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What would be Your Cost to Leave GW2

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Honestly I've had this game for 3-4 years and have been so terribly on and off with it (only completed the login rewards cycle once) but I'm really trying to get back into it. Not that I have much to lose, but I don't see myself quitting any time soon. So the only thing that would drive me away is the game simply being shut down.

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I've had to temporarily leave for a few months due to real-life circumstances - once due to my job taking up all of my time, and another time due to my computer dying. Now that I'm between jobs and I have a new computer, I'm back. I'll occasionally get sidetracked by another game, but only temporarily.


It would take ArenaNet shutting down the servers to get me to leave for good...or implementing a mandatory subscription (or even an optional one that is far too convenient *not* to have)...or getting too embroiled in real-world politics/political correctness, such as what is happening to a *certain other* game company at the moment. I will not elaborate on that one because a) forum rules, and b) I've no wish to start a flame war. Basically, just keep real life kerfluffles out of the imaginary game world here, and all will be well. :)

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That's how MMO's work.

Also - I doubt they would shut down GW2 just like that. I assume it would go into maintenance mode at some point in time - I won't guess if it's sooner or later because there is on point. You can still play in maintenance mode - usually for quite a long time. That's what happens with every mmo and that's completely normal.


If they ever make new game (I assume that's why this topic got created) - it will be NEW game, even if in GW world. It means there will be new story new stuff to do etc. So obviously you would need to start anew and create your own new story. What's weird with that?

This is virtual stuff, everything you have in game has no real value and doesn't really exist, that's just how it is. If they decide to shut down the servers and give you nothing, then puff - it's gone. Obviously - no company who would want to cooperate with their players after that would just randomly shut down.


Making new separate game =/= deleting your character and telling you to start play again. 2nd option would happen if they didn't make new game but deleted your character in gw2 and told you they can't restore - then you would be right. Otherwise it sounds like an angry child statement :P



Also responding to your question - for me to be done with any mmo I like and be done with company would be if I lost something on my account due to some bug and could never get it back OR if support treated me unfairly and rude OR if I got banned unfairly - even for 1 day, I wouldn't go back then.

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> @"Kas.3509" said:

> That's how MMO's work.

> Also - I doubt they would shut down GW2 just like that. I assume it would go into maintenance mode at some point in time - I won't guess if it's sooner or later because there is on point. You can still play in maintenance mode - usually for quite a long time. That's what happens with every mmo and that's completely normal.


> If they ever make new game (I assume that's why this topic got created) - it will be NEW game, even if in GW world. It means there will be new story new stuff to do etc. So obviously you would need to start anew and create your own new story. What's weird with that?

> This is virtual stuff, everything you have in game has no real value and doesn't really exist, that's just how it is. If they decide to shut down the servers and give you nothing, then puff - it's gone. Obviously - no company who would want to cooperate with their players after that would just randomly shut down.


> Making new separate game =/= deleting your character and telling you to start play again. 2nd option would happen if they didn't make new game but deleted your character in gw2 and told you they can't restore - then you would be right. Otherwise it sounds like an angry child statement :P



> Also responding to your question - for me to be done with any mmo I like and be done with company would be if I lost something on my account due to some bug and could never get it back OR if support treated me unfairly and rude OR if I got banned unfairly - even for 1 day, I wouldn't go back then.


You do know that ncsoft close down games when they dont make enough money.

Not saying they arent making any money or going in the red.

Look at city of heroes/villains as an example.

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> @"Opal.9324" said:

> I think there are only 3 things that could make me leave GW2 completely:

> - the addition of a gear treadmill

> - the removal of WvW

> - if someone paid me a ton of money to quit


I envisioned a treadmill accessory that you had to walk on while playing in order to generate enough points for new gear. That would be horrific.

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I'm not sure if the question is what would you lose if you left, ie what would it cost you, or what incentive would lure you away, ie what price would be high enough. I'm seeing answers both ways.


I read it as what would I lose, and as to that, I'm with everyone saying *nothing*. I paid to be entertained, I was entertained. There are many movies I paid to see once and have never seen since, many good meals in fine company I've had, and I retain the memories thereof. The only thing I'd count as a loss would be the people I play with, the connections thereto, since I have a lifelong tendency to lose touch with people with whom I have no activity in common.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Them shutting down the servers


> This... I'm here until they kill they servers and I have no choice. I will likely not play another mmo after gw2.


I agree with this to a point. If they add subs im out, if the content stops, ill be out after a year or two, otherwise.


Once this game dies off, i wont be investing in another MMO. Probably wont even play one again.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > That's how MMO's work.

> > Also - I doubt they would shut down GW2 just like that. I assume it would go into maintenance mode at some point in time - I won't guess if it's sooner or later because there is on point. You can still play in maintenance mode - usually for quite a long time. That's what happens with every mmo and that's completely normal.

