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Teapot Quitting? Is this the beginning of the end?

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i can understand where Teapot is coming from with the whole steaming/content creator perspective, it is really frustrating working really hard on content to not really have anyone watch it, i wouldn't say GW2 is going to die because teapot is leaving by any means, but i do think that more people that want to create content will probably leave for the same reason, eventually there wont be many creating content because its not well supported on gw2. i Love the game very much and have had my own struggles with this lately, other games, like Smite, LoL, WoW, there communities really cater to the content creators , Gw2 not so much its a game that is fun to play not really so much fun to watch, i enjoy watching people like Illithex edit but that's mainly because i enjoy watching how much time hes spent editing not really for the game. Really do wish the community supported Content creators more but also understand why we as a community don't. Overall just want to leave this 1 person does'nt make the game content creators don't make the game, the players are what make and keep a game thriving so i think Gw2 is far from dead :)

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> @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> i can understand where Teapot is coming from with the whole steaming/content creator perspective, it is really frustrating working really hard on content to not really have anyone watch it, i wouldn't say GW2 is going to die because teapot is leaving by any means, but i do think that more people that want to create content will probably leave for the same reason, eventually there wont be many creating content because its not well supported on gw2. i Love the game very much and have had my own struggles with this lately, other games, like Smite, LoL, WoW, there communities really cater to the content creators , Gw2 not so much its a game that is fun to play not really so much fun to watch, i enjoy watching people like Illithex edit but that's mainly because i enjoy watching how much time hes spent editing not really for the game. Really do wish the community supported Content creators more but also understand why we as a community don't. Overall just want to leave this 1 person does'nt make the game content creators don't make the game, the players are what make and keep a game thriving so i think Gw2 is far from dead :)


To me it really seems like the crowds playing and watching others play aren't the same. A large percentage of the people I know are gamers, and none care about watching streamers game. What little I've watched of Twitch streams, it seems (a lot of) the money is going to the streamers. Which leads me to think the loss of a streamer means nothing in terms of actual revenue for ANet, or even to marketing, to any significance.


So yeah, this really feels like another in 7 years of doomsday tales. Which are fun too, I suppose.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Why would tea pot continue putting effort into streams etc if he's not to confident about the games future?


You're assuming that is his motivation. More likely, he figures he can make more money streaming another game over GW2, since I highly doubt his streaming is pure altruism. And even if I'm correct, that doesn't mean the game is dying, it just means GW2 players aren't watching his stream, or there are insufficient players in comparison to whichever other title he plans to stream.


In other words, if he can make more money streaming another game, it makes sense for him to switch to that game. None of that means anything with regards to GW2's future.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I agree with the OP's criticism of the game (i.e., what types of pseudo-content we have been fed lately and how LW seasons aren't ideal, either - see my sig), but the whole "doomsday" attitude is truly getting old. I doubt that's the right way to make the devs listen to their player base, by telling them their game was dead. ;)


> P.S. Never understood the fascination for watching streams, either. The only gaming streams worth watching, IMO, are the ones that live-stream competitive content from tournaments, because e-sports can be exciting to watch.


Its a form of entertainment, which in it of it self is heavily subjective. I personally dont understand how ppl still bother watching normal tv.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I agree with the OP's criticism of the game (i.e., what types of pseudo-content we have been fed lately and how LW seasons aren't ideal, either - see my sig), but the whole "doomsday" attitude is truly getting old. I doubt that's the right way to make the devs listen to their player base, by telling them their game was dead. ;)


> P.S. Never understood the fascination for watching streams, either. The only gaming streams worth watching, IMO, are the ones that live-stream competitive content from tournaments, because e-sports can be exciting to watch.


You usually watch for the streamer, not the game.

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> @"sitarskee.5738" said:

> ANet should watch TeaTime to see what concerns the most dedicated players and do something about it.


That's a fallacy if I've ever heard one. Being a streamer doesn't make you a dedicated player, nor does it make you a player that speaks with authority on what concerns the majority of the player base.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Wasn't every other 'major' MMO more popular, save maybe at release?


> Every mmo and its expansions that came out last 10 years has killed gw2. Gw2 should have the record for most killed mmo in history by now.


I think we have a fundamentally different understanding of what "death" means. Usually death is final. Guild Wars 2 is still going on and yes, even though many people might not believe so, is still going strong.


Additionaly, Teapot is not going to stop streaming Guild Wars 2 alltogether. He's just shifting his focus on WoW Classic, which is not going to be a "killer" of any game. WoW Classic is going to be quite huge at release, I myself am very excited to play it, but it won't last very long. WoW Classic is a completed game with no planned major updates, which will cause most of it's players to stop playing after a few months. Most people who stop playing Guild Wars 2, retail WoW or any other game to play WoW classic will return those games after a short period of time. If they don't, they would have stopped playing them regardless.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Hmm it's never a good thing when the most famous streamer of a game quits the game. Does not matter if you watched him or not, or even if you know him in this case.


