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Option of making players being able to attack/get attacked in the open world

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Even if we disregard that the developers themselves said it would take a prohibitive amount of work to add open pvp, nobody bothered to address the issues that would arise from the implementation of such a feature, most important of which, is how it will conflict with the dynamic event system. There was a suggestion earlier of players that have the PVP toggle set to "on" will go to separate instances of the map when they use a portal. That would certainly reduce the conflicts, as such map could have events disabled completely so players would just go around trying to find others to kill.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Won't say it's forcing one mode in to another in my opinion...more like coexisting.


that is YOUR opinion. My opinion is that open world PVE would kill the game.


So what now?


FACT: open world has been pve only from start.

FACT: those who want to fight each other have plenty of options

FACT: open world PVP leads to trolling and griefing


So basically, the facts are all very one sided: those very few who want open world pvp can play open world pvp games. There are plenty to choose from. They all have a tiny population. Games that dont have openworld pvp on the other hand are doing fine.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"jpsholland.2786" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > Give the players the option to attack or being attacked in the open world. Without this option activated the players can stay neutral and not being able to attack or get attacked in open world. This option will give more liveliness to the game... I mean in WoW works, so why not here. By putting the tick ON you are agreeing that you wont mind being attacked by any kind of player of any kind of lvl, class, build etc. With a simple tick in the character select menu you can decide which character can be aggressive and which normal/neutral.

> > > Yes, we have WvW and PvP, but those are zones that are just for fighting players and nothing more... the same old battlegrounds with no element of surprise where you can't go lvl up, kill some champion, world boss and being ganged at any point.

> > > We observed this kind of implementation in the game where from neutral you go attackable in the small arena in the PvP lobby, so we know the mechanic is there but used on a very small scale.

> > > Just think about the possibilities, dueling, GvG, bounty hunting players and many more on all kinds of terrain. Making creative combat videos with cool surroundings, using proper arenas and getting huge crowds to watch community driven tournaments while being save and bidding for the winner. The possibilities are limitless and in my opinion the devs can implement this in the game quite easy... I mean look what they've done with the stats change menu, it's f***ing gorgeous! One simple click on the character swap menu making you being able to fight with other players who clicked the same option and the open world, this game will never be the same again!

> >

> > Not a good idea unless there are pvp arena's in the open world and pvp outside that arena is impossible. I played Lineage 2 for many, many years and i saw servers crumbling down because of beginners hunt. For most beginners the city of Dion was a real a problem where mostly adolescent high level playes were waiting for them in groups only to pvp them out of the game, just for the "god" feel. And in Linage 2, when becoming lvl 20, you need to be in Dion to progress in the game. If i look to my play style, i care for the looks of my characters, i spend time and money in them. They all have their own personality. See my play style as a digital larp. I do not spend all that time and money to die every 5 minutes, killed by one of 300% of my level.

> >

> > That young loudmouths start to hunt unexperienced low level character is a matter of time. That the new "frist time in this game" players who ofter start out in the free game, wil not buy the game because of this is for me, a older guy playing mmorpg's longer than the most players are old, a proven fact. I have seen this so often in several Linage 2 servers, but also RF Online, Cabal and many others.

> >

> > This game has a specialized pvp world for the pvp style players. Keep the open world for the people who want to hunt, craft, socialize, hunting bosses or doing quests.... Exactly this was the main reason why i started in this game. I can play my style of game undisturbed in a way that is fun for me.

> >

> > I understand this is not fun for you, but this game have very good options for the pvp style player.

> >

> > But: there is a other unspoken truth i have experienced in decades of playing games. I do NOT say it is you, but this kind of request are often, not always but often, coming from people who cant pvp very well, so they want a easy way to pvp. So they want pvp in a open world just to kill way lower level characters or people who have my style of playing, are totally not interested in the pvp part and because of that they don't have any experience with it. With that they are a easy victim. Only to make someone who is to afraid to enter pvp arena's feel like a god. Because in the pvp world of this game are the real deal guys they probably cant compete against. So they look for something easy.

