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I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

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> @"mikhail.3506" said:

> I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.


> So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


> ![](https://dvsgaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ironforgewowclassic.jpg "")



Umm, why would I play WoW classic?


I mean, I suppose if Blizzard paid me enough. $50 to $60 per hour would make it worth my while I guess.

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Id be more worried about ESO and Final fantasy at this point, both of them are becoming titans in the mmo-rpg genre and are currently moping the floor with other games. Guild wars 2 could stand up and maybe even take one of their spots if it would just do something; But I doubt it will as it seems we are in the state of following trends not setting them, of being one of many rather than the one who made the many.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I never played WoW, always thought it looked fun but I never played it for one simple reason.

> Mandatory sub fee.


Ah yes the sub fee, i alway hate it for few reason:

* I feel the need to play it everyday so i don't waste muh 15$

* Now i know what i'm about to say probably just paranoid but i think some mmo slow down your progress on purpose to make you keep subbing

* It's just like taxes/bills

* I don't like paying for a game every month

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The level of uninformed in this thread is too damn high.


> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> WoW Classic is Blizz's act of desperation to stem the hemorrhage of subscribers. It will be a flash in the pan.


If you only knew how many unofficial servers Blizzard had shut down, especially [the most recent one.](https://www.polygon.com/2016/4/11/11409436/world-of-warcraft-nostalrius-shutdown-legacy-servers-final-hours "the most recent one.") Blizzard even lied and said "the data was lost" and clearly didn't want to do it until recently. The WoW playerbase have been calling for classic servers for quite a while now. EverQuest has classic. Runescape has Classic. It's a thing that people want.

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> @"mikhail.3506" said:

> I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.


> So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


> ![](https://dvsgaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ironforgewowclassic.jpg "")


Do not worry about it. No matter what happens to this game, WoW will always remain superior and more popular than GW2 =)

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I have zero interest in playing WoW classic or WoW anything again. Just incredibly tired of the grind. At least when GW2 does expansions and new content, it doesn't totally invalidate the older content, it just adds to it. I wouldn't even play WoW if they went to a free to play model. It just stopped being fun for me.

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Just bored, every part of GW2 is dull... give me a reason to play... sick of short time scale content, with boring collections and worthless achievements with pointless rewards, sick of carrot being dangled with loot boxes for events being ridiculously low, that its pointless to grind for, Sick of no effort put into WvW or PVP and lack of knowledge at the changes made effecting the long run, have mounts in WvW been a success? or was it for short term profit? Are there more people in WvW now or less? just for a increase for 1 month... I am sick of the bare minimum being done, yet every decision is weighted toward draining money of customers oppose to improving the game for the long run.

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anet may lose a few players temporarily, but i am sure this will benefit them in the long run.

i was in classic back then, and it wont be a big player in todays market, at least not long term.

the overlap between GW2 and wow WAS bigger than most of you realize, if the levelling experience is smooth, the casuals will be there and pay for it

good luck on keeping them for endgame though

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"mikhail.3506" said:

> > I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.

> >

> > So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?

> >

> > ![](https://dvsgaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ironforgewowclassic.jpg "")

> >


> I'm sure 8 out of ten people who go chasing the old shiny will be back in about a month.

> Wait until you have to walk 15 minutes just to get to the fun.


yep. 80% player drop before gankenthorn vale, 90 % after....


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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > You should be more worried about ffxiv


> apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.

> never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo


There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> The sub might kill it. I'm eager to play vanilla WoW again, but expecting many people to pay a €12 monthly sub just isn't realistic.

> But even if GW2 doesn't scratch the same itch as 2006 WoW, it's a great game in it's own right - and I doubt Classic WoW is going to snatch away a significant # of GW2 players, even if I'm looking forward to resurrecting my vanilla enhancement shammie.


Don't forget that for that sub you get both current WoW and Classic.

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > You should be more worried about ffxiv

> >

> > apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.

> > never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo


> There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.


16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number

16 mio ACCOUNTS..different story

this game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years ago

and if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experience

if the first mouthful tastes like crap, do i really want to eat the rest?

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > You should be more worried about ffxiv


> Anyone who's experienced the combat or tried to make their way through that excruciatingly long and largely text based story isn't worried.


i cant take anything serious with a lalafel in it...specially not when they make them MAIN CHARACTERS in the story

and the long cutscenes....yawn


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