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1 Thing You Hate and Love About Each Profession

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Hey there,


So, I decided to make this post becuase I am curious of what would people choose if they had **just one option (for love and hate)**.


What would be your picks?


What is the 1 particular thing that makes you love a profession?


What is something that makes you hate it?



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Love- The initiative system. Gives you flexibility and a more smooth gameplay.

Hate- Shortbow 5. The entire class in PvP is pretty much focused entirely around this one skill. One skill responsible for thief being a bad class at actually fighting players, relegated to standing on points and +1ing.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> Thief:

> Love- The initiative system. Gives you flexibility and a more smooth gameplay.

> Hate- Shortbow 5. The entire class in PvP is pretty much focused entirely around this one skill. One skill responsible for thief being a bad class at actually fighting players, relegated to standing on points and +1ing.


Lol problem is it's been this way for so long and constant complaints about stealth,theirs mobility and their few one trick high burst that if sb5 was nerfed thief would get zero compensation and thief would just end up even worse off.

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Engineer :

Love : The tactical potential that is brought by a lot of possibilities

Hate : The lack of means to make any of them relevant in group play


Warrior :

Love : Fast bruising meaty combat

Hate : Dull range


Necromancer :

Love : Swarm potential

Hate : Impracticality of swarms in most situations


Revenant :

Love : Really cool skills

Hate : That damned Energy upkeep being too costly to use most of your skills


Mesmer :

Love : Tactical flexibility

Hate : Facing one


Thief :

Love : Fast paced sneaky combat

Hate : Facing one ?


Ranger :

Love : The overall theme

Hate : Lack of defined purpose


Guardian :

Love : The overall theme

Hate : Cant think of anything for once, and it's not even my favorite class


Elementalist :

Love : Tactical flexibility

Hate : Have to specialize to do most things ingame, ruining the tactical flexibility






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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Mesmer:


> Love- Because it's "Mesmer™©"

> Hate- Shatters (clones should only be clutter)




It's like Mesmer accidentally got what should have been the Necromancer mechanic. And necromancer got.... well something alien entirely.



If I got to redesign mesmer, mesmer illusions would operate like classic D&D illusions. They do no damage, no chip damage or condi damage or even shatter, but they're also intangible and can't be destroyed. Phantasms in their current form are fine and operate like D&D Phantasms do.


The class mechanic should be something like F1: "Leave a stationary clone here that never leaves until recast". Imagine tricking players by dropping a clone on a point and it looks like it's guarding the node?


F2 would make them look like an enemy player, nameplate and all. TF2 Spy style.


F3 would shuffle the clones and mesmer randomly around the target.


F4 would be Portal.


Mesmer's damage would be re balanced to revolve 100% around their weapon and utility skills.


That would end up feeling a lot more like an proper Illusionist. Beating a mesmer should revolve around how well you ignore clones. Not how well you deal with kiting and line of sighting, and cleaving, and dodging / kiting the shatters.


I think a lot problems both with power and condition damage mesmer stems from shatter as a mechanic. Mesmer ends up either having just loads of damage all dumped in the span of one global cooldown, dealing something like 16k damage in the span of one global cooldown just through creating and shattering the clones on power. Which in many ways feels like a breaking of shatters being something to be built up over maybe not a long time but not literally within the span of less than a second. Or it's damage is loaded into a billion different packets of chip damage like condi that ends up feeling like garbage to play against on the other side.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > Thief:

> > Love- The initiative system. Gives you flexibility and a more smooth gameplay.

> > Hate- Shortbow 5. The entire class in PvP is pretty much focused entirely around this one skill. One skill responsible for thief being a bad class at actually fighting players, relegated to standing on points and +1ing.


> Lol problem is it's been this way for so long and constant complaints about stealth,theirs mobility and their few one trick high burst that if sb5 was nerfed thief would get zero compensation and thief would just end up even worse off.


Let's keep to the subject. I want this post to be less rant or quote-wars but more about the general feeling of classes. It sure has to do with Balance but I hope you get what I mean :)

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > Thief:

> > > Love- The initiative system. Gives you flexibility and a more smooth gameplay.

> > > Hate- Shortbow 5. The entire class in PvP is pretty much focused entirely around this one skill. One skill responsible for thief being a bad class at actually fighting players, relegated to standing on points and +1ing.

> >

> > Lol problem is it's been this way for so long and constant complaints about stealth,theirs mobility and their few one trick high burst that if sb5 was nerfed thief would get zero compensation and thief would just end up even worse off.