> >

> > This same years of experience, unfortunately, have learned me that open world pvp lead to less respect for other people's play style. Just because they can be killed, if they want it or not. This fact, again i do NOT say its you, will attract the loser guy who have to compensate their real life to feel like a hero. I know that every game has their own kind of people. So far, Guild Wars 2 is for me the (affordable) game with the most opportunities for my playing style. Maybe World of Warcraft suits you better.

> >

> > I love to build the personalities of my characters, puzzeling, doing quests, follow the personal story line and ask others to help me every now and then or ask others to hunt a boss. And i want to do that undisturbed and in piece without running into high level "loser wannabe pvper" groups every other minute. And if i read around in this forum is see that i am not the only one who play the game this style and care for their characters. And those players spend a lot of real money and time in the game, so business wise, it would probably not the best step to do for the owners of Guild Wars 2.

> >

> > Go to The Mists and pvp as much as you like it.


> Your whole comment is just empty words at this point because of the simple fact that I did not suggest what you've just explained. You can go back and read a bit more what I suggested truly. And all of you... stop being afraid of the unknown because of previous experiences with other games.

> 1. I do not suggest TRUE open world PvP like in WoW, Lineage II, Aion or whatever all of you think I suggested. I suggest option to enable open world PvP for the people who seek open world PvP only and only in the time they want to encounter it ---> IT'S AN OPTION THAT CAN BE ENABLED/DISABLED WHEN YOU WANT <---

> 2. If I was seeking TRUE open world PVP I wouldn't play GW2 and was going to play the given examples above.

> 3. No, I don't want TRUE open world PvP because if Anet make it non-optional in PvE I would probably quit the game because I'm too casual and don't want someone to gank me when I do not seek to be ganked.

> 4. Stop explaining all of you how bad was your experience while you were beginners in some other game... what do you want from this? For all of us to feel sorry for you ? Your argument with previous games isn't relative to this game because this game is different. GW2 is not your normal MMO like every other MMOs... Anet is doing things differently here... My idea is something new and fresh to make the old content feel like new and interesting and have no idea why you people don't agree with it just because you are afraid of changes.



This idea still stinks no matter how much you restate it. We understand you fine, no need for insults.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > Give the players the option to attack or being attacked in the open world. Without this option activated the players can stay neutral and not being able to attack or get attacked in open world. This option will give more liveliness to the game... I mean in WoW works, so why not here. By putting the tick ON you are agreeing that you wont mind being attacked by any kind of player of any kind of lvl, class, build etc. With a simple tick in the character select menu you can decide which character can be aggressive and which normal/neutral.

> > > Yes, we have WvW and PvP, but those are zones that are just for fighting players and nothing more... the same old battlegrounds with no element of surprise where you can't go lvl up, kill some champion, world boss and being ganged at any point.

> > > We observed this kind of implementation in the game where from neutral you go attackable in the small arena in the PvP lobby, so we know the mechanic is there but used on a very small scale.

> > > Just think about the possibilities, dueling, GvG, bounty hunting players and many more on all kinds of terrain. Making creative combat videos with cool surroundings, using proper arenas and getting huge crowds to watch community driven tournaments while being save and bidding for the winner. The possibilities are limitless and in my opinion the devs can implement this in the game quite easy... I mean look what they've done with the stats change menu, it's f***ing gorgeous! One simple click on the character swap menu making you being able to fight with other players who clicked the same option and the open world, this game will never be the same again!

> >

> >

> > Are you new to gw2?

> >

> > The devs said no, that it would take “a prohibitive amount of work”.

> >

> > Go to wvw and spvp.

> I am not new to GW2. Main character --> "Created Aug 25, 2012 09:59 7 years old", "Played for 8,186 hours".

> The devs said they won't add mounts to the game aswell in 2012-2013, look at us now.


You should have stuck to 'yes, I'm new'. Forget that there is no good reason to do it ... Why is this even a realistic idea? Of all the things people who PVP want? I mean, do you even PVP? Why would you think anyone wants this?

