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Hearts and Minds: Awful, buggy, and just awful

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > This isn't meant as a solo-mission. Find mates to group up with. :)

> >

> > It is a solo mission unless you are talking about the challenge mode which should be done in group of 5.


> I've never solo'd it, but I can imagine it would take quite long. I'm not saying it isn't doable, but it doesn't feel like it was meant for solo play. Perhaps I should give it a try some time, just never had to because ppl there always group up.


You are probably talking about challenge mode then. This takes maybe 20 minutes solo if you are decent. Is mostly the cutscenes and monologues that takes awhile.

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> @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"

> > > >

> > > > Yes is a playstyle issue? I don't think you realize this but you are playing guild wars where you can come up with a lot of different builds. Not all builds are equal and some are outright awful. This is not wow or ffxiv where you can just level up to max and still do decently well because there is very minimal customization. So yes if you want to get better, understand how to build your character correctly is one of the most essential things in the game. If you are not willing to adapt to fights based on the situation then this is definitely not the game for you. Why else do you think there are so many options to choose from if not for you to change based on fights?

> > > >

> > > > So if you could post your build, that would be great. Blighted garm healing to full sounds definitely like an issue with your damage output so you probably have both a build and rotational issue as well. If you are not willing to admit that the issue might be with you instead of the boss, then I don't know what to tell you.

> > >

> > > I appreciate the info. I'd been going ax/torch berserker, with a rifle because that generally just works better for me than a bow for kiting. Gonna try again with a mace since it has more handy CC for blue bar busting, but that'll be un-fun because I've pretty much never used a mace at any point in the game. Fortunately I've got one that's just been taking up inventory space, same with a bow.

> > >

> > > I'm perfectly happy adjusting my playstyle, slotting different skills, etc, to match different circumstances. What has me tweaking right now is that Garm's healing to full was an *instant* heal. Like under a second after he fell, with Eir's bar not even switching to blue so I could whomp on her. Heck, she was still running over to him when *boom,* he was back on his feet at full health. Happened a couple times in a couple fights. And that cutscene disconnect bug... I got that earlier in the season, looked up the work arounds, applied them. While it mostly mitigated the issue, they didn't eliminate it. And wouldn't you know it, off all the missions to crash/disconnect on so you have to slog through the yard trash and unskippable dialogue... well, let's just call that a cherry on top of the frustration sundae.

> > >

> > > That, and I really just hate gimmick fights. It's one thing when a particular strategy or useful tool is alluded in *useful* dialogue, but I don't like it when it's "Here's your salad tongs, pull out a guess as to what the dev is thinking."

> >

> > Axe is a power weapon and torch is a condi weapon. Hybrid damage is generally a bad idea unless you have a pretty good grasp on how to build. I would either consider going full condi and take sword/torch and bow, or going full power with axe/axe + greatsword. I am going to personally recommend going full power because is cheaper and easier go gear/build for. If you are really stuck for CC, take a mainhand mace instead of axe. If you are really stuck, take mace/shield.

> >

> > Garm doesn't really heal to full after a second, when I did it it takes around 2-3 Garm death at most to kill Eir. What you are probably lacking is doing damage and I am guessing that's due to build or rotation. I don't really remember exactly what other mechanic is on Eir but all you really need to do is kill Garm and hit Eir. Deplete the blue bar with cc if needed but I don't think is necessary other than helpeful, might be wrong though.

> >

> > I don't know what is your gear, but I am going to guess is a mix/match of random pieces. I would suggest buy a full set of exotic berzerker or at least knight from the trading post. They shouldn't be too expensive at maybe 1-2g each. Just search for devona's gear in the TP and look for something like this.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devona%27s_Chestguard

> >

> > There is a full set. Trinkets can be either full knight/zerker but I would suggest full zerker but knight will work just fine.

> >

> > I don't play warrior that much but I would suggest going strength 322 defense 232 berzerker 131. The number show the position of the traits. So 1 is the first trait on the column, 2 is the second one etc etc. What this does is allowing you basically have a very consistent heal as long as you land your burst attacks. Adrenal health with healing signet will keep you sustained for a very long time. You do need to use greatsword for this as the greatsword burst in berzerk is by far your best damage output. Take either bola or kick, shake it off and wild blow for CC with headbutt as elite. What you do is basically get in berzerk, use your physical skill like bola or kick and spam arc divider. It will instantly delete Garm and then you can just kill Eir.

