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Poll: Build Templates

Miss Lana.5276

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Wait, what are we going to do with infusions?


I have legendary armor with minstrels and monk runes. Do I have to take up 2 slots, just to have 1 for wvw infusions, and another for agony resist?


At this point I would just rather have functionality similar to gw2skills where you can just copy 1 stat to all your equipment.


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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> Wait, what are we going to do with infusions?


> I have legendary armor with minstrels and monk runes. Do I have to take up 2 slots, just to have 1 for wvw infusions, and another for agony resist?


yes, or change them manually.



> At this point I would just rather have functionality similar to gw2skills where you can just copy 1 stat to all your equipment.





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Ofc it would be nicer if it was free, but everyone in their right mind knew that there would be some kind of monetization will be attached to additional slots. I'm glad I'm getting slots for free.


On a side note, regarding some of the comments on the subject: I don't get how players can have ten, twenty or even more builds for the same character. Sure you can minmax for every raidboss, every individual fractal, every dungeon, large scale WvW, small scale WvW, roaming, different World bosses, exploration or farming. But are these builds really all that different from eachother? Sure you might need different builds for WvW and Fractals, but within the range of fractals, do different power builds, as an example, differ enough from eachother that it's worth all the complaints when all that is different is a different rune or sigill or traitline? I fully understand that a build for laid back open world exploration might differ from a raid support build a lot. But do all your raid support builds for a single char are different enough to warrant the negative backlash?

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> @"Morte de Angelis.7986" said:

> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > We need to quit trying to compare GW2 to GW - they are completely different games (similar story, new code).


> Game Yes,

> Codewise? Its the same engine. So they could almost literally copy-paste.




Oh, in that case I want my Heroes back ha ha :)

(but seriously, I do)

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > Came back to read some responses and I see people saying these will somehow make legendary gear clunky or won't stat swap quickly and I'm genuinely confused how they came to that conclusion...?

> >

> > "Equipment Templates can also record the customization of legendary items, which can freely change attributes and upgrades. You can equip a single legendary item to multiple Equipment Templates with different attributes and upgrade choices for each."

> > Did they miss this? ^

> Each different legendary setting will require a separate gear tab. Which means it will be functionally the same as having a separate ascended set for that tab - except the escended option will be cheaper.

> And remember, that you can have at best 6 of those tabs.


> > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> > Would you rather have it locked behind an expansion? :)

> Yes. It would have been cheaper.


Sure, 2 ascended sets would be cheaper but I don't think most people make legendaries cause they think the price is a steal. I could have made tons of ascended gear for the price my legends cost me. Besides, if you want to yet again switch the stats to a different build to try out you can freely do that with legendary gear. Sure, you can switch stats on ascended gear too, using the mystic toilet, but that's really annoying imo. I'd rather the equipment templates store the gear than not, regardless of if that makes legendaries "less special," supposedly, because "oh now having another ascended set is just as good." That's better overall for most characters. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop making legendaries.

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I really don't get the problem people are having with this, 3 slots for free per character is pretty good as a starting point.


Things like additional bag space/bank space/material storage/etc also have to be paid for on the gem store, and it's only gems so can convert gold. And then it'll be subject to similar sales at certain times of year.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I really don't get the problem people are having with this, 3 slots for free per character is pretty good as a starting point.

6 slots per character as an _ending_ point is not so good, though.

Even when we ignore the monetization part, the system is simply bad for those players that would really have need for it.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > I really don't get the problem people are having with this, 3 slots for free per character is pretty good as a starting point.

> 6 slots per character as an _ending_ point is not so good, though.

> Even when we ignore the monetization part, the system is simply bad for those players that would really have need for it.




Thanks I didn't realise it was 6 max with purchase - for this I agree it could be increased like the aforementioned bag/bank/storage/characterslots/etc to a higher number, perhaps up to 12? I reckon it should have an upper limit but should be higher than current.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> I am genuinely surprised that the totally free option doesnt outpace all others in the poll. The, "The product of others' labor should be given to me for free," entitlement mentality isnt as dominant as I thought.


No, it is. It's just plastered all over the other threads.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > I am genuinely surprised that the totally free option doesnt outpace all others in the poll. The, "The product of others' labor should be given to me for free," entitlement mentality isnt as dominant as I thought.


> No, it is. It's just plastered all over the other threads.

Well, it is obviously easy for some people to claim that "pricing model is okay" when at the sae time in other threads they reveal that they don't need more than 2-3 builds and won;t be buying anything anyway. It is especially ironic when it happens with people that are first to accuse others of not wanting to support the devs.


I mean, it is always easy to say that the price is okay, if it's not _you_ that will pay it.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > It's fine as is. I never really needed or. It's just a minor convenience update.

> > If they charge money for it, it's a flat no

> For anyone who used Arc, it's rather a massive inconvenience update.


Why, actually?

I stopped using arc because it made the game crash constantly.

But at the time it was only reading the damage report output.

All this update does is quickly swap trait and skill load outs. The only difference is that it swaps multiple traits and skills in one go, rather than selecting everything individually.

I don't see how it could have any impact at all

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > It's fine as is. I never really needed or. It's just a minor convenience update.

> > > If they charge money for it, it's a flat no

> > For anyone who used Arc, it's rather a massive inconvenience update.


> Why, actually?

> I stopped using arc because it made the game crash constantly.

> But at the time it was only reading the damage report output.

> All this update does is quickly swap trait and skill load outs. The only difference is that it swaps multiple traits and skills in one go, rather than selecting everything individually.