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > Give the players the option to attack or being attacked in the open world. Without this option activated the players can stay neutral and not being able to attack or get attacked in open world. This option will give more liveliness to the game... I mean in WoW works, so why not here. By putting the tick ON you are agreeing that you wont mind being attacked by any kind of player of any kind of lvl, class, build etc. With a simple tick in the character select menu you can decide which character can be aggressive and which normal/neutral.

> > > Yes, we have WvW and PvP, but those are zones that are just for fighting players and nothing more... the same old battlegrounds with no element of surprise where you can't go lvl up, kill some champion, world boss and being ganged at any point.

> > > We observed this kind of implementation in the game where from neutral you go attackable in the small arena in the PvP lobby, so we know the mechanic is there but used on a very small scale.

> > > Just think about the possibilities, dueling, GvG, bounty hunting players and many more on all kinds of terrain. Making creative combat videos with cool surroundings, using proper arenas and getting huge crowds to watch community driven tournaments while being save and bidding for the winner. The possibilities are limitless and in my opinion the devs can implement this in the game quite easy... I mean look what they've done with the stats change menu, it's f***ing gorgeous! One simple click on the character swap menu making you being able to fight with other players who clicked the same option and the open world, this game will never be the same again!

> >

> >

> > Are you new to gw2?

> >

> > The devs said no, that it would take “a prohibitive amount of work”.

> >

> > Go to wvw and spvp.

> I am not new to GW2. Main character --> "Created Aug 25, 2012 09:59 7 years old", "Played for 8,186 hours".

> The devs said they won't add mounts to the game aswell in 2012-2013, look at us now.


They dident say that when asked about mount they said we have no plans for mounts at release.

All that means its not off the table like everything else.

Anet got a damn big table =)

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Even if we disregard that the developers themselves said it would take a prohibitive amount of work to add open pvp, nobody bothered to address the issues that would arise from the implementation of such a feature, most important of which, is how it will conflict with the dynamic event system. There was a suggestion earlier of players that have the PVP toggle set to "on" will go to separate instances of the map when they use a portal. That would certainly reduce the conflicts, as such map could have events disabled completely so players would just go around trying to find others to kill.

That wouldn't be different than just having a specific new pvp (either spvp or WvW) map. If so, why do it as part of PvE, when it could just be added to one of the already existing PvP modes?


That's what the people asking for this do not seem to understand. In the end, the only meaningful difference between those two cases is that PvP maps are filled with mostly PvP players, but those "open world pvp" maps would be filled with mainly pve players. Thus, the obvious answer that comes to me when thinking why some people would want one over the other is that they want to pvp, but they _do not_ want experienced pvp players as opponents. And that kind of reasoning would be enough to bury any idea of ever implementing such a project.


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It'd be nice if there was a opt in option like WoW's Warmode where you get sharded into a instance of a map with those who have it on. Though again in another thread I posted in, i don't know why anyone is getting twisted in a knot over this, when there's a nonexistent chance they'll ever implement something like this, heck they won't even implement a queueable 2v2/3v3 arena to their PvP gamemode, let alone a whole system for open world PvP. I find it a shame that the MMO with the best combat system out of all the others MMOs is just wasting its potential.

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> @"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:

> it would be better to let people opt into it like WoW's warmode. the only problem is that some pve casuals scream like harpies when anything remotely challenging is put into the game even if it doesnt effect them. dueling would be put in the game before open world pvp thats optional.


First, I played in 4 pvp seasons and reached Platinum on all of them, so I'm not against a challenge, still find this idea terrible

Second, you got it backwards. Those asking for open world pvp are the ones that run away of a challenge and don't want a challenge. As the OP put in an excellent way:

> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> The PvE is too sterile while PvP/WvW is too brutal. Most PvE players are afraid to enter PvP because of points and competition, and failing the team, and for WvW it's just train with the zerg or get trained by the other zergs and you are there for the pure reason to kill or get killed. PvP in the open world would me more like....I'm doing PvE stuff but can do PvP stuff at any moment while at it. I gave the WoW example for a reason. People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.

Instead of embracing the challenge and rising up to it, you, and anyone else asking for open world pvp, ask for a reduced challenge PVP because you can't handle the actual one. Not to mention his suggestion of attacking afk players. So challenging.

