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I want to play the role of the world boss, let the player attack me.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > > > @"huluobo.7036" said:

> > > > > > > > Suggestions Let players play the bad guys and help the world boss and the player fight

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The player controls the world boss and everything becomes unpredictable

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Just go 2 wvw bc pvp stuff not happening in pve.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Let’s he honest swag... it isn’t happening much there either.,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But yeah, would be too much open world PvP and without predictability, the world bosses wouldn’t die, loot would go away, people would leave.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah, but the OP could stand inside SMC and protect the lord for fun :)

> > > >

> > > > I’d be down for that. Would certainly make lords room fights more.... interesting..

> > >

> > > But I’d want world boss loot for that...

> >

> > Potential for cosmetic infusions to drop off of players, but only inside the lords room!


> People would pitch tents in there.. can you imagine the lag??!


I never noticed any lag in wvw lol

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > I would like something like this in WvW honestly. Big NPC Boss and players control Powerful Boss Minions to attack players of enemy factions.


> If something like this happens, I agree wvw would be the best place to place it.


Upgradable Keep/Tower lords, You select the Lords class and skills. Can be acquired via Scribe .

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I just thought about what if this was instead a super rare tonic, that you can get from world boss drops. You could transform into a world boss where your character becomes huge and immobile, but rather the tonic acts as its own event that has a little marker on the map. The tonic has a timer for an hour after use. The person who has the tonic can't attack whoever they want but rather its like the races where players have to opt in to both attack the boss and allow the boss to attack them. When I say a rare drop, I mean a rare freaking drop, so that we don't have a world boss everywhere in LA or something. (just an idea)

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> @"ErikTheTyrant.4527" said:

> I just thought about what if this was instead a super rare tonic, that you can get from world boss drops. You could transform into a world boss where your character becomes huge and immobile, but rather the tonic acts as its own event that has a little marker on the map. The tonic has a timer for an hour after use. The person who has the tonic can't attack whoever they want but rather its like the races where players have to opt in to both attack the boss and allow the boss to attack them. When I say a rare drop, I mean a rare freaking drop, so that we don't have a world boss everywhere in LA or something. (just an idea)


I like how there is no way at all people will use this to troll everyone or attempt to crash the servers by spawning a bajillion raid bosses at the same time.

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> @"ErikTheTyrant.4527" said:

> I just thought about what if this was instead a super rare tonic, that you can get from world boss drops. You could transform into a world boss where your character becomes huge and immobile, but rather the tonic acts as its own event that has a little marker on the map. The tonic has a timer for an hour after use. The person who has the tonic can't attack whoever they want but rather its like the races where players have to opt in to both attack the boss and allow the boss to attack them. When I say a rare drop, I mean a rare freaking drop, so that we don't have a world boss everywhere in LA or something. (just an idea)


Or even better, each hour a random player is picked on the current map and earn a consumable bound item (self destroy 10 min after if not used), once used it turns you into one of the world bosses and you have a special toolblar. Easier, it just boost your stats a lot and you are the boss... the event reward like other wbs.


This way, it's regulated to 1 per hour per map.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> i vaguely remenber but theres a side history event that turns u into a anomaly and be atacked, not?


Yup! The item "Class II rift stabilizer" but it requires to pass through bloodstone rift.

They should release the same item, but it should turn you into hostile without asking anything.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > i vaguely remenber but theres a side history event that turns u into a anomaly and be atacked, not?


> Yup! The item "Class II rift stabilizer" but it requires to pass through bloodstone rift.

> They should release the same item, but it should turn you into hostile without asking anything.


i believe it wouldnt hurt game experience improving this tech and give as a gizmo to player who wants turn itself in a "hostile" form without skill loses.

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Everquest had this option on their test server for a while. You took control of a mob in the newbie zone, started at lvl 1 and you would level by killing players. Once you were defeated you could take ove a different mob, but started out at lvl 1 again. It was fun to play on both sides. I do not think it ever made it into the live game though so it may have had other issues I was not aware of. I like the idea of playing random mob X to combat other players, but, taking over a world boss would be a bit over the top.

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That like many suggested would be cool WvW event. First people enter something like Capped number of people area like the Tarrir pre meta events but with GvG teams and then with the who will drive the beast event. So you get a wyvern, earth elemental, warbringer, hydra all the cool big bosses and use it to push castles. Castles might have player controlled legendary champion(upgradable of course and only usable inside the castle) instead of the NPC that gets blow up in seconds.

