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Future Potential WvW-centric Balance Changes - September 6th 2019

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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Sand Savant if properly nerfed will have a far more significant impact in meta change than anything else here, i hope this gets the necessary attention it needs.


I don't understand the logic behind being hesitant about changing it "in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another" ? Chrono was absolutely destroyed in the last patch due to the clone requirement and that is okay?


Antitoxin change is the other significant impact that i think is well deserved but again everything is going to revolve around how Sand Savant is rebalanced. Too many unknowns in these changes until we have a concrete answer on that trait.



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In general i like the changes, but CHRONO and necro need some work, which in turn can make revenant to powerful. Guardian is always op, but i have no idea how to nerf it without taking out too much of fun factor of playing group wvw, not just for the guardian but his whole party. Maybe someone else has some better suggestions.


Antitoxin is great change for health of the game and is currently totally broken, it will also change development of meta. Hits scrapper cleanses quite a lot, which makes alternatives a taught.




Purge Gyro: since i believe scrapper is still the best cleanser this nerf can happen as far as group is concerned

Sneak Gyro: Stealth is op, this needs the nerf

Corona Burst: No comment

Holographic Shockwave: No comment

Impact Savant: No comment

Chemical Field: HELL YES, stealth op, needs counter, this best counter, YES




Stand Your Ground: Interesting change, i'm not sure how much it changes in grand scheme of things. I might prefer it goes to 5 targets? Since leftover stability(outside of party) is well random. Also since stabiltiy is a necesity to enjoying WvW fights, i'm not sure.

Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: Ok

Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: Ok

Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: Doesn't change much, since aegis is only for self.

Sanctuary: Never used, idk how it's going to effect anything




Illusion of Life: I like the nerf, but don't like the skill overall. Since it's also only real use for mesmer in wvw group content these days, it makes it even worse. But overall it encourages passive play from mesmer, so that it's always in position to cast this (posibly precast as sometimes people die before that) and possibly play mirage (which feels miserable in group fights) for that dodge (and actual distortion) -> no real counterplay. Target is said to have improved, but it also fails because of terrain and stuff. Generaly i'd like this skill to be completely reworked as it's only used in wvw and there most mesmers i know don't really like it (but it is only thing that is really unique and usefull).

Chaotic Interruption: No icd? Idk how this is going to pan out, but it can lead to some weird interactions. Weapon skills on mesmer kinda suck for wvw group fights, so idk, we'll see how much this is used, as when you need interupts you generally don't get them.

Power Break (Mantra of Pain): Do not like the change as i have experience with arcane thievery

Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): Do not like the change as i have experience with arcane thievery




I'll address this in general. Might shift necros towards celestial with all the scalling buffs, but not sure. Still only 1 boon corrupt has been taken away, that is simply not enough to change much about scourge or bring alternatives to forefront. But i see that you see the problem with sand savant, so something might come up.




Gaze of Darkness: Great, stealt his op, also alternative to scrapper for reveal

Coalescence of Ruin: Have to test this to see how it's going to effect stuff, but i'm generally for it as it makes pirateship worse.




I kinda like these changes, but are they enough to shift from from GS/hammer? You need tactics line (that you acknowlage needs some work) and a mainhand weapon, which is most likely going to be sword. It might work with rework of some tactics traits.



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The Problem with the Tactic trait line:


At the Master slot, you only have 2 options.


a) Empowered Allies.

Which simply does nothing in a zerg fight. The dmg increase is not worth taking Tactic for.


b) Shrug it off.


The problem here is that is goes on cooldown the second a fight starts.

That means all potentiel healing/condicleanse/stunbreak is wasted because you got hit by an auto attack on 1200 range.


Now you have to wait for 25 seconds for a medicore effect.


By that time, the fight will most likely be long over.



Cooldown to 20s from 25.

Condi Cleanse to a minimum of 2.

Trigger: 3-4 Condis. (Depending of the number of conditions it cleanses)



In the Grandmasterslot, again 2 options:


a) Powerful Synergy.

