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Perhaps instead of Cantha, an expansion taking place in the Mists? Inspired by Utopia?

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Now, full disclosure; I want a Cantha expansion. I've wanted it since day one. I started GW1 with Factions and its still my favorite today; I'm _**very**_ much part of the "Give me Cantha" crowd and I will be sad if the next expansion isn't Cantha.


That being said? I've been doing some thinking. I know we have the lore of WvW being the Mist War, but what if we had an expansion and new maps within the Mists? For those of you unaware, Utopia was the planned fourth GW1 campaign, and it would have taken place primarily in an Aztec-esque setting and would have taken place within the Mists. It was apparently going to feature thing like Dwayna's father, and if I'm not mistaken more insight on the gods in general; keep in mind the gods and humanity were not native to Tyria and came from another world within the Mists. It feels like a universe of possibility; other worlds, the true homelands of humanity, insight on what the gods truly are, etc etc. It could even possibly remove the need for a Guild Wars 3, perhaps one day wrapping up everything with the Elder Dragons as the "Elder Dragon Saga" and moving on to new threats within the multiverse connected by the Mists. One day, we'll be done with the Elder Dragons. What could possibly be bigger and badder than the eldritch abomination forces of nature older than the gods? I feel like there would be little "room" left in the world of Tyria to possibly upstage them as a threat, so there's one or two options; we either retire Guild Wars as a franchise at that point, or we start doing this multiverse/Mists shenanigans and incorporate the idea of other worlds, other gods, other entities, etc etc. I just think it'd be a neat way of keeping the lore fresh and continuously updated, what do you all think? Would you welcome an expansion about other worlds in the Mists, or do you want to keep it to Tyria? Should we keep the universe of GW focused on Tyria? Or maybe we should only discuss this possibility once all the Elder Dragons are dealt with?

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Can end Auris Weirdbringer plot in an amazing way, discovering the origins of ??? Mushrooms in jahai too. I'm all for it...


Don't tell me that no grumpy old asura played with mists, more than Arkk?

Imagine space time travel in old quora sum before the fall, ascalon..... Rata novus cube! Orr!


And uncategorized!

Why building habitat in mists?

In prevention of what?

Revisiting old LA!!!

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I think nobody in their right mind (knowing how development and creative processes work) would want Utopia.

Utopia was cancelled as a campaign. The reason was that they couldnt do what they wanted in a campaign concept. Instead they made an expansion (eye of the north) and a new game (GW2). This doesn't mean that Utopia and the plans for it are on a shelve waiting to be pulled out. The concepts, the art, the landscape, everything they had allready done was their to be used for the xpac, new game and new content in GW2. So anything good is allready in the game and anything left on the shelve is crap that wouldnt have made it anyways.


I do not want leftovers

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I don't want to actually vote on this because I think the direction of the game is a bit more nuanced than a four-option poll can really deal with. But I do think the Mists could be an interesting focus for the story, even if I wouldn't like to see an expansion based entirely there.


The disrupted relationship between Tyria and the Mists could be a very appropriate plot for a Cantha arc though.

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After the whole "Kralk threatening the entirety of existence" thing, ANet *really* needs to pull back from the scale of consequences and threats. I would've liked to see the dragons not even factor into it, but alas. Charr Civil War could've been a great angle for a Season campaign on its own.

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Eye of the north eye of the north eye of the north

also anet where is the ash legion homeland.... **cough**

Charr and norn focus 2020

I personally cannot and would not vote for another human focused x pack right now. We already spent 2 years in Elona give the other races some time be focused on.

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For the record, I didn't mean "Let's just have Utopia as an expansion," while I like some of the concepts like the clockwork cities and some of the concept art; probably didn't phrase that good, I was just curious about the idea of stuff in the Mists. I wasn't aware of the rule set for Living World maps though... that's interesting. I mean, Cantha still has a lot of land, maybe new continents we haven't seen?


I guess that kind of closes that down, even though I would like to see Mists-oriented content, but that's my personal taste, and again; I still want Cantha more than anything. Still though, I'd love to keep seeing people's personal input on the idea, even if it seems like ANet is committed to it not happening.

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Unfortunately, with the way PoF and season 4 played out, I'd say the rules of the mists are so wishy-washy that they wouldn't be able to establish any kind of tension or consequences whatsoever.


In Guild Wars 1, the mists were well-defined. It was the space between universes (Tyria, Underworld, other god realms, ..., ???). Echoes of things that happened in those universes would manifest in the mists, but they were just that: echoes. An echo of a person in the mists couldn't punch back through to Tyria. And those who were alive with godly amounts of magic could phase out of reality (enter the mists) to reach other universes.


Now, with PoF and season 4 they threw those constraints out the window. The mists has ghosts with agency who can travel to Tyria and impact it. You can die, and come back from the mists. It pretty much behaves now as a tool to circumvent death, rather than the interesting "fantasy version of outer space" that it used to be. They had to write Kralkatorrik so that he was literally eating the mists in order to introduce any kind of tension, because death was not a consequence (and arguably still wasn't because ghosts were just evacuating the mists back into Tyria...).


There was potential to have a setting where the mists were an amalgamation of the histories of multiple universes, and they could still do that, but there's no way to take it seriously given how it was used in the rest of the game.

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