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If they were free & unlimited, how many Build Template tabs would you use on your most played char?

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If is per character.....

Let say you do every mode, excluding pvp since is not supported.


For example mesmer

In wvw alone, you can have 2 builds already, one for roaming and other for zerging.

In raid, you can have 3 builds I guess. 1 tanking, 1 off tank, 1 condi dps, 1 power dps


So bare minimum for people who do multiple contents, I would say 4 for each character.


The thing is the number of people that actually do multiple contents are dwindling rapidly. Anet trying to milk this dwindling subset, not gonna end well I say.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > They can't be unlimited. People fail to realize that there's a lot of information in build/gear templates that have to be stored.

> And yet Arc templates managed to do just that. Magic?

> (hint: no, it does not need to be stored serverside)




I'm going to bet it does, for those clever people that know how to 'do things'.


As for the topic ... I would have 2-3 on 3 characters I can think of right now.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > > They can't be unlimited. People fail to realize that there's a lot of information in build/gear templates that have to be stored.

> > And yet Arc templates managed to do just that. Magic?

> > (hint: no, it does not need to be stored serverside)

> >

> >


> Well, the actual item object still has to be stored, but that's just inventory slots.

Fair point. I did think of a solution to that, but that's not the thread for it.

(if anyone wonders, the basis of it would be to separate the storage space for gear templates from actual gear templates, which would only use "links" to gear existing in said storage)


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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> I'm not going to touch it with a 10' pole until I get some clarification on the gear. From what I understand when you use it and store the gear, it basically becomes Soulbound and can't be used on another character that can wear that gear. So if I did that I would lose my Legendary gear and weapons to one character.


Yes, but actually no.


What happens is your gear is placed into a character bound storage that the system checks and can be used for single or multiple build templates.

You can at anytime remove the gear from said storage de-equipping it from said storage to be transferred to another character or whatever else you wish to do with it. If you have not already they show this during the live stream.

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Not a top-end speedraidrun content person here. But, Spellbreaker is kinda shabby in large groups, so I'll definitely be using build templates to swap between fractal/team/world boss and solo builds. After seeing the state of the reddit sub, it makes me realize that some folks are just . . too extra about content that really doesn't need that level of granularity.

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> @"Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > I'm not going to touch it with a 10' pole until I get some clarification on the gear. From what I understand when you use it and store the gear, it basically becomes Soulbound and can't be used on another character that can wear that gear. So if I did that I would lose my Legendary gear and weapons to one character.


> Yes, but actually no.


> What happens is your gear is placed into a character bound storage that the system checks and can be used for single or multiple build templates.

> You can at anytime remove the gear from said storage de-equipping it from said storage to be transferred to another character or whatever else you wish to do with it. If you have not already they show this during the live stream.


I did, that's what had me questioning it. I don't remember them saying anything about unequiping it. Thanks for clarifying.


Edit: It would be nice if it went into like a virtual storage where you no longer had to unequip it.

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If I had only one character, I would need only 3 builds:

**Raid/fractal build** — my raid and fractal builds are the same and mostly permanent, sometimes I need to change 1 trait, but it's not a problem to change it manualy.

**Open World/dungeon build #1** — for HoT elite spec.

**Open World/dungeon build #2** — for PoF elite spec.


I don't care about WvW and PvP.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> Not a top-end speedraidrun content person here. But, Spellbreaker is kinda shabby in large groups, so I'll definitely be using build templates to swap between fractal/team/world boss and solo builds. After seeing the state of the reddit sub, it makes me realize that some folks are just . . too extra about content that really doesn't need that level of granularity.

20-30 builds may be a little bit extreme - but, if someone feels the need to be prepared for specific situations, then they probably do need it. I certainly won;t be that guy telling others they play this game wrong. On the other hand, 7-8 builds with distinct enough gear setups? That's easy to reach. You just need to play more types of content than one.


like i said, in many cases you'd need:

- power build (possibly different builds for different especs)

- condi build (same as above)

- support and or heal build (not for every class, but most do have at least one such build. Some have more than one.)

Depending on situation, all of those may have also a split between fractal and raid builds

- open world build (don't laugh, you'd be surprised how many people have such a build)


- wvw power build

- wvw condi build

Those two are extremely likely to have zerg/roaming variants, or simply variants with different survivability levels. They would also be using different gear than pve setups - you generally don't run pure glass in wvw.

- sometimes a support wvw build


And that's just very basic division. It's entirely possible to posess more than one-two builds within the same category, either due to espec differences, or different intended functionality.


All of those likely would be quite distinct builds and gear setups - more than just small changes in traits or swapping a single piece out.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > They can't be unlimited. People fail to realize that there's a lot of information in build/gear templates that have to be stored.

> And yet Arc templates managed to do just that. Magic?

