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Anet back in Silent Mode

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I appreciate the new events and stuff that has been going around, but can we FINALLY have something that states more than "there will be season 5"?

Anet started to communicate a bit and give us what they want to do with the game "fairly same things they said in the past but ok..." but even that was something for us showing that they are at least trying to improve in communicating, knowing that people are concerned with the game. Now they went completely silent again... In one corner there are people screaming "nerf this nerf that", on the other "cantha expansion, tengu more tengu" and the poor wvw guys are just "alliances? update? plz???"

Just give people something to look forward to...



A bored player.

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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> They have no time because they are busy with the BIG WVW ALLIANCE UPDATE and the PVP rebalance !!!!!!!!!111111111111111111


Ohh i cant wait, i was talking to the wvw teams in discord and everyone is clamoring for alliances, unfortunately many dont think they will happen.

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Ya its really bad. I understand that Anet likes to surprise the player base but i would love to try and understand what they envision for the game. At the soonest the next episode will come in mid september (can come earlier but i doubt it with dragon bash -> wvw event -> four winds) and thats again 4 months between LS. They said that LS5 will be diferent with fewer maps and all that but i would love to know a bit more about the game. Is it all about LS from now on? No more xpacs? What did they mean with xpact content in LS? What does "soon" mean in terms of the build templates? Are alliances for WvW still going to happen or is it just another "will happen when its ready"? Maybe its just me, maybe blizzard left me a bit spoiled with knowing almost everything in months in advance, but a bit of light in the long term state of the game would be great and would show both old and new players that the game is thriving and they should come and invest their time and money here

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Anything Anet would say would not be specific enough and they would be derided to no end. Or, if they were specific, they would be blasted for failing to follow through on exactly what was said.


We forum-goers can be a brutal bunch of kittens.


So, I believe that it is safer for them to be extremely selective about the timing and wording of any announcements or other comments made in these parts.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Anything Anet would say would not be specific enough and they would be derided to no end. Or, if they were specific, they would be blasted for failing to follow through on exactly what was said.


> We forum-goers can be a brutal bunch of kittens.


> So, I believe that it is safer for them to be extremely selective about the timing and wording of any announcements or other comments made in these parts.


The purpose of forums is to discuss things, and that includes negative as well as positive feedback.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Anything Anet would say would not be specific enough and they would be derided to no end. Or, if they were specific, they would be blasted for failing to follow through on exactly what was said.


> We forum-goers can be a brutal bunch of kittens.


> So, I believe that it is safer for them to be extremely selective about the timing and wording of any announcements or other comments made in these parts.


So... say nothing? Yeah.. i guess that works...

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Next release is months away, summer festival season has started. We will get the Festival of the Four Winds next, couple weeks after the current one ends most likely. Nothing to talk about right now.


festivals arent really new content tho so a number of ppl dont really care about them.

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Personally, I didn't think the level of communication changed at all this year. In the past, we get waves of people responding quickly to forum posts, blogs or interviews from management outlining plans or hyping about-to-be-released changes. And then we have periods of less frequent comments, where we try to parse every word they have posted in any context, attempting to squeeze some meaning out of nothing.


As I've said in the past, I really don't care what ANet _says_, because they have said a lot of things (many of them that turn out exactly as advertised; some that do not). I care about what they actually deliver.


And I'm happy with the amount of stuff we've been getting. Unexpected new festival. Three new mounts during LS4 (one for WvW). A topsy turvy, roller-coaster of a story. Unexpected QoL changes. Market disruptions. A new farm or three. An update to PoF meta events and their rewards. All kinds of new skins.



Mind you: I still want more. (more than more, if I'm honest about it) And I still think there's some low-hanging QoL fruit that ANet could (should?) be tackling


The point is: I don't care if they say they're going to do something; I care about what they actually do.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"rogermkiihl.1967" said:

> > Concerned about the game?


> They had to lay off lots of people. Games tend to do worse after that.


Near as we can tell from reports, the company cancelled all projects unrelated to GW2 and laid off the associated staff (or at least: a number of full-time equivalent positions corresponding to those projects). There's no evidence that the _amount_ of time spent on GW2 changed, whether up or down. There's no question that the layoffs hurt morale and the loss of institutional knowledge is likely to have been devastating in some cases.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Personally, I didn't think the level of communication changed at all this year. In the past, we get waves of people responding quickly to forum posts, blogs or interviews from management outlining plans or hyping about-to-be-released changes. And then we have periods of less frequent comments, where we try to parse every word they have posted in any context, attempting to squeeze some meaning out of nothing.