> >

> > If they ever make new game (I assume that's why this topic got created) - it will be NEW game, even if in GW world. It means there will be new story new stuff to do etc. So obviously you would need to start anew and create your own new story. What's weird with that?

> > This is virtual stuff, everything you have in game has no real value and doesn't really exist, that's just how it is. If they decide to shut down the servers and give you nothing, then puff - it's gone. Obviously - no company who would want to cooperate with their players after that would just randomly shut down.

> >

> > Making new separate game =/= deleting your character and telling you to start play again. 2nd option would happen if they didn't make new game but deleted your character in gw2 and told you they can't restore - then you would be right. Otherwise it sounds like an angry child statement :P

> >

> >

> > Also responding to your question - for me to be done with any mmo I like and be done with company would be if I lost something on my account due to some bug and could never get it back OR if support treated me unfairly and rude OR if I got banned unfairly - even for 1 day, I wouldn't go back then.


> You do know that ncsoft close down games when they dont make enough money.

> Not saying they arent making any money or going in the red.

> Look at city of heroes/villains as an example.


But it's usually games who come out and don't make big profit in first 1-2 years. Usually games who ran for 5-6 years are not closed instantly. It happens, but not that often though.

But yes - there is a danger, always. Like with every mmo.


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Was ez for me. At first they made Thief a joke. Then they also made Chrono a joke. And overall PvP state/balance was the last straw. That was it for me. Had no more energy left to keep re-rolling. For those whose characters weren't really neutered i envy you. You still have reasons to play.

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I won't leave. Unless there is a sensible upgrade path to a new Guild Wars PC MMO game.

But noticing the problems ArenaNet seems to have to make a new expansion, I don't expect a GW3 for any time soon.


So, I'll just happily stick with GW1 and GW2. If I had to stop due to the servers getting axed, well, than I would just drown in sadness.

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Templates might be it for me, but either way it won't be a hard "I quit moment".

I enjoy the game way too much, as well as the people I regularly play content with, especially Raids, to just quit, on top of being way to invested in the game and franchise in general, having played it since 14 years.


But a big part of the game for me is just theory crafting, making, testing and iterating on builds for hours at times.

Watching my entire giant library of, across all my characters, well over 100 builds in Arc just poof is going to hurt.

Then being asked to pay what will probably hundreds of euros, or multiple thousands of gold, just to get some bare minimum of essential for general gameplay build storage back is going to hurt even more.

And after all that, whenever I get inspired to make a new fun niche build for something, I know I either won't have the template slots for it, or I'm faced with the decision of forking over money, just to get a slot to try the build out in, which may not lead anywhere after some testing, aside from just setting me back a few euros/few hundred gold.


In the end, the lack of proper templates, after Arc is gone, to just have fun with new builds, as well as the too low build storage for even just my essential Raid, Fractal, WvW and PvP builds, leading to frequent annoying swapping by hand, especially with the now rather useless and slow to swap Legendary Armors and such, might just mean that over time I lose my enjoyment in the game, eventually just not bothering to log in as frequent anymore, which eventually may turn into not at all.


I think that's the most likely way I'll quit.

Things like an added sub fee would make me jump ship in an instant, but I don't see something like that ever happening.


The main thing that's keeping me through this endgame content drought, quite frankly, is just the lack of convincing alternative and the people I play with. But being charged an absurd amount just to keep playing the same old content the same or worse as before with the template patch, might be the tipping point, I'll have to see.


I don't see GW3 happening, and if it ever does, considering the transition of GW2 into a Story walking simulator without or barely any combat, in which you just play to buy cosmetics of a store (or core game systems), does not have me confident in a whole new game build up from the ground by this team.

Looking at the current trends, a GW3 will most likely have stripped out and simplified everything that made combat and content in GW2 great, while having every little system monetised into the ground.

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> @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

> > @"Opal.9324" said:

> > I think there are only 3 things that could make me leave GW2 completely:

> > - the addition of a gear treadmill

> > - the removal of WvW

> > - if someone paid me a ton of money to quit


> I envisioned a treadmill accessory that you had to walk on while playing in order to generate enough points for new gear. That would be horrific.


Meanwhile, a treadmill accessory that traded in my steps for WvW progress and gems would be fankitteningtastic. :3

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they already did when they got greedy, i don't call a company greedy to often because i can understand they need to earn their share but when they literally ask 20X the cost of a normal item it becomes ridicules and a clear quick cash cow.

i hate nonsense grind which GW2 is fulled with, love story which GW2 lacks greatly and adore immersion which GW2 has none of.


Anet, ether get your head out of your money bags or just stop, this isn't helping anyone.

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