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Event saturation

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Feeling underwhelmed by the current Champion Rush and Black Lion events. I probably killed about two dozen champs yesterday, got some of the reward boxes, got nothing but mats. Same as the Zephyrite reward boxes, now that I think of it. Disappointing. At least the one free Black Lion boon got me an exclusive dye I didn't have, but I won't buy any more of them. There's not even any achieves for this stuff. I think a big part of my problem is that after Dragon Bash rolling right into the Four Winds and now all this, I'm kind of evented out. Too many events crammed together in such a short space. I just want some time to do my dailies and work on my toons in the normal game without feeling forced to participate in all this side stuff. Anyone else know what I mean?

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Isn't it ultimately better to have too many events, allowing you to pick and choose which ones are worth your time? As opposed to the alternative of too few, with nothing 'extra' going on between major content drops?


For folks with goals, there's plenty to do in the game. For folks who prefer following in-game prompts, festivals and special events provide a target. And for the majority who are in between the extremes, there are now more options.

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Don't do them then. I'm unlikely to login during the champ week and if I do, it's not to participate in it. Will I lose out on anything? Not a thing.


They keep people occupied who are bored. The rest will be doing other things in game or like me, be playing something else. I'm not really in agreement you can have too much going on if each week brings something new

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Prefer more events versus less. As stated above where one person may favor one event someone else may not so that creates a lack if events to the other person. Take soneone that doesn't pvp. The start if the new seasin doesn't add any gameplay for them. I understand where a pvxer may try and do it all but you have to cover the full spectrum and plan that others didn't just finish an event. Not to mention people that might have been out for the last event.

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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> I remember a time not so long ago when it seems the community was decrying the lack of any events to do between updates of the Living World.


> Oh how times have changed.


Prob diffrent people crying same with the no mounts and mounts threads back in the day.

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I've always been a proponent of more down time between events to just play the game, and even before the current glut of mini events I felt like the festival calendar was getting crowded. But at the same time I can't say I'd like to see any of the festivals go away, and while I would prefer more down time it seems like most players prefer to have more going on. I think the current situation is probably better for the game . . .

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> I kinda agree that they should be spaced out a little more. Kinda funny considering everyone keeps screaming about no content.


Champ/Boss rushes are content that has been in game forever, just ringed with an extra loot box.. or a loot box for every 5 now.

It's just ANET desperately trying to stretch out the game because they know its been too long without something substantial to add.. but for me it has actually killed my interest in jumping and killing a world boss or a map champ because it has become a constant mad rush on a ever tick tock rotation.. not to mention the toxicity that has come back with it because the hoardes think they own maps and events and if anyone dare just want to run an event casually when they see it.. expect to be considered mapchattoxicfodder.


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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Did 3 bosses/champs in different areas (Shatt, BE, Maw) this morning and not one Champion Mark. I guess I am doing something wrong, but won't waste anymore time.



Those are world bosses and not champions, oddly enough bandit executioner legendary grade and leyline anomaly legendary grade count for the mark

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > Did 3 bosses/champs in different areas (Shatt, BE, Maw) this morning and not one Champion Mark. I guess I am doing something wrong, but won't waste anymore time.

> >


> Those are world bosses and not champions, oddly enough bandit executioner legendary grade and leyline anomaly legendary grade count for the mark


Well guess I quoted instead of editing.

Found the easiest to do is park afew characters bettwen the diffrent bandit bosses and relog bettwen them each champ spawn with a 10min cd.

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With them adding more and more of those rush events and the recurring events getting an "annual" achievement tab ... I guess they want to plan for the future - making new content (like new episodes of living story) only required on slower pace. (Meaning less production cost. More earning money while selling skins at events or keeping players interested in the game with smaller events until next major event.)


For new or returning players (after long break) it is not too bad. Easier to catch up when they are slower paced with real new content now. For players that like WvW/PvP as end game or socializing (or any of the grindier collections) it also is fun to be able to play that stuff with less pressure of having new content all the time thrown at you that you have to work through to stay up to date.


Since the rewards are not that interesting (except the tonic which seems unique but then again there are tons of other tonics ... just getting it for the unlock and not using it ha ha) it is easier to ignore or only play the minimum required. Or just enough for "fun" not for "work". Next year for festival of four winds I might do a bit gauntlet and the annual stuff ... and getting some tokens. But with all the main achievement finished now it offered some nice rewards (meta achievement reward) while still being nice for tokens and the traders (weekly stuff also there like legendary shard box and tyrian exchange vouchers) to replay later - without having tooo much pressue.


That said ... stuff like champ rush ... feels too "forced". I think 1-2 weeks in between without any event would not hurt. If then you still need such copy paste events then just do the world boss rush again - instead of champ rush. Easier to time with the wordl bosses. (And I guess it might return so you can get the boss chest tonic - for people participating later for the first time.)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > I kinda agree that they should be spaced out a little more. Kinda funny considering everyone keeps screaming about no content.


> Champ/Boss rushes are content that has been in game forever, just ringed with an extra loot box.. or a loot box for every 5 now.

> It's just ANET desperately trying to stretch out the game because they know its been too long without something substantial to add.. but for me it has actually killed my interest in jumping and killing a world boss or a map champ because it has become a constant mad rush on a ever tick tock rotation.. not to mention the toxicity that has come back with it because the hoardes think they own maps and events and if anyone dare just want to run an event casually when they see it.. expect to be considered mapchattoxicfodder.



