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Ty for killing wvw more...


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I actually doubt that +100 to one stat and +70 to another will make that much of a difference. Usually these changes will add up to a single or double-digt difference in damage, probably the same for healing power. Boon or condi duration or such will be even less affected. The effect is way more important, but you can typically get those effects anyway with 30-minute buff food. Stealing life on crits, 20% condi duration removed, 10% outgoing healing+; it's all there already.


The new food buffs actually add a new way to interact with the game; it's ascended food, so you can't just buy it, you have to make it yourself or rely on a friend to supply it. It adds a new meaningful way to use the chef discipline. I think it's good that it's there, even though (for me) it's a few too many loops to jump through.

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My math is saying that difference between ascended and already existing foods is about 15-30% **(might per crit ones excluded)**


For example lets take 10% damage reduction + 100 power + 70 vitality food fighting against a power build with a power build

_Enemy and you go through 40k health during fight:_

**Asc food**

10% damage reduction: ~4.444k health (1.1* 4000+0.1^2 * 4000+ 0.1^3 * 4000 etc)

70 vitality: 0.7k health

100 power: 4% damage increase with 2500 power.

Hitting enemy for 40k damage total during fight 4% will add up 1600 damage = 1600 health

**Already existing foods**

10% damage reduction = ~4.4444k health

70 power 0.7*1600 = 1120 damage


**So the difference is (4.4444k+0.7k+1.6k)/(4.4444k+1.12k)= ~1.2121 -> 21.21% better food**


_Enemy and you go through 20k health during fight (burst fights, for example thief vs thief):_

10% damage reduction: 2.222222k

100 power: 800 damage

70 vit: 700 health

**So difference is (2.2222+0.7+0.8)/(2.2222+0.7)= ~1.2738 -> 27.38% better food.**


Now this is just math regarding foods I might use out of the ascended ones, but I am sure some people prefer some other stuff, like the might per critical strike might add easily another 90 stats making the difference over 40%. And **I am only touching power fights which are both blobbing and roaming meta.**


But yea in flat numbers it is only 800-1600 damage increase. Not massive but should win like 3-5 duel like fights more out of 100. In blobfights single player can deal pretty often like 500k damage so it would be10 times more.

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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> I actually doubt that +100 to one stat and +70 to another will make that much of a difference. <

you mean like the current 100/70 buffs we have had for years?


Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup





A new one I made yesterday

[Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak]

66% chance to steal life on crit








> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?

> Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.


the only difference is a bunch of exp bloat and an effect to go with the standard stat boost. Hardly game breaking. No one in their right mind is gonna pop these things for roaming with the current price of it.


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I was a bit shocked when I saw your numbers. But of course, if you look at the _total damage_ dealt in a fight - not in an attack, it does make a difference. It should, it is ascended food after all. But usually the damage dealt overall in a fight is also healed. I typically do not notice whether I take 800 or 1600 more damage over the course of a whole fight.

Additionally, if you extend the examination to the course of a whole fight, especially blobfights, you should also extend the assumption that such buff food is present for both sides. As the foodbuufs are meals, many players can benefit, and thus we should simply assume that all sides have access to the food. The result being: It doesn't make much of a difference.


Then, of course you have those weird outliers, characters that deal 30k-40k in a second or two. One-shot-builds. Here you have 800 damage or more in a single (series of) attack(s); but typically if the one-shot hits, it already kills you, so those additional points of damage don't make a difference either.


I would even doubt that this new buff-food creates a notable difference in small-scale fights. Time will tell, but I wouldn't be worried.

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Couldn't they same be said about ascended weapons, trinkets or armor? It's the same thing, except as food. The buffs are strong, but they're not OP. They also require more to craft (either spending more $$ on the mats or from the daily harvests). They also require more time for the person: for instance, you cannot just buy a Slab of Red Meat, you have to buy the new Cut or go and kill things yourself to farm the mats. You likely won't see many roamers using it, but rather they will be used as replacements for guild raids for what is currently being used. The food is also account-bound, so the prices won't exactly plummet from PvE folks making and selling a lot of them.

