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[Idea] Bounties in WvW!!

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Bounties in WvW sounds like a great idea!! I would be so hyped to play WvW if there were bounties!


Bounty means having an enemy player as target that you need to track down and kill.


I haven't thought much about it so feel free to post the potential consequences that might occur if the feature were to be implemented.



Edit: (in response to comments below)

Entering WvW is signing a death contract. I think it doesn't matter whether a random dude, randomly crossing your path kills you, or a bounty hunter. Target doesn't know he is hunted.

If the target logs-off or leaves the map, another bounty could be automatically assigned. Computer chooses target randomly, this way less chance to exploit.


The only problem, from comments below is if your bounty targets leaves/logs-off often. But I guess it might be a risk the hunter has to take.

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I've brought this idea up before, but I think it may lead to a lot of toxicity and we will lose more players. Whilst I think it may be challenging, a vast majority will outright not step into the mode because it will either frustrate them, and some don't like to pvp as much as others in this mode, not to mention they'd feel like it was a form of griefing allowed by the game.

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my prediction: not once will a bounty target get killed.


log out, map out, stay in spawn, whatever


you have no idea how much it takes to get some in an actual fight. they just see wvw as an easy source to do dailies fast (big spender, kill 1 sentry, kill 1 dolyak gg)


those pve folks, even for only playing wvw 5 mins day still are part of the "population" they are why servers are "very high, or full" despite not seeing alot of players yourself in actual gamemode


even in the rare scenario the bounty target was in a zerg. he would get sniped by the countless soulbeasts who are there just for the bounty reward (which i assume would be wvw exp?)


it would do more harm then good

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Star Wars Galaxies had a player bounty system which worked pretty well.


If a player killed you, you had the chance of putting a bounty in them by spending credits (credits was swg currency).


If GW2 had unrestricted player combat in Tyria then maybe I could see this implemented. But strictly for WvW, no thanks.

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I like the idea of bounties, but it might have to be NPC bounties. ESO had something like that for their version of WvW for dailies, eg, go kill this NPC, or Scout this camp etc, with us already having dailies I am not sure if it will work for us, we already taking keeps for daily, so having a keep lord as a bounty wont be any new incentive. Maybe if you could spawn bounties in the open that need co-ordination from a team like PVE idk. But PVP style bounties just wont work in this game for reasons mentioned

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Entering WvW is signing a death contract. I think it doesn't matter whether a random dude, randomly crossing your path kills you, or a bounty hunter. Target doesn't know he is hunted.

If the target logs-off or leaves the map, another bounty could be automatically assigned. Computer chooses target randomly, this way less chance to exploit.


The only problem, from comments above is if your bounty leaves/logs-off. But I guess it might be a risk the hunter has to take.

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Id say yes if it was a thing like "Bounties for serial-killers" where you get extra rewards/wxp/whatever for killing guy that has big Killing-spree without dying. Bounty is completed once guy is dead and his spree is reseted. Would be fun to see that. Wont ever happen tho, our one WvW dev (/wave @) is probably busy dealing with Alliances, Summer 2022 sooner than you think.

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It should go in reverse.


People should be able to put bounty on themselves. When you put a bounty on yourself, you get a small amount of reward track and wxp boost in exchange for a predefined handicap. (you move slower, cannot mount, cannot enter portals, make something up) This boost is temporarily increased if you kill X amount of players in a certain amount of time. If you are outnumbered, this is further boosted. PPK made from such players is increased by 50%


Also for the purposes of these kills, you have to actually stomp a player or do a certain % of damage; none of this tagging randoms crap. If you die, you lose it all and cannot use this function until the next reset. If you log out in combat, you're also considered killed.


Killing a player with a bounty that has been active in wvw and has made a certain kill streak would yield a bigger reward depending on how much the bounty has killed and how long they've stayed alive outside of spawn of course.


I think this way should work better because it should be treated as a bonus, rather than a penalty on both ends. Basically just imagine it as someone activating challenge mode.


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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> It would be too much work to make it non-exploitable or like was said that person could log off/hide at spawn etc. First you would right click place bounty maybe on a thief that killed you. Then an accept/decline option would pop up on the guy you placed the bounty on. If he accepts say a count down starts. If he wp/ enter tower/keep he forfeits and whoever placed bounty gets rewards. If he survives cd then he gets a reward. Maybe player who kills him gets a rewards but how do you split if 10 guys tag him etc. How do you prevent the duelers from just placing bounty on ea other and exploiting etc. Lots of problems in implementation.

Accepts? What? You're way, *waaaaaaaaaaaaaay* overthinking this.


I dont see any technical difficulties at all. There is no reason for the *enemy* to know he has a bounty on him. Any random player would simply... have a bounty on him. Maybe you could right click someone and add "5 silver bounty" for a max of 5 times from different players. Whatever. Whoever kills/stomps this player get the coins. Simple as that. Bounties would of course only be seen by friendlies.