That trait only matterss in Guild Vs Guild fight with Smoke Fields (Stealth).


b) Vigorous Shouts.

Warrior has only 2 good Shouts.


To the limit and Shake it off.

Taking a grandmaster just for 2 skills, while one has an crazy long cd, is questionable.

Especially for the medicore effect of Vigorous Shouts.


The trait also has bad synergy with the shouts.


To the Limit already gives you full adrenalin.


And a heal that small on a 40s (traited) cd is not worth it.



Vigorous Shouts would need a serious buff before i would even start to think about tactics.






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Warriors should not have all that invulnerable to play around with without any downside of using it. Other professions with such skills removes your other skills whilst you are invulnereble. Like Mistform of the elixir but the Warrior can still use all his skills all whilst a whole 50 man zerg is beating him up and the zerg have to wait it all out. It simply do not work well with your policy of counter play. There is no punnishment for the Warrior he just gets several get out of jail cards whilst you have to count seconds and wait for it to run out.


As for stab and the Guardian. I don't want anyone to mess around with stab again. As long as you keep on giving out all the cc to left and right in stacks and stacks you will have to keep stab were it is now. In my opinion if anything should be changed around stab then give it to other professions so that they will become viable as well. Like for example Tempest could share stab through auras and overload. This would help support Tempest to become more viable as support again. Firebrands simply outshine Tempest due to all the buffs it can share in tons and milions. Let other professions have it too.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


> **Guardian**


> * Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

> * Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants ~~aegis or~~ retaliation.

> * _Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE._

> * _Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis._

> * _Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires._


Hey and thanks again for letting the community take part in balancing the game!


First off, It's very nice that you leaving aegis in Tome of Courage, it's the only aegis boon in the whole tome which would be odd if the tome lacked it. It will still give ppl the opportunity for a more interesting gameplay than just spamming 1st skill of the tome and leaving it.


Next, I like the shout change. Sadly it wont change a lot in current meta and it's still a powerful utility. It gives 10 ppl a total cc immunity for major part of an encounter, since having stability in the start of fight is a deciding factor how the fight will go and probably end (of course assuming it wont be corrupted or stolen).


I know we should mostly discuss the changes you make but I had an idea about shouts in general. I know some time ago there were few big updates about making less useful traits more useful without really nerfing the top picks we have today. What if the trait in honor line "Pure of Voice" additionally to reducing cd by 20% also increased the number of targets by 5 people? Of course that means nerfing "Stand your ground" back to 5 man (and also slighty nerfing "Feel my wrath" so it won't become too op in pve, but this would allow people to decide if they want to run "Force of will" for more hp and increased healing or this for support. Of course I don't expect this to be reviewed but if that idea helps in future changes I would be glad.


Anyway most important thing about shout nerf is that it will still be picked cause its one of the best sources of stability since it has no cast time, it's not a stationary aoe and also has a lot of stacks. I agree with the nerf but to make ppl stop using it you would need to add similar skills to other classes best if those classes were the ones rarely picked in zergs so they also can find a purpose in it :)

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> * Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.



That's an extreme nerf, I think raising it a bit would be better. Maybe to 450 or so. I main engineer so the engineer section is very important to me


Also, on the topic of engineer, I think there should be a turret rework. Like rework the Experimental Turrets trait to make it so instead of boons every 10 seconds its a unique buff given to everyone. It would make a Scrapper support even more important. You can also make it so at least the Rifle Turret's damage is based on your power damage, like Flame Turret's damage is based on your condition damage. You can also make it so you manually overcharge your turret and put a cooldown on it and make it so on the 2nd or 3rd overcharge, your turret overheats and explodes. Just a few changes to turrets that I think would make them more useful.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" I am not sure why do you keep saying the changes are WvW centric. They clearly impact all aspects of the game.