> >

> > Also this is not really going to be a gimmick fight as honestly killing the smaller minion which allow you to hit the boss is one of the most standard enemy designs. I am guessing you haven't played a lot of MMOs or RPGs? So just keep that in mind as there will be plenty of fights where you can't just bash your head in until you win.


> Thanks. Garm's sudden insta-heal to full is why I'm crying "bug!" He was, quite literally, back on his feet an instant after he fell. Eir was still running towards him, and I wasn't getting a chance to even give her a tickle. Happened a couple times even after completely logging out, in case something was buggy at my end or with my connection. I was indeed focusing on Garm until he fell, then going after her. (I usually do polish off the little guys before laying into the boss, no need to eat damage I can stop. (Barring the odd mission where the little guys never stop spawning and you must focus on the boss, anyway.)


> Now, in respect to gear, I am trotting out the mace I've been schlepping around to replace the ax. My kit is pretty much all legendary-quality Berserkers, focus on power enhancements. (I suffer from simple Alt-fu Craftingitis, so kit isn't a problem.) Not sure what my power layout is, but I'll be happy to adjust it to what you suggest, although I'm still filling out the berserker, line, be a while before I have headbutt.


Use elite signet if you don't have headbutt, if you run into issues with cc then take mace.


Are you in NA and online right now? If you are truly stuck, I can help you beat it but I can guarantee it will feel better if you beat it by yourself later on. After all it is your story, you wouldn't want a random smuck come out from nowhere and save the world for you eh?

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > > Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes is a playstyle issue? I don't think you realize this but you are playing guild wars where you can come up with a lot of different builds. Not all builds are equal and some are outright awful. This is not wow or ffxiv where you can just level up to max and still do decently well because there is very minimal customization. So yes if you want to get better, understand how to build your character correctly is one of the most essential things in the game. If you are not willing to adapt to fights based on the situation then this is definitely not the game for you. Why else do you think there are so many options to choose from if not for you to change based on fights?

> > > > >

> > > > > So if you could post your build, that would be great. Blighted garm healing to full sounds definitely like an issue with your damage output so you probably have both a build and rotational issue as well. If you are not willing to admit that the issue might be with you instead of the boss, then I don't know what to tell you.

> > > >

> > > > I appreciate the info. I'd been going ax/torch berserker, with a rifle because that generally just works better for me than a bow for kiting. Gonna try again with a mace since it has more handy CC for blue bar busting, but that'll be un-fun because I've pretty much never used a mace at any point in the game. Fortunately I've got one that's just been taking up inventory space, same with a bow.

> > > >

> > > > I'm perfectly happy adjusting my playstyle, slotting different skills, etc, to match different circumstances. What has me tweaking right now is that Garm's healing to full was an *instant* heal. Like under a second after he fell, with Eir's bar not even switching to blue so I could whomp on her. Heck, she was still running over to him when *boom,* he was back on his feet at full health. Happened a couple times in a couple fights. And that cutscene disconnect bug... I got that earlier in the season, looked up the work arounds, applied them. While it mostly mitigated the issue, they didn't eliminate it. And wouldn't you know it, off all the missions to crash/disconnect on so you have to slog through the yard trash and unskippable dialogue... well, let's just call that a cherry on top of the frustration sundae.

> > > >

> > > > That, and I really just hate gimmick fights. It's one thing when a particular strategy or useful tool is alluded in *useful* dialogue, but I don't like it when it's "Here's your salad tongs, pull out a guess as to what the dev is thinking."

> > >

> > > Axe is a power weapon and torch is a condi weapon. Hybrid damage is generally a bad idea unless you have a pretty good grasp on how to build. I would either consider going full condi and take sword/torch and bow, or going full power with axe/axe + greatsword. I am going to personally recommend going full power because is cheaper and easier go gear/build for. If you are really stuck for CC, take a mainhand mace instead of axe. If you are really stuck, take mace/shield.

> > >

> > > Garm doesn't really heal to full after a second, when I did it it takes around 2-3 Garm death at most to kill Eir. What you are probably lacking is doing damage and I am guessing that's due to build or rotation. I don't really remember exactly what other mechanic is on Eir but all you really need to do is kill Garm and hit Eir. Deplete the blue bar with cc if needed but I don't think is necessary other than helpeful, might be wrong though.

