out of stealth a few seconds later. Have fun combo'ing that with unblockable signet of might.

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Spellbreaker: Dont dodge with bubble, it cancels it . Also try to use F1 -> F2 -> F1 due to F1 reset on full counter.

Herald: Dont sleep on Jalis elite, its bloody gamechanging and probably 1 of the best abilities to pop before meleeclash.

Scrapper: Elixir gun #4 for blasting is a great addition to your rotation, dont forget it. Hammer #2 & #3 is also great to use at times due to whirl/leap finishers.

Daredevil: initiate with 2-3 dodges before staffspamming, by the time you dumped your last staff#5 you have enough energy to dodge some more.

Weavers: Its a good idea to start the fight in earth/air so you can dump 2 major CCs right at the start of the engagement, followed up by double attuning to fire for meteor.

Scourge: Scepter 3(!!!) and Axe 3 are amazing, dont sleep on them.

Reaper: Pop spectral armor before going into shroud to bump up your lifeforce, also auto attacks are more often than not the better source of dps in reaper shroud.

Chrono: There is no stress in using shield#4 deja vu, it lasts a good 10 seconds. Also shield#5 hits unlimited targets. Also Focus mastery is underrated = reflect underrated.


Probably very obvious points but could possibly be useful for a new player.




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If you use the Fern Hound pet (or any of the dogs), you get a movement skill like owl f1 on Soulbeast. The owl movement skill has more range, but the dog skill can be spammed every 3 seconds outside combat. Just swap weapons(not stowing) while using it and you can reset the cooldown to 3 seconds which gives you insane mobility. Sadly it only works out of combat and is useless now with mounts. I'm not even sure if it works right now. Could still be potentially useful in PvP until they add mounts.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> Spectral Walk works on Mounts.


> Activate -> Mount -> travel -> dismount before SWalk expires -> Return.


> Can effectively triple it's usual distance. And if ANet "fixes" this at any point I will be _mad._


There's no distance limitation. I've used it on jumping puzzles to save my a55 right before I hit rock bottom.

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> @"Noha.3749" said:


> Scourge: Scepter 3(!!!) and Axe 3 are amazing, dont sleep on them.

> Reaper: Pop spectral armor before going into shroud to bump up your lifeforce, also auto attacks are more often than not the better source of dps in reaper shroud.

> Probably very obvious points but could possibly be useful for a new player.



Bad habits for me, because I'm still not fully cleansed of the PVE mindset, where boon strip is a nearly useless mechanic and Spin-2-Win is instinctively the first thing you do when entering reaper Shroud. All too often I go entire fights without using Axe 3, when it can change the course of a fight all by itself. :disappointed:

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > Spectral Walk works on Mounts.

> >

> > Activate -> Mount -> travel -> dismount before SWalk expires -> Return.

> >

> > Can effectively triple it's usual distance. And if ANet "fixes" this at any point I will be _mad._


> There's no distance limitation. I've used it on jumping puzzles to save my a55 right before I hit rock bottom.


Oh yes, I know. It's always been this way. I just mean that Spectral Walk has been the victim of more than a few "fixes" because of it. Like how it used to be able to negate fall damage or how it could be used through Waypoints.


Being usable on mounts isn't really the same as the other two times it was fixed, because it's not as game breaking, but it _does_ have some pretty strong applications. I can very rapidly build siege by myself using this method for example.


I don't necessarily think anything will be done to disallow it working on mounts, but I know there's always that chance because it seems unintended. So I hope it doesn't, lol.

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