Imagine a battle between wyvern and giant construct knight statue in Stonemist Castle.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> Everquest had this option on their test server for a while. You took control of a mob in the newbie zone, started at lvl 1 and you would level by killing players. Once you were defeated you could take ove a different mob, but started out at lvl 1 again. It was fun to play on both sides. I do not think it ever made it into the live game though so it may have had other issues I was not aware of. I like the idea of playing random mob X to combat other players, but, taking over a world boss would be a bit over the top.


I'm glad someone else remembers this.


It was 2001 and it was called Project M.


Everquest had numerous servers, but one of them was a dedicated PVP server. It had the same quests as the others, but everyone was able to attack anyone else.


For a very brief period they implemented Project M


This link tells you all about it


[https://wiki.project1999.com/Project_M](https://wiki.project1999.com/Project_M "https://wiki.project1999.com/Project_M")


However for those that dont wish to leave these forums, this is a direct cut and paste....


"Project M" was an EQ Live event in November, 2001, during the Velious expansion. Also known as MvP (Mob versus Player). It eventually led to the Depths of Darkhollow expansion.


Patch notes


Project M Implemented:

Tonight we have patched something to the PvP servers that many players have been waiting for. The ability to play that gnoll, orc, or the cute and fuzzy rat. On your character select screen you will notice another button in the upper right part of your screen called "Monster". Clicking this button will randomly place you in a low-level NPC in a random zone. You will be given full control of the creature to do with it what you like. You may hunt and kill other creatures. You may even attack other players.

Some things to remember when playing your own personal monster (NPC).


You will not be able to interact with players or NPC's other than moving and hitting attack.


You cannot speak, trade, sell, or do anything else that a player can do.


You will spawn with normal loot for the monster you are playing and Player Characters will be able to kill you for loot and experience.


If you are a spell casting monster you might want to take a moment to memorize some spells.


Once you die, you will return to the character select screen where you may choose to return as another NPC or play your normal character.


You may gain experience, levels, and skills as this NPC, but once you die, it is all lost. You will need to start over the next time you choose to be a NPC character.


You can't zone as a monster. If you try to cross a zone-boarder you will lose your progress and return to the character-select screen.


Monster PCs (MPCs) can not loot, sell, or gain items. They only get what they start out with.


This ability to play a monster is being implemented for PvP servers only as we have no plans to implement non-consensual PvP on a non PvP server.

However, we are still working with this system. We may find other ways to implement Project M on the non-PvP servers that are acceptable. We aren't done looking at the possible uses of this new feature.


There are some developer notes as well, one of which explains why it failed...


What was Project M and how did it affect the creation of monster missions?

Project M was an experiment done back in fall of 2001 where players could select a monster at the character selection screen. The intent was to allow players to hop into the body of a low level creature and challenge other creatures and players, but the design of the system at the time had some significant crying and butthurt that prevented Project M from staying on servers long.


Why didn't Project M work?


First, Project M didn't fit into the immersive world of EverQuest as players were expertly choosing a random NPC at character select (such as a moss snake). In addition, a small majority of players used Project M as it was intended which introduced a PvP element on PvE servers. As you can imagine, the only people who typically had fun were the cool people and even then it was a short term play-style as players never earned rewards.


So why include a feature like playing a monster now?

Despite the original problems, having the ability to play as a monster can be extremely fun and is something that can add an entirely new dimension to the gameplay if done correctly. I think we've done it correctly with Depths of Darkhollow with both monster missions and spirit shrouds.


This was at a time when EQ was probably the biggest MMORPG around. WoW wouldn't see the light of day for a further three years. The project was never repeated.


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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> Suggestions Let players play the bad guys and help the world boss and the player fight


> The player controls the world boss and everything becomes unpredictable


So long as it forces your character to be named _Arthéon de Färgoth_, why not? (http://wiki.olydri.com/index.php?title=Arth%C3%A9on , French language, sorry.)


Um. That's my way of saying that you aren't the first person to have this idea.

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I like the idea.

Start as a low level monster and start to wreak havoc. The more havoc you create the stronger you get (more dmg, new abilities, bigger size) and more loot you drop when you are killed. There would be an end goal for the monster like attack one of the main cities and kill someone inside but to have a chance for a success you would need to become super strong.

I don't have a clear idea how you would become a monster but it could be an event you can do once a week or smth. It should be limited to an extent that monsters would be rare but anyone would be able to be one from time to time. Also when you get to a certain power lvl players would be warned and could port to your instance; maybe a port from the city you are bound to attack as the end goal.

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