> > >

> > > I don't know what is your gear, but I am going to guess is a mix/match of random pieces. I would suggest buy a full set of exotic berzerker or at least knight from the trading post. They shouldn't be too expensive at maybe 1-2g each. Just search for devona's gear in the TP and look for something like this.

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devona%27s_Chestguard

> > >

> > > There is a full set. Trinkets can be either full knight/zerker but I would suggest full zerker but knight will work just fine.

> > >

> > > I don't play warrior that much but I would suggest going strength 322 defense 232 berzerker 131. The number show the position of the traits. So 1 is the first trait on the column, 2 is the second one etc etc. What this does is allowing you basically have a very consistent heal as long as you land your burst attacks. Adrenal health with healing signet will keep you sustained for a very long time. You do need to use greatsword for this as the greatsword burst in berzerk is by far your best damage output. Take either bola or kick, shake it off and wild blow for CC with headbutt as elite. What you do is basically get in berzerk, use your physical skill like bola or kick and spam arc divider. It will instantly delete Garm and then you can just kill Eir.

> > >

> > > Also this is not really going to be a gimmick fight as honestly killing the smaller minion which allow you to hit the boss is one of the most standard enemy designs. I am guessing you haven't played a lot of MMOs or RPGs? So just keep that in mind as there will be plenty of fights where you can't just bash your head in until you win.

> >

> > Thanks. Garm's sudden insta-heal to full is why I'm crying "bug!" He was, quite literally, back on his feet an instant after he fell. Eir was still running towards him, and I wasn't getting a chance to even give her a tickle. Happened a couple times even after completely logging out, in case something was buggy at my end or with my connection. I was indeed focusing on Garm until he fell, then going after her. (I usually do polish off the little guys before laying into the boss, no need to eat damage I can stop. (Barring the odd mission where the little guys never stop spawning and you must focus on the boss, anyway.)

> >

> > Now, in respect to gear, I am trotting out the mace I've been schlepping around to replace the ax. My kit is pretty much all legendary-quality Berserkers, focus on power enhancements. (I suffer from simple Alt-fu Craftingitis, so kit isn't a problem.) Not sure what my power layout is, but I'll be happy to adjust it to what you suggest, although I'm still filling out the berserker, line, be a while before I have headbutt.


> Use elite signet if you don't have headbutt, if you run into issues with cc then take mace.


> Are you in NA and online right now? If you are truly stuck, I can help you beat it but I can guarantee it will feel better if you beat it by yourself later on. After all it is your story, you wouldn't want a random smuck come out from nowhere and save the world for you eh?


I am NA, and sincerely appreciate the offer, but I've gotta crash soon or I'd take you up on that. Plus, I've had few couple brandies to enhance my calm, so my hand eye flordinshunum is slipping. I have no problem at all with random smucks, and have often played that role myself; always liked the "Yeah? Me and this army!" or at least "Yeah? Me and the guy behind with the knife." Saving the world and high-fiving is always fun. I swapped around my skill lines to what you suggested, and have a mace mainhand, ax offhand, and knocked together a berserker's greatsword. (Really hate that pearl design, but I've piles of those change thingees for a better skin.) I'll see how that goes tomorrow. Thanks again.

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> @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > > > Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yes is a playstyle issue? I don't think you realize this but you are playing guild wars where you can come up with a lot of different builds. Not all builds are equal and some are outright awful. This is not wow or ffxiv where you can just level up to max and still do decently well because there is very minimal customization. So yes if you want to get better, understand how to build your character correctly is one of the most essential things in the game. If you are not willing to adapt to fights based on the situation then this is definitely not the game for you. Why else do you think there are so many options to choose from if not for you to change based on fights?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So if you could post your build, that would be great. Blighted garm healing to full sounds definitely like an issue with your damage output so you probably have both a build and rotational issue as well. If you are not willing to admit that the issue might be with you instead of the boss, then I don't know what to tell you.

> > > > >

> > > > > I appreciate the info. I'd been going ax/torch berserker, with a rifle because that generally just works better for me than a bow for kiting. Gonna try again with a mace since it has more handy CC for blue bar busting, but that'll be un-fun because I've pretty much never used a mace at any point in the game. Fortunately I've got one that's just been taking up inventory space, same with a bow.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm perfectly happy adjusting my playstyle, slotting different skills, etc, to match different circumstances. What has me tweaking right now is that Garm's healing to full was an *instant* heal. Like under a second after he fell, with Eir's bar not even switching to blue so I could whomp on her. Heck, she was still running over to him when *boom,* he was back on his feet at full health. Happened a couple times in a couple fights. And that cutscene disconnect bug... I got that earlier in the season, looked up the work arounds, applied them. While it mostly mitigated the issue, they didn't eliminate it. And wouldn't you know it, off all the missions to crash/disconnect on so you have to slog through the yard trash and unskippable dialogue... well, let's just call that a cherry on top of the frustration sundae.

