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I would be interested in a Major City Invasion type repeated event

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not talking about PvP here. But I do miss the risk of a capitol city being invaded by threat of enemy player factions like in Vanilla WoW, or a major event type of situation like pre TBC.


I would love something like this on a repeatable event rotation.


We had something like this with the Destruction of Lion Arch in LW. But its a one time thing like a lot of LW stuff that is gone forever regardless of how fun it was.


I would love a Capitol City Invasion event like that but on a timer or once a day kind of rotation. Imagine a few giant Risen bosses and a low of smaller Risen minion mob rolling in trying to get to the Queen Jennah, or whatever leader in that capitol city on the rotation.


Once a week could be good enough for me for something like this, or twice a week or something not too often but still often enough to feel like something that can keep us on our toes when playing around in the cities.


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Something like this is far more likely to be a fractal, since that would allow people access whenever they wanted it without disturbing the tranquility people already expect from hub cities. You also have to bear in mind that some people are new to the game, and that adding a current event to what is essentially a starter zone would create unwanted confusion for them.


Instances are also easier to control when it comes to coding. Disabling a DR fractal for repairs is a lot simpler than shutting down open world Divinity's Reach.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> Something like this is far more likely to be a fractal, since that would allow people access whenever they wanted it without disturbing the tranquility people already expect from hub cities. You also have to bear in mind that some people are new to the game, and that adding a current event to what is essentially a starter zone would create unwanted confusion for them.


> Instances are also easier to control when it comes to coding. Disabling a DR fractal for repairs is a lot simpler than shutting down open world Divinity's Reach.


nah Instances defeat the purpose of it. This is suppose to be a large scale event. Limited it to 5 man Instance content is very restrictive, and limited to Raids pretty much does the same restrictions as most people dont raid. Should be a Open world event. No instances besides Overflow servers

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I'd say for it to be similar to an activity - maybe a bunch of chronomancers open a temporal gate in lions arch allowing free access to certain time periods, like the invasion of (old) lions arch. Or keep throwing Asura at the problem until you have enough that they deus ex machina a solution. heck, maybe have the chronomancers work on a community token or voting thing - all monsters in the world drop distortion fragments which are used to _Open a portal in time, where my evil is Law!!_


or something like that.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> Something like this is far more likely to be a fractal, since that would allow people access whenever they wanted it without disturbing the tranquility people already expect from hub cities. You also have to bear in mind that some people are new to the game, and that adding a current event to what is essentially a starter zone would create unwanted confusion for them.


> Instances are also easier to control when it comes to coding. Disabling a DR fractal for repairs is a lot simpler than shutting down open world Divinity's Reach.


Personally I want the tranquility disturbed, It would be fun and could do alot of the game. (Having the white mantle invade divinities reach, the deep sea dragon lions arch, Sons of svanir hoelbrak, Flame-legion the citadel and the inquest rat-sum would be great.) In reality having tranquility all the time and a safe space in game with nothing to do in? Nah remove that and give us events where we must defend our homes, give us some immersion and some sense of urgency. Making it a fractal would be lame, we already get old content as fractals (Im sure a version of the kralk fight potentially the destiny edge fight, will be a fractal at some point.)

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I remember back in Season 1 with the map invasions. They were a lot of fun for a while then later on it was harder and harder to get enough people to do them. Towards the end you’d go to a map invasion and be the only person at an invasion site or maybe one or two others. Not enough to win, so next fight even fewer people showed up. Same with any harder open world group events, like the still ongoing Scarlet events with the Toxic Offshoots. Outside of when it’s part of a map daily most people just go past them.


Unless city invasions have incredible loot I think the same thing will happen. Lots of people doing it at first then fewer until finally not enough doing them to win. Especially if it’s in a city where people are trying to craft/bank/mystic forge/socialize/rollplay. A city invasion might be interesting for a while but be an annoyance if it continues and a further annoyance if not enough people are joining in to repel the invasion. If you remember LA’s services were removed to make fighting the only reason to go there, which won’t be the case for a new invasion event unless they annoy people further by removing city services during events.

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> @"knomslayer.9457" said:

> No. I dont want to be randomly killed when im doing something. Im sorry but horrible idea.. 1/10


Oh gawd, the Rift flashbacks. You'd be crafting in a city, minding your business, then the sky opens up and drops 5-10 elites on your head. And elites in that game were no joke.


