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Gw2 Classic

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* I miss the character builds from before 2015.06.23 patch. That and the extra options that came with HoT (elites, stat sets, runes, food etc) and again later with PoF has made WvW/PvP very un-fun for me. So fun dying in under 5 seconds without ever having time to even learn what you did wrong. This is the part of a "GW2 Classic" I would like.

* Removal of all QoL and a bunch of other features we've had over the years, no thanks. I quite like just about every single one of those.

* I don't really care about LS1 and personally think the old LA should remain buried (together with the new one).

* Overall I can't see how this would be economically viable for ANet, I can't see any way they would make any money on making a GW2 Classic. Just sounds like a titanic list of removing things people like, in order to give the 2 least played modes PvP/WvW something that resembles gameplay again. At this point, I just don't think that PvP/WvW have enough players to make such a huge investment worth it.

* They'd be better off (and cheaper) to just do a complete overhaul on pvp/wvw balance, or give us particular "classic maps" that can only be played with core only builds.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > My understanding is that WoW classic was well-loved and that big changed were made to the game that people didn't like that much. My view is that GW2 vanilla was the worst iteration of GW2 so going back to GW2 classic will bring the game back to an iteration that's extremely boring. Don't forget that there were no Fractals, no raids which will be problematic for a number of players. Not me personally but I can see that being problematic and to be blunt, leveling is boring to me in GW2. And it was worse in vanilla because I also don't like the vanilla story at all.

> > > >

> > > > As far as PvP is concerned, I much prefer the PvP set up of GW1. I still don't understand why they didn't build on that because it was rather more succesful and GW1 was known for that.

> > > >

> > > > I'm sure some people will love the idea of a GW2 Classic, I just think there are too many people who will not.

> > >

> > > I think someone mentioned this earlier but I would be interested in a wvw server with classic features. Core only. Not as a replacement but as an option.

> >

> > That's nice but I think that for ArenaNet the question is if it's a correct use of resources. People always want all kinds of stuff. I do too. But at some point they have to look at the resources they have and how to spend or use them. If they bring in a feature or indeed a GW2 classic game, they will have to look not only at how many people would play it but also how it would negatively affect the current game.

> >

> > Let's say they add Classic WvW as an option. And let's say 20% of WvW'ers go there. That means it may be a lot of resources for a limited amount of people (compared to the entire game population) but also it takes a good chunk of players away from the normal WvW which might kill WvW on both sides because it splits the WvW community. That's the sort of consequences ArenaNet also has to weigh.


> Very true. I am just at the point (and I think wvw is too) where any change seems good.

> The population is dwindling regardless it seems and there is little on the way that is going to change that. Even alliances at this time is a sore subject and people will not return for just another link system.

For me WvW has been something I do just for variation. I don't actually take it seriously. But I think it depends on the person why WvW doesn't work for them when it doesn't.


One thing for me is that it's always the same. Same maps, same fights. And high turnover since everything can be capped again in a couple of minutes.

Another thing is that there are classes that are way OP in 1v1 fights and others in group fights. That imbalance means you have to play certain classes rather than what you want to play. In addition it sucks that you have to join a group unless you're roaming because it makes you stronger. Even though that sounds nice, if you combine it with the fact that they only want certain classes because otherwise you lose, it sucks cause my preferred class is not one of the wanted classes/builds.


For me it's hard to see whether it's a matter of general population drain or if it's just that more and more people are fed up with what WvW has to offer. Maybe it's both but I stopped playing altogether a couple of months ago because the game overall has become stale again. LS Chapters or Sagas aren't going to fix that either. I'm not sure what ArenaNet is planning but I think there are a number of things in this game that need to be revitalized. At least that's how I see it. WvW is certainly one of them.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> Exactly this ^^ wow butchered itself in a number of ways:


> - Cataclysm wrecked the old quests and zones.

> - Vertical progression, once you went past 61 the zones were useless.

> - Blizzard wrecked the skill trees in a in a futile attempt to balance alongside vertical progression.

> - Same for professions

> - in a game obsessed with vertical progression, blizzard increased the cadance of gear power ups. In vanilla you got to enjoy your rewards for a significant amount of time, in retail you do not.

> - in vanilla reputation mattered, and there was a lot of friction points, gear drops, tagging mobs etc. Wow retail has partially learned and copied from gw2.



> None of this thankfully applies to gw2.


I want to clarify on some of these changes and why some of these things GW2 can learn from.


Cataclysm was Blizzard's attempt to make the lower level zones interesting to new players, since at that time most new players never made it past level 20 for some reason according to Blizzard's stats. I believe this is because by the time WoW moved on from Vanilla, low level zones became empty and less interesting. What made a lot of that stuff cool was it was people's first real MMO and was always populated in Vanilla WoW.


Level 61 and up killed the Vanilla Content, I agree on this. What would have been a better move would been either getting rid of the lower level and making everything in Vanilla WoW into the new Max Level, or just do level scaling like GW2 does. Me personally I would have liked them to get rid of low level. I hate level grinding after years of WoW and its expansions. It made me realize how useless they are. look here in GW2, level 1-80 is all useless stuff and could be totally skipped if I was a level 80 day one, I could do all the same 1-80 content and still have progression in story,gear, skins, mats etc.