> > > > >

> > > > > That, and I really just hate gimmick fights. It's one thing when a particular strategy or useful tool is alluded in *useful* dialogue, but I don't like it when it's "Here's your salad tongs, pull out a guess as to what the dev is thinking."

> > > >

> > > > Axe is a power weapon and torch is a condi weapon. Hybrid damage is generally a bad idea unless you have a pretty good grasp on how to build. I would either consider going full condi and take sword/torch and bow, or going full power with axe/axe + greatsword. I am going to personally recommend going full power because is cheaper and easier go gear/build for. If you are really stuck for CC, take a mainhand mace instead of axe. If you are really stuck, take mace/shield.

> > > >

> > > > Garm doesn't really heal to full after a second, when I did it it takes around 2-3 Garm death at most to kill Eir. What you are probably lacking is doing damage and I am guessing that's due to build or rotation. I don't really remember exactly what other mechanic is on Eir but all you really need to do is kill Garm and hit Eir. Deplete the blue bar with cc if needed but I don't think is necessary other than helpeful, might be wrong though.

> > > >

> > > > I don't know what is your gear, but I am going to guess is a mix/match of random pieces. I would suggest buy a full set of exotic berzerker or at least knight from the trading post. They shouldn't be too expensive at maybe 1-2g each. Just search for devona's gear in the TP and look for something like this.

> > > >

> > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devona%27s_Chestguard

> > > >

> > > > There is a full set. Trinkets can be either full knight/zerker but I would suggest full zerker but knight will work just fine.

> > > >

> > > > I don't play warrior that much but I would suggest going strength 322 defense 232 berzerker 131. The number show the position of the traits. So 1 is the first trait on the column, 2 is the second one etc etc. What this does is allowing you basically have a very consistent heal as long as you land your burst attacks. Adrenal health with healing signet will keep you sustained for a very long time. You do need to use greatsword for this as the greatsword burst in berzerk is by far your best damage output. Take either bola or kick, shake it off and wild blow for CC with headbutt as elite. What you do is basically get in berzerk, use your physical skill like bola or kick and spam arc divider. It will instantly delete Garm and then you can just kill Eir.

> > > >

> > > > Also this is not really going to be a gimmick fight as honestly killing the smaller minion which allow you to hit the boss is one of the most standard enemy designs. I am guessing you haven't played a lot of MMOs or RPGs? So just keep that in mind as there will be plenty of fights where you can't just bash your head in until you win.

> > >

> > > Thanks. Garm's sudden insta-heal to full is why I'm crying "bug!" He was, quite literally, back on his feet an instant after he fell. Eir was still running towards him, and I wasn't getting a chance to even give her a tickle. Happened a couple times even after completely logging out, in case something was buggy at my end or with my connection. I was indeed focusing on Garm until he fell, then going after her. (I usually do polish off the little guys before laying into the boss, no need to eat damage I can stop. (Barring the odd mission where the little guys never stop spawning and you must focus on the boss, anyway.)

> > >

> > > Now, in respect to gear, I am trotting out the mace I've been schlepping around to replace the ax. My kit is pretty much all legendary-quality Berserkers, focus on power enhancements. (I suffer from simple Alt-fu Craftingitis, so kit isn't a problem.) Not sure what my power layout is, but I'll be happy to adjust it to what you suggest, although I'm still filling out the berserker, line, be a while before I have headbutt.

> >

> > Use elite signet if you don't have headbutt, if you run into issues with cc then take mace.

> >

> > Are you in NA and online right now? If you are truly stuck, I can help you beat it but I can guarantee it will feel better if you beat it by yourself later on. After all it is your story, you wouldn't want a random smuck come out from nowhere and save the world for you eh?


