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If YOU could decide the meta thief build (vote)


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This is intended for SPvP only.

If you were on the balance team, and your job was to determine what the most viable thief build should be - which of the following options would you choose?

Please help this post gain some traction and hopefully attention from the actual balance team by commenting. Thank you for voting

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I think that they should all be viable in some way, even if one fits the meta better than the others. That said this poll is pretty subjective, it's going to have results that basically say "which spec do you enjoy playing the most".


I don't like the way daredevil plays with swipe, I never really got into D/P dash to begin with (I could play it, but always preferred sword builds), and core S/D is a solid enough meta choice as it is. Hence my vote.

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I chose the 1v1 staff build because at the very least it's what the Daredevil was designed for, yet seemingly never had a chance to actually get it working. It's also something that challenges the extremely stale mold of a +1 decapbot, and it's not a condi - based build (and since none of those are fun or engaging yet for either party - neither the user nor the ones they fight - I ain't voting those).


Also, sword 2 is flat out dull and needs a rework. The added mobility is super nice and needed, but the playstyle of "teehee I immob you and slap you and then port back and repeat that like a thousand times or run" it promotes is... well, as I said, dull.


I would also vote for Deadeye, but not until they do something to it that makes it any different from Core. Just giving extra damage to same old ambushes is not worth a spec over, and rifle's still janky.

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> @"Gogdarth.6741" said:

> I chose the 1v1 staff build because at the very least it's what the Daredevil was designed for, yet seemingly never had a chance to actually get it working. It's also something that challenges the extremely stale mold of a +1 decapbot, and it's not a condi - based build (and since none of those are fun or engaging yet for either party - neither the user nor the ones they fight - I ain't voting those).


> Also, sword 2 is flat out dull and needs a rework. The added mobility is super nice and needed, but the playstyle of "teehee I immob you and slap you and then port back and repeat that like a thousand times or run" it promotes is... well, as I said, dull.


> I would also vote for Deadeye, but not until they do something to it that makes it any different from Core. Just giving extra damage to same old ambushes is not worth a spec over, and rifle's still janky.


Actually staff daredevil is arguably the most broken thief build at the moment, you can win or stall every matchup in the game and live outnumbered exceptionally well.

I personally detest this build as it is very spammy (jump staff 3) but you should know that both the winning monthly team on NA ( I had to play it last monthly ) and EU both had a staff thief.

There's also nothing wrong with sword 2 on power builds as it does very little damage but on condi the panic strike poison could probably do with an ICD.

Also, a note for other commenters - if you don't see your build up there it is simply because I only listed past relevant PvP specs.

Dagger dagger or pistol dagger fall off hard in competitive and won't see you past silver or gold tier without a serious rework.


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> @"birdboy.6509" said:


Oh, no-no. I'm aware of it. I just wish it was more polished. When you get to use all 5 staff buttons it's actually a very engaging and fun build to play, and I wish it had more "oomph" but at the same time was a little harder, but other than that, sure, agree. It's just something I chose merely from "fun" standpoint, as I think bringing this build as "new meta" could be a great expansion of Thief's repertoire and it requires much less adjustments/rebalances to happen, unlike Deadeye (which in my opinion, deserves another rework entirely - it's not great or optimal anywhere in the game aside from a handful of raids in PvE).


The thing about sword 2 I personally hate is not it's damage, it's just how annoying it is to play against and how boring - as. Basically you simply dive in and out, staggering your foe and denying them dodges as you either 3 them to boonrip, or slap them with auto, and then dive out. You repeat that until they die or you both get bored and someone leaves. Condi - fully agree, I think thief should have different application methods altogether to make it... not that. Or, you know, maybe at least one weapon needs to make up it's mind and be a condi one fully, not "everything's a hybrid of anything"? At least that's what I think would be good, but I wouldn't pretend as if I'm speaking with any kind of authority or full confidence on the matter, as I mainly go thief as a rebound after bad class breakups.


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Daredevil D/P is the most enjoyable one. And also make it not +1er but a normal duelist type. Enough of this +1 and decap thing already.


I'd also vote for oldschool D/D Thief with shadow arts. But in our current state where every1 is so powercreeped and has aoes and reveals and fa.rts boons everywhere and can accidentally kill you by not even trying to kill you... i see why D/D is just out of the question. Cannot stay close to enemies anymore.

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If I were a dev and I had to play roughly the same build most of the time for a few years, playing what feels most naturally tactile and rewarding with Thief Initiative and likely to hang with however the rest of the classes bulk up or slim down, I'd want it to be Power Daredeveil (Bound, Dagger/Pistol).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly like have a tricky thief meta so I enjoy the current one. If we remove current meta I’d like to see a high power burst meta- so pretty much a mixture of d/p sw/d but I think those are falling off I’d honestly like to see DA staff over d/p only problem is average player would have trouble landing burst.

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