> Let's keep to the subject. I want this post to be less rant or quote-wars but more about the general feeling of classes. It sure has to do with Balance but I hope you get what I mean :)


I d> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > Thief:

> > > Love- The initiative system. Gives you flexibility and a more smooth gameplay.

> > > Hate- Shortbow 5. The entire class in PvP is pretty much focused entirely around this one skill. One skill responsible for thief being a bad class at actually fighting players, relegated to standing on points and +1ing.

> >

> > Lol problem is it's been this way for so long and constant complaints about stealth,theirs mobility and their few one trick high burst that if sb5 was nerfed thief would get zero compensation and thief would just end up even worse off.


> Let's keep to the subject. I want this post to be less rant or quote-wars but more about the general feeling of classes. It sure has to do with Balance but I hope you get what I mean :)


I do! My apologies



love- theme and playstyle derived from ini.

Hate- too reliant on same few skills or one trick bursts to be a viable dueler.

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love: attunment system

hate: core element traitlines



love: I used to love pistol auto attack with the trait that allowed it to pierce foes. (right now there is nothing to love)

hate: limited weapon choice.



love: symboles

hate: consecrations CDs.



love: gameplay

hate: lack of +25% movement in core.



love: the shroud active skillsets

hate: the shroud as a 2nd health bar



love: the pet mechanism

hate: the pet skills



love: the lore

hate: the legend skillsets



love: initiative system

hate: the stealth attacks skills



love: Axe fast attack pace

hate: bursts' slow pace

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Love- Animations and theme

Hate- Deadeye and Daredevil


> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> If I got to redesign mesmer, mesmer illusions would operate like classic D&D illusions.


I was thinking of the Mirror Image spell when I commented that :)


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Love: master of the elements

Hate: being tied to one weapon set. I would love to be able to set 2 attunments to each weapon set. For instance, fir and air would use scepter/dagger, and water earth would be using dagger/focus. This would allow for us to use and have at our disposal like everyother class...4 weapon sigils. And not stuck with a. gim ped set of 2. Doesnt matter if theres cd is for each attunment. The lack of options for another set of 2 sigils weakens that class more then you know.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > Mesmer:

> >

> > Love- Because it's "Mesmer™©"

> > Hate- Shatters (clones should only be clutter)




> It's like Mesmer accidentally got what should have been the Necromancer mechanic. And necromancer got.... well something alien entirely.



> If I got to redesign mesmer, mesmer illusions would operate like classic D&D illusions. They do no damage, no chip damage or condi damage or even shatter, but they're also intangible and can't be destroyed. Phantasms in their current form are fine and operate like D&D Phantasms do.


> The class mechanic should be something like F1: "Leave a stationary clone here that never leaves until recast". Imagine tricking players by dropping a clone on a point and it looks like it's guarding the node?


> F2 would make them look like an enemy player, nameplate and all. TF2 Spy style.


> F3 would shuffle the clones and mesmer randomly around the target.


> F4 would be Portal.


> Mesmer's damage would be re balanced to revolve 100% around their weapon and utility skills.


> That would end up feeling a lot more like an proper Illusionist. Beating a mesmer should revolve around how well you ignore clones. Not how well you deal with kiting and line of sighting, and cleaving, and dodging / kiting the shatters.


> I think a lot problems both with power and condition damage mesmer stems from shatter as a mechanic. Mesmer ends up either having just loads of damage all dumped in the span of one global cooldown, dealing something like 16k damage in the span of one global cooldown just through creating and shattering the clones on power. Which in many ways feels like a breaking of shatters being something to be built up over maybe not a long time but not literally within the span of less than a second. Or it's damage is loaded into a billion different packets of chip damage like condi that ends up feeling like garbage to play against on the other side.


Hey there,

Here are a lot of good suggestions and though I really agree with the illusions and clones, I have to say this is off-topic :/ I'd like to stick to the subject.


Or! Could you also shorten this to stick to only 1 love and hate? That'd be great as I really like your comment. Thanks ^^

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* Everything about this class feels right while playing it or while playing against it. The build variety is diverse in all game modes.

* Nothing is bad about this class. If I were to reach down into fickle territory for something to complain about, I'd say Maces need some kind of a buff.



* Sits right alongside of Warrior in terms of diversity in all game modes.

* There is actually nothing about Guardian to complain about.



* It added a new archetype for play, that's for sure.

* There are many things I do not like about Revenant, which has kept me away from seriously playing the class. 1 - I do not like how the energy upkeep works. 2 - Utilities are completely pigeonholed selections. 3 - This is the least diverse class out of the 9.



* The versatility offered through utility selections & toolbelt skills is great. Always loved this.