I'll agree this champ rush is a bit pointless as what drops tokens and doesn't seems random, while champ trains were already kinda toxic, but I felt the WB rush and meta rush were nice, as it gave a little more reason to do WBs and the newly reworked PoF metas got to see more play. (I do wish the tier rewards were more than just a ton of banners, but I do like the bonus boxes even if just for the bonus crafting mats. I don't bank on getting a super rare drop.) No clue how good the WvW skill stealing event was personally cause I didn't play WvW that week, but my small WvW guild seemed to be having fun with it.

To me, those combined with the festivals are content, which are more than just a desperate attempt to stretch the game. Dragon Bash coming back was huge imo and requires more effort than just slapping a few rewards together.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > I kinda agree that they should be spaced out a little more. Kinda funny considering everyone keeps screaming about no content.

> >

> > Champ/Boss rushes are content that has been in game forever, just ringed with an extra loot box.. or a loot box for every 5 now.

> > It's just ANET desperately trying to stretch out the game because they know its been too long without something substantial to add.. but for me it has actually killed my interest in jumping and killing a world boss or a map champ because it has become a constant mad rush on a ever tick tock rotation.. not to mention the toxicity that has come back with it because the hoardes think they own maps and events and if anyone dare just want to run an event casually when they see it.. expect to be considered mapchattoxicfodder.

> >


> I'll agree this champ rush is a bit pointless as what drops tokens and doesn't seems random, while champ trains were already kinda toxic, but I felt the WB rush and meta rush were nice, as it gave a little more reason to do WBs and the newly reworked PoF metas got to see more play. (I do wish the tier rewards were more than just a ton of banners, but I do like the bonus boxes even if just for the bonus crafting mats. I don't bank on getting a super rare drop.) No clue how good the WvW skill stealing event was personally cause I didn't play WvW that week, but my small WvW guild seemed to be having fun with it.

> To me, those combined with the festivals are content, which are more than just a desperate attempt to stretch the game. Dragon Bash coming back was huge imo and requires more effort than just slapping a few rewards together.


You misunderstood.. I never said Dragon Bash or any event were not content.

I did specifically say the event rushes are content that has been in the game forever.. they are not new content they are simply an extra loot box behind existing content, which for me, as I said is just a simple put out to stretch the game out for as long as possible until LS5 finally arrives.... Dragon Bash, although an old event got a facelift which was nice, but the downside was it was simply just a steer to keep farming taffy or buy gems to get the insane amount of jawbreakers. I am not someone that likes to spend hours after hours farming the same events until my eyes pop and that is totally what this latest rush incarnation is with the added extra of bring back the constant toxicity in frosty, and cursed shore especially.

At least the WB and meta rushes didn't push the notions that some random tag owns a map and the events .. like what I witnessed on Cursed Shore just a few hours ago... hopefully ANET will actually act on the reports as well cos some of it was quite.. well lets say, guttertrash.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Did 3 bosses/champs in different areas (Shatt, BE, Maw) this morning and not one Champion Mark. I guess I am doing something wrong, but won't waste anymore time.



The champ has to be able to drop loot to be able to drop a mark. Shatterer and Behemoth for example only have champions that are the result of scaling, which don't drop loot and thus don't drop marks, whereas the Maw / Svanir Shaman and Ulgoth do. However, in heavily populated events like these, not everyone will be eligible for loot, since credit is limited to the first 40 or so people to tag it.

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One advantage the champ event has over the world boss event for me- less lag. I've moved to the country and am on slow, unreliable satellite internet connection. I used to do Teq daily, but can no longer because the lag is so bad, it's unplayable for me. Same goes for the world boss events. But the champ events have a lot fewer people concentrated in any given area, so I can participate in those.


I just wish the rewards were a bit better, or better yet, some AP were tied to them.


As far as event saturation, I kind of agree. It feels we have no time between events anymore to depressurize.

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I agree theres too many events and you will have to do them else you miss out the novelty at tier 5 as they have a new novelty chest every time. Only with current event the tier thing is not clear (it only seems to rank when ppl give them npcs enough marks). However today I went get a vista at priory in Lornar's Pass and got a champion loot box incl achievement right after seeing the vista while I had not attack anything and I came from a zone with no champions as well. I would like some downtime on events so we can just slack around, do story and such things. Now everyone is doing events so you always lack other players for regular content.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Isn't it ultimately better to have too many events, allowing you to pick and choose which ones are worth your time? As opposed to the alternative of too few, with nothing 'extra' going on between major content drops?


No, actually, it's not. The constant events and festivals (we've had exactly one week off all summer) are bleeding players away from other parts of the game. Map metas fail. It's harder to find players willing to help with ordinary stuff. Guild missions are poorly attended, which can make things like 5-spot bounties fail even in guilds that normally have no trouble with them. WvW zergs are smaller.


You can't pull a significant fraction of the player population away and not have it effect everyone else.

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I actually believe these events are designed with the expectation that people will be 'eh' about them and only do them when they feel like it. If they're to start appearing on a regular rotation, and if the rewards remain mediocre with a slight chance at shiny things, then it stands to reason that events like this will eventually have the same feel as dailies already do for most players: Do it if I have time, skip it if I don't.


I don't feel pressure to participate in these events, and if you kill/complete even _one_ of the required enemies/events, you get credit for whatever tier goal the community reaches at the end. It's a very easy system and, currently, a good way to breathe life into areas of the game that haven't seen it lately.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> This isn't new content! This is _old_ content being "spiced up" with small rewards. Basically, it's a huge grind a.k.a. pseudo-content.


Soooo much this!!!! Couldn't have said it better!


Beetle races when first introduced, now that was new event content.

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