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What I'll Like to see in Next Week Balance Patch


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From what ben said on stream that the changes are going to be "big" but he's unsure if the meta going to change.


What I'm Expecting to see get touch on are the following Specs:


1: Condi Mantra Mesmer - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Chaotic_Condition

This build is just completely unfun to play against and with the amount of condi pressure it provides within such a spam makes the entire game mode a joke IMO. I'll like to see Daze Mantra Nerf and possibly Chaotic Interruption.


2: Power Shiro Aka Rev - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Power_Shiro

This build or this spec in general has an insane amount of Might Up time while also able to give out a insane amount of Vulnerability this is what making this class pretty OP while also able to chill and slow a foe because of Death Strike. I suggest we Lower the amount of Might and Vulnerability Rev can dash out. Holo were nerf hard a few seasons ago because of the amount of Might they were able to get. Rev should be treated the same way.


3:Rifle Holo - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Elixir_Rifle

Holo Are Ok in most aspects IMO however I think nerfing healing turret would probably help keep Holo in check with their insane CC and Burst. Taking away their high amount of burst sustain from healing turret can possibly keep them in check from being "OP". This Class shouldn't be high burst and High CC with also able to fully heal themselves with healing turret.


4: Scrapper - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Gyro_Bunker

With the Current Meta being More "direct" Damage over "condi" damage. Bunker Scrapper is probably the number 1 side node dueling spec in the game at the moment. Not only does the Gyro Have close to 0 tell they also provide way to much sustain for the scrappers. With this Spec I would Suggest to nerf Bulwark Gyro and Possibly rapid regeneration.


5: Ranger Sic Em - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Sic_%27Em_Sniper

This soul beast spec needs to be touch on a bit. I would Like to see the overall dps on pets nerf a bit. I feel like the amount of burst coming from the pet itself is a bit high while also having to worry about the ranger main burst. Feels like theirs to much to Danger for players and very little danger for the ranger itself. I would like to see Ranger Great sword 3 Nerf by Increasing it's cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds and Decrease the range from 1000 to 600. This Would Lower their survival power by a good amount IMO. All Risk when going full dps this would be a fair trade off.


Anyway these are some of the stuff i'm hoping gets touch on by the devs for next week balance patch because if any of these go unchecked then it's gonna be a boring rank season as it already is.


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> @"Ouk.5914" said:

> From what ben said on stream that the changes are going to be "big" but he's unsure if the meta going to change.


> What I'm Expecting to see get touch on are the following Specs:


> 1: Condi Mantra Mesmer - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Chaotic_Condition

> This build is just completely unfun to play against and with the amount of condi pressure it provides within such a spam makes the entire game mode a joke IMO. I'll like to see Daze Mantra Nerf and possibly Chaotic Interruption.


> 2: Power Shiro Aka Rev - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Power_Shiro

> This build or this spec in general has an insane amount of Might Up time while also able to give out a insane amount of Vulnerability this is what making this class pretty OP while also able to chill and slow a foe because of Death Strike. I suggest we Lower the amount of Might and Vulnerability Rev can dash out. Holo were nerf hard a few seasons ago because of the amount of Might they were able to get. Rev should be treated the same way.


> 3:Rifle Holo - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Holosmith_-_Elixir_Rifle

> Holo Are Ok in most aspects IMO however I think nerfing healing turret would probably help keep Holo in check with their insane CC and Burst. Taking away their high amount of burst sustain from healing turret can possibly keep them in check from being "OP". This Class shouldn't be high burst and High CC with also able to fully heal themselves with healing turret.


> 4: Scrapper - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scrapper_-_Gyro_Bunker

> With the Current Meta being More "direct" Damage over "condi" damage. Bunker Scrapper is probably the number 1 side node dueling spec in the game at the moment. Not only does the Gyro Have close to 0 tell they also provide way to much sustain for the scrappers. With this Spec I would Suggest to nerf Bulwark Gyro and Possibly rapid regeneration.