In fact, we already have a similar "soft" system in place - you get more xp by killing a player that hasnt been killed for a while. Someone that is spawncamped over and over isnt "worth" anything while someone that has been running around a while is "worth" more when he is killed. On top of that we have the bloodlust which is a "soft" system for basicly telling you to go hunt and stomp enemy players for bonus points. That's literally a type of bounty system, it's just not aimed at indvidiuals.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Both sides need to know and both sides should be eligible for a type of reward otherwise it's just random. You want guys hunting the bounty and that guy need to know he's gonna get extra attention and be ok with that and not wp hide in a keep hence the accept and added limitations. You also don't want 50 players with bounty's on them at the same time. I may be over thinking but your way is just extra coins at random which I'll take sure but not exactly hunting someone down if you got no idea he's worth the extra coins.

No they dont. Only the side doing the hunting need to know if a target is worth extra coin. The one having the actual bounty on is already assumed to be a hard target that people have trouble killing. He doesnt need to be "ok" with the attention if he's killing everything in his path. He's gonna *get* attention. Why would he have a bounty on him otherwise? That is the basic assumption of this whole system. Not that some random bloke with 1 hour of WvW comes in on his vanilla ranger and suddenly have a bounty on him that he needs to know about so he can protect himself. That makes no sense.


Again, **this is already in the game, right now**. It's hidden, for WXP and it's passive, not for coin and player operated.

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It could work, however it would not be worth inventing an entirely new mechanic over or forcing it onto someone who doesn't want it.


Way I see it we have 2 methods that would work:

- A capture and hold the orb kind of thing. You willingly go to a location, interact with an object and get a marker over your head similar to the halo or any pvp tournament gizmo. The reward for doing so should increase the longer you hold it without dying, and the person taking you down will get everything you've accumulated.

- A wandering bounty, where you get marked but once you are killed the killer gets the bounty instead. The rewards need to be significantly higher here and the downside way less severe, since this can accidentally be passed around.


The first method would entice a server to hunt down and find the bounty, which would be lifted if logged off, entering a spawn area or swapping maps. The second would be more an additional 3 targets per map (1 each server per map at a time) that would get extra rewards based on how long they hold it, mostly for fun and excitement


It needs to be a secondary mechanic, or at worst an addition to the roaming scene which is why these 2 stand out.

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As unpopular as the idea might be, having a PvE bounty would probably be better received than a player bounty. As others have said, the player would likely just port to spawn and sit there until it passed, or they'd log.


There was a variation of this mentioned many times before.. having actual objectives in WvW that would pop up at random. Whether it'd be taking a certain tower, camp, or keep, or just simply killing "x" amount of players. Not killing a specific player in particular.

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I think it would be fun and add extra dimension to WvW. I wouldn't think it would be a devastatingly hard thing to implement either. Mainly just some extra UI functionality in the way of some menus and drop down options then some tables and "Transfer coins from here to there when X happens" logic in the backend. There are a few things it would have to have (which others have been addressing) for it to work in the balance sense.


My idea would be to have a "tag" that represents you are a bounty hunter. When you have this tag up you can't join commander squads, only the normal 5 man. You only get bounty hunter rewards if you have that tag on. You gain bounty very slowly over time (say 1 copper per 10 minutes) while you haven't been killed by a bounty hunter. The max bounty a person can get his way is 25 silver. Your bounty is ONLY cleared if you are killed by a bounty hunter so that means it doesn't do you any good to map hop or log out because next time you play you are STILL going to have that bounty. Players can also pay their own money to raise players bounty, this has no cap. When a player with a bounty is killed the coin is split between those bounty hunters who contributed to the kill, weighted towards the one who stomped. That means it may be easier to get kills running in a group of 5 bounty hunters but you wont get as much reward. Also, killing a bounty as a bounty hunter should count as double the score as a normal kill to make bounty hunting a fairly reasonable way to contribute to "winning".


There should also be a bounty board at spawn that allows you to get a 'marked' bounty. This will be chosen randomly for you from, say, the top 20 players with the current highest bounties currently on the map. You're given 30 minutes to kill your marked bounty and cannot get a new one until a bounty hunter kills them, they leave, or your time runs out. The current territory your marked target is in is highlighted but you don't know their exact position. If you kill your marked bounty you're given a larger reward. Maybe something like a bounty chest that has a generous amount of materials, one guaranteed rare item or better, and a rare chance at dropping an infusion. You can only get 3 of these chests a day. I think the drops would be fair since this would be a fairly difficult task.


Would this be healthy for the game? Yeah, I think it would be a great way to reward those who enjoy roaming and give them more of a kill oriented approach if that's what they are in to. It would also give us roamers a reason to jump into unfavorable fights. We might die but it would be worth it if we can take down our bounty before we do.


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I like the idea of bounties. The higher someones KDR is, the more dangerous they are. They are a valuable asset to your opponent, and a bane on your allies.


It would also kinda signify a sudo-ranking system that shows who is more skilled. Sure you can have someone who runs around in a one push zerg with a high KDR...but that just means that upon death they reward the group that has killed them, giving people incentive to try and get better to defeat said one push zerg.


For roamers, i think the same can apply. The higher the KDR, the more dangerous they are, and when killed rewards players. It also incentivizes players to play better and not die...and to score kills.

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The only way I could see this being fun is if you got to volunteer to be the bounty and you were always marked if you were in a 'safe' area like spawn where enemies can't go. I just don't see the point in putting it on a random player that would probably turn out to be really easy to kill. But if you put it on someone who couldn't hide in a safe place and volunteered to be hunted, it could turn into a really fun hide and seek type thing . . .

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