So again FB, remove the aegis from ToC 5 not from 2. And let’s repeat this one more time, outside of massive zergs retaliation does NOTHING. Again, NOTHING. One more time: NOTHING. Cool? Please do not make skills do NOTHING. Which is actually what your suggestion to make ToC 2 become. No one will ever use that skill. And again, for a change aimed to nerf FB support this almost does nothing but hit FB dps sustainability with surgical precision.


Sanctuary, one more time, even if it blocks a billion hits, no will use it. One more time, CUZ IT HAS 60 SEC CD. Please do not make useless changes. Either fix it or leave alone.


Again, I do not agree with the chaotic interruption change. This keeps feeding into condi mirage worst design aspects. More ranged clones and this more AI passive gameplay.


Warrior changes, nothing really new here. It is a good change, but without seeing additional changes to tactics we cannot make judgment on viability. And if there are no changes there, then warhorn changes are not going to matter.


That changes to holo are good and long over due.


Lastly, I really hope that your balance design is not based on two random Zerg mobs, uneven in number, in an unstructured environment using non-standardized gear slugging it out. You will never ever balance that shit. And you seriously have to consider far more important aspect of balance like sPvP and group PvE.



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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> **Engineer**


> * Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW. Pending the superior rune of antitoxin change, this may stay at 5 cleansing pulses.

> * Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to ~~75~~ 60 seconds in WvW.

> * Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.

> * Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> * Impact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.

> * _Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro._


These seem good. Scrapper needed not quite so large a hit to HP. Holosmith still likely has a bit too much CC on low coldown.


> **Guardian**


> * Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

> * Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants ~~aegis or~~ retaliation.


Might finally weaken the Healbrand meta, if not break it.


> **Mesmer**


> * Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities **that is already on cooldown** by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.


Because the old functionality with an internal cooldown added was too hard? Like 15 to 30 seconds, so you could try to decide when to trigger it?


> * _Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight._

> * _Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight._


Yeah, if it's not point blank AoE you should always have to face the target.


None of this fixes the fact you killed Chronomancer in WvW with IP removed from Baseline. Mesmer is _still_ the only class that can have their profession resource _killed by the enemy._


Clones need to take and do ZERO damage unless triggered by shatter or Infinite Horizon. Phantasms should be invulnerable, but do their damage because they ARE your attack (people can't kill a Warriors Bulls Charge, just dodge/block it) and then turn into Clone ammo as usual.


Clones could still pull AI aggro for you, but players would know to switch targets the second they saw "0" as the damage. Which is why I say ZERO damage and not invulnerable.


> **Necromancer**


> * Sand Savant: We've wanted to address the target cap issue with this trait in WvW for a while, however it is an incredibly gnarly problem because this is a large functional change that would need to be preserved between game modes. This was why the cooldown split was made on this trait originally. We hear you that the trait is an issue and we're working on it. This is a tough case to crack in a manner that does not leave one mode suffering due to the changes made for another.


ALL MODES use the same Trait because it is simply that much BETTER than the other 2 Grandmaster options. Really easy fix is keep the cooldown and remove the Ammo property. YOU GET ONE BIG ONE with a long wait, or 3 smaller ones you can spam with other effects.




> **Ranger**


> * Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.6-0.8 in WvW only.


That is not the source of the problem. The problem is Soulbeasts get too much power and utility from the ability to swap between a power pet and a utility/mobility pet.


You need to roll out their 'tradeoff' and hint: It needs to be pet swap removed from Soulbeast.



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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> Most of these changes do look great!

> However, I do want to raise one point.


> Currently guardians are the only class that gives groups stability in a reliable manner. That means that no matter how many times you nerf them, they will still be needed.

> Please consider giving another class access to some stability they could share with the group.


> Nerfing Firebrand to the ground isnt gonna make things better, but giving a viable replacement that could substitute firebrands would be a much much better change.


> Best suggestion i can give here is to give the Elementalist train in earth that grands protection on auras (named Elemental Shielding) let it also give 2 stacks for stab for 3 seconds). This will make aura share tempest viable finally as it will be able to maintain stability on their party with auras.