> 5: Ranger Sic Em - https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Sic_%27Em_Sniper

> This soul beast spec needs to be touch on a bit. I would Like to see the overall dps on pets nerf a bit. I feel like the amount of burst coming from the pet itself is a bit high while also having to worry about the ranger main burst. Feels like theirs to much to Danger for players and very little danger for the ranger itself. I would like to see Ranger Great sword 3 Nerf by Increasing it's cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds and Decrease the range from 1000 to 600. This Would Lower their survival power by a good amount IMO. All Risk when going full dps this would be a fair trade off.


> Anyway these are some of the stuff i'm hoping gets touch on by the devs for next week balance patch because if any of these go unchecked then it's gonna be a boring rank season as it already is.



Nerfing healing turrent will solve nothing. It had gotten nerfed three times before or after PoF dropped so you won't be solving anything.


Scrapper bulwark gyro also had gotten nerfed too if you go back a few months, so they're not going to touch that either. Nerfing rapid healing won't solve anything because that's not the issue. They'll literally take an amulet or rune and that will cover any leftover healing missing from rapid heal. Anet has literally just reworked them to be strong enough to contend and reworked the gyros enough to actually work. I will say they will need to get toned down as soon as all of the other stupidly high dps specs get their damage lowered.


How about you actually hit the skills/traits that are problematic please?

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> @"Lala.8752" said:

> why this guy want to nerf healing turret lmao


because the amount of healing burst you get from it has always been an issue. Let's not play dumb and act like it's balance lol.


Most spec shouldn't have the jack of all abilities. If they can 100-0 someone, CC chain them while also keeping up a pretty high self sustain then the class isn't really balance is it? The Old saying of holo being "high risk and high reward" is completely false, It's Close to Low Risk of over heating and High Reward for spamming 1 and 2.


Also if you can add to your comment as to why you wouldn't think it'll be a good change and what would you suggestion before you making a silly comment.

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> What did I miss? How do you know there is a balance patch next week? Are they really implementing new balance in the middle of the season??


Ben was on stream saying theirs going to be a balance this month. Most likely next week is what everyone believes it'll be. Official date hasn't been confirmed but it'll be this month for sure.

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I agree with your selection of classes (I would have put holo in general and not only the elixir rifle).


I am playing soulbeast sic em so here is my opinion. When you play slb in sPvP, you have a decent amount of time going in / out merged form (not full time like in PvE) that is why I do not think targeting pet will work or is good idea (I think the nerf to pet druid was a good idea but is currently too high). I would look at some talents(reduce unblockable to 2-2,5s, maybe 5% less on sic em). Some reduction but not too much because otherwise the spec will have a hard time, it still is a very vulnerable spec to pressure / burst (rev, holo, mirage) and there are lot of blocks / aoe denial around.


Some skills like the thief daggerstorm also have a special place in my heart (for the nerf Hammer) :tongue: .

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Correct, nerf the overall damage output and sustain. Then we can start talking about some other changes.

Some builds have close to no trade-offs so they don't have to worry about anything. Perma evade, 3000 range dash combo, million damage in one skill. This has to end.


As for Sic Em SB. You talk about the Spec and want to nerf Core weapon. Actions like this make the core of the class useless while still keeping E-Specs unbalanced. If you want SB to be weaker, focus on SB.

Same applies for Revenant. I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to nerf anything but Shiro/Devastation. <- This isn't a fix.

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tbh. at this point the only way to balance the game is to overtune all classes to be on pair with Holo, Rev, SpB, CondiMan, SicEm, and Scrapper. Remember the old saying?


If everyone is a superhero, nobody is.


Besides, it has become quite clear to me that Anet wants PvP to be all about fast reflexes and minimal reaction times. They want it to be as action based as Overwatch, which I find hilarious.


Do they honestly believe that _that_ approach is going to revitalize sPvP?

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More than a nerf to currently over performing builds, I would like to see most of none viable builds brought to viability. We literally have under 10 meta builds and viability is under 15 builds. This is extremely limiting.