> I am NA, and sincerely appreciate the offer, but I've gotta crash soon or I'd take you up on that. Plus, I've had few couple brandies to enhance my calm, so my hand eye flordinshunum is slipping. I have no problem at all with random smucks, and have often played that role myself; always liked the "Yeah? Me and this army!" or at least "Yeah? Me and the guy behind with the knife." Saving the world and high-fiving is always fun. I swapped around my skill lines to what you suggested, and have a mace mainhand, ax offhand, and knocked together a berserker's greatsword. (Really hate that pearl design, but I've piles of those change thingees for a better skin.) I'll see how that goes tomorrow. Thanks again.


Sure thing, just send me a message if you still need help.

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I also had a completely miserable experience with this mission, primarily because of the lack of checkpoints. It's too bad because I have a few other characters who've (almost) completed HoT, and I actually _like_ Trahearne and found the scenes with him very touching, I'd love to see them again.... but getting there isn't worth it.

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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yes is a playstyle issue? I don't think you realize this but you are playing guild wars where you can come up with a lot of different builds. Not all builds are equal and some are outright awful. This is not wow or ffxiv where you can just level up to max and still do decently well because there is very minimal customization. So yes if you want to get better, understand how to build your character correctly is one of the most essential things in the game. If you are not willing to adapt to fights based on the situation then this is definitely not the game for you. Why else do you think there are so many options to choose from if not for you to change based on fights?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So if you could post your build, that would be great. Blighted garm healing to full sounds definitely like an issue with your damage output so you probably have both a build and rotational issue as well. If you are not willing to admit that the issue might be with you instead of the boss, then I don't know what to tell you.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I appreciate the info. I'd been going ax/torch berserker, with a rifle because that generally just works better for me than a bow for kiting. Gonna try again with a mace since it has more handy CC for blue bar busting, but that'll be un-fun because I've pretty much never used a mace at any point in the game. Fortunately I've got one that's just been taking up inventory space, same with a bow.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm perfectly happy adjusting my playstyle, slotting different skills, etc, to match different circumstances. What has me tweaking right now is that Garm's healing to full was an *instant* heal. Like under a second after he fell, with Eir's bar not even switching to blue so I could whomp on her. Heck, she was still running over to him when *boom,* he was back on his feet at full health. Happened a couple times in a couple fights. And that cutscene disconnect bug... I got that earlier in the season, looked up the work arounds, applied them. While it mostly mitigated the issue, they didn't eliminate it. And wouldn't you know it, off all the missions to crash/disconnect on so you have to slog through the yard trash and unskippable dialogue... well, let's just call that a cherry on top of the frustration sundae.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That, and I really just hate gimmick fights. It's one thing when a particular strategy or useful tool is alluded in *useful* dialogue, but I don't like it when it's "Here's your salad tongs, pull out a guess as to what the dev is thinking."

> > > > >

> > > > > Axe is a power weapon and torch is a condi weapon. Hybrid damage is generally a bad idea unless you have a pretty good grasp on how to build. I would either consider going full condi and take sword/torch and bow, or going full power with axe/axe + greatsword. I am going to personally recommend going full power because is cheaper and easier go gear/build for. If you are really stuck for CC, take a mainhand mace instead of axe. If you are really stuck, take mace/shield.

> > > > >

> > > > > Garm doesn't really heal to full after a second, when I did it it takes around 2-3 Garm death at most to kill Eir. What you are probably lacking is doing damage and I am guessing that's due to build or rotation. I don't really remember exactly what other mechanic is on Eir but all you really need to do is kill Garm and hit Eir. Deplete the blue bar with cc if needed but I don't think is necessary other than helpeful, might be wrong though.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't know what is your gear, but I am going to guess is a mix/match of random pieces. I would suggest buy a full set of exotic berzerker or at least knight from the trading post. They shouldn't be too expensive at maybe 1-2g each. Just search for devona's gear in the TP and look for something like this.

> > > > >

> > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devona%27s_Chestguard

> > > > >

> > > > > There is a full set. Trinkets can be either full knight/zerker but I would suggest full zerker but knight will work just fine.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't play warrior that much but I would suggest going strength 322 defense 232 berzerker 131. The number show the position of the traits. So 1 is the first trait on the column, 2 is the second one etc etc. What this does is allowing you basically have a very consistent heal as long as you land your burst attacks. Adrenal health with healing signet will keep you sustained for a very long time. You do need to use greatsword for this as the greatsword burst in berzerk is by far your best damage output. Take either bola or kick, shake it off and wild blow for CC with headbutt as elite. What you do is basically get in berzerk, use your physical skill like bola or kick and spam arc divider. It will instantly delete Garm and then you can just kill Eir.