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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> Couldn't they same be said about ascended weapons, trinkets or armor? It's the same thing, except as food. The buffs are strong, but they're not OP. They also require more to craft (either spending more $$ on the mats or from the daily harvests). They also require more time for the person: for instance, you cannot just buy a Slab of Red Meat, you have to buy the new Cut or go and kill things yourself to farm the mats. You likely won't see many roamers using it, but rather they will be used as replacements for guild raids for what is currently being used. The food is also account-bound, so the prices won't exactly plummet from PvE folks making and selling a lot of them.

There is a difference though - you dont need to continously feed money into an ascended set. When you got it you got it. This has been discussed before, even with normal food vs normal exotic (before ascended existed). Anything that provides an advantage at a maintenance cost is... not good... in the long run.


But at least now we get much more gold playing WvW than we used to, so probably wont be that bad.


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The whole ascended food concept is flawed and full of busywork. It's mostly a reason to sell the garden plot in the gem store and to drain the low end foods below level 80 via food salvage (composter).

They could have also made raid DPS easier with them by having the third food bonus active in PvE only (similar to mob slaying food) but instead they decided to add a WvW bonus. WvW is by far the least profitable game mode basically. There's food with life steal + power and ferocity as well as options containing outgoing healing / damage reduction so I don't understand the need to tack on more stats.


It would have been far better to have exotic to ascended trinket upgrading or non-cosmetic legendary trinket crafting with jeweler 500.

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Well if they put it into wvw vendors and make it accessible to wvw only players it is ok-ish. If not, it is totally not fair and crap. Roaming is already shaky enough and even +100 stat can be important. I hope the announcement on 30th of august is something good. Otherwise wvw will keep losing population

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> @"Lightning Xv.8705" said:



> > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > I actually doubt that +100 to one stat and +70 to another will make that much of a difference. <

> you mean like the current 100/70 buffs we have had for years?


> Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup

> 100power

> 70fero

> exp


> A new one I made yesterday

> [Cilantro Lime Sous-Vide Steak]

> 66% chance to steal life on crit

> 100power

> 70fero

> exp

> exp

> exp

> exp


> > @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > Why are you bringing that over powered buff food to wvw?

> > Roaming is already dead.. But fighting in enemy area without those op food vs op food users is unwinnable.


> the only difference is a bunch of exp bloat and an effect to go with the standard stat boost. Hardly game breaking. No one in their right mind is gonna pop these things for roaming with the current price of it.



True. But the third buff/effect is different from the exotic foods.


Personally I’ll likely craft it and put it in map chat/term chat when dropped so people can take advantage of it both roaming and Zerg wise.


Even now, with feasts, they aren’t for each player type.


But I am not going to break my bank for there nor use them on slow nights.

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I guess WvW has to live with this new power creep now.


The next best step is probably to make the foods accessible to all WvW'ers by selling a _WvW only_ version that can only be bought with WvW currencies. The said version only works on WvW maps, like when you go to PVP maps and the nourishment buffs from PVE don't work there.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> The last thing I need is more work. There are reasons why people prefer simpler game.


This isn't one of the more aggravating things for me lately but It does get annoying have a laundry list of boring things to do before loading into wvw but you have to render down all your belongings to gold to keep up with food and gear change and whatever. However small a difference, anyone who's sticking with whatever game mode they're into is going to want best in slot, it's dumb to think anyone would be cool with having anything less. The problem that's prevalent in the Alliance threads is that wvw is cut off from the rest of the game tonally and aesthetically and is a drain from your activity in other game modes while needing those other modes to craft your build and cover your server involvement with siege and repairs over time.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > too bad we're not actually overflowing on cooking mats. Well. Maybe except for Bloodstone Dus.... errr.... forget that.


> The materials aren't the issue, the daily grind for seeds is. Anyway, I wouldn't mind if ANet added individual ascended food as well. ;)


Buy your seeds off the TP then.


Are you saying that your current ascended gear was not a grind?


This topic is really overblown... the subject is not even accurate.

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