Blizzard wretched the Talent trees because of the introduction of Arenas as the "MAIN" form of PvP. just like the similar problem we have here in GW2 HoT with the introduction of Rated SPvP system that was added around the time of HoT. Same problem. In WoW it went from instanced PvP matches of 10 vs 10 or higher number of players, to a 2v2 match, 3 vs 3 match and 5 vs 5 matches as the main PvP. With this smaller number of fighters going against each other, balance needs to be more detailed and classes need to have less signature aspects to them in order to stay balanced. So Blizzard added more ways to counter signature aspects of classes that they were once balanced around, to the point of removing choice in builds. Example of this is Paladins in Vanilla. They had poor damage, but had their Bubble and heals as justification for that. But then comes Arenas in TBC, and now Ret Paladins have more damage abilities but not close to other classes, but its signature Bubble that it was balanced around was taken away with the introduction of Mass Dispel, its Heals are still weak without healing gear, and its damage wasnt good enough to justify its Bubble having a hard counter. and on top of this the way the gear system worked, They didnt get PvP Damage Reduction for many Months like other classes got on their PvP gear. And because all of this it was very unbalanced to play a Ret Paladin in Arenas. But that same Ret paladin may do much better in success in a large scale fight in AB or AV, because you now 40 vs 40 or some unit out of an army. the Rock Paper Scissors class concept balances itself out in large numbers. Right now in SPvP we suffer from this same old problem. We have these small scale fights and with classes being so different from each other, their weaknesses in the Rock Paper Scissors scheme, you are more often than not to get into a 1 v1 Rock vs Scissor situation at a cap point in SPvP, which is why people scream balance issues in SPvP. And with the Rated SPvP system like Arenas in TBC WoW, it punished losing. So people playing the underpowered class/build get punished because of the small group Rock Paper Scissors PvP system. So People will slowly stop supporting it. Blizzard later on openly admitted this mistake later on but was too late. Anet kind of hinted at a similar thing with the failure of their Esport marketing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"redwing.9580" said:

> with the success of wow classic, I'd figure I'd ask what the odds of getting a classic gw2 server is, it would have the pre-hot trait, guild, spvp, etc. systems that was what I fell in love with all that time ago


Less chance then there is to get living world season 1 playable again.

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GW2 balance has always been a mess. A Gw2 classic server would just be a different kind of mess.


Anyway, who is to decide what the "golden age" of Gw2 is? Personally? I think Pre-nerf HoT was when I was having the most fun in the game (elite specs made a lot of previously hard to play classes fun - like Mesmer and thief!) - but I did have fun experiencing the living world content that followed.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> the "classic" server already exists: just make a free account and dont buy neither xpacs neither LSW episodes, so congrats, in that way ur playing gw2 classic.


Incorrect. People are running around open world core maps, dungeons and fractals with expansion content - which wouldn't give a genuine experience.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> the "classic" server already exists: just make a free account and dont buy neither xpacs neither LSW episodes, so congrats, in that way ur playing gw2 classic.


um no its not, even if you yourself don't buy the expacs you are still forced to use the systems that came out of those expacs, their are a ton of systems that where removed from the "core" game and replaced with different systems, traits being the biggest example, and the old system imo made build crafting a lot more in depth than the system we have now, not to mention the new system drastically changed the balance of the game (picture of the old trait system attached for refrence)



![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Trait_interface_traits.jpg "")


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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> just my personal opinion, Wow classic is bad game and only people who play for nostalgia 80% of the people play classic wow already go back to current wow or comeback to gw2. Guild wars 2 now is and will be better than any gw2 classic. so. NO


don't get me wrong dude, I haven't been playing wow classic for the same reason, but gw2 classic is imo a lot better than what the games become. I know I'm at least not the only one that thinks this as I've had talks with most of my friends that play/played gw2

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> @"redwing.9580" said:

> > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> > just my personal opinion, Wow classic is bad game and only people who play for nostalgia 80% of the people play classic wow already go back to current wow or comeback to gw2. Guild wars 2 now is and will be better than any gw2 classic. so. NO


> don't get me wrong dude, I haven't been playing wow classic for the same reason, but gw2 classic is imo a lot better than what the games become. I know I'm at least not the only one that thinks this as I've had talks with most of my friends that play/played gw2


Opinions differ. In my opinion the game is a lot better today as it was before. The elite specs are fun and great to play and less boring. Also mounts and whatnot.

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So what would the differences be? Only 1 level 80 map, traits which are tied to your stats and cost gold to unlock and weapon skills which have to be trained up 1 at a time. What else would we get back with a 'classic' server?


At the moment it seems like a lot of work for a relatively minimal change.

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A classic server.

So that would be core PvE maps only. No WvW because that would need a minimum of 3 servers and no sPvP because current sPvP with all current players barely has enough players. No fractals. No Raids. No wardrobe. No expansion maps. No access to the current trading post with its non core items. Just you and whoever else, playing on the core PvE maps doing core PvE events.


No, I don’t think there is enough demand for a classic server.

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The only thing I mourn is the ability to level up your own Guild, solo, using all your Alts. You could earn Guild influence just by playing a lot, and I would have liked to get a little more bankspace, some of the perks and maybe decorate a Guildhall and consider it my housing.

But I understand why they want Guilds to be a social thing so I was fine with the changes.

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