> Or any other class/spec should be able to share some stability.


> Thank you for the changes.



See my suggestion on WH4 giving Stability or Retaliation instead of Fury.


> @"Leaa.2943" said:

> Warriors should not have all that invulnerable to play around with without any downside of using it. Other professions with such skills removes your other skills whilst you are invulnereble. Like Mistform of the elixir but the Warrior can still use all his skills all whilst a whole 50 man zerg is beating him up and the zerg have to wait it all out. It simply do not work well with your policy of counter play. There is no punnishment for the Warrior he just gets several get out of jail cards whilst you have to count seconds and wait for it to run out.


> As for stab and the Guardian. I don't want anyone to mess around with stab again. As long as you keep on giving out all the cc to left and right in stacks and stacks you will have to keep stab were it is now. In my opinion if anything should be changed around stab then give it to other professions so that they will become viable as well. Like for example Tempest could share stab through auras and overload. This would help support Tempest to become more viable as support again. Firebrands simply outshine Tempest due to all the buffs it can share in tons and milions. Let other professions have it too.


This is because Endure Pain is only versus direct damage. Condi will still burn them down, that is the drawback. If you want it to have a different drawback then make it complete invulnerability like the other skills you mentioned.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


> **Ranger**

> * Long Range Shot: Reduce the damage range of this skill from 0.7-0.9 to 0.6-0.8 in WvW only.


If ranger is gonna be nerf further in WvW at least reduce the amount of reflects/ blocks on other classes (mainly firebrand in this case, ToC Chapter 3, 8x lul).


As if ranger is not already **useless** in WvW when fighting **outnumbered** (talking about 2-3x larger than you are), when there are **more reflects** than my **unblockable**. When I can only hit something every 40s.


I only use 1 unbockable so the previous nerfs to the other 2 unblockables didn't affect me at all ^^.


It's also funny how all the squishy builds are the ones QQing about ranger auto atk doing 10k or more but ignoring the fact that weaver's fireball could do just as much to the same squishy target. How about hitting that ranger back only to find out that you can pop that ranger like a bubble too LOL.

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Good changes, though I think nerfing Illusion of Life is not a good idea. Mesmer don't really bring much besides portals to big groups anymore....


In general we want to look at reducing both offensive and defensive potential as many have complained the power creep has left to a situation where the TTK is so low in a game mode that is very subject to lag.

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Absolutely wonderful to see that our feedback has been listened to!


Again, as a mesmer player I can only really comment on those changes:

* Thank you for not increasing the cooldown or reducing the duration of Illusion of Life, I do like the reduced invulnerability however as it becomes a much more skill-based "okay, a mesmer called illusion on comms, the second I get up I'm going to have to immediately dodge to safety", making it a true getaway card - given the cast actually goes off before you die due to the long cast time - and provided you have the skill to dodge rather than just be invulnerable on standing up. Both of which I feel are suitable counterbalances given the nature of the ability.

* Chaotic Interruption still remains a potentially gamechanging trait for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post, scoring that interrupt at a critical moment could potentially allow you to make a final strike or escape.

* No mention of the Chaos Storm changes from the previous thread, which solidifies its position as an area lockdown while still allowing opportunity for skillful escape without the oppressive effects of previous Chaotic Interruption. Thank you for not over-nerfing, and simply targeting the problematic trait.

* Mantra line of sight changes seem more like bugfixes, however it is still quite sad to no longer be able to dissuade attackers with a Power Spike while running in the opposite direction.


Thank you once again for listening to our feedback, definitely a positive step in the right direction.

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Nerf to purge gyro is unneeded with the change to antitoxin runes.


The nerf to sneak gyro CD will have no effect because stealth is so strong it only needs to be on once. What is needed is anti stealth like detection pulse.


Scourge and revenant damage will still be strong and needs to be nerfed with the overall nerfs to support.