> As I've said in the past, I really don't care what ANet _says_, because they have said a lot of things (many of them that turn out exactly as advertised; some that do not). I care about what they actually deliver.


> And I'm happy with the amount of stuff we've been getting. Unexpected new festival. Three new mounts during LS4 (one for WvW). A topsy turvy, roller-coaster of a story. Unexpected QoL changes. Market disruptions. A new farm or three. An update to PoF meta events and their rewards. All kinds of new skins.



> Mind you: I still want more. (more than more, if I'm honest about it) And I still think there's some low-hanging QoL fruit that ANet could (should?) be tackling


> The point is: I don't care if they say they're going to do something; I care about what they actually do.


We have lost tho ppl that would communicate with us and talk to us about plans they had or anything that are no longer with us. So post layoffs it has been more 'silent'.


Also i assume most ppl care about communication because largely se4 was rather weak on content delivery and ppl want assurance that they are aware and they will try to adress that, or smth on the long term of the game's health.

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> I appreciate the new events and stuff that has been going around, but can we FINALLY have something that states more than "there will be season 5"?

> Anet started to communicate a bit and give us what they want to do with the game "fairly same things they said in the past but ok..." but even that was something for us showing that they are at least trying to improve in communicating, knowing that people are concerned with the game. Now they went completely silent again... In one corner there are people screaming "nerf this nerf that", on the other "cantha expansion, tengu more tengu" and the poor wvw guys are just "alliances? update? plz???"

> Just give people something to look forward to...


> Sincerely,

> A bored player.


While I am bored as well, because the event weeks only sported additional loot and no new content per se, and the current festival doesn't sport much fun stuff to do either, I assume that all has been said and there are no news at this point. The next time they'll communicate it will have to be with definite facts, and they know it, hence reserve further infos till then.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> We have lost tho ppl that would communicate with us and talk to us about plans they had or anything that are no longer with us. So post layoffs it has been more 'silent'.

Naw, Rubi + Stephane combined are posting often, maybe more than Gaile (I'd have to count to compare).



> Also i assume most ppl care about communication because largely se4 was rather weak on content delivery

How was it "weak"? It was somewhat slower than LS3, but during that time, we got three new Mounts. What did we get during LS3 that was as epic?


> ppl want assurance

Yes, it's clear that many do. But people always want assurance. That was true during LS1, during the content drought (which had less communication about their plans, because they didn't want to hint at the expac), during ... etc


> smth on the long term of the game's health.

Again, that's not what concerns me. If the company is healthy (which it seems to be, as far as GW2 is concerned), then the game has a long term. And if the company isn't, then it can't possibly matter how often they post.



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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Anything Anet would say would not be specific enough and they would be derided to no end. Or, if they were specific, they would be blasted for failing to follow through on exactly what was said.

> >

> > We forum-goers can be a brutal bunch of kittens.

> >

> > So, I believe that it is safer for them to be extremely selective about the timing and wording of any announcements or other comments made in these parts.


> The purpose of forums is to discuss things, and that includes negative as well as positive feedback.


I wholeheartedly agree. I was only positing a reason why Anet may not want to say anything on the forums.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Anything Anet would say would not be specific enough and they would be derided to no end. Or, if they were specific, they would be blasted for failing to follow through on exactly what was said.


> We forum-goers can be a brutal bunch of kittens.


> So, I believe that it is safer for them to be extremely selective about the timing and wording of any announcements or other comments made in these parts.


This explanation dovetails with what ANet said at the time they instituted the (I believe it's still) current communications policy when the Colin Johanson blogs got called out for breaking "promises," even though there was a clear statement that the things discussed ranged from certainties to "We're looking into whether this is feasible."


There's a meta message in that policy, one which does not reflect well on ANet -- however they spin it. It seems like a parent sending a child to the corner for a timeout. It's important for parents to teach children there are consequences to behavior. However, a parent who sends all their kids to a corner because of the actions of one is overreacting and sending the wrong message.


I don't personally care one way or the other whether ANet puts out speculative blogs or not. However, I suspect the policy has cost them customers. I have to question whether a more expansive communications policy would cost them anything other than the time it takes for the game director to organize what he already knows about development and write a blog. I'd like to believe that there are a lot more players mature enough to both appreciate being kept in the loop and willing to accept that things change than there are players who are going to post petulant whines about ,"You promised!" when disappointed.

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