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What's something you've done in Guild Wars that non-players wouldn't understand

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In my seven years with this game, I have put in a lot of time and effort to complete tasks or make things that my non-gaming family, friends, and coworkers poked fun at or dismissed with a placating smile if I ever told them, so I stopped sharing.


So this weekend, when I finally got my gold scarf in beetle racing I found I didn't have any one to share with. I couldn't tell them it took me four straight hours of doing one race, followed by five hours straight of doing the jungle race to get it -- at least without looks of pity or doubts about my sanity. In terms of this game, it isn't anything to be proud of -- been working on it on and off since the races came out -- but it made me happy.


What are your experiences that at least GW2 players will understand that you're dying to share


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Although this could really apply to any MMO, my favorite memories in GW2 typically have to do with me showing someone the ropes to something. Like leading a full AB Meta and all its phases on a map that _just so happened_ to have a higher amount of players that were new to the content. Or helping a random player struggling with a HP / Mastery point when there's no train around. And, one of my favorites which is now relevant, joining a random Clocktower room and coaching everyone through it.


Otherwise, another common one is feeling like a badass when someone is downed and I rush in to try and save them--only for them to WP away after I've killed everything and start getting them up. I cri evrytim.

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Things non-gaming friends and family wouldn't understand? Pretty much anything. At my old job a friend saw me on this forum at lunch time, asked what it was for and when I said it's a computer game she asked if it's like Candy Crush. When she saw the confused look on my face that was followed up with "Or...more like Angry Birds?" I eventually settled for explaining it's kind of like Lord of the Rings but you control one of the characters and get to decide what they do.


As for things even my friends and family who play other games wouldn't understand, that would probably be the amount of time and effort I put into getting skins I like. After the Prologue was released I decided to put together a 'Champion of Aurene' outfit for my main character and although I already had some suitable pieces and progress towards others I had to finish killing champions in Dragonfall for the Blossoming Mist Shard Coat, craft Warbeast Leggings and make a Heroic Dragonsblood Torch and it took me the better part of a week (only playing an hour or two a day) to get it all done. No increase in stats, no progression except some bits of achievements completed, nothing but skins to show for that time.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> At my old job a friend saw me on this forum at lunch time, asked what it was for and when I said it's a computer game she asked if it's like Candy Crush. When she saw the confused look on my face that was followed up with "Or...more like Angry Birds?"


Hah, don't we all know the feeling? =)


> I eventually settled for explaining it's kind of like Lord of the Rings but you control one of the characters and get to decide what they do.


That sounds more like an explanation of how pen & paper role-playing works. ;)


> @"Operator.2590" said:

> Otherwise, another common one is feeling like a kitten when someone is downed and I rush in to try and save them--only for them to WP away after I've killed everything and start getting them up. I cri evrytim.


Yes, that sounds _very_ familiar. I believe those players are trolling us on purpose! :lol:

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Well, I have this fully upgraded guild hall sitting there. Fully decorated like nobodies business. Apparently it looks awesome according to a few people that have seen it. Spent a fortune on it ?. Even made a beetle race track.


Can’t talk about it in the real world cause of course nobody understands or cares. Maybe one day I’ll get off my butt and grow the membership. ?

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I've learned not to talk about video games and anime in general. It tends to invoke a serious case of bored eyes in the other person, either because they don't understand gaming or prefer another title.


Hmm, I think the Grothmar Valley beetle race (gold) would be my latest accomplishment. The ending is hard (for me), and if you mess it up there's nothing you can do since the beetle can't turn tight corners while acellerating...

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Roleplaying. When I was younger, I had a forum RP going with a few friends - we never met each other in real life, because we lived on opposite ends of the United States, but we corresponded daily online. That RP was my first real foray into creating deep, complex characters, and I discovered I love it. After the RP broke apart, it took me a while to find another "home," so to speak, for my imagination, and I've settled on this game.


While I'm not actively RP'ing right now, I've created a lot of characters here, each with their own personality and backstory...and I really can't explain it to anyone else, or share with them stories that I've written about these characters, because they will very likely think I'm insane. :) I get the idea that people see "roleplaying" as different from just "writing," like an author would write a story. Writing original fiction is fine, but writing stories about characters from a game is just...*weird*. And roleplaying? Even weirder.

...that, and other people would need some insight into this game's lore to understand any stories written about it, and that's not quite so easy to explain or summarize.

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For a long time it was playing any kind of computer game at all. My sisters ragged on me for years because I spent so much time gaming and they just didn't get it. Then Facebook games started coming out - Candy Crush, Farmville iirc, and the like. They started dabbling with those a bit and soon were spending as much time gaming as I do. We all play different games and they don't rag on me anymore. :)

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My love for the mesmer profession is the probably the strangest thing....with the most recent changes, i spent several hours cackling loudly irl because it's SO FUN to play and it brings me so much joy when testing new builds out. Pretty sure my household think i'm insane but that's okay.

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I also stopped telling anyone what I do in game, mockery to complete silence normally ensues. But then they will start telling me about how well their dog did in the dog show, or how their kids went zip-lining over the summer, etc. I guess they consider those "real" accomplishments, as if they are not also only hobbies that I, as a non-participant, should definitely care about. So, I think that my hobby should be kept to myself, but also, anyone else's should also be kept to themselves. Only people who share the hobby with you are the ones who would at least discuss it with you.

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I made a stair made of tequatl bones to access the entire upper area of the Gilded Hollow. Took 3 years with a rather small guild contributing tequatl bones. Roughly took 450 tequatl bones.


Was it Worth it ? I got about double the surface to build/hide into that guild hall. Did you know there is an actual desert with sand dunes up there ? I didn't...


So, try to explain how you made a stair made of dragon bones to reach the upper level of a golden city's basement and discovered there was a desert atop the jungle. I'm a loon.

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> I made a stair made of tequatl bones to access the entire upper area of the Gilded Hollow. Took 3 years with a rather small guild contributing tequatl bones. Roughly took 450 tequatl bones.


> Was it Worth it ? I got about double the surface to build/hide into that guild hall. Did you know there is an actual desert with sand dunes up there ? I didn't...


> So, try to explain how you made a stair made of dragon bones to reach the upper level of a golden city's basement and discovered there was a desert atop the jungle. I'm a loon.


And then at a certain point you either get the fractal console or a mount/essence and djinn mirror combination to access that area. So amazing.


P> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> Well, I have this fully upgraded guild hall sitting there. Fully decorated like nobodies business. Apparently it looks awesome according to a few people that have seen it. Spent a fortune on it ?. Even made a beetle race track.


> Can’t talk about it in the real world cause of course nobody understands or cares. Maybe one day I’ll get off my butt and grow the membership. ?


Same here. Although i have some members who enjoy and contibute it.

There are some days that i just enjoy roaming the hall doing.... nothing.

My Achievement points are extremely low because of the guildhall.. could have had a whole gen of legendaries for that..

Spend thousands of gold which.. yeah well.. i never had.. so nobody would understand. I think i have 40 silver in my wallet now because i made some new walls from the new halloween collection.

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