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No to the thief. Preparations are already bugged and you want to nerf the other damage outlet rather than backstab spam than we have. Put a 2s cooldown on it but not reduce the stacks - while at it please fix it where Seal Area active actually prevents people from leaping inside unprotected...heartseekers can still get in.


also please fix things like Impacting Disruption not working while interupting skills with Seal Area, it only procs 1 time.

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> * Would your gameplay change as a result? How?


Micro: condition management will change either through picking different traits with the scrapper or change the team comp a bit. Immob gets stronger as a lock down tool. Mesmer becomes less appealing as a driving class but I don't know by how much.


Macro: condition comps or celestial comps won't be dead out of the gate. I am leery of the change to stability stacks because it is such a fundamental pillar of making large fights possible. The time to kill looks like it will go down and will feel less punishing.

> * Do you feel these changes would improve or worsen the state of the game?


> * Are you looking forward to these potential changes? Why?

Yes. They help tone down a good chunk of the over performing outliers. Sadly scourge stays.

> * What are your concerns and the consequences you expect with this set of changes?

Anti toxin and scourge are both warping to the meta and in a way foils. Fixing one without fixing what makes scourge so polarizing makes me worried it will feel more oppressive. The nerf to barrier and damage is a nice step but it won't be meta changing.




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> * Superior Rune of Antitoxin: Change it so that instead of increasing outgoing condition cleanses by one it instead increases incoming condition cleanses by one, thus only affecting the wielder, but allowing it to scale up with external cleanses.


> **Engineer**


> * Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW. Pending the superior rune of antitoxin change, this may stay at 5 cleansing pulses.

> * Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to ~~75~~ 60 seconds in WvW.

> * Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.

> * Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> * Impact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.

> * _Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro._


This is what should be done to Scrapper to repair some of the damage that was done in the last nerf:


- If you change the Stealth Gyro CD then think about giving back the old pre-nerf duration or affect more than 5 people. Adding the mass AoE Detection Pulse back is really the only stealth nerf needed as scrappers were hated for that ability pre nerf but please see below where to put it. (Not on Purge Gyro)

- Detection Pulse should be added back to the F5 by default as the function gyro is mostly useless now as it dies in one shot or AoE from the enemy. I would rather have the F5 detection plus than the superspeed as the stealth counter is needed. Leave Chem Field alone as Detection Pulse makes no sense tied to Purge Gyro so please leave Purge Gyro alone.

- Make Impact Savant directly tied with Healing Power. No healing power, <1% barrier. Please consider tying all barrier generating classes/specializations more directly to Healing Power as it is tiring being punished as a non meta scrapper with a -300 or -180 vit hit for meager barrier generation in return. This will also keep condi scrapper from becoming too strong if you make the change and Scrappers go balth/burning as they would have to invest in healing power for barrier and not run Viper/TB/etc.. (One stat set might still be a problem though)


Antitoxin change is a good thing. Remember to keep in mind the boost that condi builds will see from this. (Scourge mainly)


Please put the S back in Scrapper! (Because without it, we are in the ....)

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I really appreciate you guys discussing your ideas / thoughts with us! One thing that I'm somewhat concerned about - gutting antitoxin + nerfing condi cleanse on scrapper / FB, along with making necessary boons (stab, as to a lesser extent aegis) harder to get is going to make corrupts a lot more impactful. One advantage that antitoxin brought to scrapper is that you could out cleanse corrupts, so purity of purpose didn't turn into a liability (by giving extra corruption fodder). This will also make boons harder to get, which will make corrupts even more potent. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd see a lot more groups that were FB+FB+Scrapper+Scourge+Scourge in every party, with bigger groups steam rolling over smaller groups that can't survive the corrupts.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


> **Engineer**


> * Purge Gyro: Reduce the number of cleansing pulses from 5 to 3 in WvW. Pending the superior rune of antitoxin change, this may stay at 5 cleansing pulses.