> I don't see how it could have any impact at all

For last 2 years there was an additional module in ArcDPS that gave us build templates functionality. And it worked better than what Anet is now introducing. Unfortunately, devs asked Arc author to discontinue that module when GW2 build templates will go in.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:


> > I don't see how it could have any impact at all

> For last 2 years there was an additional module in ArcDPS that gave us build templates functionality. And it worked better than what Anet is now introducing. Unfortunately, devs asked Arc author to discontinue that module when GW2 build templates will go in.

How can you say it worked "better" when the official templates haven't even gone live? Granted, as we know things now, Arc gives more templates, but how can you say that it is better or not? I know from your other posts that you are disappointed with what is being sold, so for you the official templates will have less of what you prefer, but to state that it is better or worse?



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:


> > > I don't see how it could have any impact at all

> > For last 2 years there was an additional module in ArcDPS that gave us build templates functionality. And it worked better than what Anet is now introducing. Unfortunately, devs asked Arc author to discontinue that module when GW2 build templates will go in.

> How can you say it worked "better" when the official templates haven't even gone live?

Because we have been already told what functionality they will have. And it's way less than what's offered by Arc templates.


> Granted, as we know things now, Arc gives more templates, but how can you say that it is better or not? I know from your other posts that you are disappointed with what is being sold, so for you the official templates will have less of what you prefer, but to state that it is better or worse?

It gives less options, and is less flexible. The only thing it offers that's an advantage over Arc is gear storage - but only if you haven't been using legendary armor. And the cost of that advantage is being limited to only 6 gear setups, which makes it for me a net negative.


As far as the primary purpose of build template system goes, Arc was a massively superior option to what we'll be getting.


And that's before we get into how prohibitively high the cost for utilizing this new system will be.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > I am genuinely surprised that the totally free option doesnt outpace all others in the poll. The, "The product of others' labor should be given to me for free," entitlement mentality isnt as dominant as I thought.

> >

> > No, it is. It's just plastered all over the other threads.

> Well, it is obviously easy for some people to claim that "pricing model is okay" when at the sae time in other threads they reveal that they don't need more than 2-3 builds and won;t be buying anything anyway. It is especially ironic when it happens with people that are first to accuse others of not wanting to support the devs.


> I mean, it is always easy to say that the price is okay, if it's not _you_ that will pay it.


The other thing I'm noticing a lot in this thread is "Paying for it is reasonable but I won't use the functionality." Of course it seems reasonable if you're not going to make use of it. To those who would use it, it may not be.


Maybe I should have written the poll to "If you WOULD use this functionality..." then pose a similar question.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I really don't get the problem people are having with this, 3 slots for free per character is pretty good as a starting point.


> Things like additional bag space/bank space/material storage/etc also have to be paid for on the gem store, and it's only gems so can convert gold. And then it'll be subject to similar sales at certain times of year.


1. Currently in Arc I have as much as 20+ templates on some characters, with around 10 on each character being the bare minimum for someone who plays all game modes and especially people invested in endgame content, maximising stats and builds for Fractals and Raids, which have different stat requirements due to free stats in Fractals and Raids requiring you to frequently swap builds, at times for each boss.

Going down to 6 max templates will severely hamper my game play experience, as over 2 years of already using Arc templates for free, they have become a necessary core feature I can't enjoy the game without, not some small convenience.


2. Current pricing ideas they mentioned on the livestream, are for the slots to be similarly priced to bag (400 Gems, 5€) and bank (600 Gems, 7.5€) slot extensions, per character.

That means, since I'm playing all professions, to unlock all the slots for just one character of each (which mind you, will still be **less** than what I already currently need and a massive downgrade to the currently free solution), **will cost around ~36000 Gems, meaning ~450€ or ~13500 Gold**, to have a worse and more limited experience.

That's way beyond not okay.


Milking especially invested hardcore players who basically need to have a wide variety of builds to enjoy and be effective in the content they play, while utterly starving them for content since years, feels absolutely terrible.


Let me also note, I tremendously appreciate the devs and the work they have put into this and I couldn't have been more grateful until the business people became involved with the project, monetizing it to death.

I can only imagine the pain they had to go through to make this system work and to make it work well and the disappointment about this bad reception they might feel. But this is not about you or your work, devs.


While I am willing to pay for, ideally, content (I gladly buy further deluxe editions of Expansions, that being the content flow I want to see) but also minor conveniences, this is a core feature necessary to enjoy the game for me, and it has been for years now.

Charging hundreds of euros, literally more than 15 times the price of an entire expansion like PoF, for a more limited Templates version of what we have now for free, in which I can have a meager 6 builds, down from having and frequently using over 20, is a giant middle finger to a great deal of veteran players, players who for lack of content were already dropping away like flies.


If this was 200-400 gems (2.5-5€) to unlock slots account wide for all current and future characters and 400 Gems (5€) for a 4 pack of account build storage, with higher total caps on everything (you know, somewhat reasonable monetisation), I could probably stomach it.

But I don't see how anyone but those completely lacking the need for this feature coupled with a complete lack of empathy for those who do, could defend this.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> But I don't see how anyone but those completely lacking the need for this feature coupled with a complete lack of empathy for those who do, could defend this.

That's pretty much what is happening - those most vocal at defending it also let it slip that they won't be using this system - or at least not to the point where they would need to buy anything.

Like i said above, it's quite easy to say prices are okay if it's not you that will be paying. Notice though, that start talking about similar prices for the stuff some of those people do care about (like especs) and you get angry responses pretty much instantly.


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