> (hint: no, it does not need to be stored serverside)




Arc saved your templates locally right?

Anets system will **"most likely"** not be doing that

Thats probably without a doubt why there is a limit of 24


While yes they dont need to be stored server side there is probably another reasoning why anet is going to handle it that way too. My guess would be security reasons and because its generally safer. If something goes wrong its also easy for them to undo via support fix.


Or they could store them locally... let your buddy complain and buy the build slots which modifies his local game files, ask your buddy to give you a copy of the file for free templates that you now didint pay for.... (im sure im making this sound easier than it would actually be) but you get my point.


24 is probably flexible number far below their safe limit on account storage and anet is waiting to see how the majority of people react to this current ideal limit before insta caving in and increasing it. even increasing this number by just 1 or 2 could mean a massive increase requirement on account storage/ sever load.


We dont know. I personally think 24 is well over a generous number and if you need more than that then you should just buy the 24 slots then adapt after that.


Arc was never meant to be a perma solution so its best people stop acting like it was and move on.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Or they could store them locally... let your buddy complain and buy the build slots which modifies his local game files, ask your buddy to give you a copy of the file for free templates that you now didint pay for.... (im sure im making this sound easier than it would actually be) but you get my point.

Yes, i get your point - they are doing it because otherwise it would be hard for them to justify us having to pay for this storage. Because yes, if it worked the same way it worked in gw1, you could just put a new file in the templates folder, and store as many of those as you would need. For no cost. And that's obviously a crime.


Like i said, it is a system intentionally crippled so they can monetize it better.



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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> Just a quick reminder that this forum is largely seen as absolutely ridiculous by players who play endgame content due to its nature and moderation. So this poll isn't representative, and it also is not seen by most who care about having a lot of templates.


> Sadly, that's the people this thing was made for.


To be fair though, those players also represent a relatively small minority of the total population and thus while the sampling here may be bad, I'd imagine that an accurate poll would still be heavily tilted just as this one currently is.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> I'm not going to touch it with a 10' pole until I get some clarification on the gear. From what I understand when you use it and store the gear, it basically becomes Soulbound and can't be used on another character that can wear that gear. So if I did that I would lose my Legendary gear and weapons to one character.


Your legendary gear will not become soulbound. If you put the gear in a "gear template" (in the "gear template storage") it is the same as if you put it on a character. It is removed from your inventory. But you can put it back to your inventory when you remove it from the "gear template storage".


So gear, that is actually not soulbound when equiqued to a character (i.e. legendary, ascended, etc.), will stay this way with gear templates in the future.



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Sometimes it is a bit weird what people consider a build template. Switching a single trinket, a Diviner's Ring for a Berzerker's Ring requires a single rightclick. There are people out there who demand a separate build-template-slot for even such adjustments. Let us say you have those 30 build templates, how do you guys think you can select them? Shortcuts? In the worst case you will have to pick them from a selection-matrix, in the best case we can name them. The time it takes to select that one build where the 4th trinket is replaced by another and the one utility skill is replaced by another, will probably take a lot longer than switching the stuff manually.


In my case, I will have a maximum of two gear-sets, a few optional weapons and that is it. I will make one template for underwater-combat, which is probably the only reason for me to actually use the feature. As an Engineer main, I have to switch trait-lines, skills and even gear frequently anyway. We do not have a meta that works for years without a change. Sometimes our builds last less than 1 month. So I think, the free ones we get should be fine for me.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> Sometimes it is a bit weird what people consider a build template. Switching a single trinket, a Diviner's Ring for a Berzerker's Ring requires a single rightclick.


Cool, but you should really be more specific with your examples, and not make them up to support your argument. It's been detailed enough now that people need builds and that they are different from each other.


I'm pretty tired of this argument that you also kind of present here: "I don't need it, so nobody else does." Yeah no.


Having templates for small changes not only adds more comfort, aka QoL, but also more security that you did not make any mistakes while choosing gear.



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Would be interesting to see a poll that could both include number of builds versus a scale of number of toons. Don't imagine using that many templates since each toon I have is a different build. Just added a third rev for a new build variation, but wouldn't consider changing either of the other 2 because I like their builds already and will grab one of them if they fit the group more for a given purpose. I think we might also be seeing a big difference in game modes here. I could see raiders being more impacted currently and potentially more WvWers on higher population servers later, but I think the WvWer already went the alt route or keeping extra gear in bank spots to switch on map if needed.

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I change my build a LOT, but that doesn't mean that I need a build template for every single time I do that. Especially since you have a different set up for PvP/WvW already.


Maybe I'm underestimating how much I'll actually swap between power and condi builds in PvE and maybe it will actually be a bit more, but I expect a lot of people are vastly overestimating how many actual templates they will honestly need.

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