Third, you are saying it doesn't affect them, I disagree. As I said earlier, and nobody bothered to address yet, this game is built around events. Events require players to succeed. That doesn't combine very well with open world PVP, or even dueling. If those features are as "popular" as some claim it to be, it will detract from the map population that is doing said events. That WILL affect everyone, regardless if there is an opt-in feature or not.

Fourth, war mode in WoW doesn't work as a simple opt-in feature. All those asking for a WoW "war mode" version should read how war mode works in WoW because the misinformation is real.

> All those who queue up for War Mode will be on one server shard, and those who do not will be on another.

There is ZERO interaction between those that have war mode on and those that have it off. So it's not exactly the open world PVP you are asking for is it? You can only switch it on in a city, so when you exit you will be teleported to a shard with only "war mode" players.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:

> > it would be better to let people opt into it like WoW's warmode. the only problem is that some pve casuals scream like harpies when anything remotely challenging is put into the game even if it doesnt effect them. dueling would be put in the game before open world pvp thats optional.


> First, I played in 4 pvp seasons and reached Platinum on all of them, so I'm not against a challenge, still find this idea terrible

> Second, you got it backwards. Those asking for open world pvp are the ones that run away of a challenge and don't want a challenge. As the OP put in an excellent way:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > The PvE is too sterile while PvP/WvW is too brutal. Most PvE players are afraid to enter PvP because of points and competition, and failing the team, and for WvW it's just train with the zerg or get trained by the other zergs and you are there for the pure reason to kill or get killed. PvP in the open world would me more like....I'm doing PvE stuff but can do PvP stuff at any moment while at it. I gave the WoW example for a reason. People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.

> Instead of embracing the challenge and rising up to it, you, and anyone else asking for open world pvp, ask for a reduced challenge PVP because you can't handle the actual one. Not to mention his suggestion of attacking afk players. So challenging.

> Third, you are saying it doesn't affect them, I disagree. As I said earlier, and nobody bothered to address yet, this game is built around events. Events require players to succeed. That doesn't combine very well with open world PVP, or even dueling. If those features are as "popular" as some claim it to be, it will detract from the map population that is doing said events. That WILL affect everyone, regardless if there is an opt-in feature or not.

> Fourth, war mode in WoW doesn't work as a simple opt-in feature. All those asking for a WoW "war mode" version should read how war mode works in WoW because the misinformation is real.

> > All those who queue up for War Mode will be on one server shard, and those who do not will be on another.

> There is ZERO interaction between those that have war mode on and those that have it off. So it's not exactly the open world PVP you are asking for is it? You can only switch it on in a city, so when you exit you will be teleported to a shard with only "war mode" players.


Which sounds an awful lot like wvw....

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:

> > > it would be better to let people opt into it like WoW's warmode. the only problem is that some pve casuals scream like harpies when anything remotely challenging is put into the game even if it doesnt effect them. dueling would be put in the game before open world pvp thats optional.

> >

> > First, I played in 4 pvp seasons and reached Platinum on all of them, so I'm not against a challenge, still find this idea terrible

> > Second, you got it backwards. Those asking for open world pvp are the ones that run away of a challenge and don't want a challenge. As the OP put in an excellent way:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > The PvE is too sterile while PvP/WvW is too brutal. Most PvE players are afraid to enter PvP because of points and competition, and failing the team, and for WvW it's just train with the zerg or get trained by the other zergs and you are there for the pure reason to kill or get killed. PvP in the open world would me more like....I'm doing PvE stuff but can do PvP stuff at any moment while at it. I gave the WoW example for a reason. People enjoy open world PvP, if not, the game wouldn't be so popular. Players like to experience PvE and PvP in the same time, there is a moment of surprise.

> > Instead of embracing the challenge and rising up to it, you, and anyone else asking for open world pvp, ask for a reduced challenge PVP because you can't handle the actual one. Not to mention his suggestion of attacking afk players. So challenging.

> > Third, you are saying it doesn't affect them, I disagree. As I said earlier, and nobody bothered to address yet, this game is built around events. Events require players to succeed. That doesn't combine very well with open world PVP, or even dueling. If those features are as "popular" as some claim it to be, it will detract from the map population that is doing said events. That WILL affect everyone, regardless if there is an opt-in feature or not.