* Holosmith is too important and too strong. In every game mode, you play Holo and you play Holo and you play Holo. Always power never condi, because condi is gimped on Engi. It's pretty much the same exact build that is ran in all 3 game modes, with little to no variation in play style despite the alterations in specializations selected. It's obnoxious really, considering how over tuned the Holo kit is right now for competitive purposes.



* High risk high reward is always fun to play. I always felt that Thief was the best designed class in Guild Wars 2. Even when it's OP in a current patching, it's still killable. Even when it's UP in a current patching, good players are still dangerous on it. Everything about this class was designed well for competitive play. Thief builds don't carry themselves in the way that other class builds are able to do. While watching Thieves play, we can truly see the differences in player skill levels. This is because every little thing the Thief does actually matters. Misusing a skill once or even briefly stepping into the wrong positioning is detrimental during Thief play. This idea also makes it so that a good Thief can get ahead in the fight through small means of positioning or juking or feinting an action or knowing that perfect time to steal in & get out. A great Thief is an entirely different entity to fight than a good Thief, to the point that it almost feels like a great Thief is playing an entirely different build than a good Thief, when they are indeed running the same build. That's how much of a difference player skill makes while running Thief. If you could imagine a 5v5 match that incorporated the highest levels of skill required to play, and also the highest level of visual skill differences between players, it would be 5 Thieves vs. 5 Thieves.

* The only thing I ever hated about Thief, were condi spam bouncy Thief builds, which defy the above points ^ concerning the skill involved in Thief play. Normally when you see a D/P or an S/D or even Staff DD or Rifle DE, you know the player on the Thief is intrinsically undergoing a high risk high reward experience. However, while running bouncy condi spam builds this is not true. The condi variants are so easy to run that even a bad Thief player such as myself can effectively run them at a bottom plat level. I absolutely HATE that build archetype. It's probably actually the one build archetype that I've HATED THE MOST since the game's launch. Nothing is more obnoxious than a build that can carry gold 1 players into bottom platinum, because its only skill entry requirement is understanding how to dodge roll.



* What I've always loved about Ranger in Guild Wars 2 is the fine blend between ranged & melee damage. With other classes in competitive modes, you are basically selecting between playing (ranged) or (melee) but Ranger can effectively run both and be equally as dangerous in melee as it is at ranged. The Ranger is dangerous at 1500 range vs. its LB and it's still just as dangerous when you gap close into its Maul & Worldly Impacts. This theme holds true even while running Druid or Condi Variants, due to the structuring of Ranger weapon skills & traits. This is truly what makes Ranger different than other classes. It isn't the pet or the 1500 range, which other classes have as well. It's that the Ranger is the only class that doesn't have to choose between running (ranged) or (melee), it is always both all of the time. This is why Ranger is my class of choice and always will be.

* What I HATE about Ranger, isn't really about Ranger, it's about Arenanet's patching decisions towards Ranger. Ranger is the only class that each and every time it sloooowly creeps up into a viable state for top tier play, Arenanet nerfs it so damn hard that it falls right back out. If you were to go back and review all tournaments since game release up to now, you would see that Ranger has by far the least amount of representation out of any class. Aside from l2p issue complaining vs. Ranger, the truth is that Ranger has only ever experienced a few brief patchings where it was viable in top tier play. Arenanet seriously needs to leave Ranger alone, and they need to focus a lot less on machine gun butchering the shit out of Druid. This recent patch nerfs towards Druid just sort of came out of left field for absolutely no reason at all.



* Great theme, great idea, bad implementation.

* I don't hate the players who play it, but I hate everything about this class. I hate playing it, and it is the most unfun class to play against. Everything about this class is obnoxious in design. It presents mechanics that make it difficult to balance around, which usually results in this one damn class being left alone in a completely broken overpowered state, for strangely elongated periods of time. It's cheesy and gets old seeing this same thing happen over and over and over through the years. What I hate the most about this class, is that it is the only class that somehow gets stronger each time it gets nerfed. If I could do one thing to change something within the coding of Guild Wars 2, it would be to change the name of "Mesmer" into "Memer"



* I love this class. It's easy to pick up and start playing for anyone, but still packs enough skill cap to allow great players to accel on it.

* There isn't a single thing I have to hate about Necromancer.



* I love the idea and the mechanics behind it, although I don't preference playing it myself. There were just other classes that I jived with much more than Ele.

* The one thing to be hated about Ele, is that the class is very fickle in terms of how it sits with balance. It's always either broken OP and way too bully on a node, or it's UP and valueless to a team. There are reasons for this that I won't go into here in this thread. Point being: Ele has rarely experienced actually being balanced.