So, kitten no on the idea of that as an open-world event. At least in the strictest sense. An event instance like the rift stalkers would work rather nicely for the idea, and it does sound like fun. And yet, story-wise, few could actually pull off an invasion of that scale without it seeming Scarlet levels of trite. Doesn't fit the Bandits' MO, White Mantle are theoretically broken right now, Flame can't penetrate deep enough to hit the Citadel, Svanir would suffer huge backlash in the attempt, and .. well, Inquest already own a majority of the Arcane Council, so there's no need for an invasion.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> not talking about PvP here. But I do miss the risk of a capitol city being invaded by threat of enemy player factions like in Vanilla WoW, or a major event type of situation like pre TBC.


> I would love something like this on a repeatable event rotation.


> We had something like this with the Destruction of Lion Arch in LW. But its a one time thing like a lot of LW stuff that is gone forever regardless of how fun it was.


> I would love a Capitol City Invasion event like that but on a timer or once a day kind of rotation. Imagine a few giant Risen bosses and a low of smaller Risen minion mob rolling in trying to get to the Queen Jennah, or whatever leader in that capitol city on the rotation.


> Once a week could be good enough for me for something like this, or twice a week or something not too often but still often enough to feel like something that can keep us on our toes when playing around in the cities.



I totally agree. I also liked it in WoW, and the invasion of LA was one of the most epic events in GW2, imho)

Once a day is probably too often:), once a week - two is the best option.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > Something like this is far more likely to be a fractal, since that would allow people access whenever they wanted it without disturbing the tranquility people already expect from hub cities. You also have to bear in mind that some people are new to the game, and that adding a current event to what is essentially a starter zone would create unwanted confusion for them.

> >

> > Instances are also easier to control when it comes to coding. Disabling a DR fractal for repairs is a lot simpler than shutting down open world Divinity's Reach.


> nah Instances defeat the purpose of it. This is suppose to be a large scale event. Limited it to 5 man Instance content is very restrictive, and limited to Raids pretty much does the same restrictions as most people dont raid. Should be a Open world event. No instances besides Overflow servers


There are enough events in the game, we don’t need to annoy the player base while they are crafting, using the tp, chatting...

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This is done in the Desert Highlands on a very small scale.


I could see this happening in a new zone if it was part of the expansion/lw story. Like if Amnoon was regularly invaded by Balthazaar or Joko as part of its meta. A warning sound, civilian NPC's running for cover, and 15 minutes+ of killing. If the event fails, the next event is to retake the city. If the event succeeds, you counter attack.

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Have posted and thought similar in the past. The attack on LA was a great LW story and I think that it also highlighted that players could go other places to do things. I think by rotating city attacks players would also still have place to go to chill but there could be more reasons to highlight and create activities in cities. I could see similar treatment be applied to guild halls as new guild missions. Repel invaders from your halls! Even if a full cities was assaulted this could still work as a district invasion. And if the concern is people being jumped while crafting, add a warning indicator and a inprocess indicator and you have all the warning you need. Group events like this draw people together to achieve a goal and that is a positive thing for an MMORPG.

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I think this could easily be done via the same kind of event thing as the World boss Rush.


Revive the Attack on LA for example, both Karka invasion and Scarlets, put some event instance markers outside LA in Gendarran fields and have players form squads and replay/farm those historic events.


Players can still enter LA normally without being effected by the event and players who want to play the event can interact with the event marker and get transported through time into old LA where they can once again defend the city from the Karka or Scarlets forces.

The entire Living world season 1 could be reintroduced/retold in the game via this method in fact, have all of living world 1's large events such as the Karka invasion of LA, the Tower of Nightmares, Battle for LA, Marionette fight etc be put on a repeatable monthly rotation or something where as most of the story content could be replayed freely via remastered instances.


Anet is more than capable of pulling that off and while it won't be exactly the same as living world 1, it would be close enough for those of us who played it and we'd finally have that giant gaping hole in the campaign filled in after several puppy years >.<

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People in this thread forget that new players are probably f2p, and can't access towns until level 35 (even though the game directs them to do story at level 10). What level they actually enter towns, only Anet knows. Anet also added awakened invasions to 1-15 zones, so there is a precedent for Anet changing the new player experience.


If Anet were to use this idea, they have the tech to provide advance warnings and forcibly teleport people to safety should people choose to ignore them. There is little chance of you getting sniped while crafting. They also have the tech to upscale character levels (think Fractals or WvW).


Personally though? I think a city invasion means nothing without context. Lions Arch had a living world episode centered around it... I don't think a timed event would generate the same hype.

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