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Why don't you sPvP?

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Hi guys,


I wanted to post my question here since it is basically the same 12 people in the PvP forum.


Why don't you sPvP?


I can't think of anything more rewarding for end game than GW2 pvp and it is a shame that so many of you opt out. Just curious. Thanks for your input.

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Honestly, I'm just total shit when it comes to fight against real players, I'm also super stressed easily.


But I did PvP for a good couple of years and just stopped because the profession's balance makes this just unfair.


Also, toxic behaviour in PvP matches. Classic.

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Hmm why I don't do pvp... Guess I am just not so fond of killing other players in any game. I rather spend my time in open world, looking at the sceneries, doing story, doing some event or worldboss, just go where I want and relax without relying on others (also why I am rarely seen in fractals and the likes). WvW is more open style so I like it better but matches are a bit unclear (they last long and it takes a bit before you find a tag you can run behind and solo, well I am clueless in there on how to do things despite having tried the mode a few times). But the downpart of wvw is that you need another set of gear and/or weapons and we have no build templates and no second gear + weapon slots so we can have 1 set on at all time for pve and 1 set on at all time for wvw. (My backpack is already full and so is my storage thus no wvw for me either unless I go on pve build in pve weapon and pve gear). Spvp I only do for dailies (ranked coz better rewards for the 15 mins hoping to pass by as soon as possible so I can actually play the game).


Oh and Spvp is a bit samey (you do the same things in all maps... 1 runs close, rest runs mid... on the occasional map you grab some extra point/interact point, repeat if someone grabs your points...). You get my drift ;)


(It is no wonder I hear players talk about bots in there since every match is exactly the same playstyle wise)

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I recently stopped playing sPvp. Each class generally has 1 meta or less build that's viable in upper plat, and some classes are far better at stretching their roles beyond decapper, teamfighter +1, or soloist then others, who are doomed to one role or nothing.


Additionally, balance is horrendous and creative play and counter play exists to such a small degree compared to other competitive games (especially

compared to games like GW1) it might as well be nonexistent. It certainly isnt encouraged with hardcoded skill slots and recharge rate design prioritised over resource management. Fighting against AI created by players should never be a thing, neither should skills that do 10+ effects with hardly a tell. Anet doesnt devote much resources to spvp and it shows its age badly due to this.


Ultimately, as a previous poster said, Spvp is boring. Wvw is marginally better since there is more variation in builds you might encounter but both modes suffer from inherent flaws in the GW2 pvp philosophy, which seems to be, less complexity the better.


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1- Soulbeast LB is stupidly broken.


2- Too much dmg, getting bursted in 2-3 seconds is no fun.


3- PVP in general doesn't get enough attention from Anet.


4- 5v5 format is not enough, it needs 2s, 3s and battlegrounds.


5- Not enough balance patches, not enough communication with the comunity, etc. But I think this falls under my point #3.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> Why don't you sPvP?


I stopped because of two factors:


1. The lousy match-up (i.e., player skill) system that causes imbalance in matches.

2. The incredible toxicity and lack of proper teamplay.


My nerves are more important to me than some game mode. So I decided I can live without it. ;)

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The other night I was like "You know what? I'll give it a go!". Being below rank 20 I had to que unranked ... for 30 minutes with no que pop. I decided to just continue with LW story and left que. Doesn't help that I live in Japan and so most people are asleep or at work/school when I can play.

I like WvW as I can jump in anytime and start doing things right away.

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For me, there are two main reasons, based on the experience I had when I tried it:

1. The aggressivity and level of competitivity of the PvPers shocked me. I don't tell it is wrong or right. I suppose it's the essence of PvP. Just, personally, I have no such feelings and for me it was a case of: "What am I doing here?". :3

2. Maybe I was not lucky , but on the day I was there, the level of toxicity was too high for me to cope with. I was in a team and informed them I am a new to PvP, is that OK for them? Any hints and/or instructions they can give me? I got ignored. Not a word. And at first fight, although I didn't die, I got insulted, and that badly.


I simply believe that PvP environment does not match for me. So I never returned to it.

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I've never enjoyed PvP. Well, almost never. When everyone involved is a friend of mine and we went into the match meaning to beat each other up in a complicated game of tag while laughing about it in voice chat, I've enjoyed it. I do not enjoy it with strangers who can get toxic or boastful. I do not enjoy knowing there are people out to get me. Even with friends I get shaky with adrenaline in short order, with strangers I am wiped out fast.


I've never been super competitive. I'd rather cheer others on than "win."

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I still sPvP, but it is falling out of favor. It is very stale with extremely limited viable builds. Class balance changes for the last 7-8 month have only made it worse. The drop in active players hurts match making further, which was never great to begin with.

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Short answer is bc there is no solo mode. I wouldn't enjoy being on a team where I was significantly better or worse than my teammates, playing with teammates who think they are significantly better than they actually are, or playing with teammates that cared more about winning than fighting . . .


I will say that of the modes gw2 offers that I don't really enjoy -- sPvP, high-level fractals, raids and zerging in wvw -- sPvP is the one I'd be most likely to try if I ever get bored of all the things I already do . . .

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Gw2 is a skill based system, so noobs have no chance against a superior player. I'm not fond of this game design, since I either destroy people or am destroyed. It's very rare that I can find that "worthy adversary".


Personally, I think skill should be a factor, but Anet needs to add luck into the fight as well. Until then, PvP will be that game mode I visit once a month to remember why I hate it.

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