> > > > >

> > > > > Also this is not really going to be a gimmick fight as honestly killing the smaller minion which allow you to hit the boss is one of the most standard enemy designs. I am guessing you haven't played a lot of MMOs or RPGs? So just keep that in mind as there will be plenty of fights where you can't just bash your head in until you win.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks. Garm's sudden insta-heal to full is why I'm crying "bug!" He was, quite literally, back on his feet an instant after he fell. Eir was still running towards him, and I wasn't getting a chance to even give her a tickle. Happened a couple times even after completely logging out, in case something was buggy at my end or with my connection. I was indeed focusing on Garm until he fell, then going after her. (I usually do polish off the little guys before laying into the boss, no need to eat damage I can stop. (Barring the odd mission where the little guys never stop spawning and you must focus on the boss, anyway.)

> > > >

> > > > Now, in respect to gear, I am trotting out the mace I've been schlepping around to replace the ax. My kit is pretty much all legendary-quality Berserkers, focus on power enhancements. (I suffer from simple Alt-fu Craftingitis, so kit isn't a problem.) Not sure what my power layout is, but I'll be happy to adjust it to what you suggest, although I'm still filling out the berserker, line, be a while before I have headbutt.

> > >

> > > Use elite signet if you don't have headbutt, if you run into issues with cc then take mace.

> > >

> > > Are you in NA and online right now? If you are truly stuck, I can help you beat it but I can guarantee it will feel better if you beat it by yourself later on. After all it is your story, you wouldn't want a random smuck come out from nowhere and save the world for you eh?

> >

> > I am NA, and sincerely appreciate the offer, but I've gotta crash soon or I'd take you up on that. Plus, I've had few couple brandies to enhance my calm, so my hand eye flordinshunum is slipping. I have no problem at all with random smucks, and have often played that role myself; always liked the "Yeah? Me and this army!" or at least "Yeah? Me and the guy behind with the knife." Saving the world and high-fiving is always fun. I swapped around my skill lines to what you suggested, and have a mace mainhand, ax offhand, and knocked together a berserker's greatsword. (Really hate that pearl design, but I've piles of those change thingees for a better skin.) I'll see how that goes tomorrow. Thanks again.


> Sure thing, just send me a message if you still need help.


Roger that.


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> @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> > > Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

> >

> > What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.


> I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"


Hyperbole never helped anyone, learning the "one specific, specialised, super-min-maxed build" for this single specific fight will net u success but its in now way necessary.

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Set up an lfg for this mission, saying "starting at x time"(give like 30 minutes) you will usually get at least 2 others to join you.

Partying up makes it much much easier. It still sucks, but its easier.

Also don't pick braham to go with you. I think the bosses (pale tree and, is it Canach?) are also easier.


The story boss fights after this also get easier. Especially in PoF/LW4. They are more likely to rez you, if you down, so you don't have to start the whole fight over. Which is great.


I'll likely never go back to Hearts and Minds after finally completing it once.

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I have never even bothered trying this solo: first time I did it was to help a friend, and that experience was enough that yep. Not only am I taking /a/ friend, I am taking a few friends. Made it much faster, easier, and we made jokes throughout. But then, I didn't finish HoT story until, uhm. Well into Path of Fire, and I am still carrying around the egg in Auric Basin on my main. Maybe someday.

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The 1st time I did this (in duo) it was hell as I simply just kept die. I was on zerker ele and had no clue bout tactics and I was horribly on ele in general (and still am). My 2nd toon (zerker mesmer) I tried it solo and after a few deaths I managed it and started to understand tactics. Every toon after (zerker warrior, condi ranger and comdi rev) I had no issue doing this. Even helped guildies with it.


Few pointers....


- don't click the challenge mote when you do this (unless you have full experienced party and just play for the achieve).

- you don't have to fly and avoid rocks in normal mode as you can instead hug canach in his safety bubble.

- keep an eye on rifts to close (if up you use that and you don't have to fight the miniboss any longer)

- kiting is very helpfull. If you can, make use of the speed mushrooms

- having trouble doing this solo or you help someone struggling? Make sure the one that knows the strategy and has least issues on it starts this story instance. If you die you get up the platform and can't go back in. If the one left at boss is the story owner, and gets downed, then Canach will res that person. Tldr you have to repeat nothing (not even if you accidently fall off platform).