> > Fourth, war mode in WoW doesn't work as a simple opt-in feature. All those asking for a WoW "war mode" version should read how war mode works in WoW because the misinformation is real.

> > > All those who queue up for War Mode will be on one server shard, and those who do not will be on another.

> > There is ZERO interaction between those that have war mode on and those that have it off. So it's not exactly the open world PVP you are asking for is it? You can only switch it on in a city, so when you exit you will be teleported to a shard with only "war mode" players.


> Which sounds an awful lot like wvw....


Yes. I don't understand why "they" want to spread their numbers on all maps, instead of focusing on the wvw maps. But it's the only way for this to work (separate maps) IF it is even considered.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> That's what the people asking for this do not seem to understand. In the end, the only meaningful difference between those two cases is that PvP maps are filled with mostly PvP players, but those "open world pvp" maps would be filled with mainly pve players. Thus, the obvious answer that comes to me when thinking why some people would want one over the other is that they want to pvp, but they _do not_ want experienced pvp players as opponents. And that kind of reasoning would be enough to bury any idea of ever implementing such a project.


Agreed. Although they talk about casuals not wanting challenge, it's the other way around and "open world pvpers" are the ones that don't want a challenge. The OP even said that they find PVP/WVW "brutal". My thinking is that it could ONLY work with completely separate instances, like War Mode in WoW, without any kind of interaction between those that opt-in and opt-out. But I believe the amount of players that would use this feature would be so low, and there are so many maps, that it would take ages to even meet another player, making the feature entirely pointless.

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What, why is this still a genuine thing people want, why do you think this is a good idea


Dragonhunter places traps down, pretends to be friendly when offering to duel.


Literally any class pre-buffs for a burst, asks to duel, insta-downs you.


Go to WvW, there's plenty of people willing to duel there.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:


> > > roam/havoc groups are integral. But gankers waiting in front of spawn to 3:1 everyone coming out are not INTEGRAL. They are TOXIC. They are killing the mode.

> >

> > Use the Waypoint or the other 2 exits?

> > mount up and literally run past them?


> and now you just gave the no. 1 reason why warclaw was a much needed and valid addition to wvw.


I dont understand why avoiding combat in a combat area would be a needed addition but ok, this is why I feel like WvW has gone in too the gutter as its an area designated for combatants to battle it out but instead its slowly being turned into another PvE map due to players with your mentality. I would love to see more chances to use this beautiful combat system in game somewhere, not less and if not in WvW then PvE would also be sufficient.


I would prefer WvW to be fixed (alliances, dismount skill) but in the mean time until that happens, im in full support of using this intricate combat design any chance or location offered in PvE.


Sparkles and rainbows.

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  • 5 months later...

If open world pvp is put in, optional or not, I will immediately un-install and never look back. The only people who think this is fun are the ones who want to grief others, there is literally no other reason. They are not good enough to camp others in the PvP arenas or in WvW, but they would be good enough to grief people with their PvP build while they are running around in their PvE farm builds.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> If open world pvp is put in, optional or not, I will immediately un-install and never look back. The only people who think this is fun are the ones who want to grief others, there is literally no other reason. They are not good enough to camp others in the PvP arenas or in WvW, but they would be good enough to grief people with their PvP build while they are running around in their PvE farm builds.


This 100 times over.


I was in a good mood, now I'm depressed. Thanks.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> If open world pvp is put in, optional or not, I will immediately un-install and never look back. The only people who think this is fun are the ones who want to grief others, there is literally no other reason. They are not good enough to camp others in the PvP arenas or in WvW, but they would be good enough to grief people with their PvP build while they are running around in their PvE farm builds.


Couldn't have said it better. Agree 100%

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Introducing open world PvP does not spice up or enhance gameplay etc. it encourages toxic gameplay and kills games. I have seen it happen to games in the past. Every time they introduce it they claim it won't but it always does.

If you want to play a toxic open world PvP game then there are a number out there for you to play.

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