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Request of consumable item: Death Button

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I request from ArenaNet a consumable item in game, that will kill a player randomly. Basically is an item, that when used, some random online character, somewhere, dies instantly. It will be fun because of statistics: how many buttons were used, how many players used this consumable and how many times.


This can be extended by giving a message towards the random player being killed, as to why the player pressed it.


The idea is not mine, it is from a sci-fi movie called The Box.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> When making or suggesting a feature, always ask yourself "how would a complete jerkwad use this?" If you don't like the answer, maybe it's not a good suggestion.


When reading suggestions like this, I have to ask myself, "Who would suggest such an item?" The answer being, "Probably people who would use it."

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> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> What a deviously awful idea. Perhaps if it was limited to only working on other people who had bought it, there might be some good shenanigans to be had. Yes, shenanigans...


Now that I can get behind, because it'd be a "You brought this on yourself" type deal. But that would dramatically reduce the number of people actually buying it. Overall though, I don't think the OP ever expected this to be implemented; they probably just wanted to see what discussion it would spawn.


And to give the OP a bit of what they want, frankly I know enough people who go into PvP and WvW specifically to make themselves feel better by ruining someone else's day (I'm not making a blanket statement; people have literally said that to guild chats and to me). This hypothetical item is just a different way of encouraging that sort of gameplay, and it's gameplay I don't think Anet would ever actively encourage as it kinda goes against their whole philosophy. Introducing an item which can randomly kill a person when they're attempting a hard achievement for the upteenth time, right in the middle of a story mission they won't be able to attempt to replay because of time constraints, or otherwise get totally kittened for someone else's meager enjoyment?


Totally not going to happen, and totally the suggestion of a jerk. :)

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How about a more friendly version more suitable for the GW2 community. You press the button and it sends 1 gold to a random online player with a message that pops up wishing them a wonderful day. Or some kind of other gift, maybe some random mats from your inventory and if you don't have mats then 1 gold. :smiley:

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I may have a new idea of novelty:

What if, an item that summon a four places table, where you can bet on one color permit four. Each player put 1g on the table, a colorful fortune wheel turn and then stop, the winner earn the bets. If a non claimed color is chosen, in the case of less than 4 players, bets are refunded. I think it's not that traumatizing and trivial. Sometimes X win, other times Z or W even Y...


Would be like belcher's bluff novelty.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Only if it works on the person using it and not others.

> But you have /gg for that.


To keep with the RNG spirit beloved by the OP, the device works only on the user and at a random time during the next 24 hours of gametime.

* Use of the item gives your character a 24 hour buff, that persist even into WvW & PvP areas

* At any point during that 24 hours, your character might /gg and there's nothing you can do to stop it.



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