Well, of course not, it's one less player worth of revenue.

It's also never a good thing if you, or that other random player quits a game

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I don’t understand why the viewer count on Twitch is necessarily an Anet problem nor their problem if a streamer decides to take a break. For those disappointed that Teapot is taking a break, do you even know the reasons why?


Why don’t the existing GW2 players support the other streamers that stream the game? There’s plenty of them. Support them and help them build their channel.

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

> > i can understand where Teapot is coming from with the whole steaming/content creator perspective, it is really frustrating working really hard on content to not really have anyone watch it, i wouldn't say GW2 is going to die because teapot is leaving by any means, but i do think that more people that want to create content will probably leave for the same reason, eventually there wont be many creating content because its not well supported on gw2. i Love the game very much and have had my own struggles with this lately, other games, like Smite, LoL, WoW, there communities really cater to the content creators , Gw2 not so much its a game that is fun to play not really so much fun to watch, i enjoy watching people like Illithex edit but that's mainly because i enjoy watching how much time hes spent editing not really for the game. Really do wish the community supported Content creators more but also understand why we as a community don't. Overall just want to leave this 1 person does'nt make the game content creators don't make the game, the players are what make and keep a game thriving so i think Gw2 is far from dead :)


> To me it really seems like the crowds playing and watching others play aren't the same. A large percentage of the people I know are gamers, and none care about watching streamers game. What little I've watched of Twitch streams, it seems (a lot of) the money is going to the streamers. Which leads me to think the loss of a streamer means nothing in terms of actual revenue for ANet, or even to marketing, to any significance.


> So yeah, this really feels like another in 7 years of doomsday tales. Which are fun too, I suppose.


Twitch and streamers are a game's advertisement. To say it doesn't affect GW2 is pretty much just wrong... In fact **Twitch has become one of the biggest methods of game exposure outside of Steam , which , surprise, GW2 is not on**.


These 2 things , with no market-ability through Twitch because streamers don't stream it and Steam exposure absolutely kills the game's new player retention and exposure rates pretty much almost entirely.


It is one of the reasons why it is dying, because with no player retention and older players dropping off slowly because they get bored or have IRL responsibilities it's just bound to happen quicker than other MMO's who have these methods of exposure available (WoW is a good example, it's Twitch presence is huge even though it is technically dying as well it maintains better strictly because of this).


GW2 has one of the best combat systems I've been able to play, and has rich content to explore for a new player but if they're not able to see it through streamers or in Steam where most people get their games nowadays, then it's just not able to be viewed TO appreciate.


Basically Twitch and Steam for MMO's are damage control for mmo's the moment it is released continued exposure is everything.


This is the reality of game developers nowadays as opposed to 2012 when this was released, so much has changed since then.

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Never heard of Asmongold, Teapot and all the names that have been mentioned, I don't follow streaming much and none that relates to GW2. Just because a popular streamer is quitting the game doesn't mean everybody else is, there is no rule that states one must like and play GW2 forever, anyone can get bored of the same thing.


For comparison one could argue that GW1 is "dead" (which I recently started playing again on a regular basis), most of the popular players have moved on but the games still lives. I still see lots of people working on titles, doing speed runs, zaishen dailies and other in game activities. Doesn't look so dead to me and GW2 is no different.


All these similar threads that are calling it GW2 doomsday for reasons x and y, it's like they want the game to end rather than see it live.


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> @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

> it's like they want the game to end rather than see it live.


Well, as they say, hate is the other side of love, and if a great game can't hold their love, it earns their scorn.


I'm patiently in the "wait for it to get better again" camp, even if some of the game's problems are terribly embedded.



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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> Imagine being so short sighted that you deny the biggest streamer quitting the game isn't a problem.


This is so true.. People don't seem to realise the knock on effect of a popular streamer.. with him goes a lot of potential new players and their revenue, not to mention those that follow suit. I'm sure Anet are not best pleased that one of their most effective partners is leaving.


It is indicative of a dip in popularity due to a lack of content for the more hardcore of gw2 player. Maybe they are a minority, but they keep the game alive for the rest of us filthy casuals by going deeper into the game than people like me will ever have time for.


I learn a lot through these streamers because when i'm not playing the game i can watch the odd vid here and there and learn something or simply be entertained... Then when my kids are asleep and i have 2-3 hours to play i can do something meaningful rather than spend the hole time flapping about achieving much less.


Anet need to do something to support the streamers and hardcore community.. more CM's special skins, weapons only available to the dedicated few.. thats all they want.. teapot said it himself.. It would not take much on Anets side and they would be happy, while the rest of us spend 5 months grinding out Aurora (ahem).

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