For nerfs, priority to nerf in order of necessity:

FB support





Soul Beast


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> More than a nerf to currently over performing builds, I would like to see most of none viable builds brought to viability. We literally have under 10 meta builds and viability is under 15 builds. This is extremely limiting.


> For nerfs, priority to nerf in order of necessity:

> FB support

> Holo

> Scrapper

> Scourge

> SB

> Soul Beast



no rev? seems legit :)

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > More than a nerf to currently over performing builds, I would like to see most of none viable builds brought to viability. We literally have under 10 meta builds and viability is under 15 builds. This is extremely limiting.

> >

> > For nerfs, priority to nerf in order of necessity:

> > FB support

> > Holo

> > Scrapper

> > Scourge

> > SB

> > Soul Beast

> >


> no rev? seems legit :)


I do not think rev needs a nerf. I do think it needs to lose a some burst and gain a slightly better tools against condi damage. But even with all the complaining regarding rev, the only place it out performs is in AT (and maybe 1700 plus rated games). This impacts 0.5% of the sPvP population? Compare that to other builds, like FB support, which is over performing everywhere and at every level of sPvP. And BTW I main guardian and do not play rev in sPvP.

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These are the current over performing classes which are in need of a nerf:

core necro, reaper, scourge

core mesmer, chrono, mirage (mirage still stupid broken get mad mes mains)

core ele, tempest, weaver

core thief, daredevil, deadeye (LOLOLOLOLOLOL get mad thief mains)

core ranger, druid, soulbeast

core engi, scrapper, holo

core warrior, berserker, spellbreaker

core guard, dragonhunter, firebrand

core rev, herald, renegade


How to fix:

- remove the immob from chaotic interruption. Give chaos armor a chance to inflict your attacker with immob for 1 second.

- reduce the evade duration of withdraw from 3/4 seconds down to 1/2 seconds to properly match the animation.

- make signet of agility no longer grant 50 endurance but increase condi cleanse from 3 to 4

- increase the damage of dancing dagger by 8% and reduce the number of bounces from 3 to 1

- reduce the maximum number of stacks of lead attacks from 15 to 10, but each point of initiative grants 2 stacks instead of 1

- reduce the healing of mug by 11% but increase the damage by 6%

- Increase all conjure weapon cast times to 1 second to match that of fiery greatsword



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> @"Syclantus.4621" said:

> Not gonna lie I thought this was a meme thread when you said scrapper was no.1 side noder


it's close to unkillable and super easy to pick up. If you honestly don't think it's number 1 side noder then cool.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > More than a nerf to currently over performing builds, I would like to see most of none viable builds brought to viability. We literally have under 10 meta builds and viability is under 15 builds. This is extremely limiting.

> > >

> > > For nerfs, priority to nerf in order of necessity:

> > > FB support

> > > Holo

> > > Scrapper

> > > Scourge

> > > SB

> > > Soul Beast

> > >

> >

> > no rev? seems legit :)


> I do not think rev needs a nerf. I do think it needs to lose a some burst and gain a slightly better tools against condi damage. But even with all the complaining regarding rev, the only place it out performs is in AT (and maybe 1700 plus rated games). This impacts 0.5% of the sPvP population? Compare that to other builds, like FB support, which is over performing everywhere and at every level of sPvP. And BTW I main guardian and do not play rev in sPvP.


If you play in 1700+ games, how do you know what happens in the trenches?


Heralds are at every level of play my dude.


It is not this inaccessible class, and the same goes for holos.


Everyone plays everything, everywhere.

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> @"Ouk.5914" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > What did I miss? How do you know there is a balance patch next week? Are they really implementing new balance in the middle of the season??


> Ben was on stream saying theirs going to be a balance this month. Most likely next week is what everyone believes it'll be. Official date hasn't been confirmed but it'll be this month for sure.


what stream was this?

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Maybe shave the protection uptime down a tad off Scrapper and Holo. People overlook protection a lot, but it's a straight -33% damage buff and both those classes have tons.


Unblockable 'just dodge' Union should be removed too. Like... completely, and then Sic em's damage should be tuned much lower. That or Soulbeast's innate easy-access damage multipliers.

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