- Be aware as sylvari that it can be more challenging since Mordremoth will try to get in your mind...

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Oh, so you haven't done the final fight of "Head of the Snake" yet? Muahahaha!


On a serious note though, I remember how frustrated I was with this fight my 1st time doing it as well. To the point I tried several times, over 2 nights, before I gave up and asked for help from guildies. Flash forward a year, and I'm helping a friend of mine, that I brought to the game, get through this very fight......long story short he dies within 30 seconds and I continue to solo the rest of the fight, since he's, you know, trapped, and can't help after that (the 1 mechanic that needs to be changed).


If you're still fairly new to the game don't stress too much. You will learn how to build classes for certain fights, the mechanics of those fights, and most of all how combat actually works in the game. It just takes some time. Before you know it you'll be soloing these things like they were open world elites. Until then, don't be afraid to ask for help. There are lot's of people willing to assist with these fights, even if you aren't in their guild.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > This isn't meant as a solo-mission. Find mates to group up with. :)

> >

> > It is a solo mission unless you are talking about the challenge mode which should be done in group of 5.


> I've never solo'd it, but I can imagine it would take quite long. I'm not saying it isn't doable, but it doesn't feel like it was meant for solo play. Perhaps I should give it a try some time, just never had to because ppl there always group up.


Challenge mode of this is quite harsh. One shot mechanics and tons and i mean tons of hp added vs normal mode which already takes quite long solo.

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  • 6 months later...

> @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> I appreciate the info. I'd been going ax/torch berserker, with a rifle because that generally just works better for me than a bow for kiting. Gonna try again with a mace since it has more handy CC for blue bar busting, but that'll be un-fun because I've pretty much never used a mace at any point in the game. Fortunately I've got one that's just been taking up inventory space, same with a bow.


> I'm perfectly happy adjusting my playstyle, slotting different skills, etc, to match different circumstances. What has me tweaking right now is that Garm's healing to full was an *instant* heal. Like under a second after he fell, with Eir's bar not even switching to blue so I could whomp on her. Heck, she was still running over to him when *boom,* he was back on his feet at full health. Happened a couple times in a couple fights. And that cutscene disconnect bug... I got that earlier in the season, looked up the work arounds, applied them. While it mostly mitigated the issue, they didn't eliminate it. And wouldn't you know it, off all the missions to crash/disconnect on so you have to slog through the yard trash and unskippable dialogue... well, let's just call that a cherry on top of the frustration sundae.


> That, and I really just hate gimmick fights. It's one thing when a particular strategy or useful tool is alluded in *useful* dialogue, but I don't like it when it's "Here's your salad tongs, pull out a guess as to what the dev is thinking."


Bro u can kill it with just a greatsword, my main at HoT times was a lame warrior zerker. I replayed it week ago with a boon-spammer guard using commander+wanderer stats gear(very low damage) and yet not problem.


also [Physical skills](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical) of warrior is crazily OP now if u need mix some CC with Damage.


Warrior is by far one the most easy damage dealers and autosustain for Pve bosses.

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> @"paynesgrey.8932" said:

> Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.


It's old content and, yeah, I doubt anyone is a huge fan of the Mordremoth fight. Even for people who have no trouble completing it, it's just a long, boring, buggy slog. If you need help completing it, though, feel free to hit me up in game. I don't mind doing it.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Lol.. the Op is basically complaining that the fight is difficult for him/her then it is bad. It is the best solo boss fight in the game.


Yes, because the bugs forcing you to restart and replay the entire instance are fun, right? The boss has some terrible bugs that never got fixed and those are the reason ive only completed HOT on two characters. The fight isnt hard(solod it on my two characters, and needed 3 people for the challenge mote), its a gimmicky fight, and the feedback they got from the HOT story is why they made the POF bosses the way the did, thankfully.


If they fixed the bugs, and somehow where able to remove the penalty dome the fight would be really fun. (not gonna happen, but it would for sure improve it.)

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Lol.. the Op is basically complaining that the fight is difficult for him/her then it is bad. It is the best solo boss fight in the game.


I don't know about the OP, but I can solo this fight with my eyes closed. Guess what? I think it's pretty awful. Long, boring, persistently buggy. All of the things the OP complains about that have nothing to do with whether or not it's a difficult fight.

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