> * Sneak Gyro: Increase the cooldown of this ability from 45 to ~~75~~ 60 seconds in WvW.

> * Corona Burst: The existing split from PvP of reduced might gain is brought to WvW. Reduced the damage of this ability by 20% in PvP and WvW.

> * Holographic Shockwave: Reduced range from 600 to 300.

> * Impact Savant: See if there is a way to include condition damage on this trait globally. Reduce the vitality loss of this trait from 300 to 180 in WvW and PvP.

> * _Chemical Field: This skill is replaced by Detection Pulse (from the old Sneak Gyro elite toolbelt) as the toolbelt skill for Purge Gyro._


I cannot speak for Scrapper changes but these Holo nerfs are going to be really good for PvP. Even with these nerfs I still think Holo damage will be too high and spammy, but this isn't a call for changes so.


> **Guardian**


> * Stand Your Ground: Reduce the stacks of stability granted by this ability from 5 to 3 in WvW.

> * Tome of Courage, Chapter 5 - Unbroken Lines: This skill no longer grants ~~aegis or~~ retaliation.

> * _Tome of Resolve, Chapter 2 - Radiant Recovery: The existing split from PvP of cleansing 2 conditions is brought to WvW as well. This ability would continue to cleanse 3 conditions in PvE._

> * _Tome of Courage, Chapter 2 - Daring Challenge: This skill grants retaliation for 3 seconds instead of aegis._

> * _Sanctuary: Increase number of enemies that can be knocked back by this skill from 10 to 20 before it expires._


I main guardian and can say these nerfs will also improve the state of WvW and sPvP. Support FB will still be top tier support by far in those modes, even after nerf.

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>Illusion of Life: Increase the cooldown of this skill from 75 to 90 seconds in PvP & WvW and reduced the duration from 15 seconds to 8 seconds of its effect in PvP & WvW Reduce the invulnerability period on revived allies. Improve the smart targeting on this skill so it can't fail in big group situations where there is someone downed and lots of people near them.


I can't comment too much on this skill, as I don't typically use it, but it seems fair.


>Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been re-worked and now reduces the cooldown of one of your weapon abilities that is already on cooldown by 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.


How would this work with weapons skills that are on cooldown but aren't currently on the active weapon? Either way, I love it, and I think it will be fun, and effective.



>Power Break (Mantra of Pain): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.

>Power Lock (Mantra of Distraction): This skill now requires you to face your target and respects line of sight.


This is fair. No complaints. good job.


Overall, I like the changes, but I do think that mesmer confusion application in sPvP and WvW needs to be looked at. It would be nice for example if mirage axes could do confusion damage again. I understand that this would require reworking confusion in some respect, but it is the signature condition of the mesmer, and I think it should play a starring role in mesmer pvp condition builds. Right now, torment seems to do more of the damage in sPvP, and be much more easily stacked.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"


> Awesome the the feedback is being listened too! May I implore you again to reconsider to Fury on Charge with Quickbreathing traited? We have a great source of group Fury via For Great Justice already and adding it to Charge would be redundant.


> Can you consider instead Retaliation or Stability? Are the any changes planned for Shouts and Vigorous Shouts?





Please replace Fury for Retaliation or Stability on the Charge trait-boon.


For Vigorous Shouts would it be possible to include a regeneration along with the heal?


Also I see that Charge is now a blast-finisher, but the same is not stated for Call to Arms; did Call to Arms lose its blast-finisher capability?


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Superior Rune of Antitoxin was for sure over preforming in all game types but this may over nerf tempest ability to support clear. Its going to be a hard hit for the class / build.


Any thoughts on say making on aura giving stronger boons like stab to ele? I would love to see Rock Solid become 1 stack of stab durian 2 sec on aura and 3 stacks of stab 5 sec duration on aura transmutation. I would also love to see transmutation giving more effects from ele trait line such as giving Zephyr's Boon aoe super speed on transmutation.

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