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love: Thematic

hate: Kits



love: Symbols / zones

hate: Dragonhunter



love: Concept with illusions

hate: How it is actually implemented



love: "immobile juggernaut"

hate: shroud



love: Theme because I used to play it in GW1

hate: pets



love: energy system

hate: more and more cooldowns after every patch (double tax)



love: mobility

hate: stealth



love: weapons feel good

hate: banners / passive gameplay

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_Love:_ Face-paced combat, "acrobatic" play-style, one of the biggest potentials to be unlocked as one gains experience, the hate it gets

Hate: Nailed in to a specific role for far too long, low build diversity, everything is thiefs fault



_Love:_ Attunements, Visuals, need for micro-management _(love having to move fingers fast and often, not a joke)_

_Hate:_ Rarely balanced, doesn't see much use in Conquest, Tempest and Core not getting enough attention



_Love:_ Most weapon skills, animations of Glint Elite and Sword #3, swapping between legends

_Hate:_ No build diversity, no choice of utillity skills



_Love:_ pet mechanics, overall theme, potential to spec in to any purpose you desire _(can spec in to Mirage killer, Thief killer, Guard killer, Scrapper killer - honestly it is probably the most versatile profession in game)_

_Hate:_ While it can spec in to almost anything, it rarely has a build that can fulfill indispensable role such as Scourge or Holo, etc. meaning you might be able to spec in to doing something even other Meta builds can't, but it won't make it Meta, Druid being one of the most interesting E-specs getting hammered for literally no reason in to borderline core-engi levels of uselessness.



_Love:_ Entire idea and lore behind it, Engineering kits, tool belt

_Hate:_ Almost no build diversity, **extreme** lack of weapon choices _(to me Engineering kits are in no way an excuse to not have weapon options, see where it got us)_, Core-Engi being so incredibly left behind that I would not be surprised if some players didn't even know it exists


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> @"Neil.3825" said:

> Rev:


> Love- Concept.

> Hate- Must play Shiro or feel like a trash.


They gutted Shiro's Superspeed R.I.P...


Love Necromancer Reapers forms and the reapers form skills


Hate - The target on my back when playing reaper and the normal skills reaper uses when not in reaper form

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-love- elements

-hate-piano skills for pve



-love-whole concept of class

-hate- heal turret and holo aoe spam



-love-everything most universal class

-hate-great in everygamemode,in every role



-love-soulbeast mechanic

-hate-generic class, pet will find U everywhere in pvp




-hate-condi mirage in pvp




-hate-scourge train in wvw



-love-lore,thematic,effects of skillls

-hate-shiro glint for life, no build diversity




-hate-no casttimes



-love-lot of weapons and all of them great

-hate-tankiest 2shot class



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I love the energy system. I mained Thief prior to Revenant, and appreciate having more control over how I choose to use my resources. I like the legend swapping mechanic and find it a unique thematic for a class. There isn't an aspect of the class that I don't play because I love the way it works in general.


I dislike that the core class feels incomplete. The legends don't have much synergy with each other and while I have a blast playing it, I feel like there is still a lot that could have been done. Stuff like another core weapon and more legend skill options. With the Mallyx changes, it upsets me that they are making the legend more cooldown based. There are also certain decisions like the focus on healing orbs that really make me lose faith in the design integrity for the class.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> Thief:

> Love- The initiative system. Gives you flexibility and a more smooth gameplay.

> Hate- Shortbow 5. The entire class in PvP is pretty much focused entirely around this one skill. One skill responsible for thief being a bad class at actually fighting players, relegated to standing on points and +1ing.




I made a RPvP video about this today. Suddenly I want to show people how bad I am at the game lately.



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Love- Everything. Perfect duelist class, picture of balance time and time again.

Hate- Over-reliance on rampage.



Love- General aesthetic and movement.

Hate- Taking thief's job at points in the game's history.



Love- Dedicated support

Hate- Signet of Mercy



Love- That Unblockable Union was removed

Hate- That Unblockable Union existed



Love- Fair amount of mobility and reliance on attacks that you can typically actually predict and react to.

Hate- The sustain they have for the utility and damage that comes coupled with their builds.



Love- Makes games, creates rotations.

Hate- The passive save Instant Reflexes.



Love- Trippy visuals maaaan

Hate- CI Mirage



Love- One of the few if not only reliable DPS teamfighters.

Hate- How easy Scourge is for new players. When you don't have to worry about positioning, Scourge gives you a false sense of security when learning the game.



Love- The general concept of a side-noder that can hold 2v1s and waste their opponents time without being outright immortal

Hate- FA 1-shot ganks

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